Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1054: The final choice of the coffin!

The torn land in front of Peiping City was crushed and flattened by dozens of devastating dragons in a short period of time. Four or five Chinese,

Then, countless extermination corps, madly and frantically rushed up.

Tens of millions of annihilated army, millions of annihilated cavalry.

Tens of thousands of war behemoths.

Also, thousands of dark dragons roar like fighters.

Nearly a hundred dark dragons roared.

In an instant, there is no other color between the whole world.

All, all, is a darkness.

The entire sky was covered in black. The light of the two days can hardly be revealed again.

This dark, suffocating darkness quickly shrouded in the city of Peiping.

At this time, there are still about 70 pieces of destruction-level missiles in the city of Peiping.

The Eastern Nirvana is heading towards the mermaid Queen Violet: "His Majesty, please. The goal of this war is only one, that is, to destroy the power of the corps of the corps as much as possible. The more annihilated corps we destroy today, the more The pressure on the big cloud city is smaller."

The mermaid queen nodded and said, "I understand."

Then, she directly led more than a dozen semi-classic strongmen, put on destroying missiles and non-freezing water, and flew toward the dark dragon again.


Soon, the mermaid queen and a dozen semi-sacred powers once again flew over the head of the dark dragon.

Use the unfrozen water at one time to solidify the head of the dark dragon and then smash it.

Then, directly with the destruction level missile, drilled into the depths of the dark dragon's head, and started the delayed detonation of the destruction-class missile.

Then, violently flew out.


A burst of earth-shattering explosions.

It is exactly the same as before.

The head of the dark dragon was suddenly blown up. Then the huge body fell and it was going to kill countless exterminations!

If it is still the ending.

Then the bodies of hundreds of dark dragons smashed down, and countless extermination regiments on the ground had to be broken and turned into meat.

After the devil, he died. Looking towards the Shura Ling around.

Taking a deep breath, Shura Lingbi was worried and excited.

Then, violently running inside the brain, a special energy breath.

In an instant, her entire body violently explodes purple light.

The huge wings behind him suddenly vacated.

Two beautiful eyes, the light of the moment is shot.

Long hair. Flying in an instant.

Throughout the world, there is a darkness, and the only beautiful and beautiful body is radiant.

At this time, the coffin entered a very very mysterious state.

He can clearly feel the energy of the world and can easily manipulate them.

In particular, the energy of the Destroyed Legion was discovered with great surprise and fear.

She, she seems to not only be able to resurrect the smashing dark dragon, too. It can also make countless extermination army smashed bones.

This discovery made her extremely excited. Very scared.

Because of this ability of oneself, it is very likely that the Temple of Destruction will kill oneself.

And he has this ability, and perhaps the people of the Dark Empire will never trust themselves.

These days, Shura Lingling has deeply realized this.

On the surface, I saw myself as the first commander in the battlefield, but in fact I was nothing.

Whether it is east, peony. The prince is fierce, or the mysterious person, it is impossible to obey any command of his own.

Even the second-class evil spirits, the third-class evil spirits, did not really put themselves in the eye.

The coffin soon wanted to understand. As long as there is no evil spirit energy, in the dark empire you are an outsider, you are inferior.

Not only for himself, but also the Queen of the Sea of ​​the Snake Empire, but also an outsider.

So who else in this world will trust themselves?

Instinctively, there is a figure in the mind of the coffin, that is, Yangdingtian.

Although he used to be an enemy, as long as he stood by his side, he would believe in himself without reservation. Even if he was on the battlefield, he once helped the World Corps.

In this regard, Yang Dingtian has said it again and again.

His original words were to keep a hope of standing next to him.

He knows his greed, vanity, and greed for death. However, they are still willing to tolerate these shortcomings and accept themselves.

In an instant, the heart of the coffin felt a wave of ripples, and the body once again felt a feeling of numbness.

It made her have an impulse to immediately kill these dying army.

Then, fly to Yang Dingtian to show his merits and show how powerful he is.


She doesn't dare.

She knows that if she does this, she will die, even more painful than death.

Moreover, she knew that even if she was Yangdingtian, she did not think that she would immediately stand on his side.

Because, he feels that he still has no ability to protect her.

In an instant, the coffin has always been confused, as if it has become completely clear.


There is always a hope in mind.

When Yang Dingtian is enough to protect himself, he will return to his side.

Regaining the arrogance before, there is still beauty.


These thoughts are all passed by.

Then, the coffin began to cast spells.

Under the scorching bombing, the head of a dark dragon was broken.

However, under the control of the coffin, these pulverized energy bodies quickly condense.

So, an amazing scene happened.

The dark dragon heads that have been shattered quickly condense and recover.

Then, go back to the body of the Dark Dragon.

Finally, a dark dragon that has been killed has been resurrected.

The key is that the recovery of the coffin is fast.

In a short while, more than a dozen dark dragons were resurrected.

Once again, I flew to Beiping City.


The Eastern Nirvana saw this scene and was completely shocked.

No wonder, Yangdingtian attaches so much importance to this girl, her ability. Really... It’s really earth-shattering.

Directly resurrect such a huge dark dragon.

If this ability is reversible, then...the girl is completely killer.

This kind of talent is called the talent of the heavenly spirit.

how did it get here? Why is this happening? No one knows, even the coffin does not know how to do it, why there is such a talent.

However, this is the case.

Bright Parliament here. It’s extremely passive.

The mermaid Queen Violet had to dispatch more than a dozen semi-classic strongmen.

Once again, the devastating bomb was buried deep into the head of the dark dragon.


Once again, the heads of a dozen dark dragons shattered again.


Another moment, between Shura Lingling, let the smashed dark giant skull, once again condense. restore.

The dark dragon, once again resurrected.

The mermaid queen violet, suddenly vomiting blood.

Looking at the eyes of Shura Lingbi, full of infinite hatred.

She really wants to, lead all the masters, go directly to kill Shura Lingling.

But obviously, she did not have this opportunity.

After the devil, Ji Ji led all the evil spirit masters, guarding the side of Shura Lingbi.


And this time. Millions of extinct rides, under the madness. It is getting closer and closer to Beiping City.


Qin Huaiyu gave an order.

Thousands of artillery pieces, hundreds of missiles, roaring wildly.

Countless shells, once again pouring like a storm.

In an instant, countless killings of the world, instantly broken bones.

And the mermaid queen. Once again lead the master, use the destruction level missile to smash the head of the dark dragon.


Shura Lingbi, once again performed a crazy and gorgeous performance.

She... not only resurrected more than a dozen dark dragons.

Moreover, there will be thousands of tens of thousands on the ground. Tens of thousands of extinct riders have all been resurrected.

Such as the gorgeous, but extremely different scene, appeared on the battlefield.

Those who had already been smashed and broken, suddenly collapsed like a movie, quickly condensed and resurrected.

Even without being affected, I continued to charge madly toward Beiping City.

Suddenly, the masters of the martial arts on the wall were completely shocked.

This, this, how is this possible?

In the Destroyed Legion, there are such amazing killers.

Numerous dead corps have been resurrected in such a crazy place.

Then, how about fighting this war?


The war is still going on, and the mermaid queen is still destroying the dark dragon with destroying missiles.

Because she is convinced that the ability of Shura Ling’s resurrection is not endless. Her energy will always be exhausted.

So the dark dragon was once again destroyed.

Thousands of artillery pieces on the wall, as well as more than a hundred thousand spar, are insane attacks.

However, the protagonist on the battlefield is no longer a dark dragon, a dark dragon, nor a martial art corps on the wall.

There is only one protagonist in the entire battlefield.

That is the Shura Lingling.

Everyone is watching her gorgeous performance.

Her energy seems to be endless.

The dark dragon that has died, resurrected again and again.

Numerous torn and ruined horses, instantly condensed and resurrected in situ.

Seeing this scene, the evil spirits who had been disdainful to Shura Lingbi were suddenly shocked.

Both Dongli and Li Ming were shocked.

This is too amazing.

It is no wonder that His Majesty the Devil wants to put this greedy and vain woman so high.

She, she really is irreplaceable.

Not only the current war, but even in other plane wars in the future, she is irreplaceable.

And Shura Lingling seems to be completely immersed in his own world.

Continue to perform on your own.

Everything that resurrected the battlefield, even if it was a ruthless army that was worthless, even if it was killed by a war beast, she was directly resurrected.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of annihilated legions, all resurrected in her hands.

Seeing this scene, the devil died and nodded.

Although the coffin is three-and-a-half, as long as she is addicted to this kind of accomplishment, there is no problem.

She will continue to perform like this.


Then, today's war, there is no suspense.

Wait until all the destroying missiles are exhausted.

The dark dragon, once again, was resurrected by the Shura Lingling.

Finally, the Dark Dragon finally came over the city.

The annihilation of the world, which should have been destroyed by countless artillery and missiles, was revived again and again.

Then, the tide generally rushed to the wall.

Not to mention, the lightning-fast dark dragon has already flown over the city, causing mad destruction of the entire city.

Therefore, the darkness has completely swallowed up this huge city.

Countless dark dragons destroy every inch of the city in the air.

Numerous extinct rides, tidal waves, flocked to the city wall.

Despite the thousands of martial arts regiments, these killings are madly killed.

However, the speed of killing may not be comparable to the speed of resurrection.

Therefore, countless extinct rides directly into the city wall.

The most terrible dark dragon flies over the city.

One time...

In an instant, it is the flame of the sky.

Burn countless houses into coke.

Another breath.

It is a terrifying lightning.

Instantly tear everything on the ground.

There is also the destruction of the dragon, the earthworm.

It's easy to drill directly into the city.

In an instant, the entire city was riddled with holes.

Then, a few drilled dragons, together with force.

In an instant, the entire magnificent city wall is like an earthquake that has never been seen before.

Directly tearing and collapsing.

At the same time, thousands of martial arts masters flew out like lightning.

And the hundreds of thousands of spar in the wall, tens of thousands of artillery, were all buried under the collapsed walls.


All of this has come so suddenly.

Two days ago, there was another victory and another victory.

Then, next to a Shura Ling, it completely destroyed the resistance of all the bright parliaments.

It’s only less than two hours.

This huge city was directly destroyed.

It can't even be said to fall, but to destroy it directly and completely.

Fortunately, millions of troops have already withdrawn. otherwise……

Under the city, there will be millions more dead souls.

Now, countless exterminations are madly destroying every part of this huge city.

The mermaid Queen Violet, toward the East Nirvana: "The evacuation, the entire chaos, the city, fell!"

The Eastern Nirvana looked at the distant radiant Shura Ling’s martyrdom: "As long as she is there, Dayunyucheng, Xijing, Iron Furnace City, and even Beijing. It will be like today, without any resistance, and instantly become a ruin. of."

The mermaid Queen Violet, looking at the Shura Lingbi complexly, she is still performing wildly.

As if to resurrect everything on the ground.

Even she has summoned the other elements here, countless dead souls, all of them are resurrected.

The mermaid queen is a woman, and suddenly in this madness, she realized the mind of the coffin.

"Perhaps, perhaps Shura Lingyi also has her plans." The Queen of Mermaid said: "The Eastern Sovereign, retreat, prepare to defend the Great Cloud City."

The Eastern Nirvana looked painfully at the city that had become a ruin, and slammed the road: "All the martial arts regiments, the formation, evacuation!"

Then, thousands of martial arts regiments formed a strong formation and quickly evacuated.

At this time, the radiant Shura Lingbi suddenly screamed.

Directly, falling from the sky.

"Yangdingtian, I can do it for you, only so much, you have to come back soon, let me come back to you."

At the moment before the coma, the coffin was in the dark. (To be continued.) ()

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