Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1045: The dragon attack! Destroy the class missile!

Next to the East Road: "The sorrow of the devil, now the enemy's warrior, Xuanqi almost exhausted, why not take the opportunity to attack?"

After the devil said: "Don't you see that the sun is going to fall, is it going to be dark?"

East Road: "But our squadrons can fight in the night. Even in the night battle, our army is even stronger."

After the devil, Ji Ji wrinkled his brow disgustedly and said: "It can be dark, the scene is not as good as the daytime, is there a problem?"

Hearing this reason, the East couldn’t help but sigh, and said: "But what you said before is to consume the mysteriousness of those who are warriors, and then let the five million dying army become cannon fodder, now..."

After the devil said: "What? Do you have any opinions?"

"Don't dare!" East left the road: "Just think that it is too wasteful to sacrifice our squadron in vain."

After the devil, Ji Ji smiled disdainfully, this is really a poor thinking. Then, she was too lazy to ignore the East, and did not threaten to repress his will with the first-class evil spirits. Directly laughed: "Well, we have a party this evening. Tomorrow, I will completely destroy the city."

"Yes, the queen of the devil." All the evil spirits commander, the evil spirits will be in the body.


In Peiping City!

A fierce battle throughout the day, the martial arts regiment of the human kingdom eliminated all five million annihilated legions.

And its own casualties should be considered minimal.

The trebuchet war monster. Throwing in a few hundred poisonous iron bombs, bringing tens of thousands of casualties.

Also, the war behemoths attacked the city. Less than ten casualties were brought to the martial arts regiment.

So in a sense, this is a great victory.

However, no one celebrates the victory. Because everyone knows that this first day of victory is entirely a temptation attack by the Destruction Army.

These dying legions that died today are all cannon fodder.

The ace of the Destroyed Legion, the Dark Dragon. The dark dragon, destroying the dragon. Nothing at all!

Of course, despite the fact that the Eastern Nirvana is still ordered, let all the troops share the joy of today's victory.

Today’s battle proved at least. The Destruction Army is not completely invincible, it is not completely invulnerable.

Even dozens of war beasts can be killed.

In the entire city, all the military camps are full of meat flavor.

All the soldiers are enjoying a hearty meal.

Originally, thousands of powerful martial arts masters were going to close their eyes and prepare for tomorrow's battle.

But in the end, the Eastern Nirvana and the Mermaid Queen decided to go on a banquet.

Let all the martial arts masters. Also enjoy a delicious dinner. As for meditation and meditation, it is not bad for such a night, anyway, to guarantee tomorrow's battle. Everyone can be full of ambition.


The mermaid Queen Violet, under the service of Li Zhiji, lazy to enjoy dinner.

Then, a mermaid woman will say: "Your Majesty, human beings and other people want to see."

"Please." Mermaid Queen Violet Road.

Then, the Eastern Nirvana led the Buru. Demon purple, Netherland destroys the elders. Qin Huaiyu and others entered the temporary residence of the Mermaid Queen!

"Please sit down." The mermaid queen did not get up and said directly, she always came without any custom.

The Eastern Nirvana sat down and said: "His Majesty, what do you think of the battle for tomorrow?"

The Queen of Mermaid said: "First of all, we all know that today's victory is entirely because the devil is dead in the past. So tomorrow's battle, I will see the mood of the demon after the death. If she is still in the past, then tomorrow Although the battle will become much more difficult, but at least the city will not be broken, all our soldiers will not die. But... If the patience of the demon dying is exhausted, then the entire city of Peking will be completely ruined tomorrow. Ruins."

When this was said, some people were silent in the place.

There is no doubt that this is the most painful. The cat caught the mouse, but did not eat it, but played again and again. Looking at the mouse's desperate struggle, the cat will feel very happy.

When the cat loses its interest, it will kill the mouse directly.

The most painful thing is that now the mouse is still desperately performing, struggling desperately, let the cat continue to play with interest and curiosity, just to delay the time as much as possible, delaying the arrival of Yangdingtian.

Qin Huaiyu finally couldn’t help but ask: "Your Majesty, everything we have done, everything we sacrificed, is to wait for the return of the lord. However, after the return of the lord, I can really win this battle of destruction. ?"

The mermaid queen thought for a moment and nodded. "I can guarantee that if Yangdingtian returns, it will certainly win this war. But when he returns, I really can't guarantee it. Everyone can Doing it is just praying. Because, what Yang Dingtian needs to do is ten times more difficult than us, a hundred times!"

When this was said, everyone suddenly fell into silence.

The elders suddenly said: "My Majesty, I have something unknown."

The Queen of Mermaid said: "Please say."

The elders said: "The cultivation of the Emperor of Heaven is not as good as that of the Queen. Today, I see Her Majesty, killing the war monsters of the Destroyed Legion, it is not easy. And I see their dark dragons, full. A hundred times, thousands of times the war behemoth is so big, then the return of the Yangding Tianzong can change the situation?"

The mermaid queen thought for a moment: "You are right, today's war behemoth has made us so embarrassed. And the dark dragon, we want to kill, it is even more difficult. It is like a strong man A fist can crush a huge stone. But if this stone is as big as a giant mountain, then the Hercules needs tens of thousands of times and hundreds of thousands of times before the mountain can be used. But there is another kind of energy, at least in the past, you can put this boulder. It's easy to break the bones. In fact, the energy of the two is the same, even the energy of the big gas is bigger. But the attribute of energy Different."

The elders nodded and said, "I understand."

The Queen of Mermaid said: "Reassure you, in fact, this scene, not only I saw it, but the innocent lord of the Netherland also saw it clearly. A Naga, which has just been completely transformed, is only a naga of the holy level. It can be easily done. Killing tens of thousands of dark dragons, hundreds of thousands of dark dragons. It is because of the energy properties of Naga. Especially terrible."

Silence for a moment, the Queen of Mermaid said: "And your masculine lord is to find the power of the Naga king! So, until the day of his return, it is the time of victory!"

When this was said, everyone was uplifted. Re-filled with morale!

In everyone’s mind, the strategy has become clear again.

Use space, change time!

Fight for all means, delay time, and wait for the return of Yangdingtian!

The Eastern Nirvana raised the cup and said: "Then the princes will fight hard tomorrow, waiting for the king of the lord to return!"

All the strong, all lifted the cup, loudly: "Death battle. Wait for the return of the Yangzong master!"


Although, throughout the evening, Beiping City was full of vigilance and alertness.

But one night passed. Nothing happened.

On the other side of the Destroyed Legion, a banquet hall was built directly on the back of the Dark Dragon.

Then, thousands of evil spirits held banquets in them.

Even the devil's death Ji brought the band under the demon king. There is also endless food, endless wine.

The devil's death after the joy. Even dancing with the Prince, he danced a song.

The next day, dawn is still coming!

The sun rose to the sky!

In Peiping City, all the troops, all woke up and began to have breakfast.

After eating, start wiping weapons!

Begin to carry the cannonball and carry the spar arrow.

In yesterday's battle, it consumed a million shells and millions of giant arrows!

And these are just less than one-fifth of the stock in Beiping City.

Behind, the amazing team is still sending shells, grain, meat, arrow, and spar.

Everyone knows that today's battle will be very, very intense. How specific is it, I don’t know. But the worst and worst ending is complete destruction.

Therefore, today's participation in the war is not only a few thousand martial arts strongmen, but also five thousand artillery pieces, tens of thousands of spar.

There are also 300,000 shooters who will also enter the city wall!

These 300,000 shooters will operate 100,000 giant medium-sized spar to fight and fight!


The sun just showed its face.

Thousands of martial arts regiments have all boarded the city and are ready to go.

Five thousand guns have been prepared and ready to be launched.

Today, every artillery is fully prepared with more than 400 shells.

Even the artillery to be replaced has more than a thousand doors.

Last night, Dayunyu City shipped a new batch of war giants.

Phoenix-class No. 5 missile!

It was only a month ago that it was just started to be manufactured. At this time, the first batch was finally produced.

Destruction-class missiles have only one feature, that is, big and big...

Each missile is more than forty tons! That is 80,000 pounds!

This is totally a devastating killer! Inside each of the destruction-level missiles, there are more than a hundred pounds of x spar!

The warlocks have estimated that a devastating missile explodes and kills all soldiers within a square kilometer.

In order to transport the destroyer-level missiles, Dayunyu City used thousands of dragons to transport them from the secret base to the front line of Peiping City.

Of course, this time, not only the destruction of missiles, but also the flying missiles.

The so-called flying-class missiles are completely empty, and air defense missiles.

There are about a thousand, each about two tons, which is entirely an experimental weapon.

The main attempt is to rely on missiles to destroy the dark dragon.

Because the monster of the dark dragon, tens of thousands of meters, does not need to aim at all.


This time, the person who escorted the material was Song Chunhua. She brought not only the destruction of missiles and flying missiles.

And her magic fire monster!

This phoenix, although only a few years old. However, it has swallowed all the magma in the northwestern continent!

Yes, all the magma in the abyssal crack has solidified.

It has swallowed up astronomical fire energy, and the prototype of the body has been nearly 100 meters in size.

Song Chunhua brought it to the battlefield, hoping that it could be in the air, and the Air Force of the Destroyed Army was hit hard!

All the destroyer-level missiles, flying-class missiles, have just been shipped to the front line, hundreds of warlocks, with tens of thousands of people, all the missiles are added up.

At this point, you can always enter the battle.

Above the city, Qin Huaiyu said: "Chunhua, you should not come, your task is to **** strategic material."

Song Chunhua shook his head. "I have already arrived. The committee did not ask me to go back in the first place. Moreover, all the secret factories have shipped all the inventories, and there are no **** missions in the next few days."

Qin Huaiyu looked at the incomparably huge destruction-level missiles and said: "I hope that they can work. I hope that we can rely on our new civilization to destroy these devils."

Song Chunhua said: "I can't do it, I will know it later!"


That's right, I will know soon!

Because, after the devil, Ji has returned to her golden throne. She touched her forehead as if she were still in a hangover.

Then, lazy and underground, said: "attack, destroy the city in front!"

"Yes!" Dong Li and others were excited.

Yesterday, although it was acting, but let the human kingdom win, it still makes them very unhappy.

Today, I can finally open the fight.

Suddenly, the war horns of a few hundred meters began to groan again.

The horn of the sky is spread all over the world!

Then, the tide of the general extinction army, and began a new charge!

Five hundred thousand of the world's savage riders, five million ruins of the world.

More than 5,000 terrible war behemoths!

Today, the conventional strength of the World Corps is far more than yesterday.

The war behemoths are more than a few times more numerous, and they have doubled their lives.

But the terrible is far more than that.

With the devil's death, Ji Yin ordered.

Like a giant mountain, a dark dragon like a dark cloud roars and squats and flies toward Beiping City.

A single dark dragon is almost the same size as a city.

Also, countless dark dragons flew like lightning.

The trump card of the Destroyed Legion dragon, dark dragon, all attacked!

It seems that after the devil died, there is not much fun.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the Eastern Nirvana and the Mermaid Queen are cold!

Rubbing your teeth sharply, the East Nirvana said: "When you are warriors, let us welcome this dark dragon, dark dragons, and see what is terrible?"

Qin Huaiyu screamed: "Flying-level missile preparation, destruction-level missile preparation!"


And at the same time!

In the direction of the northwest Qincheng, the messenger took the konjac and quickly rushed into the city of Dayunyu, reporting to the Guangming Parliament Temporary Command.

"Snake empire, thousands of troops, separated by thousands of miles of ocean, suddenly broke out from the northwest Qincheng, attacking the northwest Qincheng defense line!"

The Queen of the Sea Heart finally took the shot and finally fell into the rock and joined the war. (To be continued)

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