Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1076: The invincible rebellion!

After killing the cold arrogance, Peony gave the second-class evil spirit to a third-class evil spirit, and that person became the luckiest person.

However, his surprises only existed for less than half a day.

This second-class evil spirit was given to the innocent.

When there is a second-class evil spirit, the innocent has entered a very very wonderful feeling.

His desire for evil spirits is more than anyone.

Because, he has a ghostly fire, is immortal. However, it can be killed.

Therefore, he became especially greedy and afraid of death. For evil spirits, it becomes extremely eager.

It is also for this reason that the devil's people are not willing to give him evil spirits.

As a result, because of the persecution of reality, the devil died, he had to give him evil spirits.

Although, it is only a second-class evil spirit.

Of course, the second-class evil spirit did not let him break through the holy level, but it also greatly improved his cultivation.

At that moment, the innocent even had a feeling of rebirth.

This means that you have truly become an immortal person.

After pursuing something for two hundred years, I finally got it.

He finally let go of his courage and abandon his previous shackles and incompetence.

So, at the moment he got the evil spirit, is he excited?


Oh, but. But there is no very, very strong sense of well-being, but there is an emptiness.

When the things that have been chased for too long are in hand, there will be a burst of emptiness, as if they have lost their goal.

So, is he grateful to the death of the devil?

No, no, no!

Even, he is full of ridicule, and resentment!

Demon road. Once, once and again, he will step on his feet and let him lose all his dignity.

This time, if not forced. It is impossible for the demon road to give him a second-class evil spirit.

Therefore, he is not grateful, only full of sarcasm.


The destination of the innocent is Nanbanzhou!

After the devil, he gave him the task of killing Yang Diantian’s immediate family, his children, or his wife.

The sons and daughters of Yangdingtian, their wives have already been hidden.

in three days. Estimates are also hard to find.

Moreover, perhaps the sons and daughters of the Yangding family are guarded by the holy power.

Therefore, the innocent is not willing to take the risk.

However, I heard that Yang Dingtian’s wife, Huang Yu, and her daughter Yang Wu did not live in the Yunxiao City Valley. Most of the time they were in Nanbanzhou, together with the surviving half-human.

There is also the little princess of the fox family. Also basically in Nanbanzhou.

Among the three, only one is in Nanmanzhou. It will be fine!

Soon, the innocent flies over the sky above Nanmanzhou.

At first glance, there is a booming construction scene everywhere!

The war of extinction has not been completed for a few days.

Numerous people in Nanmanzhou can't wait to start reconstruction.

Of course, it is not a reconstruction. Although Nanmanzhou was also attacked by the Dark Dragon, after all, countless cities and castles were not built, so it should be considered as continued construction.

The people here, whether they are half-human or human. The face is full of spiritual smiles.

Here, there are vivid scenes everywhere.

When Nan Manzhou is under the rule of the Lingbi Palace, it should be hell.

Countless savages, all captured, as black food.

Throughout the Nan Manzhou, there are horrific killings everywhere.

At this time, you can still see the figure of the wild man.

However, they have been treated with hair and put on their clothes. If their facial features are not the same as normal humans, the innocents will not recognize them at once.

This group of savage, at this time, is also smashing the wood and smashing the stone.

Although most of the savages do not speak the language of the human kingdom, but through the face of laughter, there is more than a hand, can also carry out the most basic communication.

Because the savage has low requirements for survival, this is now the most satisfying race.

Because, all the savages, no longer have no food to eat. No longer have to worry about being hunted by people in the Lingbi Palace.

All the savages are safe, and they all eat the food that they never dreamed of before.

As for the wood, the stone, for them, is the most relaxed life.

In fact, the barbarians have other powers, such as entering the school, such as entering the Bright Parliamentary Corps and even entering the Apocalypse Academy.

However, these powers are still extremely ethereal for the barbarians. They only care about one thing at present. Are there any good things to eat and whether they can eat enough?

Wu Lingzi found a remote place, avoiding the flying ride of Nanbanzhou, landing on the ground.

Then, he was full of alert and disdain, walking on the road.

The alert is due to the natural vigilance of the Bright Council.

Disdain, because his own cultivation is strong, and with the energy of evil spirits, almost no fear of anyone.

As a result, along the way, whether it is a half-human, a human, or a barbarians.

Almost everyone saw his first reaction, first showing a smile, then bowing to the side, retreating to the side of the road, waiting for his past.

Actually, everyone gave way to him.

Even the soldiers including the Bright Parliament!

Nothing to look at, this is why?

Why do everyone have to give themselves a gift and give way to themselves.

Is it the appearance of the self-contained, like a big figure in the Bright Parliament?

But soon, he knew he was wrong.

Because he saw the second old man who had to be white, he was on the road, everyone was saluting, and everyone gave way.

Suddenly, there was a slight tremor in the heartless heart, and a very inexplicable emotion surged.

Of course, all the old people can enjoy this treatment.

You must know that it is a half-human, a human race, or even a human kingdom.

Ordinary civilians, as long as they are older, become completely cumbersome. If children are not filial, it is almost difficult to survive.

Even if the children are more filial, it is difficult for ordinary civilians to support a senior who does not produce.

and so. Basically, the elderly have to work hard and even work harder because their productivity is already very low.

So, in the previous world, it was a big age. It means being abandoned.

Now, these seniors can be treated like this.

Then, Wu Lingzi entered a market town.

I saw a lot of old people who want to be white, some are taking children, some are cooking gardens, and there are more, they are gathering together, or playing chess. Even playing cards.

The simple park in this small town has not yet been built. There are only a few stone tables, but now it is full of people, all of them are old.

On each table, you are playing chess, playing cards, and surrounded by a crowd of people.

The innocents got together. I found that some are playing chess, and some are playing chess. There are also playing mahjong and playing cards.

He knows that these games were invented by Yang Dingtian. He thought that these were just the games at the highest level of the Bright Parliament. I didn't think that the people at the bottom of Nanbanzhou would be there.

Is he not afraid of people playing with things?

He is also good at Go. It’s just that the level is too bad, and ten sets will be defeated in ten sets.

This time, I just saw a few tables in the next Go, and the old man who played Go. Dressing is more decent, obviously a bit identity.

Although the Wu Lingzi has something to do, he still can’t help but see the hunter’s heart and join in to watch people play chess.

It doesn't matter if you look at it. In less than a quarter of an hour, his heart is very itch.

The chess game of this group of people is really bad.

It’s less than a quarter of an hour, I don’t know how many times I’ve made it wrong. If you go up, make sure to kill the Quartet.

Wu Lingzi found that it was not his own chess skills that were too bad, but he was so lonely. This chess piece, playing chess with the solitary singer every day, also rose chess.

Finally, after watching for a quarter of an hour, Wu Lingzi couldn’t resist the low-level mistake of one of the old men. He went straight to the front: "How can you play this game? You should be here!"

The old man was falling in the wind, and he heard that there was no such thing as saying that he was unhappy. He immediately got up and said: "You are amazing, you come down. When you look at it, you feel that you are very powerful. When you come to the end, you will wink." ""

"I am coming to me." Wu Ling went up and sat down, replacing the position of the old man, and began to play against people.

As a result, of course, there is no victory.

After all, the promotion of Go is still very short, and most people's chess is still relatively low.

Although the Wuzizi is also a stinking chessboard, it has been more than a month since it was a master like Du Guzhen.

So, one set down, a big win over the other side.

After his victory, all the old men looked at him differently. Full of dissatisfaction and admiration.

"Come on, I don't believe, I can't win you." The old man of the opponent is not reconciled.

As a result, the two went down again, and the result was that the Wuzi had a more brilliant victory.

Next, the old men who were present were not convinced, and those who thought they were masters had come forward to challenge the innocent.

As a result, everyone has lost.

No spirit, killing the Quartet, the prestige is incomparable, killing all the old man, the face is like earth.

Looking at everyone's eyes full of awe and admiration, the feeling of the heartless heart is really cool, as if eating the same as Xiandan.

Even, one feels that this feeling is better than getting a second-class evil spirit.

After it was dark, the innocent person remembered that he was going to kill and to do things.

So he hurriedly bid farewell.

However, this group of old men refused, and finally encountered an invincible chess sac, must ask him to eat.

As a result, the innocents followed a bunch of old men and went to a restaurant to eat.

Eat and eat, many old men because of admiring him, constantly toasting, and praise for his chess, almost touted him to heaven.

The innocent drink is drunk, and all the things inside the brain are thrown away, followed by drinking and bragging together.

As a result, when I got up the next day, it was already noon.

Moreover, he still slept in a stranger's home, as if he was the president of the chess association of this town.

The president of the chess association, the daughters are all out. The son is an official outside, and the daughter is married to a middle-level officer of the Bright Parliament. Therefore, this old man is very prestigious in the local area, except that his children are outside, and he and his wife are at home.

The wife is going to bring his grandson. So when he was bored, he fell in love with Go and formed the Go Association.

The innocent child bid farewell to him, and the result is that the other party is hard to let go. The hospitality of the hospitality makes the innocent person completely unable to refuse.

If there is before, whoever violates the innocence. I have been shooting it for a long time, and I have broken the bones directly.

However, the old man worships you so much, so warm and hospitable, is a confidant. How do you let the innocent get your hand?

As a result, the innocent and sloppy, was pulled to another town, representing the Go Association, and the other town's players. Killed and lost his helmet.

Then at night, I asked for dinner and drinking again.

Then, the association negotiated and let Wu Lingzi represent Lingmu Town to participate in the Go Game of Nanfeng County.

The drunken innocent, touted by countless people, suddenly got a hot head. I patted my chest and agreed.

Then, drunk again. I fell asleep and fell asleep.

When I woke up again, it was three days in the sky.

This is already the third day!

The three-day agreement between the distance and the queen will pass.

Therefore, the innocent had to make a farewell, and the other party certainly refused.

result. Wu Lingzi said that he was going to do one thing. After he finished, he would represent Lingmu Town to participate in the Go Competition.

This time, the other party let him leave. Moreover, he is afraid that he does not know the way. He also sent his grandson to take him to Sacred Valley City and hired a big carriage for him.

In fact, the innocent is ready to fly over.

As a result, in the face of the enthusiasm of this old man, there is still a young boy with a tiger head, and the innocent person can't refuse the good intentions of the other party. He boarded the big carriage and went to the holy valley city hundreds of miles away!


Inside the carriage, the innocent and the old grandson of the old man, big eyes and small eyes.

This is an eleven-year-old boy, very smart and handsome, but also more introverted and shy.

At such a young age, the old man was so relieved that he would go to Sacred Valley alone and go with the innocent.

What kind of trust is this? I am a big devil.

Suddenly, the innocent feels his heart, there is a feeling of crispy.

"Grandpa Wu, what are you doing in Sacred Valley?" The boy couldn't help but ask.

Without a glimpse, I really don't know how to answer it.

"I, I am going to meet someone."

"Oh, let me wait for you to ask for directions." Although the boy is shy, he is also very enthusiastic and willing to help others.


After an hour, I went to the Valley of the Valley.

This is a gathering place for half-humans, but many come and go, many are humans, but also wild people.

"Grandpa Wu, who are you looking for, I will help you ask for directions." The boy leaned his head and eagerly said.

Looking at the child's pure eyes, I knew that I shouldn't say it, but I couldn't help but say, "I, I am looking for Mrs. Huang."

"I know, I have seen her, I have seen the little princess Yang dance, she looks cute." Juvenile said: "I will take you there."

After a quarter of an hour, the boy really took the innocent to a castle that had not yet been built.

Then, I saw a little girl with a powder makeup jade, playing on the road with a group of children.

She is the daughter of Yangdingtian and Huangyu, Yang Dance!

Also, it is the goal of the innocent to kill this time.

The grandson of the president of Go went straight to her and said: "Dance Princess, Grandpa Wu finds you."

Then, this is beautiful and proud, like the little girl of the heavenly elf, the pretty child came to the innocent child and said: "Grandpa, what are you looking for for my mother?"

Her eyes are as pure as gems.

Her voice, as if the spring is generally delicate and crisp.

Her little face, like a white snow carved out, exquisite.

Hearing this voice, looking at her pink and delicate face, looking at her curious and pure eyes.

The innocent feels that one's own heart has a feeling of melting.

The task of the queen is to let him kill this little girl, in exchange for breaking the holy power.

However, it is necessary to start with such an elf-like little angel.

This thought has not yet got up, and the innocent body slammed into a slam, and shook his head desperately.

Even, there is a feeling of nausea and vomiting.

He hasn't done it It just feels like anger and vomiting.

His most precious daughter, Lingbi, was so cute at that time?

It seems that it is not so cute.

He couldn’t remember the way the coffin was a child, and even he seemed to have missed the childhood of the coffin.

He only cherished this daughter until he discovered the talent of the spiritual master.

The experience of these days, the innocent discovery, as if ... the definition of happiness has another.

His own life seems to be incomplete.

"No spirit, can't you not get your hands, it's better for me to do it for you." Suddenly, the voice from the east came cold.

Then, a shadow, an instant. (To be continued...)

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