Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1044: The game is over, the war is dominated!

At this time, Yangdingtian has entered the most difficult and painful work.

Day after day, I can't see the end at all.

Just boring is nothing, the most important thing is failure!

Yes, it is a failure! A series of failures, one after another, failed.

The conversion code for each paragraph will fail. It is not possible to fail, but it will certainly fail.

Good luck, failed ten times eight times. If you are not lucky, you have failed hundreds of times.

Moreover, once it fails, the most painful thing is to find the root cause of failure. It is probably just a small piece of code and dozens of hundreds of codes.

This pain has gone to the extreme work.

Yang Dingtian never encountered it. Really, he didn’t know how many times he wanted to give up.

It is completely biting the teeth and spelling it down.

The fox priest, at the beginning, had some advantages over Yang Dingtian. After many days and nights of work, her advantage was completely gone.

Then she fell into a state of suffering more than Yang Tiantian.

Of course, she is much better than Yangdingtian because she loves this line very much, so she doesn't feel very boring about this job.

But after a series of failures, she still cried.

Therefore, from the beginning to the present, she did not know how many times, ww⌒w.@et Road has been crying many times, and it is completely crying, rolling on the ground.

After crying, go to sleep.

After sleeping, start working again and look for errors in the code.

Yang Dingtian can't cry, so the hard life has forced his own beard and forced his hair to be white.

And now!

The workload of Yang Dingtian and the fox priests has not exceeded one third!

This is really like a terrible penance. It has almost exhausted the experience and will, and the road ahead is still in the foreseeable future.


And on the wall of Peiping City!

Thousands of martial arts strong. Also entered the real hard battle!

Under the wall of dozens of miles, there are more than two million dying armymen, completely like the tides, surging, and the source is endless.

The most terrible ones are the war behemoths. Not only can the artillery fire hurt them. Even the master level can't hurt them.

The key, their power, is extremely amazing.

Crashing into the unicorn, starting from a few kilometers away, the speed of the peak can reach hundreds of meters per second.

After the discovery of danger in the East, the next ten infinite masters bombarded.

However, it is too late.

The bang of the "Boom...", the entire city wall is shaking.

This is a huge wall with a height of tens of meters and a depth of tens of meters. All of them are made of several thousand pounds of stone.

And this collision with the unicorn, tens of meters long, more than ten meters high, tens of thousands of pounds. The corners on the head are harder than steel.

This fierce collision, actually lived the city wall out of a hole more than a dozen meters.

Dozens of soldiers inside the city wall were instantly broken and broken, and the artillery above was directly distorted.

And this war behemoth. Attacked by dozens of infinite masters, they also died directly. The whole body. It is embedded in the hole.

The Eastern Nirvana is heading towards the Queen of the Mermaid: "Her Majesty, you will lead you to lead the semi-classic strong, and try to destroy these war behemoths."

"Good." Mermaid Queen Violet Road.


The giant spar on the wall is powerful and madly shooting towards these war monsters.

In a short time, the war behemoth was filled with giant arrows. But still fierce charge!

The mermaid Queen Violet, led by ten semi-classic strong.

Each strong, claiming a war behemoth, madly killing!

"Brush brush..."

The energy of this war behemoth is terrible.

Even the holy class. It takes a dozen or so attacks to kill one.

The semi-class-level powerhouse, who saw hundreds of swords and condensed hundreds of swords, could kill a war monster.

Even so, there is still a devil giant, rushing under the wall.

It is extremely incomparably huge, more than a hundred meters high, twenty or thirty meters wide, and weighs more than one million.

The same is three heads and six arms, the guns are not in.

Its huge arm, holding a weight of more than 100,000 pounds, against the wall, slammed down!


Suddenly, the boulder splashed.

Throughout the city wall, a tens of meters wide gap was created.

More than a dozen martial arts masters above, lightning generally retreat, but there are still three people, lived and smashed into meat.

Violet flew to the top of the devil's giant, condensing all the mysterious spirits in the hands of the sword.


Xuanqi, madly rushing out.

Directly, this devil giant, from the head to the foot.

Live is divided into two halves.


Suddenly, the sky screamed loudly!

In the tens of miles from the city wall, hundreds of war behemoths, like a physical trebuchet, slammed a few hundred pounds of scorpion.

These flesh trebuchet war monsters, each of their body size, have reached an astonishing hundred meters.

The whole body is like a scorpion. Countless claws, boring into the ground for dozens of meters, fixed their enormous body on the ground.

Then, a few hundred meters long tail, with an incredible amount of stretch, violently throwing thousands of pounds of heavy objects, dozens of miles away.


These huge black spots were directly thrown into the city.

The martial arts masters on the wall, even if they saw these black spots, did not pay attention.

Because the battle on the wall is even more intense.

These ruined armymen must be wiped out remotely. Once they are close, even an ordinary ruin will threaten the martial arts masters.

These hundreds of black spots slammed into the houses in the city.

In an instant, countless houses collapsed and shattered.

The war beast thrown over is a metal ball. Metal **** that will constantly roll.

Thousands of huge metal balls, rolled over, all broken bones.

But this is not the most terrible, the terrible thing is after the scroll stops.


These metal **** blasted open.

The green slurry inside is flying out.

Suddenly. All the soldiers who were contaminated with green mud quickly rotted and corroded.


These soldiers made a terrible horror.

Even if there is only one drop, the armor and all serve directly.

The venom of the hundreds of shovel splashes killed thousands of soldiers.

He injured tens of thousands of soldiers.

Every soldier who died of corrosion was completely miserable.

When Qin Huaiyu saw this scene, she was shocked. Immediately ordered: "Artillery, aiming at the trebuchet war behemoth 30 miles away, launching..."

Suddenly, thousands of artillery pieces, all stopped bombarding the world's army, raised the muzzle, and targeted the war behemoths dozens of miles away.

Fire suddenly!

"Booming and banging..."

Countless shells, madly bombarded.

It is like a rainstorm. Sprinkle on the battle behemoth's position.

No need for point-to-point precision, direct carpet bombing.

"Booming and banging..."

Crazy shelling!

So come. The martial arts masters on the wall must fight against the savage army, and the pressure suddenly becomes enormous.

The Eastern Nirvana is a big voice: "Three regiments, one regiment, give up the interest rate, join the battle!"

Suddenly. Thousands of martial arts masters, give up the rotation. Immediately release the energy of light and frantically kill the savage army on the wall.



Countless gunfire, bombarding the trebuchet war behemoth.



The second wave of the trebuchet war beast attack is still on schedule.

Hundreds of shovel filled with venom. Slammed into the city.


In an instant, there are countless casualties.

Thousands of soldiers were eroded and could not see even the bones.

The war beast of the Destroyed Legion is terrible.

Even such an amazing carpet-like bombing can't hurt it!

The Eastern Nirvana painfully went to the mermaid woman: "The Queen, these war behemoths, still need you to go."

"No problem." Mermaid Queen Violet Road, he led the semi-classic strong, just killed the war behemoth under the wall.

This time, she led a hundred masters and flew toward the war behemoth outside.

In a moment, the hundred masters reached the position of the trebuchet war monster.

"Brush brush..."

Hundreds of masters, crazy slaughter, frantically cut.

Each of these war behemoths is really like a hill, as tall as dozens of floors, like the size of a football field.

Just stand where you can't move, let you cut it, don't know how long it will kill.

Moreover, these war behemoths are completely invulnerable.

The outer shell of every war behemoth is harder than steel, and the thinnest part is also close to the ruler.

This is equivalent to a few tens of centimeters of armor.

No wonder, countless gunfires are not useful for them.

A few tens of centimeters of armor, even if it is a depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile on the earth, it is difficult to penetrate.

Not to mention, at this time, the shells of the chaotic world do not have the armor function.

The mermaid Queen Violet, facing such a war behemoth, is completely speechless.

Can only use the heart fire, the sword mans heated to the extreme, and then crazy crazy cutting.

However, the effect is very general.

The armor of these war behemoths, the ability to resist heat, is completely amazing.

Therefore, in this way, hundreds of masters have not killed these war behemoths, only fear that Xuanqi will be exhausted.

And just like a simple sword attack, an infinite master, even if the mysteriousness is exhausted, it may not kill one. Because of this shell, almost all the damage was blocked by the war behemoth.

Unless it is an electrical attack. Pass directly through the outer casing and hit the inside.

If the sun is shining, a few Xuanhuo lightnings may end.

But he is not there, although the cultivation of the mermaid queen is much higher, but in the face of such a war behemoth, it is completely speechless.


The Eastern Nirvana on the far wall saw this scene.

Qin Huaiyu suddenly went forward: "Oriental lords, those war behemoths, hard as steel, may be afraid of cold, not afraid of heat! So, attack with non-freezing water, maybe effective!"

The Eastern Nirvana nodded and said: "Get it right away and send it to the battlefield!"

"Yes!" Qin Huaiyu said.

Then, Qin Huaiyu led dozens of infinite master masters, and went inside the city wall, resisting hundreds of energy jade barrels, each filled with hundreds of pounds of unfrozen water, the temperature is equivalent to the earth's minus two hundred A lot.

Dozens of great masters will not freeze the water to the battlefield.

The master of the mermaid queen is still madly slashing the size of the war behemoths.

Violet has killed three, but her men, even one can not kill.

Unlimited master masters will be able to freeze the jade barrels and place them on the back of the war giants.

Then, slam the energy jade barrel.

In an instant, no frozen water surges out.

The surrounding air suddenly became extremely cold.

The war behemoth was backed by a dozen meters of area, and it was completely frozen in an instant, and was instantly frozen by a temperature of minus two hundred degrees.


Hundreds of infinite masters, madly bombarded the frozen armor.

Sure enough!

The ten-meter-long armor, after being frozen in the cold, became very brittle, hitting it and instantly smashing it.

"Drill in, kill!" The mermaid queen ordered.

Suddenly, hundreds of martial arts masters slammed into the holes on the backs of these war giants and entered their bodies.

Then, in the crazy slash inside, frantically bombarded!

Suddenly, these war behemoths made a burst of smashing and desperately rolling on the ground.

Crazy tearing the earth.

In just a few minutes, all were killed in the body.


Hundreds of infinite masters flew out of these war giants.

At this time, the battle situation above the city wall has reached the most intense level.

Even a lot of artillery pieces have been turned off.

Because, countless bodies have piled up tens of meters high, blocking the muzzle.

Countless mortal army, stepping on the body directly, rushing up!

The mermaid Queen Violet, led by hundreds of infinite masters, rushed back quickly.

Behind the Destroyed Legion, madly kill!

Under the wall, thousands of martial arts masters, thousands of energy rays, frantically released!


The entire city wall was completely covered with countless rays.

Countless destructive army, in this terrible energy light, directly broken bones!


After half an hour!

Everything on the wall completely stopped!

Because, under the wall, there is no one ruined army.

A total of five million annihilated army, hundreds of thousands of annihilated cavalry, and thousands of war behemoths, all broken and bones, all were killed.

The first wave of the destruction of the Legion is over!

The city has not been broken! They saved the city.

The human kingdom won the first battle!

At this time, the sun is slanting!

The first day of the battle is over.

On the wall, thousands of masters, all sitting on the wall, can not even celebrate the victory!


Faced with more than five million annihilation corps, the devil died and smiled and said: "Okay, today is here! Our game is here for this, tomorrow, dark dragon, dark 枭Dragon, destroy the dragon, all attack! Start the real kill."

When this came out, Li Ming and Dong Li, suddenly shocked: "Yes!"

The queen looked at Shura Ling and said: "Tomorrow is the moment of your generous glory. You will become the master of the battlefield."

The coffin is a tremor!


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