Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1071: Yangding Tiandi will release the emperor!

For the manufacture of electric weapons, Yangdingtian has had many ideas.

Among them, the biggest and greatest power is naturally the impact of the chaotic property Xuanhuo.

In the chaotic world, there are countless demon nucleus and spar, which are divided into positive energy and negative energy.

As long as, the energy properties of these demon nucleus and spar are transformed into chaotic attributes.

Then, hit the impact!

In this way, you can generate extremely large currents.

The lightning of nature is formed in this way.

There is another principle, that is, the konjac from the mermaid empire, each konjac body can release very powerful electric energy.

But unfortunately, the foremost one, although the most powerful, is too difficult.

Turning those spar, or demon nucleus into chaotic properties, even the direction of research is hard to find.

As for the power attack of the konjac, it is inherently of great speciality. Not only the konjac, but also a large number of electric monsters headed by the night beast.

This aspect of research can of course be carried out.

But for the same reason, research in this area is too long and takes a long time to produce results.

And for the undead army that Hell may come.

What the Bright Parliament needs is a large, simple, directly available electrical energy. ,

Therefore, the idea given by Yang Dingtian is the simplest and most common.

Even in the earth world, any junior high school student or high school student can do it.

That is. The simplest generator.


Yangdingtian walked into the underground secret room, and hundreds of warlocks were waiting there, waiting for the meeting of Yangdingtian.

This group of warlocks. It is a great contribution to the Bright Parliament and the human kingdom.

The most recent destruction class missile, the sixth generation x spar formula.

There is also the seventh generation of x-stone formulations that completely abandoned the explosives, all from the hands of this group of people.

Every time Yangding Day, just provide a direction, and open an inspiration.

Next, this group of warlocks will study very deeply. thorough.

"See the Lord."

Hundreds of unremarkable warlocks got up and saluted, and almost every one was messy. The eye sockets are deep and thin and pale.

Almost every warlock doesn't like bathing very much, so the taste of the secret room. Not bad.

Yangding Tiandao: "This time, I am anxious to come, it is to study the electric system attack weapons. And in a short time, mass production."

As soon as this issue came out, all the warlocks were excited.

Because of the electric energy, it is regarded as one of the most mysterious five-line energy in the chaotic world.

Therefore, possessing the talent of the electric system has become one of the representative characteristics of the ancestors.

Now, Yangdingtian actually said that it can produce electric energy in batches. It is really amazing.

Next, Yang Dingtian will elaborate on the previous two research directions.

The first direction. It is to chase the spar, the demon nucleus, and then impact to generate huge electric energy.

When this direction comes out, all the warlocks are even more excited, and they can't wait to invest immediately.

"Lord, I know about chaotic attributes. You have the highest say." A warlock leader: "You can chaos the mysterious fire, then please write a detailed paper on the chaos of chaos. As the direction of our research. I think that we will produce results in about ten years."

Yang Dingtian took out a thick stack of parchment papers: "On the change of Xuanhuo into a chaotic property, even the chaos of Xuanqi, I have already analyzed it from the code of the realm of God. Then, it was written very Detailed article."

After the warlock's leader took over, he immediately turned on the research as soon as he regarded the treasure.

Yangding Tiandao: "Don't worry, please listen to me for the second research direction."

Then, Yang Dingtian said the second, about the konjac, or the nightmare monster's electric system attack.

The warlock leader: "Please give us a few specimens, we will divide a rent, study the konjac and the night beast. If successful, we may create a system that can exercise on its own and continuously attack. Attack the weapon."

Yangdingtian nodded: "Of course, I have prepared the relevant specimens and will immediately send them to your secret laboratory. However, regarding electrical weapons, I need to manufacture them in a few months. Manufacturing, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands."

The warlock leader was shocked: "The sovereign, this, this is impossible. This is completely impossible. This is not the same as your practice of martial arts scrolls. This is going through countless experiments and cannot be done in the meditation world. ”

Yangding Tiandao: "I know, so I have provided a third program. You only need to expand and enhance it, you can."

Then, Yangdingtian took out one thing.

This is the easiest generator.

On a spar cylinder, a dense wire is wrapped around it.

Inside the cylinder, there is a rotor and a long metal rod.

A magnet is fixed on the metal shaft.

The chaotic world, of course, has natural magnets.

"You see it clearly." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Yangdingtian turns the metal shaft, and the rotation speed is getting faster and faster, and getting faster and faster.

"Oh la la..."

Suddenly, a string of blue electric sparks was violently released from the discharge.

Suddenly, the field warlocks were all shocked. Looking at the eyes of Yangdingtian, it is completely shocking to heaven.

This this……

The hands of the five-line energy, the most mysterious, the electric energy from the sky, turned out to be... it was so easy to make it.

Moreover, this structure is also too flat, too simple.

A warlock immediately goes forward, turns the metal shaft himself, and puts his hand on the discharge port.

Then turn quickly.

"Oh la la..."

The current slams like his body.

Suddenly. His weak body trembled violently.

Then, he was very excited: "It is the energy of the electric system. It is definitely the energy of the electric system."

Then all the warlocks came together to study this simple generator.

Almost in a moment, this group of warlocks thoroughly studied the device.

This is the metal shaft, which is the magnet, which is the special energy field formed by the coil.

Then. The warlocks immediately clarified the principle of power generation.

It is the kinetic energy of rapid rotation, and the electromagnetic energy of electromagnetic. Combined, it transforms into electric energy.

Then, countless warlocks came up with countless plans in the first place.

How to get the magnet with the largest and largest magnetism.

How to use other mechanical devices. Instead of manual rotation.

As far as the kinetic energy of light rotation is concerned, there are more than a dozen.

With the spar formula, the use of kerosene, etc., each solution is extremely mature.

Then, each problem was submitted.

This huge electric energy attack device can build up how much energy it can release.

What materials are used? Also, how to make electricity. Release the attack and so on.

At this time, Yangdingtian almost has no say.

He just left a thin piece of paper that would take the entire generator principle. There are also various metal conductivity, resistance, voltage, current and the like.

Then he left.

Because of the next thing, it is no longer needed.

Just open a door. In just a few minutes, this group of warlocks can be studied very deeply. At least much deeper than Yangdingtian.


Yangdingtian rides the konjac king's claws and travels to the northwest Qincheng with the fastest speed.

Just less than an hour, Yangdingtian has already landed in the northwest Qincheng.

"Is the emperor released?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"In the flowing water estate, with Miss Gongsun." Duan said.

Of course, the Gongsun Sanniang is Qin Zhi, and this point is known. Even for the identity of Qin Zhi, Duan Yi is also clear.

However, she is still called Gongsun Sanniang.

Yangdingtian flew directly to the Liushui Manor.

Liushui Manor, outside the northwest Qincheng, is a small manor, which was the summer home of Master Yang.

There, there was a small lake, and it was also filled with the fruits that Yang Shishi liked.

Yangding Tian flew to the Liushui Manor.

At this time, Qin Zhi was playing the piano, and the emperor was sitting on the side, listening quietly, and did not express any opinions.

Yangdingtian gently entered the attic, and the emperor turned his face and looked at Yangdingtian.

However, Qin Zhi did not even raise his head.

The emperor's interpretation is still the same as before, and it is absolutely beautiful and calm.

However, the figure seems to be a bit richer, and the chest is not completely without curves.

Of course, there is still no way to compare with Qin Zhi’s shocking chest curve.

Yang Dingtian did not speak, quietly listening to Qin Zhi to play a piece of music.

Although, Yang Dingtian does not understand music, but it is not good to hear, but still know.

The level of Qin Zhi’s playing is really pure, and it can be easily carried out, directly into the world of her music.

Her piano sound can easily evoke the consciousness and soul of the human being.

In short, although her level of Yang Dingtian is unclear, it is definitely the standard of a big artist.

But this is normal, she is completely abnormally invested.

Many singers on the earth have a sentimental sentence. I use life to sing.

But it is normal to put it on Qin Weaving. She is indeed playing with life and soul.

The performance is complete.

Qin Zhi slowly closed the US, she needs a little time to get out of her playing world.

"Yangdingtian, did you find out? The chest of the emperor's side became bigger, and the **** became more upset." Qin Zhidao.

Yangdingtian is speechless.

Just now, the artist who is still playing with the soul has now become a female hooligan.

Suddenly, the emperor’s beautiful face was slightly red.

Then, Qin Zhi was quite a crisp chest, and his full-bodied round hips were tilted back, and the whole body became particularly bumpy and undulating, and the devil was seductive.

"However, there is still no way to compare with me." Qin Zhidao: "Gongsun Sanniang is really good. Every time I take off the light and stand in front of the mirror, I have to indulge at least half an hour. Plus I practice every day. So, now the woman who is more than me is not much, I am destined to reverse the sentient beings."

Yangding Tiandao: "You have reversed all beings."

"Is it?" Qin Zhidao said: "But my virginity is still there, find a chance, I will auction it off."

Yang Dingtian was speechless and did not respond to her.

"Well, here is my place. You want to Qingqing me and me. I have to find a place to go. I have to practice the music." Qin Zhidao, then continue to use her slender jade hand to play the strings.

Her fluctuating strings have a fixed rhythm, but they are not any songs.

As if, it is using a fixed rhythm, the strings are tight.

"Then, let's go out." Yang Ding Tian Chao emperor said.

"Good." The emperor interprets the side.

Then, she got up, and the jade feet flicked, and the whole body was pleased to float and flew straight out.

And Yangdingtian, easily chased up two figures, like no weight, directly to the outside of the manor, flying out dozens of miles.

Qin Weaving, stopped the sound of the piano, and fell to the ground directly. The beauty looked at the back of Yang Dingtian and the emperor's side, full of fear.


Yang Ding Tian and Emperor Xibian, landed on a small sand field on the west side of Qincheng.

This is a deserted land, but there is no level to the desert, about a few hundred miles away from Qincheng.

"The emperor released, don't come innocent." Yang Dingtian smiled.

"Well, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss it very much."

Then, the sleeves are lightly glimpsed.

A sacred energy, violently rushing to the top of the head, blasted out.

Sudden attack, can't catch it! (To be continued)

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