Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1059: Yangding is done!

The people in the square, first of all, were completely horrified, then shouted screaming and desperately running around.

As for anger, at this juncture, it is already a luxury.

Obviously, these countless dark dragons are impossible to give them a chance to escape.

In a short while, the people in the entire square were killed.

Moreover, almost all of them are dead and dead.

Then these dark dragons carried out the most insane destruction and destruction of the entire Beijing.


Fire damages every house and shocks every creature.

The largest city in the human race, all hiding in a sturdy fortress, shivering in the underground defense.

Perhaps the city is too big and too busy.

Therefore, let the dark dragons especially have a destructive desire. Countless dark dragons have ravaged the day in this city.

Then, fly to other places, killing and raging.


These days, it is a disaster day of the human kingdom.

For three days and three nights, 100,000 dark dragons have raged for three days and three nights throughout the human kingdom.

Flying faster than twice the speed of sound, it's easy to reach every place.

The entire human kingdom, from the northernmost Bacheng to the southernmost Nanbanzhou.

From the west of the autumn water island to the easternmost east of Yunzhou.

Every city has been abused.

Every city, even the larger towns, have dead people.

The biggest casualties are undoubtedly Zhongzhou, especially Zhongjing!

According to incomplete statistics, the entire population killed by the Dark Dragon in Beijing was nearly one million, reaching a fraction of the total population of China and Beijing.

And the whole Zhongzhou. Including Nanbanzhou, more than eight million people were slaughtered. The simple Dazhongzhou was slaughtered, and it was more than five million.

Second, the second largest casualty is the northwestern continent.

Iron Furnace City, was slaughtered more than 350,000.

Xijing was nearly nearly half a million by the slaughter.

Yunxiaocheng. He was slaughtered nearly 150,000. In the northwest Qincheng, it was slaughtered up to 200,000.

Throughout Dongzhou, the innocent people who were slaughtered have reached nearly one million.

The lowest casualties are still in the southwestern continent.

This is the second continent of the Dark Dragon, and at this time the entire southwestern continent is crowded with hundreds of millions of people.

As a result, in this big attack of the Dark Dragon, the death did not exceed 100,000.

First of all, the entire southwestern continent is under construction. It is to be prepared as the rear of the war.

Therefore, countless underground defenses have been built. Moreover, huge caves have been dug in countless mountains.

Moreover, in the newly built buildings, there are thick stones stacked and very strong.

Of course, the most crucial thing is because of order.

The Bright Council is here, with the greatest organizational capacity, and can easily pass orders to every village and town in the shortest possible time.

When Violet passed the air raid alert to the Commander of the Southwest Theater.

The commander immediately dispatched tens of thousands of flying rides. Go to rule every city, every town.

But this is the case. There is no doubt that it is too late.

The fastest and fastest way is still a signal bomb, a special signal flare.

When the five-level defensive signal flare rose from the commanding castle to a few kilometers, suddenly all the surrounding castles first issued an inquiry signal. After getting a definitive answer.

Immediately, all the surrounding castles, all released the latest five-level defense signal flares.

Then, all the officials, all the troops. Immediately at the first time, organize all the people into the nearest fortress, the nearest underground fortifications, and the nearest cave.

No complaints, no doubts.

The people of the southwestern continent do not even need to organize, take the initiative to stop anything in their hands, lead their families, and go to the designated fortress to escape.

Because such exercises have been carried out no less than ten times.

Even the fortress where each person should stay, which position, has been clearly remembered.

Ever since knowing the terrible air power of the Dark Empire, the Bright Parliament has organized no less than a dozen such exercises in the entire human kingdom.

In the southwestern continent, full implementation is in place, and everyone is serious about it every time.

Even the South Manchuria of the New World is in place, but it is a pity that because everything in Nanmanzhou is new, time is too short, and there are not enough strong forts built, so there are still many casualties. .

Xijing and Iron Furnace City are still supportive of the Bright Council, but this kind of exercise is also a complete process.

As for Zhongzhou, it is completely negative confrontation, and even disdain and disdain for such exercises.

Even the debate with the officials of the Guangming Parliament said that the protection of the security of the people requires the courage of the bright parliamentary army, rather than training the people to hide.

Moreover, when the World Corps rushed into Zhongjing, hiding in the fortress did not make any sense.

Formally in this kind of negative confrontation, when the dark dragon attacked Beijing, in addition to a pile of dead people in the square, there are countless people who are like a flies, or stubbornly stay in their homes. They feel that their luck will not be so bad, and the attack will not land on their heads.

It is for this reason that although Zhongzhou has the largest number of bastions, the most underground work, but it has killed millions.

Even in some towns, no one escaped and all were burned alive in wooden houses.

Even a few hours before the attack, the Bright Parliament dispatched soldiers and forced them to leave their towns immediately and enter the Stone Fortress.

They still refused to leave, and even had a strong conflict with the army of the Guangming Parliament.


A full three-day, three-night attack.

Finally, incomplete data on casualties and loss of data were passed to the Bright Council Command.

Although the Eastern Nirvana had enough psychological preparation, it spit out a blood.

Death, more than 10 million. Injury, more than tens of millions.

Astronomical farmland, orchard, was destroyed.

The astronomical house has completely turned into ruins.

More than tens of thousands of towns. It has completely turned into ruins.

The entire human kingdom has suffered an unprecedented blow.

Just like the big cloud city in front of you, more than 80% of the place has completely turned into a ruin.

These places are not just simple houses, but homes of countless people. It was caused by countless hard sweats.

As for the strategic grain depot, there are more than fifty super-capital reserves in the Bright Parliament.

Five of the attacks were completely destroyed, and four others were affected. However, most of them have not been affected too much.

Because these giant reserves are either built underground or in the mountains.

And hundreds of large and medium-sized arsenals. No more than five were affected by the attack.

However, hundreds of ships in the Navy were attacked, half of which sank. If it were not for the attack of the Hai army, the dark dragon would not dare to stay on the sea, and the navy would suffer even greater losses.

The biggest and biggest loss is in the sunset mountains.

Nearly a thousand miles of sunset mountains. It is the strategic location of the Bright Council, all the fire. They are all produced there.

Because the time is too tight, it is too late to transfer all the factories on the sunset mountain to the ground. As a result, it was attacked by the Dark Dragon.

As a result, the fire of more than 100,000 tons of fire oil is not counted, but the firewood forest is burning.

In order to save the fire, the Guangming Parliament dispatched hundreds of thousands of troops. The Light Air Legion sent 300,000 yuan to cast water and fire.

As a result, it did not help at all.

Even, thousands of casualties were paid. None of them can extinguish the fire.

The magic fire phoenix, went to the fire, desperately swallowed the flame, and could not completely stop it.

In the end, let thousands of konjac tens of thousands of black cockroaches, carrying the ancient beasts filled with sea water, flew to the sky above the fire.

The ancient behemoth spit out astronomical sea water.

Plus, a timely heavy rain will extinguish this horrific fire.

However, the burnt woods have exceeded one million acres. It burned all the oil reserves of the Bright Parliament for several years.


The 100,000 Black Skull Corps has been ravaging three days and three nights in the human kingdom.

After endless destruction and killing, I finally returned with satisfaction.

Of course, this time going back is not to return to the Dark Empire, but to return to the Great Clouds.

Everyone has discovered that there are more and more dark dragons around the city of Dayunyu.

Thousands, tens of thousands, 100,000!

In the end, all the dark dragons hovered around the big cloud city, and the lightning circled.

Then, a few hundred miles away from the big cloud city, the chaos of the land suddenly burst into hundreds of huge caves.

The diameter of each cave is more than a few hundred meters.

Then, hundreds of earth-drilling dragons slammed out of the cave.

Hundreds of ruined earth dragons, slammed out.

Finally, countless countless corps of extermination.

The extinction of the army, the ruin of the world, the war behemoths, the tides, from hundreds of huge caves, surged out.

With tens of millions of exterminations, the tides generally surface.

Spread on the ground, hundreds of miles in length.

In the end, thousands of incomparably huge dark dragons were drilled from the earth that collapsed into the sky.

In the air, a huge cloud of thousands of miles was formed, which was so vast that it flew toward Yunxiao City.


Tens of millions of exterminations.

Hundreds of thousands of war behemoths.

Tens of thousands of dark dragons.

Thousands of dark dragons.

Hundreds of thousands of devastating dragons and earthworms.

In the history of the world, the most horrible corps of extermination, with an atmosphere of absolute destruction, swept away toward Yunxiao City.

The entire Yunxiao City, less than a hundred miles.

And the extermination army, thousands of miles.

The shadow of tens of millions of extermination legions is a hundred times more than that of Yunxiao City.

Suddenly, the entire Yunxiao City has become an island of incomparably weak and easy to be crushed.

Looking at this shocking picture, anyone, anyone will despair.

Anyone in the Bright Council will never have any illusions about this war.

In the face of this shocking power contrast, there is simply no possibility of any victory.

At present, the production of destroying bombs has risen to 50 per day, and nearly 200 have been accumulated.

Even if there are no Shura Lingbi, how many dark dragons can these 200 destroying missiles kill?

Two hundred?

However, now the dark dragons in the sky, thousands of miles in length, are more than a few thousand, perhaps four thousand, perhaps five thousand.

After being completely irritated, the devil died and he did everything.

She wants to use missiles and fight mosquitoes.

She will use a terrible axe to kill the bunny that has been weak.

This horrific annihilation army can easily destroy the entire human kingdom, ten times and twenty times.

Unless, Yang Dingtian succeeded in getting the power of the so-called Naga royal family, and the king returned.

Otherwise, the demise of the human kingdom is already doomed.

Even the high-ranking parliamentary high-level officials can bring victory to Yangdingtian, and they are full of infinite doubts.

Anyone who sees this earth-shattering corps and when they see the devastating forces that cover the entire world will lose confidence.

It’s not just Yunxiao City that is surrounded.

There is also the northwest Qincheng.

Dozens of earthworms, violently in the northwestern continent, tore up dozens of huge holes.

Then, countless countless extermination regiments emerged from the hole tens of thousands of dark dragons, hundreds of dark dragons, tens of thousands of war behemoths.

The tide is generally, going to the northwest Qincheng.

The northwest Qincheng is also surrounded by an island.

Queen of the Sea Heart, the order received is: Tucheng!

Tucheng Qincheng, slaughtered Xijing, and slaughtered the entire Xizhou.


At this time, Yangdingtian was writing the last code in the depths of the world of meditation.

This terrible job, this extremely difficult job, was finally completed.

Suddenly, he and the fox priest, hugged and cried.

Finally, it is finally finished! I hope that it will not be too late. (To be continued...)


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