Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1053: Yangdingtian, never lost!

I don't know how long it took, Queen of the Seas woke up faintly. Oh,

Her side is surrounded by the masters of the Snake Empire. When I saw the Queen of the Sea, I was sober, and suddenly I felt like a skeleton.

Throughout the Snake Empire, there may be countless people who hate the Queen of the Sea, but at least the masters of the snakes under her hand are truly loyal to her.

Because these people are all promoted by the Queen of the Sea, and their cultivation is also given by the Holy Land of the Queen of the Sea.

Without the Queen of the Sea, they have nothing.

The Queen of the Sea Heart secluded and glanced at this gorgeous big account, which is a master of the snakes.

"Queen Her Majesty, although most of the semi-human livestock have died. But our masters of the snakes are still there, in addition to the tens of thousands of snakes in front of you." A flirtatious beautiful snake woman The crouching under the body: "As long as we are a snake, the snake empire is there. Those half-humans are simply consumables."

At this time, there are not only tens of thousands of snakes, but also many semi-humans.

When they heard this sentence, the indignant indignation in their hearts was at this time. These snake people still don’t see the half-human being as an adult.

Another snake-woman woman said: "My Majesty the Queen, we are in the east from the grasslands, there are tens of millions of slaves. The human kingdom is now difficult to protect itself, it is impossible to cross the sea, it is impossible to enter the eastern grassland."

Queen of the Sea Heart slowly sat up.

She has thought of countless results about this war, but she has never thought of such a result.

From the northwest Qincheng, there are thousands of miles away, and the whole army was wiped out.

Moreover, even the enemy did not see it.

She was before. He also vowed to attack the northwest Qincheng within half a month and attack Yunxiaocheng and the entire Xizhou within one month.

It seems that it is a big joke now.

In just one day, the whole army was wiped out.

Moreover, there is no loss in the human kingdom.

The world. Where is this war?

There was a thought in the heart of Queen of the Sea, and the world changed. The world has been changed by Yangdingtian, even if the sun is not in the sky, the Guangming Parliament can easily destroy its own snakeman empire.

It really is effortless.

Everything that I have said has become completely ignorant and ignorant.

So what should I do next? In any case, you should make your choice immediately.

Going back directly to the east to the grassland? No, no, that's too shameful.

But don't return it? What should I do?

Take these tens of thousands of snakes. Going to attack the northwest Qincheng?

That is a complete joke, it is impossible to do.

Can't move forward, can't go backwards, and can't stay in place.

Then... that... the only way, perhaps to completely rely on the dark empire!

Become the devil of the devil to ask the sky, completely become a vassal of the dark empire, and then lead a piece of land, continue to call for the rain?

Although I am not reconciled. But my biggest capital is gone.

The most important thing is. Full of hatred.

For the human kingdom, the bitter hatred of Yangdingtian.

It is Yangdingtian, a bright parliament, which has caused this shameful humiliation and completely lost the snakeman empire.

They can't be smug, and they can't make the people of the Bright Council proud. You can't let the enemy of Yangdingtian be proud.

Since you have made me feel pain, then I will give you ten times and return it to you!

Let you feel the pain of heartbreaking!

Queen Haixin stood up from the bed and looked at the snake people. "You are right. Our snakeman empire is still there. From the very beginning, I have protected you and will continue to protect. Perhaps our enemy is They laughed thousands of miles away, but soon they couldn't even cry because they cried."

Suddenly, the high-level snakes of the people at the scene trembled.

Queen Haixin slowly said: "I am going to borrow from the Dark Empire. I will promise them. I will take the empire of the Dark Empire. I will completely overwhelm the city in front. I will take the city. Everyone inside, the slaughter is clean. All those who have hurt our snakeman empire, we will tear open every inch of his meat, get rid of every inch of his skin, we will kill each of them, each A family member. I want to make the whole Xizhou, crying at my feet, shudder!"

"Long live the Queen..."

Suddenly, all the snake people shouted.


Suddenly, the Queen of the Seas suddenly turned into a streamer and flew in the direction of the Dark Empire.


Yesterday's Beiping Theater, after the battle ended early, it fell into a carnival.

The Eastern Nirvana did not stop this carnival, but all the high-levels in the theater gathered together to meet.

After a long time, the Eastern Nirvana slowly said: "From tomorrow, it is a hard battle, it is a dead war."

Suddenly, all the high-level nodded.

All the top leaders have not been stunned by the victory.

Because, today, the Shura Lingling, has never shot.

The East Nirvana: "The Queen, the Shura Ling, is it possible to win over?"

Queen Violet said: "Of course it is possible that your Yangding Tianzong has planted seeds for her body and mind. Her heart has always been biased towards Yangdingtian. However, this seed is far from the time of flowering. Although I have little contact with her, according to Yang Dingtian's description, this woman is very greedy, vanity, and any justice is nothing in her eyes. The only thing that is useful to her is that she wants to be born again, with dignity and pride. And the approval of Yangdingtian."

Then, Queen Violet said: "Today, she did not shoot, it is intentional. However, once the devil died, she will definitely shoot, she will definitely not take risks for us. As for her shot, will What are the consequences, it is completely unknown."

The Eastern Nirvana was silent for a moment, saying: "Now how many dark dragons, dark dragons?"

The mermaid Queen Violet said: "The dark dragon is nearly a hundred, the dark dragon, nearly three thousand. Of course. There are also destroying the dragon, the earthen dragon, did not appear."

The Eastern Nirvana was silent for a while, and after a long time he said: "I want to evacuate the large-scale army in Peiping City. In addition to the squadrons, artillery units, and logistics units. The remaining millions The army, all evacuated to the big cloud city, how?"

When the words came out, everyone suddenly saw it and immediately understood the meaning of the Eastern Nirvana.

The reason why there are millions of troops stationed in Beiping City and countless castles behind it is to express the resistance of the Bright Parliament. As for the complete victory, I never thought about it.

Well, it has been two months of victory. It is enough to express the will of the Bright Council. ,

Moreover, everyone can see clearly that in this war, ordinary elite soldiers have no chance of fighting and can only be sacrificed in vain.

Fighting these lost legions relies on weapons of mass destruction.

Giant artillery, giant missile. of course. There is also a strong martial arts force.

The Eastern Nirvana continued: "The Artillery Corps, the Arrows and the Legion. After all the arrows and shells were consumed, they were all evacuated to the city of Dayunyu. And our martial arts regiment must persist until the last moment, how long it can last. How long does it persist, how?"


The martial arts masters in the field shouted in unison. Some people even want to go out directly and live together in Beiping City.

Later, I thought that this is not necessary. The current strategy of this war is to delay time. Try to delay time as much as possible.

The East Nirvana: "So, execute it!"

Soon, Qin Huaiyu went on, convened dozens of leaders of the legion and announced the orders of the theater.

Suddenly, they immediately summoned the serious incomprehensibility of these commanders.

Why do you want them to go? Today, I have been victorious. Most of the soldiers, even a stick, have not yet played, why should they retire.

What a shame is this?

Almost all the commanders, sitting in silence and protesting, said that they would coexist with the city and live together in the chaotic battlefield.

Silence for a while, Qin Huaiyu said directly: "The fall of the Beiping Theater, the fall of the entire chaotic land, is only a matter of time. Maybe one day, maybe two days, maybe three days..."

When this was said, all the leaders were stunned and said: "We, we... don’t we win a big win?"

Qin Huaiyu said: "This victory is inspiring. But we don't have enough destruction-level missiles. And the enemy has not done its best, and even the killer has not made it. Our army, staying here is just a sacrifice. Now, The theater needs you to retreat to the Big Cloud City and begin to deploy the defensive battle of the Big Cloud City."

As soon as this was said, the commander of the theater immediately became hot and said: "Qin Changguan, Beiping Theater, the place of chaos, will it fall?"

Qin Huaiyu smashed the railway: "It will definitely fall, not only the Beiping Theater, the entire Yunxiao City Theater, the Northland Theater, and the Northwest Qincheng Theater will fall. Our best result is that all the areas north of the Sunset Mountains fall."

Suddenly, the whole room was in a deadlock.

Then, a commander said: "So, what is the worst plan?"

Qin Huaiyu said: "There is no worst plan, but in the strategic deployment, the biggest and biggest bottom line is to defend Zhongjing!"

When this is said, everyone is at a loss.

This means that the entire Xizhou, Dongzhou, and most of the Zhongzhou, all fall.

All three quarters of the world have fallen.

"We, we obviously won." Suddenly, one of the commanders couldn't help but the voice brought a little cry and hoarseness.

Qin Huaiyu said: "Unfortunately, our weapons of destruction are too few. If we give us a year, we can crush all these devils. But... we have too little time."

A commander said: "That, we will lose this war? Will we die?"

"No." Qin Huaiyu is even more savage: "When the return of the Emperor's Lord of Heaven, it is our victory. I can tell you that the Emperor of Heaven is seeking the power of the Naga. I will definitely come back at the fastest speed. Think about it, when did he let us down?"

Everyone, shaking his head desperately.

In the folk, Yangdingtian is mixed. However, in the elite elite army, Yangdingtian has a general status even when it is not high.

In the elite line of the elite, all the soldiers are extremely eager to worship Yangdingtian and believe in Yangdingtian.

Because, Yangding Tianqi is invincible. At any moment, any desperate, Yangdingtian can win, no exception.

Then this time, there is absolutely no exception.

Qin Huaiyu said loudly: "And, I can tell you. Our Yangding Tianzong is the spokesperson chosen by the God of Chaos. He represents the will of the entire chaotic world and is unbeaten forever."

"Yes, Yangding Tianzong, never lost!" a commander shouted.

Qin Huaiyu said: "So, what we need to do now is to fight for the time of the Yangding Tianzong. The longer we resist, the smaller the loss of the human kingdom. We use our own lives in exchange for the return of the Yangzong master. ""

Suddenly, the commander on the scene was full of blood.

Qin Huaiyu said: "So, obey the order. In the fastest way, evacuate to the city of Dayunyu. You don't need to carry too much weight, put on all the strategies, mount. There are countless castles along the road, we have countless food, enough Support to return to the big cloud city."

"Yes!" Suddenly, dozens of commanders present at the scene were all in charge.


at dusk.

Despite being filled with infinite puzzles, there is incomparable pain.

However, the soldiers in Peiping City still obeyed the order and continued to evacuate the city.

Countless troops, densely packed, evacuated to the south.

Along the way, there were countless castles in the chaotic land, and the troops inside were evacuated after hearing the orders.


The next day dawn!

In the entire huge city, millions of troops have been evacuated.

There are only a few hundred thousand spar squadrons left, and there are hundreds of thousands of artillery regiments.

Today, there are only a few dozen weapons that are destroyed.

A variety of arrows, there are still astronomical figures.

All kinds of shells are still astronomical figures.

There are still hundreds of missiles above the tonnage level.

Of course, the biggest strength is the martial arts regiment of thousands!


It is dawn, the sun, slowly rising again.

This time, the demon death Ji did not have any smiles, and the jade hand waved.


Then a shrill of earth-shattering.

Dozens of incomparably huge devastating dragons slammed out of the darkness.

It’s a hundred miles long and a few miles thick.

Such a giant, unseen, unheard of.


Dozens of devastating dragons tumbling on the ground.

In an instant, yesterday was still full of sorrows, and the ground of numerous cracks and craters were all pressed tightly and flatly.

Then, all the exterminations of the corps, all come out.

After the demon, Ji looked at Shura Ling’s glance and said: "Today, look at you."

"Yes!" (To be continued.) ()

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