Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1078: Nothing is right! Drastic change!

Before the top of the sky, from the ice cold jade box, take out fresh fruits and vegetables, and pickled venison, as well as good wine.

Pour a cup for the innocent, then worship the fresh melons, then go to the roast venison, and then hand it over to the innocent child: "Father, please."

No one took the big chew and found that the roasted venison was really delicious.

Then he sipped and drank while drinking.

And Yangdingtian, on the side, grilled the skewers for him.

While grilling the skewers, Yang Dingtian said: "The father-in-law, in fact, has a very fatal flaw in the demon road, that is, there are very few people. And the holy and semi-classic strong people on my side are already a lot. So, as long as When the demon road was dispatched, although I could not kill the evil spirits, I could arrest them for imprisonment. In this way, there will be fewer and fewer demons, and in the end no one will even dare to leave the dark empire."

I don’t know if Yang Dingtian wants to talk with this at the beginning.

Yang Dingtian continued: "And I also have my weakness, although the Wenchen around me is like a rain, the warrior is like a cloud. But my bright parliament is in the Ming Dynasty, the demon road is dark. So, if the demon road carries out an assassination plan, then I will Very passive, I can only watch my confidant and die one by one."

No one nodded.

Yangding Tiandao: "Not to mention, my loved ones, my wife is not high. And most of the time there is no strong holy level, even half-level power protection. So, my weakness is very Fragile."

Wu Lingzi thought of this so-called assassination of Yangding Tianjia. His daughter was just on the road, playing with other friends, the protection level is really not high.

Yangding Tiandao: "It is precisely because both sides have weaknesses. Therefore, they have entered a balance and compromised each other. I will not move people who are evil, and the evil demon will not move me. Everyone is bent on fire, hard to fight hard. ""

Without the spirit, this is finally to understand where this tacit understanding and balance come from.

Yangding Tiandao: "But this time the demon road has destroyed this balance. It can be seen that the father-in-law is really important to them."

The ignorant vaguely knows what, but it is not very clear.

Yangding Tiandao: "The father-in-law once betrayed the demon road once. This time it will definitely be regarded as betrayal. So, probably they can't let you down. But please rest assured, my strength is enough to protect your safety. So The key is the coffin!"

"I don't need your protection." The ignorant sneer.

Yang Dingtian ignored his words and said: "The coffin is deep in the tiger wolf's hole at this time. Although she is still smart, but because of the change of the father-in-law, it will bring him great danger."

The innocent son couldn’t eat the kebabs and fell into silence.

Yangding Tiandao: "So my plan is like this, I will absolutely guarantee the safety of my father-in-law, and as long as you don't fall into the hands of the demon, you can't be deprived of the evil spirit energy. And the spirit, this uses the east. In exchange for."

Wu Lingzi said: "You mean, use the East to exchange the spirits?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

"This is impossible." Wu Lingzi said: "Although there is an evil spirit in the East, but his use of the Demon Road is far less than a scorpion. If a second World War is erupted, billions of undead will enter the human race. The country. It doesn't matter if it's less east, but it's definitely a mystery!"

Yangding Tiandao: "The use of the spirits in the demon road is unique. This is certainly not a fake. Therefore, she is almost a strategic weapon of the demon road. However, the east is also strategic."

Wu Lingzi: "East? What is he?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The void in his body can enter the dark world, and you can cross the abyss border and go to other planes. The future. If the evil demon is going to enter the new Naga Empire, it must be a hollow fire. East is also unique."

Wu Lingzi: "The demon road will enter the new Naga Empire?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The new Naga Empire will be regarded as the last journey by the Demon Road. It will become the last plane to rule the whole world."

Wuzizi said: "That is later, but for now, the first purpose of the Demon Road is to launch a second war of extinction, and lead billions of undead into the human kingdom. So, the most important thing now is Coffin, not east!"

Yang Dingtian admits that there is no reason to say that there is no spirit.

It is totally unfeasible to exchange the coffin from the east.

After Yang Diantian has been analyzed, the Demon Road wants to lead countless undead into the human kingdom, and may need to start from the emperor's side and the innocent. Even these two are indispensable.

Therefore, Yangdingtian wants to take the innocent, and go to a place where the demon road can't be reached anyway.

In this way, the possibility of billions of evil spirits entering the human kingdom is directly annihilated.

As for where to put the innocent?

You can first completely imprison the East, such as throwing it into your own space ring, and then take it to Zhoushan for life imprisonment.

Then, take the innocent to the dark field, and even take him to the New Naga Empire if necessary, where he can break through his new martial arts realm.

In short, as long as the innocents disappear completely, then perhaps the second destructive war plan of the demon road will be completely bankrupt.

Yangding Tiandao: "Although the plan to change the Lingbi from the east may not be successful at present. However, at least the safety of the coffin can be guaranteed. The most dangerous thing now is you, the father-in-law."

"I?" There is no way.

"Yes, it's you." Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, you are also very important to the demon road, they may not want your life. But once they fall into their hands, they must use the most terrible way. , completely control you."

The breathless breathing suddenly became rushed.

Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, I can absolutely guarantee your safety. Next, there are two places you can choose to travel."

Wu Lingzi said: "You said."

Yangding Tiandao: "The first place. It is Xiaoxitian not Zhoushan."

Wuzizi said: "Impossible, Xiaoxitian is the plane of the demon road. If you did not hold the door of the human kingdom, the strong Westerners of Xiaoxitian have been pouring into the human kingdom."

Yangding Tiandao: "Not Zhoushan is not Zhoushan. Xiaoxitian is Xiaoxitian. Xiaoxitian can't control Zhoushan, and it is not even stronger than Xiaoxitian."

Wuzizi said: "I know that Zhoushan is a high priest association. However, if you want to go to Zhoushan, you must go through Xiaoxitian. The Demon Road has already laid down the Tianluo network in Xiaoxitian. We passed Xiaoxitian and can only vote for the net. ""

Yangding Tiandao: "I don't go to Zhoushan. I don't need to go through Xiaoxitian."

No spirits stunned: "How is it possible?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I use space technology, the past."

No spirits slammed. Then silenced.

Yangding Tiandao: "There is a second place, the dark field."

Wuzizi said: "No, there is a dark field, and the demon can go."

Yangding Tiandao: "No. Because the East is falling into our hands, the Demon Road will never go to the dark field. So, in the dark field, you are absolutely absolutely safe, but it will be more lonely."

The innocent is in silence.

Yangding Tiandao: "Which place do you prefer to go?"

Wu Lingzi thought for a while: "In this way, the dark field is good. But it is really too lonely."

Yangding Tiandao: "In the first dark field, I can build a gorgeous castle for you. Then. Supply a lot of delicious food, there are many maids, servants. Astronomical figures of medicinal herbs. There will be you absolutely The independent kingdom."

"So, am I going to live forever and ever?" There is no way.

Yangding Tiandao: "Of course not, as long as I fight with the demon road, with the result, you will be picked up and share the happiness of the family with the coffin. Of course. This is based on my win."

"Then can you win?" There is no way.

Yangding Tiandao: "Of course I can win, you have not seen it. I have mastered the sword spirit of the Naga royal family. And soon, I will combine with Naga alone cream, I will share the demigod talent directly with her. The Demon Road and the Devil are asking the sky, but they are just making the final struggle."

"Good... okay..."

The innocent sighed, and then he was concerned: "Then you will leave the east there, you must be in a place where no one can find it."

Yangdingtian directly puts the east away from the fire, and when it is completely burned and begins to resurrect, it is the most vulnerable time.

Then, he directly stuffed the East into his own space ring.

The innocent horror, this place is really the safest.

This time, the Wuzizi finally got a little relieved. Suddenly, he said: "What Go, chess, mahjong, and poker are all ready for me. And, prepare me enough enough masters."

Yangding Tiandao: "This does not need you to say, and in the first dark field, in fact, you are not completely without things, we have some things that you need your help."

Wu Lingzi said: "You said."

Yangding Tiandao: "In addition to your servant and maid, we will also send a group of Wuzun class masters and masters to enter the first dark field. You are their highest mentor, you are best. We must urge them to cultivate."

Wu Lingzi said: "That depends, I have no interest."

Yangding Tiandao; "I believe you will be interested."


After half an hour, Yangdingtian took the innocent and went straight north.

Worried that there are many night dreams, Yangdingtian will first enter the first dark field with the innocent.

Then, servants, maids, and elite warriors are dispatched, and they continue to enter the first dark realm for cultivation.

Yang Dingtian’s plan is very good and has been almost successful.


When it is snowing.

Yangdingtian encountered a person who blocked the road.

The emperor released the emperor, the demon died, and the prince Li Ming!

Prince Tai Li, directly on the edge of Shura Lingyi.

Yang Dingtian suddenly closed his eyes.

After the devil, Ji looked at the innocent child: "Without the spirit, you immediately return to our side, then everything before is deemed not to have happened, you can still be promoted to the holy power. Otherwise, your own The daughter of the coffin will die in front of you."

The innocent face changed dramatically, then sneered: "I have two unbeliefs, the first one does not believe, you will let me go. The second does not believe, you will be willing to kill the coffin. She is your heavenly master, own There is no substitute for it."

At this time has been hiding in the dark of the mermaid Queen Violet, slowly appearing.

The strength of the two sides began to converge.

They are two holy levels, one and a half holy.

Of course, Yang Dingtian is still stronger here because he also has the sword spirit of the Naga royal family.

Prince Tai Li did not say anything, directly licking his pants, revealing the sinful things. Then he sneered: "Although I am very infatuated with the Peony Princess, but let me be a big beauty, I am still willing. Yes, we can not kill the coffin, but can sleep her!"

Then, Prince Tai Li went to Yangding Tiandao: "Yangdingtian, if you don't care if you wear a green hat, then my threat will be of no use. So, what to do, you decide!"

"No, no..." Shura Ling shouted out loudly: "Yangdingtian saves me, don't let him sleep me!"


Note: Sorry, Cavan is very good, and now I have finished the first. (To be continued)

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