Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1058: The craziest killing!

Since the outbreak of the Great World War, everything that happened has been beyond the expectations of many people.

Whether it is victory or failure, it is unexpected.

But in short, this result is much better than I expected.

Before the war, the pessimism of the entire high-level parliamentary assembly was inextricable. Everyone deeply felt that the entire human kingdom, the entire bright parliamentary army should not have the slightest effort in the face of the defensive army.

Who knows that after the fight, despite the soldiers and cities of the human kingdom, it is still extremely fragile. The destroying army can easily be destroyed.

But the name of the new Crystal Warfare weapon civilization of the Bright Parliament is stronger than expected.

Especially in recent days and nights, the Bright Parliament is actually pressing the World Corps.

In the end, almost the ground army of the Destroyed Legion was almost finished, forcing the devil to return to the Dark Empire.

Of course, everyone will not feel that the aftermath of the devil is so dying.

Therefore, when she led the death army to return to the dark empire, the entire high-level parliamentary high-level mind was only deeply heavy, and even had a faint fear.

Obviously, when the demon died, he once again came to the world.

Perhaps it is really a complete disaster, even the end!


Returning to the Dark Empire, in the Great Hall of the Sky, the Devil’s image has disappeared.

He did not put the war of extinction at all. At present, the most important thing in his eyes is only one thing. That is to find the Naga frost.

Of course, if he is there, he will definitely be extremely alarmed by the current state of the war.

Go back to the temple. After the devil, Ji called to see the Queen of the Sea, and directly said: "If I borrowed you to destroy the Legion, what would you do?"

Queen Haixin said: "The whole northwestern continent, the southwestern continent."

After the devil died Jidao: "What else?"

The Queen of the Seas hesitated for a moment: "The massacre?"

After the devil, Ji asked: "Caught a few cities?"

The Queen of the Seas hesitated: "All...all?"

"Yes, all." After the devil died Jidao: "I will lend you 20 million destroying army, 30 destroying earth dragons, 100 dark dragons. Five thousand dark dragons, 20,000 wars Behemoth."

This is the case. The heart of the Queen of Hearts suddenly violently beats.

She, she did not even think about it, to borrow so many troops.

After the devil died Jidao: "You must win the northwest Qincheng in the shortest time, then quickly go south. Take Xijing, then cross the sea to the southwestern continent, and take the entire southwestern mainland nineteen provinces, all won. Every win In one place, the city was immediately slaughtered. It has been slaughtered from the northwest Qincheng to the southern end of the southwestern mainland. Do you understand?"

The Queen of the Seas is stunned, and then gnashed her teeth and said: "Yes. After the devil, I will definitely let Yangdingtian feel the pain of the bones."

After the devil, Ji died coldly: "The people of the southwestern mainland are the most loyal admirers of Yangdingtian. A considerable part of the war material of the Guangming Parliament is made in the southwestern continent. Now, this group of people has to pay for their actions. I want to kill the entire northwestern continent, the southwestern continent."

After a little hesitation, Prince Edward Li said: "There is a demon, we. We may still want to leave a group of people to maintain the most basic order of the whole world."

After the devil died Jidao: "Zhongjing. People in Zhongzhou, the most greedy and fearful of death, the most greedy and weak, leave them. The people of Xizhou, all loyal to Yangdingtian, one can not stay, all killed. ”

"Yes!" Everyone broke off in unison.

After the devil, Ji Guangguang was full of anger, cold channel: "The people of the bright parliament, give face a shame. I just play a game, they actually still face. Now, let them feel, my devil The anger of the dead Ji."

After the demon, Ji died suddenly to the Tongtian Emperor, overlooking countless dark castles.

"Is the ice dragon's dark dragon, has it been made?" asked the queen after the death.

Song Chunhua’s magical fire phoenix completely caused the dark dragon to suffer. And if there is an ice system dark dragon, then the end of the magic fire monster will arrive.

Prince Tai Li said: "It has been manufactured, more than 10,000."

After the devil died, he waved his hand, and suddenly her wand flew like a meteor.

At the same time, countless dark dragons flew from the dark castles.

The fire-breathing dragon, the poisonous dragon, and the electric dragon.

Like the tide, it is dense, followed by the wand.


The wand melted into a huge hole in the dark matter.

Countless dark dragons, from this huge hole, flew out of the dark empire and flew to the human kingdom.

"Now, let the whole human kingdom feel the anger of my demon and death."

"All dark dragons, unscrupulously attack every place in the human kingdom, kill everyone, destroy any city, village."

"100,000 dark dragons, killing, three days and three nights."



On the ground of the Sky Magic City, suddenly a huge hole was opened.


Countless dark dragons, astronomical dark dragons, are used like bees.

There are 100,000 dark dragons, covering the sky and covering the sky.


Then, the 100,000 dark dragons, each of which was a group army, whizzed and flew in all directions.

Fly toward Dongzhou, fly toward Zhongzhou, fly toward Zhongjing, fly toward Yunxiao City, toward the northwest Qincheng, the railway Yancheng, the Pazhou continent, the southwestern continent...

These 100,000 dark dragons, like the plague, were released to the entire human kingdom.

This group of dark dragons is the devil of the sky, the lightning of the sky.

Their speed is almost beyond any konjac.

They can easily reach more than five thousand miles per hour.

Within a few hours. Can reach every place in the human kingdom.

They, the first place to arrive, is the big cloud city!

In fact. When there were thousands of miles away from Yunxiao City, the patrol flying horses had already found them, and then issued a spar alarm, the highest level of spar alarm.

Then, the entire big cloud city, entered a comprehensive preparations.

Just a few minutes later.

Black and black pressure, countless dark dragons. Just like lightning, it flies over.


"Booming and banging..."

Countless dark dragons, the whole cloud city. Launched a crazy attack.

Countless flames, countless ice, countless lightning, and madly hit every place in the city.

And the big cloud 霄 city. Also almost madly counterattack.

Tens of thousands of large-scale spar flail, and countless arrows, like a heavy rain, hit the sky.

Thousands of martial arts regiments flew into the sky and attacked countless dark dragons.

Flying-class missiles, crazy shooting the darkest place in the sky.


The dark dragon is really too much and too much.

Moreover, their speed is too fast.

Even if the spar is strong, it just leaves a mark and can't hurt them.

And the flying missiles. The possibility of hitting is super low.

The most effective killing is the swordsman attack of the martial arts regiment.

However, the speed of this group of animals is too fast and too fast. Only the semi-class-level powerhouse can only catch up.

Originally, as the killer of the dark dragon, the demon fire demon phoenix, just in heaven, was attacked deadly.

Hundreds of ice-cold dark dragons directly shot it down to the ground. If it is not a martial art regiment to save. This magical fire phoenix is ​​less fierce.

Therefore, these tens of thousands of dark dragons. Crazy to destroy everything in the city, but not decently resisted.

All the high-level council leaders found that this group of lightning-fast dark dragons was fatal compared to the dark dragon.

Fortunately, this huge number of dark dragons has no conductor at all.

They are just by nature, killing everyone they see and destroying every place is not targeted.

This crazy slaughter has been maintained for two hours.

For Dayunyucheng, this is two hours near hell.

Almost, the entire city is burning.

In the city of Dayunyu, in addition to the sturdy and huge city walls, there are also large castles built of stone. All the remaining houses are almost burnt into ruins and are ruined.

All outcropped soldiers were almost killed.

Countless spar is powerful and destroyed.

Crazy to destroy the dark dragon after the slaughter, and lightning generally flies in the direction of the northwest Qincheng.

On the road, all the houses they could see were completely destroyed.

They instinctively destroy everything they can see.


The East is endangered, looking at the city full of sorrows, and it hurts.

He knows that the devil will die in revenge, but he did not expect the revenge to come so fast, so fierce.

After a long time, he ordered the Bright Parliament: "To every major city in the country, when the Dark Dragon Air Raid Alert comes, everyone, all hiding in the ground, hiding in a strong fortress. Don't show up, don't fight back Let the dark dragon destroy and destroy!"

When the Eastern Nirvana issued this order, almost the whole heart was bleeding.

This is a deadly blow to morale!

The first to be robbed is the big cloud city.

But within a day, this kind of disaster occurred in all the big cities of the human kingdom.

The northwest Qincheng City was also devastated by a thousand dark dragons.

Dayunyucheng and the northwest Qincheng are still in need of soldiers and no civilians.

And Xijing, Iron Furnace City, there are many people inside.

At this point, it was really devastated.

The dark dragon is the beast, and the favorite is to kill the living.

Ten thousand dark dragons attacked Xijing for four hours.

Killing any life they can see, destroying every building they can destroy.

The same is true of the Iron Furnace Hot City.


However, they are crazy slaughter in the north. Also give the Bright Council valuable time.

The Bright Parliament sent a mermaid queen, Li Zhiji, demon purple. Waiting for the masters of the infinite masters, wearing the magical fog, almost to the most crazy speed, rushed to Zhongzhou, rushed to the southwest.

Let the Bright Parliamentary Legion put all the people in a huge castle and place them in the underground fortress.

In short. Don't let any living person be exposed to the ground, on the city.

This countless dark dragons. In the northwestern mainland, it was full of days and nights.

Then, fly directly over the sea for thousands of miles and fly towards the northwestern continent.

but. The group of animals saw the maritime maritime empire of the maritime empire, and they were excited to attack.

A dark dragon, like a fighter, swoops, to attack the enormous ancient monsters, and the mermaid warrior above.


Tens of thousands of meters of ancient behemoths rushed out of the sea, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and suddenly bit hundreds of dark dragons. Live to bite into pieces.

And countless mermaid warriors, madly attacking every dark dragon that rushed down.

Suddenly, the entire sea surface was reddened. Countless dark dragons have fallen and died.

The dark dragon that ate a big loss immediately fluttered and flew high, no longer dare to provoke the giant beasts on the sea.

Whistling, flying directly to the southwestern continent.


Then, the whole of the continent. The entire East Island, the entire southwestern continent. They all suffered.

The Southwestern continent suffered the least.

Because the southwestern continent has the highest organizational power, most of the people were hiding in the huge fortress before the dark dragons attacked.

The secret factory of the Guangming Parliament is basically underground, and has escaped the attack of the Dark Dragon.

However, countless tents, villages, towns, countless houses, all were ruined by the dark dragons.

The biggest and biggest loss is undoubtedly Zhongzhou, especially Zhongjing!

The Bright Parliamentary Army issued an alarm saying that the Dark Dragons of the Defence Corps would come to air raids, organize people to enter large fortresses, or evade underground.

However, some people in the whole of Zhongzhou felt that the best opportunity had come, and the opportunity to show loyalty to the World Corps came.

Instead of entering the fort and hiding in the ground, they waved the banner of the Temple of Destroy, waving various banners, holding wine and food.

Shouting out: "Welcome the Temple of Destruction to end the dark rule of the Bright Council!"

"The Temple of Destroy, welcome you to Zhongzhou!"

"The Temple of Destruction, we support you, please help us get back the land that was taken away by the Bright Parliament."

This situation is almost all over the entire continent.

At the beginning, it was only a few hundred people, and in the end it became a gathering of tens of thousands of people.

Because the extermination army is about to strike, the former rebellious people who feared the suppression of the bright parliament are no longer afraid of the knife of the bright parliament. It seems that they have got a huge backing, shouting slogans, holding countless flags and banners, taking to the streets, and finally I came to the square of the Beijing Hall in the Tiandao League.

Here, the largest and largest gatherings are held.

Here, the biggest welcoming ceremony for the Destruction Army was held.

"What to do?" Zhu Hongxue asked.

At this time, most of the high-level councils are in the Xizhou Theater.

The highest authority of Zhongjing’s staying is that he is not dead, and the deputy is Yuntiange.

"They want to die, just go with them." Ning does not die slowly.

Then, lead everyone and enter the fort.


The entire Zhongjing Square, full of hundreds of thousands of rebels, arranged in several battles, crazy waving flags.

"The temple of annihilation came, and the dark rule of the bright parliament was ended."

"Welcome to the Temple of Destruction and drive away the Bright Parliament."

"It is time to uncover the true face of the open-air alliance and expose the shameless face of the Bright Parliament."

"Resist long live and eliminate the bright parliament."

Throughout Zhongzhou, countless rebels shouted desperately and looked up to the west.

Unparalleled expectations, unparalleled expectations, waiting for the dying army that will come from the west.

Do they support the Temple of Destruction? No, most of them just don’t want to die with the Bright Parliament.

There are still some people who think that changing a ruler is better.

The bright parliament ruled Zhongzhou, and many victims were born. Countless princes lost their territory.

Many people have lost their power.

This group of people frantically hate the bright parliament.

And most people, they live a prosperous life. The rule of the bright parliament did not bring harm to them.

However, the hostility of the Bright Parliament and the Temple of Destruction brought war.

The Bright Council brought them war. Now they want to express their obedience to the Temple of Destruction, express themselves as a shun, express themselves in advance, and are unwilling to die with the Bright Council.

one way or another?

In the midst of countless people, the Dark Dragon Army of the Dark Empire finally came.

Black and black pressure, overwhelming, covering the sky and the sun came.

Sure enough, as powerful as they imagined.

The people on the Zhongjing Square boiled and cheered wildly.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome..."

"We support the Temple of Destruction, we reject the war!"

There are countless dark dragons in the sky, and at first glance, I saw the dense crowd in the square.

Suddenly, the eyes are bright and the mouth is saliva.


The best prey appeared, and the best killings appeared.

Suddenly, countless dark dragons, with the fastest speed, lightning generally rushed to the Beijing Plaza.

Seeing the Dark Dragon Army flying toward them, the crowd on the ground was more excited and waved the flag.

"Welcome to Wang Shi, welcome Wang Shi..."

"Long live the temple!"

"Ending the Bright Parliament and ending the evil rule of Yangdingtian."


Countless lightning, countless flames, countless ice, spurting out from countless dark dragons.


In the eyes of complete horror countless people are instantly burnt into coke.

Lightning, directly hitting coke.

It is iced and frozen directly into ice.

It is highly toxic and completely corroded into a pile of skeletons.

Killing, killing, killing...

Crazy killing.

Countless dark dragons, sharp wings, fly directly from the crowd.

In an instant, all the people who passed by were cut in half.

The claws of the dark dragon are easy to pinch a hard head.

The entire Zhongjing Square has completely turned into hell.

One of the most terrible slaughterhouses.

Blood, splashing throughout the square, dyed the entire sky. (To be continued)

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