Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1070: The emperor returned and returned!

When the demon died and Jiu Ling Ling left the Nether Empire, they witnessed this scene.

The ghostly land that would have been dark all day long is as bright as white.

Shura Lingbi saw it with his own eyes, and countless dead souls around him instantly vanished and turned into an energy essence, flew toward the center of the Nether Empire.

Over the center of the Nether Empire, it has condensed into a huge beam of light, continually slamming down.

The whole picture is really gorgeous, with countless energy essences, as if it were the most dense meteor shower in history.

Shura Lingling, suddenly envious.

If, this energy is for her. But it didn't help her, she didn't have a ghost in her body, and she couldn't use it.

Although her Shura body is very powerful, it is only common among the Shura. Because this Shura has cultivated countless years, and her position in the entire Shura is very high, is a strong spiritual Shura priest.

But it is also because of the spiritual system that the repairs on the martial arts can't reach the peak of Shura.

Of course, because the coffin is the talent of the celestial spirit, the most needed is the spiritual energy.

At this time, countless energy essences are still injected into the body of the emperor.

Fortunately, the emperor has already had a first-class evil spirit in the body at this time, otherwise even her nine-nine sacred veins can withstand the influx of such powerful energy.



There was a loud bang.

The entire Nether Ghost Town seems to have experienced a violent earthquake. The entire Tongtian Tower is shaking violently.

The original dark red sky was torn apart by pieces, exploding with a strange light.

Just a thousand miles away. After the demon death Ji and Shura Ling, you can feel the shaking and shaking.

This is a real avalanche.


Another holy power is born!

The eyes of Shura Ling’s eyes are full of absolute envy.

"After the devil, you said that the ghost emperor is so embarrassed about his undead energy, how can he be willing to give the emperor so much..." The coffin is somewhat mean.

"Shut up." After the devil, Ji died coldly.

Here is the ghostly land, and any words may be drilled into the ears of the Nethered Emperor.

However, the queen is very happy with this reaction from the coffin.

The emperor's interpretation became a holy power. The first reaction of the coffin is to envy jealousy.

It can be seen that the coffin is still a vanity and greedy woman.

Two people fly fast. The trail left the ghostly land.

After leaving the energy hood of the Nether Empire, he left the countless eyes and ears of the Ghost Emperor.

After the devil died Ji Dao: "The energy of the ghost emperor is definitely not confession to the emperor, and will be recovered in another way in the future."

"What way?" asked Shura Lingling.

After the devil died Jidao: "You don't need to know this."


The coffin at this time. It is really in a hurry.

However, she can easily play in front of the devil.

She found that the heart and the plan of the demon dying, not to mention the comparison with the devil, even if compared with the prince, even worse.

Of course, it cannot be said that she has no wisdom.

After all, before the death of the devil, it was the emptiness of the lord of the sect, and it was absolutely bright and upright. A person of temperament.

Although it has become dark and evil by the Yuanshi evil spirits, it has not been learned.

and so. The whole person's disposition is still relatively straight and relatively embarrassing.

Just now the emperor broke through the holy level, and Shura Lingbi showed his envy and hatred for the first time.

However, her heart has long been unaware of the tens of thousands of circles.

The emperor’s side has been controlled by the demon road, and he became the spokesperson of the evil demon. First-class evil spirit owner, and princess peony. The younger master is still on the same level.

This news, of course, he is of course very surprised. However, there is no first time to tell Yang Dingtian's impulse.

However, in the Nether Empire, the ghost emperor asked the day to break the emperor's edge into the holy level, and then sent him to privately meet Yang Dingtian, and seized Yangdingtian in one fell swoop.

Yang Dingtian’s interpretation of the emperor is definitely undefended.

Moreover, the emperor's interpretation of the side is much more than the Yangdingtian, and it is completely easy to capture him.

Once Yangdingtian once again fell into the hands of the Demon Road, the consequences could not be imagined.

Because Yangdingtian has the spirit of the Naga royal family, as long as he wakes up, no one can be enemies.

Therefore, the demon road is impossible to give him any chance to be awake.

Even they can avoid big space surgery. Directly let the devil ask Tian to win the body of Yang Tiantian, and then meet with Naga Frost, directly sharing the demigod of Naga Frost.

Therefore, when Yangding Tianyi falls into the hands of the evil demon, the soul and consciousness will be destroyed in the first time, and the Naga royal swordsman will lose any effect.

As for the large space technique, it takes countless years and looks for the soul memory fragments of Yangdingtian.

Even if it is not found, then maybe it doesn't matter.

Before the big space surgery was inevitable, it was because of the new Naga Empire.

Now, there is already a living Naga, who can directly enjoy her demigod.

Therefore, large space surgery may have to be placed in the second place.


The brain of Shura Ling’s eyes turned a thousand and 10,000 thoughts.

How should I pass this news to Yangdingtian?

Just tell, it's impossible. That must die.

After the devil, Ji Ji is on his side, staring at his every move, Shura Lingling is unable to do anything.

Once she dares to do something, she will die.

After the devil, the death of Ji, is absolutely ruthless.

Moreover, if the emperor's plan results, the temporary use of her Shura Lingbi is not great.

Although Lingbi likes Yangdingtian very much, but let her pay for her life, she, she still can't do it.

What should I do? What should I do?

The heart of Shura’s spirit must be eager to melt.

suddenly. After the devil, Ji looked at Shura Ling’s martyrdom: "Ling, don’t you want to tell the emperor about the things that the emperor releases?"

Shura Lingbi shook his head and said: "Of course not. After Yangdingtian fell into our hands, it was won by the demon king. Then, continue to be our husband, is not the best ending, most in line with our interests."

The coffin is right, she did think so.

Yangdingtian became the new devil, and then she stayed with her. Master the world. This is the best ending.

However, since I was almost left behind by the demon king last time. The feeling of disgust and horror has been lingering in my heart.

What she wants is that Yangdingtian becomes a new demon, instead of Yangdingtian being completely defeated by the demon king.

In that way, it is only a body of Yangdingtian. It is internal. Still the disgusting demon, the demon who will kill himself at any time. Her spirit is still insecure.

"I know that you are very smart, but I am afraid that if you do stupid things, we will suffer losses, I have to do this."

Shura Lingyi said: "You, what are you going to do?"

After the demon died, he took a light shot in the back of the Shura Lingbi.

Suddenly, Shura Ling’s instincts fainted.

This is the next. She really doesn't have to worry about it, don't hesitate.

Don't even think about how to put this deadly intelligence. Passed to Yangdingtian.


After the demon, Ji Ji returned to the dark empire with Shura Lingling.

Then, the first time she did it was to close the entire dark empire.

Because the emperor’s interpretation is the mysterious person of the evil spirits, and thousands of evil spirits have seen it.

in spite of. The entire dark empire was shrouded in dark matter without her wand. No one can go out.

Moreover, any evil spirits are absolutely loyal.

However, the death of the devil, or stopped the patrol of all dark empire. Most of the people will be closed in the Heavenly Emperor, and many dark castles.

Recently, the Dark Empire went east to the grasslands, arrested the remaining half-humans into the dark empire, threw them into the refining and squad and merged them to create a new dark army.

In a short time, millions of people have been arrested.

A large crack was split directly in the east grassland, and then the dark dragon flew out, seized any half-humans on the ground, and then grabbed back into the dark empire.

Now, for the emperor's release, the secrecy of the Yang Dingtian plan was seized, and the devil's death sentenced him to completely shut down the dark empire. Even the important work of catching the half-human race was completely stopped.

This multi-million-dollar tribe is enough for a refinery of a dark castle, working in less than three days.

The annihilation of the corps will not exceed 10,000.


In the Snake Empire, Yang Dingtian three people, nothing.

Innocent return to taboo mainland waters and mother Naru.

The mermaid Queen Violet, returning to the old mermaid empire, evacuated the remaining mermaid empire non-combat subjects.

Of course, these evacuations require the use of a large number of ancient behemoths.

After the entire mermaid empire has been withdrawn, they will travel to the waters tens of thousands of miles southwest to establish a new mermaid empire.

The new mermaid empire, about the southernmost tip of the southwestern continent, is about 30,000 miles away. Moreover, there is a distance from the Devil's Sea.

Yang Dingtian returned to Yunxiao City. He also had a very important job, which was to study the new electric weapon with 100 warlocks.

When he landed the Yunxiao Castle.

Snaketail Jiao immediately rushed forward!

"The sovereign, there are three things."

Yangding Tiandao: "You said."

"The first one, the warlocks are already in the underground castle, waiting for your meeting."

Yangding Tiandao: " I will go soon."

Snaketail Jiaodao: "The second piece, the konjac warrior who is patrolling, found a few days ago, the river was discolored, and it became very blood red again. We went to extract the water sample and found other discoveries."

Snaketail sent a report.

Yangding nodded, and took a look, could not help but gaze, the heart trembled.

Snaketail Jiaodao: "The third thing, the emperor returned."

The Yangdingtian artifact trembled fiercely and said: "The emperor released the side, came back? Where did it come from?"

"From the far west sea, it is now in the northwest Qincheng, and Qin weaving together." Snake tail Jiaodao: "Probably, she will soon report back to Yunxiaocheng, she will watch the performance of Qin Zhi tonight. ”

Yangding Tiandao: "I still go see her, wait until the warlocks finish the meeting, I immediately go to the northwest Qincheng."

"Yes." (To be continued)

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