Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1077: East from the tragedy! There will be no spirit!

The action of the east is very fast and very decisive.

Direct lightning usually rushed, and then slammed into the head of the Yang Dance.

Yang Dance Baby, just a little girl who is less than five years old, if it is hit, I am afraid of an instant...

The east is far from the hateful yang, but without the command of the demon and the queen, it is impossible for the family of Yangdingtian to start.

At this point, I caught the opportunity, of course, to kill the blood of Yangdingtian, and to solve the problem.

It is because his movements are too fast, so no one can think too late.

Completely instinct, directly in the palm of your hand.


The east body flew directly a few kilometers away.

The process of flying into the air, his blood was mad, and the whole body was instantly broken.

When I left the present, it was only an infinite master. I couldn’t stop the half-sacred peak.

The whole body was shattered in an instant.

However, after the complete smog, new bones and flesh and blood re-grow.

After landing completely, a sleek, intact east is standing on the ground.

Then, he looked at the innocent child coldly: "You, the father and the daughter, really have a bad heart, and the heart is going to the top of the sky, and finally I am caught the evidence."

At this time, a few high-ranking parliament masters were rushed out of the crowd, directly holding the Yang Dance, and disappeared without a trace.

They are the masters of the bright parliament who secretly protect the Yang Dance. The incident happened too quickly, and the relatives of Yangdingtian never had any accidents, so they suddenly did not respond.

did not think of. It has gone through such a shock.

East continues to look at the innocent child: "Without the spirit, you should know what the consequences of betrayal of the temple, you will be deprived of evil spirits, and then be smashed. And your daughter will also know Being abused to death. So, if you want to save it, you will now rush to kill Yang Dingtian’s daughter. It’s still too late.”

No spirits suddenly confused.

After nearly two hundred years of greed and fear of death, his decisive decisiveness has long since disappeared without a trace.

and so. Although it is very powerful, he has always been forced to take the next step. His character has been difficult to decide what to do, or even can be said to be indecisive.

This time, his goal is Yang Dance and Huang Yu. Or it can be a fox fragrance.

But after he arrived in Nanbanzhou, he may not necessarily kill.

He wants to give the Queen a big ugly death, but he doesn't know what to decide.

Therefore, he basically looks at it while walking.

Even in his heart, if he really can't make a decision, he will take Yang Diantian's daughter directly to the Dark Empire.

Or it is to catch the phoenix, the fragrant princess to the dark empire.

As for how to give the demon a good look. Then you need to find another opportunity.

But now, the East is forcing him again. Let him either kill the daughter of Yangdingtian. Either directly betray the demon road.

at this time. Recently, Bella has rushed to the scene with the fastest speed.

He was completely afraid after a while, because the special tacit understanding made Yang Dingtian’s family always safe.

So this time, all the people in Yunxiao City were evacuated to the Netherland. Huang language and incense, worried about the construction of the Nan Manzhou side, after the end of the World War. Huang Yu returned with her daughter early.

At this time, flames and other women. I am also going to take the children back to Yunxiao City.

But did not think that the demon road actually went directly to Yang Dingtian's wife and children.

So almost the first time, there are dozens of konjac immediately, flying in different directions.

One of them has a konjac, and it has a yang dance and a fragrant incense.

Looking east from the innocent way: "My father-in-law, do you make a choice? Or kill the daughter of Yangdingtian, or you will be deprived of evil spirits, corpse, your own daughter, be Thousands of people cross the masses!"

Although the cultivation of the innocent is much higher than the east, the east is completely without any fear.

This old age does not die, I don’t know how many times I sell myself in front of myself, and even send my own daughter to my own hands.

Such greed and fear of death, so incompetent, even if it is more powerful, it is only a waste.

The east is constantly persecuting, and all the previous humiliations can't help but come to mind.

In fact, the East does not understand the innocent, this person who has lived for two hundred years is indeed greedy and afraid of death. And if you eat hard and don't eat soft, you have to force yourself to make some decisions. But be sure to pay attention to it. When you are forced to do so, you must give him a path that he can accept. Otherwise, the dog will jump to the wall.

When you want to do something that really hurts him, you can't say it in particular. Just do it right. When he is done, he will slowly accept the reality.

But like now, it is impossible to force him directly without a retreat!

Every day. Bella is on the side: "The old man, I don't dare to advise you. I only say one thing, Yangding Tianzong can protect anyone. If you have anything, it is better to ask him to discuss."

"Ha ha ha..." East laughed and said: "There was no old thief before. You were bullied by Yangdingtian. You are going to squat now? You live in this world, it is a great shame. ......"


The east did not finish, and the innocent rushed forward, a crazy beating.


Old and powerful fists, madly beat the body of the East.

In an instant, the body that is away from the east is smashed and torn.

In a short moment, the East was directly smashed without human figures, and it was shot with blood and screaming!

It was a full quarter of an hour.

The east will be killed once and again, and will be revived again and again.

The whole picture is completely miserable.

Finally, the innocent turned and looked to the day. Bella gave a look. Then grabbed the neck of the east, and disappeared instantly without a trace.

"Child, tell your grandfather. I can't represent Lingmu Town to participate in the Go contest, and apologize to me for it." In the air, there was no voice.

The boy, completely stunned by this scene, just nodded and said: "Oh, then... then I know, Grandpa Where are you going?"


There is no way to get the East without a spirit, and even the mysterious line that can be used to chain him can't do it. It is also impossible to stun him.

Because the evil spirits are always able to recover instantly.

He just grabbed the east and flew aimlessly. I don't know where to go, I don't know the next step. What should I do?

At the beginning, the East also continued to export ironic and innocent.

Later, he did not dare to do so. Because, the innocent will be extremely cruel to him.

Will pull out his teeth one by one and turn off his nails.

He will castrate again and again, stepping on the explosion again and again.

Although the east of the evil spirits will not die, the feeling of this pain is still very clear and strong. Completely let him survive, can not die.

Moreover, even if he does not ridicule the threat of innocence. Just be angry inside. The innocent will still madly torture him.

Even in the back, as long as the interest comes, or the mood is not happy.

No spirits began to torture east.

In the beginning, it was only a physical torture, and later it was completely tortured by personality and psychology.

So, during this time. It’s completely the most painful time in the east.

He even hated why he volunteered to keep track of the innocent.

Why do you feel that there is no spirit to bully. Why do you want to use the innocence to break the field of Shura into **** again?


Three days have passed!

The innocent still wanders around and flies aimlessly.

He doesn't know what to decide?

Go directly to Yangdingtian? He was not reconciled. After all, Yang Dingtian once gave him great humiliation and destroyed the entire Lingbi Palace, leaving him with nothing.

Return to the Dark Empire?

That should be looking for death!

Therefore, he flew so aimlessly and could not make a decision.

And every day, Bella used the fastest speed to send the incense and Yang dance back to the Nether Sea, and immediately flew to Yunxiao City on the first time.

In the case of no spirit, and the devil's way to the hands of the Yangding Tian family, obsessed.

Yang Dingtian immediately left everything in his hands, and rode with the Nalu, and flew to the southern seas of Nanmanzhou, looking around for the innocent.

Finally, after three days.

Yang Dingtian finally saw the innocent and the east away from a desert island that was more than 20,000 miles away from Nanmanzhou.

When he landed on the island, he just heard the scream of tears from the east.

Because, no spirits are burning crocodile to eat. Of course, when roasting the crocodile, it is still baked in the east.

That's right, it's baked east.

Put him in the fire, always roast, and always roast.

Because of the evil spirits, the east has returned to the same time and again, and then it has been cooked again and again.

This kind of pain is more than **** level.

For five days, the East was tortured by the innocent, for five days.

In these five days, he really understood what it meant to be called the sky, and the land was not working. He finally knows what is called survival, and can't die.

In these five days, he has died more than five hundred times.

Even sometimes, he began to hate his evil spirits, because in the extreme pain, he really wants to die.

When Yang Dingtian appeared, Dong Li even cried.

Because, at least he can temporarily get rid of the tragic experience of being burned by fire.

Seeing the arrival of Yangdingtian, the Wuzizi often breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he has been waiting for the arrival of Yangdingtian. Anyway, he will never take the initiative to find Yangdingtian. He can't afford this person.

Even, he had to run around for a few days before he stopped on an island so that Yangdingtian could find it.

For the arrogant behavior of the faceless person who wants to face the face, Yang Dingtian is of course well aware.

"What are you doing?"

Before the top of the sky, the two knees worshipped: "The woman is in the sky, meet the father-in-law!"

The waist of Yangdingtian is sometimes very hard. But sometimes, it is soft.

Despite the modernity of the earth, after the chaotic world, although he did not marry any enemy. But for the elders, whether it is the master, the mother-in-law, the father-in-law, he has performed many gifts.

When I saw this gift from Yangding, I didn’t think of it.

To know Yangdingtian is the master of the human kingdom, although the evil devil is not willing to admit. But in the hearts of many people, he is already the same person as the devil.

Such a big man actually went so far to himself.

It should be said that although the Wuzizi is the master of the Lingbi Palace, and it is so powerful, the Xiaonong thought has always occupied his consciousness.

Therefore, when he became the Lord of the Lingbi Palace, except for the only semi-sacred strong man except the zero and the innocent. The power of the Lingbi Palace completely surpassed the Yin and Yang dynasty and Xuantianzong, but instead of expanding, he still huddled in Nanbanzhou and closed the door to claim the king.

People wish that the Qing Dynasty is only an infinite master, and they have already tried to rule the world.

When Yang Dingtian is such a big man and wants to make a big gift, the heartless mind is still very cool.

Suppressing the complex emotions inside, the innocent twisted his head, cold and cold: "Yangding Tianzong, you come to me, what advice?"

After all, he threw away the roasted crocodile meat in his hand. (To be continued)

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