Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1101: The disaster of extinction, Li Ming shocked!

Before, Yang Dingtian guessed that the East had to exchange the East and all the evil spirits. He did not expect him to open his mouth and even wanted to return to the door of the human kingdom.

Knowing that Li greed, but did not expect to be so greedy to such a point.

After a few moments, Yangdingtian couldn’t help but laugh and said: "Yu Ming, you have no discussion?"

Prince Tai Li smiled and said: "It is not a market hawker to buy food, but also bargaining."

Yangding Tiandao: "That's good, I also mention a condition."

Prince Tai Li said: "Please say."

Yangding Tiandao: "Unconditionally release Zhu Hongming, Qiu Yiming, Zhao Mu and other high-level parliament hostages who have been arrested, unconditionally surrendering the coffin and the innocent, or the consequences will be conceited."

When the words came out, the Prince slammed and slammed, and couldn’t help but stretch out his fingers and lick his ears.

This, is this wrong? Or is Yangdingtian dreaming?

Li Ming certainly knows that he is opening his mouth in the lion, but he will not change his mouth, because he is optimistic that Yang Dingtian is very concerned about the lives of these men.

But did not expect that Yang Dingtian's offer price is even more hateful than him.

It turned out to be an unconditional release of Zhu Hongxue and others. Is he crazy in Yangdingtian?

Suddenly, Prince Tai Li shook his head in disappointment and said: "Yangdingtian, I always thought that you are a wise man, did not think that you are an idiot plus stupid, are you so interesting?"

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "I don't have any jokes. My condition is that I unconditionally release Zhu Hongxue, Qiu Yiming, Zhao Mu. And, unconditionally surrender the coffin and the innocent."

Yangdingtian once again stressed the unconditional.

The prince was so cold that he was cold and cold: "Yangdingtian, you treat me as a fool, there is a price."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao: "Everything will have a price."

Prince Tai Li said: "You want me to surrender the hostages, hand over the coffin and the innocent, what are you willing to pay?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The terrible consequences of the demon will not happen, this is what I paid!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Prince smirked and said: "You make me have terrible consequences? What are the consequences? I want to hear."

Yangding Tiandao: "Your old nest, the catastrophe of the dark empire!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Suddenly, Prince Tai Li couldn't help it anymore. He held his stomach and laughed wildly. He said: "Yangding Tianyang Yangdingtian, do you know how powerful the Dark Empire is? You know that the Dark Empire is Created by ancient civilizations, you know that the energy of the dark empire comes from a few continents. Don't say you, even if it is half-sacred, it can't help the dark empire. Even if it is a semi-god Naga, entering the dark empire, it is also a life of nine deaths. Don't say that your district is half holy."

Then, the Prince sighed: "Yangdingtian, have you been stunned by the recent series of victories, and become even more stupid..."

Then, without waiting for Yang Dingtian to answer, Prince Tai Li directly got up and said: "Okay, since there is no such thing to talk about. I told you, your stupid behavior must have consequences, then you wait. Let me know. I will find a way to keep you awake and talk to you."

Yangding Tiandao: "I know about what you will do. But I also tell you that my revenge against you is truly devastating!"

"Is it?" Prince Tai Li said, "I want to see."

Yangding Tiandao: "If not long ago, you are in the Dark Empire, I think you have already seen it."

Before the Prince slammed for a few hours, the accident of all the energy pauses in the Dark Empire suddenly suddenly realized.

Yes, there must be a traitor in the dark empire, and the matter of suspending the energy of the Emperor of Heaven is reported to Yangdingtian in a very mysterious way.

And Yangdingtian, the power of greed is taken for himself, and according to this, it is necessary to blame the evil demon.

It’s ridiculous, ridiculous, so ridiculous!

Obviously, it is only a problem of the normal operation of the Dark Empire. The result is that it is caused by his Yangdingtian.

Is there even more shameless than this?

Suddenly, Prince Tai Li made more determination of Yang Dingtian’s strategic blackmail.

Then, he looked straight away: "Yangdingtian, I am very angry, the consequences are very serious, you will see it soon."

Yangding Tiandao: "If I am angry, the consequences will be more serious, and you will soon see it."

The prince was so savvy that he no longer spoke, directly carrying the demon and the emperor and the emperor, and immediately went back to the dark empire.

After the demon three people left, Yangdingtian used the fastest speed to go to the core of the vortex of the demon domain.


The prince went back to the dark empire and came to the front of Zhu Hongxue for the first time.

"Your home is the top of the Sun, I have lost my trade. It seems that your position in his mind is not as high as he imagined." Li Ming laughed.

I wish Red Snow to close my eyes and it seems that I have not heard it.

Prince Edward said: "In order to keep his mind clear, I need to stay for a thing and show him."

Then, his eyes fell on the two arms of Zhu Hongxue.

"I wish you a red snow, you should be grateful to me, you have been cut off one arm, and my evil spirit energy will make you recover as ever." Prince said: "But yang, so if I cut off your left arm Give him, he will be very sad, because he thought that your arms are broken."

Let me talk about it.

"Brush!" The Prince slammed his sword.

Suddenly, Zhu Hongxue’s right arm was directly cut by Qigen and blood was shot.

I wished the red snow face a convulsion, still closed his eyes, no sound.

Soon, the evil spirits have a new vein, a new bone, and finally the muscles and skin are all good.

His right arm is once again intact.

The prince was so fierce that he wished the red arm of the red arm and said: "It is best that your lord and you are deeply connected with you, so as not to know your arm."

After cutting the arm of Zhu Hongxue, the Prince went to the room where Zhao Mu was imprisoned.

If you say that Zhu Hongxue is still strong, then Zhao Mu is really expressionless, sitting there sitting like a dad.

"Zhao Mu is it?" Prince Tai Li said: "Sorry, your character is too small, I have not seen you before, I met for the first time."

Zhao Mu opened his eyes, even if he saw a broken arm, his face had almost no expression.

Prince Tai Li said: "I am dealing with your lord, I intend to use you to change the East, and he refused. In order to make his mind clear, I need a part of you, this is the right arm of Zhu Hongxue. But He has evil spirits, and he will soon grow back. And you...the level is too low, it is a waste of evil spirits, so I will not give it."

Zhao Muyi has no expression on his face.

Prince Tai Li said: "Do you know that there is no evil spirit energy, what does it mean?"

Zhao Mudao: "The arm, or the legs, or the head, or, after being cut off, will never grow up again."

Prince Edward said: "Yes."

Zhao Mudao: "Which part do you want to lick me? I can cooperate with it, it is to cut me off pants."

Prince Tai Li said: "That is not necessary, or chop your hands. If Yangdingtian brain is not awake, look at other places, but also have time."

"That line." Zhao Mu directly extended his right arm and said: "Look."

Throughout the whole process, Zhao Mu’s expression was completely light and faint, as if he was not cutting his arm, but a pig’s foot.

At this time, it was the turn of the Prince's face to sneak a little.

He is a man with a narrow mind and a narrow mind, that is, he cannot see others calmly. He just wants to see the fear, fear, and hatred of others. It is best to scream and cry.

I did not expect that the ants like Zhao Mu would be so calm.

His inner haze meant: "Since you are so generous, you will be able to complete you, even cut your right leg together."

"Oh, that line." Zhao Mudao, walked straight to the table, lifted his right leg up on the table, and then put his arms on his legs: "Save time for you, cut once, save waste of effort ""

The prince was so angry that his face was distorted, and his face was twisted, and then he raised his sword and slammed it down.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, the entire dark world slammed a loud bang.

Then, for a while, the mountain was shaken, and the prince was so fierce that the whole person almost flew out.

He immediately exerted his mystery and fixed it in place.

Zhao Mu’s body was directly taken out, kneeling on the wall, and spit blood.

Then, all the light of the entire Emperor of Heaven was completely extinguished.

Then there is all the dark castles, all the light of the entire dark empire, all extinguished.

All the energy is stagnant.

Tongtian Emperor Jing, once again stopped turning.

Where did the energy of the Dark Empire come from?

In fact, the entire dark empire is exactly like a super giant generator.

Tongtian Emperor Jing, is a huge shaft, countless dark castles, it is equivalent to electromagnets.

And countless dark matter is like a coil.

With the constant rotation of the Emperor of Heaven, there is a constant flow of energy to maintain the operation of the entire dark empire.

However, these energies are not just electrical energy, but many, many kinds of energy properties.

Of course, these energies do not appear out of thin air, all of which are converted from the basic energy of several land areas.

Even the rotation of Tongtian Emperor Jing is based on the power of several continents.

And the contradictions at the core of the demon domain, indestructible, completely indestructible, and the best and best energy conductor.

Therefore, it is just the core of the axis of Tongtian Emperor.

Once that place was destroyed, the entire dark empire was like the most powerful machinery, destroyed in the most vulnerable places, and the entire huge machine stopped working.


Seeing this scene happen, Prince Edward is so guilty!

Is it true that Yang Dingtian is telling the truth, is this really what he did?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Soon, this terrible situation stopped, and Tongtian Emperor Jingjing resumed the rotation.

The entire dark empire restored energy supply.

After the prince was fierce, he had a cold sweat.

Almost was swindled by Yangding Tianzhu, and it turned out that there was a mistake in the operation, perhaps because of two wars, and overdraft on several continents.

In short, it must not be done by Yangdingtian.

It is a long spring and autumn dream to destroy the dark empire in his half-sacred area.


At this time, suddenly there was another loud noise.

Tongtian Emperor Jing, and stopped turning.

All the light, once again extinguished.

The energy of the entire dark empire was interrupted again.

Prince Tai Li has not had time to panic, Tongtian Emperor Jing has returned to rotation, and all energy has recovered.

But at this time, the Prince was too late to be happy.

Because, the entire Tongtian Emperor Jing, constantly turning, and constantly stopped.

The energy of the entire dark empire is constantly recovering and is constantly interrupted.

Recovery, interruption, recovery, interruption...



The darkest castle at the farthest finally can't bear the impact of this intermittent, powerful energy.

Finally, a loud noise.

In an instant, it bursts suddenly.

A dark castle with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters is like a city, exploding directly in the air.

However, all this is just the beginning.


The explosion of the first dark castle seemed to have overturned the domino.

Next, one after another dark castle, constantly exploding, exploding...

The prince was so fierce that he looked at everything completely.

Then, Tongtian Emperor Jing also made a terrible loud noise.

The entire dark empire is in jeopardy! R1152

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