Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1100: Destroy the Dark Empire?

It is a real landslide.

The original magic domain, although constantly devours energy, has entered an extremely different balance.

This balance is now being destroyed.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian clearly felt a burst of loud noise.

Then, the surrounding land, frantically crowded and crashed together.

Numerous cracks were torn open, and countless plots slammed together fiercely.

Instant, powerful energy, spurt the sky.

The entire magical domain, ice and snow, and even the Yin and Yang mirrors have undergone dramatic changes.

But this is not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that the Heavenly Emperor in the Dark Empire stopped turning!


At this time, Prince Tai Li is constantly fighting the heart of Zhu Hongxue.

Suddenly, the entire Tongtian Emperor Jing, suddenly shocked.

Almost everyone, flew straight out.

Then, it seems like a power outage.

All the light in the Emperor of Heaven is extinguished.

At about the same time, there were countless dark castles around, the lights were all extinguished, the refining and chemical formations, the fusion of large arrays, all stopped, and lost Guanghua.

Then, a kind of suffocating energy pressure is spreading.

Within the dark empire, there was no air.

It is Tongtian Emperor Jing, constantly absorbing energy and Xuanqi from the outside world, supplying the entire Tongtian Emperor.

The lights inside are all supplied by spar, and they all need energy.

Not only that, everything around it. It is rising sharply.

In short, there are people in the place, all feel a very terrible discomfort.

Li Ming’s heart is in vain. Looking at each other with the devil, is there any problem with the Dark Empire?


At this time, Yang Dingtian only needs to confirm that space technology can be used to isolate the energy transfer of the broken object, which can be a fatal blow to the Dark Empire.

He immediately stopped the mysterious transmission.

Suddenly, the dark vortex stops and the isolated space disappears automatically.

then. The folding material restores energy transmission.

The entire Tongtian Emperor Jing, began to resume rotation.

The entire dark empire. The energy supply was restored.

Within the Emperor of Heaven, all the light is shining, and all the dark castles have recovered their energy.

The temperature around. Once again, drop to a comfortable level.

And Yangdingtian, with the fastest speed, returned to Yunxiaocheng.

He wants to make sure that the loss of the Bright Council is so great, and then how to make concessions in the calculation of the devil.


After seeing Tongtian Emperor Jing returned to normal.

Prince Philip has long breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps this is just a normal procedure in the dark empire's operating cycle.

Then, Prince Tai Li continued to take out the shadow jade and recorded the status quo of Zhu Hongxue.

"I wish Hong Xue, do you want to talk to your Yangding Tianzong. How many words?" Prince Tai Li smiled.

I wish Red Snow closed his eyes and ignored it.

Prince Tai Li grinned and didn't care.

After recording a returning jade, close it.

then. After she turned to the demon, she died: "It's time to talk to Yang Dingtian and make a deal."


Yangdingtian returned to Yunxiao City with the fastest speed and got the list of losses of the Bright Parliament in the past few days.

One hundred and twenty-nine people, including two masters, eleven masters, and Wuzun forty-five. All that remains is Wu Zong.

Some people, half of them. Already dead, because the head is hanging above the Bright Parliament Castle. Half of the people were captured.

There are two people captured, the most heavy ones have three people, Xuantianzong Shaozhuzhuzhu red snow, Shenbing Mountain Villa lesser Qiu Yiming, Zhao Mu, the owner of the Horror Villa.

Although the loss is not very large, Yangdingtian is still heartbroken to convulsions.

The entire Bright Parliament is completely frowning.

All the devils are hiding in the dark empire. The Bright Council has no way at all, and the demon roads that come out to hunt are all holy and semi-sacred peaks. Plus they have the power of evil spirits to kill them completely, and the gods are gone, so the Bright Parliament has nothing to do.

In the long run, the consequences are unimaginable.

Either the Guangming Parliament ceased to function and the entire human kingdom fell into chaos.

Either more and more members of the bright parliament are arrested and hunted.

It can be said that there is almost no solution at all.

Therefore, the first moment of Yangdingtian’s landing in Yunxiao City, almost all the high-level parliamentary leaders came up to ask Yangdingtian when to attack the dark empire.

Yangdingtian looks to everyone, and everyone’s look is full of anger and anxiety.

"Come in, open a meeting." Yangdingtian walked into the castle.


"First of all, my attack on the Dark Empire has been successful and completely devastating." Yangding Tiandao.

When this was said, someone was shocked at the place!

The Dark Empire is so powerful, completely unsolvable, and can attack success?

This is incredible.

The Mermaid Queen Violet said: "How did you do it?"

Yangding Tiandao: "All the energy of the dark empire relies entirely on the rotation of the Emperor of Heaven to absorb a few pieces of land. And I can just interrupt its energy transmission, causing the entire dark empire to stagnate. Once the energy supply is lost, the entire dark empire , it will completely collapse."

When the words came out, everyone was ecstatic.

"Then don't wait, immediately destroy the dark empire and completely eliminate the evil demon." Many people are excited.

Yangding Tiandao: "And what we want to discuss is this thing, do you want to destroy the dark empire?"

When the words came out, many people were caught in the strange.

The Dark Empire is the base of the Demon Road, and of course it must be destroyed and destroyed. Without the Dark Empire, the Demon Road is completely like a dog at home, nowhere to hide.

Yangding Tiandao: "First, who is our main enemy?"

"Of course it is a demon road. It is a temple of annihilation." Many humanities.

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, of course, the temple of annihilation. More specifically, our enemy is the devil king. The devil is dead, the prince is fierce, the princess peony, and the evil spirit emperor, more accurately It is the demon road above all the holy level. These people, as long as they come together, we can't kill it, we can't catch it. Even if they leave the dark empire, we can't help it. We can catch and imprison in the energy prison, There are only demon roads below the semi-class level. But these people now have no threat to us because they are hiding in the dark empire."

Qin Wanqiu said: "Yes. Our soft underbelly is the middle and high-level warrior of the entire Guangming Parliament. It may be hunted by the demon road at any time. The soft underbelly of the demon road is the evil spirits below the semi-class level, as long as one Appeared, it may be captured by us at any time. And if we destroy the dark empire, it has little effect on the highest level of the demon road, even if all the semi-class evil spirits are caught, it just makes them lose their minions. Let them have no weakness."

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao: "Or more directly, as long as the devil asks the heavens, the devil is still dead. Destroy the dark empire, it is not worth the candle. And now, the dark empire has almost no threat to us, The World Legion is finished, and the undead army is finished. The Dark Empire has no attacking attributes. It is just a lair."

When this was said, someone was in silence at the place.

Finally, Yangding Tiandao: "So. I think the Dark Empire is more useful than destroying it."

Many people present, after thinking about it, nodded and agreed.

Yangding Tiandao: "We have dozens of prisoners in the hands of the Demon Road, including Zhu Hongxue, Qiu Yiming, Zhao Mu, etc. In the eyes of Prince Tai Li, Zhu Hongxue is not only Xuan Tianzong, but also my righteous brother. Therefore, he should suspend the attack and propose a deal to us. This person is extremely greedy. If he does not expect it, he should raise it, and use the red snow to exchange the hostages of the extremely evil spirits. ”

The crowd nodded.

Although this transaction is very unfair, the Prince will definitely do this.

Who makes Yangdingtian care more about his men?

Justice is the motto of the righteous; despicable is the pass for the despicable.

If Yangdingtian does not have the ability to destroy the dark empire, then this transaction, even if it is unfair, can only promise if you bite your teeth.

Who makes Yang Dingtian really value the lives of his people?

Yangding Tiandao: "But we now have the ability to destroy the dark empire. Then, we must not only let the demons release all hostages, but even let them surrender their spirits and innocents."

After that, Yangding Tianchao Qin Wanqiu said: "Qincheng Lord, do you think the transaction we proposed can be successful?"

Qin Wanqiu thought for a while and shook his head and said: "I don't know if it will succeed. If it is a demon, it will not succeed. Because this person has a direct mind, cares about face. And if it is a prince, this is People are extremely cunning, and they are particularly thorough in their interests, so they will certainly not make a loss-making business.

Yangding nodded.

Moreover, destroying the dark empire is like a nuclear weapon.

The greatest power of nuclear weapons is to stay on the launch pad.

Once launched, it lost its power.

The earth plane, almost all nuclear weapons, has no chance to use it. It is just a deterrent.

At this time, the snake tail was reported.

"The prince came to visit and asked Yang Dingzhu Zongzhu to meet!"

Come here so fast!

Everyone is present.

"They, how many people have come?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Three people."

"That's We also three people to see him." Yangding Tiandao.


After a while, Yang Dingtian, Violet, Nalu, a half-sacred, two holy powers, flew north.

On the original chaos of a thousand miles from Yunxiao City, a pavilion appeared.

Inside, there is a long table, sitting three people, the Prince is fierce, the devil is dead, and the evil spirit is released.

Three people in Yangdingtian, landed in the pavilion and sat opposite the three demons.

"I know that we have dozens of people in your hands, including Zhu Hongxue, Qiu Yiming, Zhao Mu." Yang Dingtian straightforwardly said: "What do you want? Say!"

"Okay, happy!" Prince Tai Li cried and smiled: "What we want is to release the East, and all the evil spirits, and give way to the door of the human kingdom."

As soon as this was said, the three faces of Yangdingtian changed. (To be continued) r580

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