Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1060: Back to the human kingdom, against the sword!

It’s really endless years.

Yangdingtian has completely forgotten the time.

His understanding of the realm of God was not enough to write a simulator.

Therefore, he can only use the most stupid and stupid way to write a human consciousness, control the body of the soul sword, and display the converter of the sword.

This approach is more straightforward and belongs to the thinking of the simulator.

However, the workload is much larger and many times larger.

The code of the entire sword is not over 100 million.

The code of this converter is more than 200 million.

Moreover, a paragraph is a paragraph of conversion. Every paragraph, I don't know how many times to go wrong.

So, this is really a maddening job.

Yang Dingtian's beard does not know how long, and the hair is almost white.

The fox priest did not know how many times he cried.

[None] [Wrong] After every cry, she will choose to sleep, then get up and continue to fight.

In this way, after endless endless years, I finally completed this terrible job.

Finally, this converter is written into a virtual spiritual scroll.

The next thing to do is to bring it to the real scroll.

In Naru's gaze, the fox priest moved again and went to the shelf to take a blank spiritual scroll.

Yangdingtian took over and was about to write a scroll.

"Or let me come." The fox priest said: "When writing a scroll, it takes a lot of mental power and mysteriousness."

Yang Dingtian did not deny it. This converter was written by two people. The fox priest is also very familiar.

The fox priest closed his eyes and unfolded this blank spiritual scroll.

Then, there will be countless code inside the brain. Mix in the powerful mystery and start engraving in the blank energy reel.


Suddenly, countless complex runes, energy routes, layer by layer engraved in this spiritual scroll.

In the world of meditation, the whole process is extremely slow. With a full 200 million code, even with the spirit and mysterious engraving, it will take more than half a year.

But in the real world, it is extremely fast.

Numerous codes, like flying, are engraved on the reels.

Layer by layer, layered.

In just a moment, it has been completely written.

At this time, the fox priest was almost completely collapsed.

The mental strength of the body. There is also the sacredness of the holy level, which is almost completely clean.

"Okay, take it for cultivation." Nalu said.

This is a scroll written by Yang Dingtian, but if you want to learn, you still have to cultivate this scroll, which looks a bit ridiculous.

This is like the Microsoft core engineers who compiled the operating system, although the system was compiled by them. But their computers want to use them, and they still have to be installed on the operating system.

Holding the reel. Close your eyes and enter your consciousness and mystery.


It's a breeze, countless energy in the scrolls, countless energy codes, complex runes, energy lines, and more.

Directly poured into the body of Yangdingtian. Into the brain, pouring into the mysterious veins.

In the sea, the mysterious veins, the brains have left a deep mark.

After a while, Yangdingtian has completely learned the converter reel.

As for the return of Wan Jian. Whether it is a human version or a version of the soul sword, Yang Dingtian has already learned it.

Next, if he wants to control the soul sword and display the sword, he only needs to combine the converter and the sword to the scroll.

However, you can't be interviewed here, the power is too great, and this valuable library will be destroyed.

"The demon fox priest, how long have we stayed inside?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The fox priest is lazy: "I don't know, maybe three hundred years, maybe longer."

She is really tired, some sleepy, but with a look of infinite satisfaction: "Although I don't know how many times I cried, how many times of pain. But this time is my happiest Time is also the biggest time I have gained. The research during this time is more than my previous sum."

Yang Dingtian deeply bowed down: "I have to leave, this time, I am very grateful to you."

The fox priest nodded and then lazily extended his hand: "Help me get up, I will end the meditation."

Then, Yangdingtian helped her up and walked toward her room.

Going back to the room of the fox priest, Yang Dingtian turned and went, because the fox priest wanted to spur the meditation device and let himself wake up.

Everyone's meditation is absolutely confidential, and no one can see it except for himself.

Therefore, Yangdingtian turned and went.

"You, turned around." The fox priest said: "We should be the closest relationship now, why bother?"

Yangdingtian turned his body.

The fox priest took out a bell from the box and tapped it gently.


There was an ethereal sound.


The picture of the whole world begins to distort and rotate.

Faster and faster.

In the end, it completely turned into a white light.


Everything in the world of meditation is over.

Yangding suddenly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, I returned to the real world.

However, it is no different from meditation.

Still in the room of the fox, she still holds the bell in her hand.

At the highest level of meditation, indeed many times, reality and meditation overlap.

At this time, the fox priest, still very incompetent, lying on the carpet lazily.

"Let's go, let's go... I have to sleep well." The fox priest waved his hand.

Yangdingtian once again deeply worshipped.

"Right, remember to come see me." Suddenly, the fox priest said: "If... I can't stay here, I might go to you."

Yang Dingtian stared at her face council, then nodded and said, "I will."

Then, Yang Dingtian was full of disappointment, but was extremely eager to leave the room of the fox priest.

When I return to the lobby. He saw Naru.

"Ms. Naru, I... How long have I been in the world of meditation?" Yang Dingtian asked quickly.

"Twenty-eight days." Nalu said.

Yangding Tian suddenly became stunned.

Twenty-eight days? It turned out to be twenty-eight days!

It has been so long, which means that the war has been opened, and it has been open for a long time.

Before, Yang Dingtian planned for a maximum of no more than ten days because he felt that it was more than ten days. The human kingdom is at stake.

With the power of the present human kingdom, it is simply impossible to fight against the extermination army.

Is it true that God is so cruel? Is it really going to die of the human kingdom?

Yangdingtian was completely anxious, and lightning generally rushed out.

Naru also immediately chased him up and said: "Yangdingtian, I will follow you."

Yang Dingtian flew on the side and said: "My space door can't pass the energy body stronger than me."

Nalu said: "Do you have a space ring? I can stay there and be taken to the human kingdom."

Yangding Tianyi.

This. This is indeed ok.

Before, Naga Frost was in the space ring for a long time and was brought with him by Yang Dingtian.

However, there is no oxygen in the space ring, no breath, it is a dead space. Naga frost can be accepted, can Naru get it?

"Reassured, I have a turtle. I can survive in an isolated space." Nalu said: "Not to mention, just an instant."

Yangding Tiandeng nodded.

then. Nalu said: "Yangdingtian, you go first, I change my clothes. I can't tell people that I am a member of the Xiaoxitian Parliament. This will make Yongshe ask the sky to be alert. After the war of destruction, What you may have to face is the small western world, I have to keep it secret."

After all, Naru quickly took off his clothes and rushed into the association.

Her tempting back hip figure is a glimpse.

Just a moment later. Naru has already flown out of the Great Priest Association, but her body is still bare, flying toward the north while wearing a shirt.

She knows that Yangdingtian is in a hurry and must seize every second of his time.

She wore a tight mermaid dress.

The golden tight-fitting one-piece suit, the lower body is not a skirt, but a pair of pants.

The texture of the connected body is the scale of the mermaid.

Then, with a golden mask on his face.

The curve of the whole Jiaozuo, the bumps are finished, and the devil is provoked.

Her dress is deliberate, because Yang Dingtian is only a mermaid empire, there is a master. This dressing will not make people doubt.

Soon, the two people flew off the mountain and came to the edge of the torn space.

Yangdingtian is about to use space technology. As a result, Nalu said: "Yangdingtian, do you want to try it, Naga's swordsmanship? In case, if you can't, you can return to the Grand Priest Association to continue research."

Yangdingtian thought for a while, then nodded.


Near the Emperor's soul sword, violently flew out.

Yangding Tian Shijian swords and souls returned to the ancestral, as well as conversion secrets.


Countless swordsmanship, violently shot from the soul sword.

Every sword is golden.

Moreover, every sword and mans is a few kilometers long, and it is the countless times that Yangdingtian has seen the sword soul.

This, this is already Yang Dingtian will lower the sword spirit to the minimum energy, still so horrible.

It can be seen that the swordsmanship of the Naga royal family will be amazing.


The star spirit of the Naga royal family instantly cuts the space around the hundred miles.

Then an incredible scene appeared.

The space around the hundred miles was so distorted that it was cut into countless fast.

This, the sword spirit of the Naga kings, even the space can be cut.

This, this really is a completely different energy attribute.

Too bad!

Gradually, the space of the twisted surface begins to slowly heal and recover.

Yangding Tianfei quickly placed the soul sword in the space ring.

It’s amazing to just try it. So, what is the effect of using it to kill the corps?

Yangdingtian is extremely hopeful! (To be continued...)

One hundred and six zero: back to the human kingdom, against the sword! :


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