Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1103: Rescue the coffin! Magic Road Disaster!

Yangding is playing a time difference. Oh,

It is more than five thousand miles from the Dark Empire. After the devil, three people died, returning to the dark empire, it is more than an hour.

And the center of the magic domain, more than a thousand miles.

Yang Dingtian desperately uses the magical fog to flash, reaching the center of the magic field, no more than one hour.

He probably has about half a hour or so, so it is almost enough to storm the dark empire and save the coffin and the bright parliament.

But everything has a premise.

That is, the innocent people are willing to cooperate, in order to protect the Yunxiao City, so only Naru can enter the Dark Empire.

The innocent is also a holy power. If he does not cooperate, Naru will not be able to rescue people, but will be trapped.

Yangdingtian completely ignores the loss of mysteriousness and desperately uses the magical fog to flash.

The flight flashed continuously and the flight flashed.

Less than an hour, he once again came to the center of the magic domain vortex.

Flying fast and flying into the end of the vortex cave, once again came to the front of the folding.

Then, immediately use the dark Xuanhuo to form a black hole vortex, create an isolation space, and directly force into the folding object, inside the shaft conductor of Tongtian Emperor.



The entire Tongtian Emperor Jing, once again stopped.

All the energy arrays are all invalid.

All the light, all extinguished.

And all the evil spirits were once again in horror.

The peony, the controller of the Temporary Dark Throne, suddenly lost all his power.

Tongtian Emperor Jing, can't make any attack.

Originally without the spirit, has been trapped in the energy prison, at this time directly untied the imprisonment.

This has been many times, but he has not left. Because he did not know that the demon and the emperor had left.

Even he did not dare to imagine that this was a shot attack by Yang Dingtian. He also thought that this was the normal failure of the Dark Empire.


Princess Peony, even on the dark throne. Still staring at the coffin.

At this time, the spirit of the body is completely sealed, under the dark throne, Princess Peony can kill her at any time.

The entire hall of the sky was slammed down.

Suddenly, Princess Peony’s eyes narrowed and she was immediately full of alert.

"You seem to be very nervous." Ling Xiao smiled.

Princess Peony did not pay attention.

Lingbi said: "If I have not guessed wrong, this should be our husband, is attacking the dark empire. You probably never thought about it. Our husband will one day attack the dark empire."

Lingbi screams at our husband, our husband.

Princess Peony is cold and cold: "I know what you are thinking, but you don't want to imagine that he can save you. As long as anyone rushes into the temple, I will kill you in the first place. You have no chance."

The coffin trembled in his heart, but he still refused to sneer at the loss.

And all the evil spirits suddenly fell into panic. Waiting for the restoration of Tongtian Emperor Jing.

In fact, all evil spirits do not know. what on earth is it?

Most people think that this is the fault of the Dark Empire. A small number of people believe that this is the counterattack of Yangdingtian.

However, in their hearts, I am afraid that the former reason is even more terrible.

because. If it is the failure of the Dark Empire, the Demon Road is completely unpredictable.


At this time, Nalu has taken the gem of the eyes of Yuan Shi Naga, and took the soul sword of Yang Dingtian to melt the dark matter. Flying into the dark empire.

Even the darkest material is even thinner than a few thousand miles. Holding the eye gem directly with your hand is too late.

The flying speed of the soul sword of Yangdingtian is almost at its best.

Not long after, the soul sword took Naru, passed through thousands of thick dark matter and rushed directly into the dark empire.

At this time, within the dark empire, it was a truly complete darkness, and all the energy stopped.

If it was before, any intruder entered the Dark Empire and will be discovered the first time.

However, at this time, a soul sword and a holy power entered the dark empire, and no one found it inside.

Nalu discovered that after the suspension of the Emperor of Heaven, the dark matter began to spread and became thicker.

This is actually the case. If Tongtian Emperor Jing completely stopped from here, I am afraid that the dark matter will completely swallow up the space of the entire dark empire.

However, at this time, it was too late to think a lot. According to the structure of Tongtian Emperor Jing on the drawings, Nalu controlled the soul sword of the Emperor and flew toward the sky of the heavenly emperor.

The speed of the soul sword is very fast.

In a twinkling of an eye, I came to the hall of the sky.

Naru immediately left the soul sword.

Yang Dingtian immediately removed the isolation space inside the folding object.

Suddenly, the entire Tongtian Emperor Jing returned to energy again.

The temple of the sky, which was dark for nearly a quarter of an hour, slammed again.

Princess Peony suddenly lost his heart and immediately entered the energy field of Tongtian Emperor Jing, monitoring and controlling the entire dark empire.

But then, Yangdingtian once again isolated the space and forced it into the folding.


A loud noise.

Suddenly, Tongtian Emperor Beijing stopped again.

Princess Peony is furious.

Then, the terrible scene appeared again.

Tongtian Emperor Jing, intermittent, turn for a while, there is an instant stop.

The entire dark empire cannot withstand the buffer of such energy.

Many of the dark castles, once again broken bones, began to burst.

And the Heavenly Emperor Jing, issued a terrible loud noise, as if it would break at any time.

And it is at this time.


Wan Jian returned to the sect!

A few thousand miles away, Yangding Tian used the consciousness to directly erupt the sword to the ancestor, and went to the evil spirit figure inside the temple.

I am very grateful for the special atmosphere of evil spirits.

Otherwise, Yangdingtian can't identify who is the princess peony according to the soul sword.

Faster than lightning, from the swordsman to the body of the princess peony directly, less than zero and one seconds before and after.

The princess peony that was tortured by Tongtian Emperor Beijing. There is no defense at all.

The holy spirit of the Naga royal sword, directly crushed her bones.

Although, the body of Princess Peony is the oriental ice, it is the lover of Yangdingtian.

But at this time, there is no way for Yangdingtian.

When the princess peony was broken, the lightning flew into the Tongtian Emperor.

Use the fastest speed. Grab the coffin inside.

The spirit of the body, the evil spirits in her body, instinctively restore her body, it is too late to kill the coffin.

After Nalu rescued the coffin, there was no stop, and he flew out of the heavenly emperor with the fastest speed!

After flying out of the Great Hall of the Cangwu, the coffin was very excited: "You, are you sent by my husband?"

"Yes." Nalu said.

The coffin was ecstatic, then shouted: "Dad. Dad..."

In the energy prison, the innocent caught the voice of the coffin and immediately rushed out of the entire heavenly emperor.

Nalu said: "Hui Hongxue, Qiu Yiming, Zhao Mu, etc. who were arrested, where are you, do you know?"

The coffin and the innocent shaking their heads.

Lingbi said: "However, now Tongtian Emperor Beijing has lost all energy. All the energy and energy are in prison, we shout. I wish Red Snow and others will take the initiative to respond."

Suddenly, Naru shouted: "Zhu Hongxue, Qiu Yiming, Zhao Mu, and all the military members of the Bright Parliament, where are you. Please speak out!"

Nalu’s voice sounds elegant and moving, but it can penetrate thousands of miles.

Obviously, all the captains of the Bright Parliament will certainly hear.

However, it is a pity. No one responded.

Obviously, in addition to the energy prison, there are physical prisoners.

Moreover, everyone was locked in the mysterious veins, so they could not respond.

At this time, suddenly the voice of the princess peony resounded everywhere.

"All evil spirits have killed the captives of the Bright Council."

After all, she took the lead and flew directly to a certain place.

Thousands of evil spirits, like meteors, flew toward a place.

The innocent rushed up and instantly stopped in front of the princess peony and thousands of evil spirits.

"No spirit, are you looking for death? You must know that your life and death can be in our hands." Princess Peony is cold and cold.

"What about that?" Wu Lingzi said: "As long as life and death are not in your hands, just fine."

"Attack..." Princess Peony, a command.

Suddenly, thousands of evil spirits slammed into the innocent.


In an instant, no spirits quickly split.

It becomes two, becomes four, becomes eight, and becomes many many.

Then, madly killing evil spirits.

Even if there are many avatars, all the evil spirits are completely without his enemy.

Everyone, all broken body and bones, directly into evil spirits.

"The sword is returned to the sect..."

The countless Naga king soul swords of Yangdingtian violently spurred.

In an instant, like the autumn wind, the leaves are falling.

Countless evil spirits, instantly broken bones.

Then, near the Emperor's soul sword, directly flying in front of a giant facade of the Emperor Jingjing.

"Brush brush..."

Soul sword, madly slashing this thick giant door.

This Tongtian Emperor did not know what the ghosts were doing, and it was so strong.

Lightning usually cuts out thousands of swords and can't penetrate this giant door.

Nalu flew up and blasted a flame of amazing temperature.

In the efforts of a holy power and a near-Emperor soul sword.

Finally, the thick giant door of Tongtian Emperor Jing was directly drilled into a big hole.

Naru quickly drilled into this huge hole.

Inside, there are a few prison rooms, and they are all held by Zhu Hongxue, Qiu Yiming, Zhao Mu and so on.

However, all the captives, the whole body of the mysterious veins have been restrained, and it is impossible to move at all, and there is no sound.

Naruton was awkward, and this is full of dozens of prisoners. How to take away from the dark empire?


At this time, the three men, including the devil, Ji, and the Prince, are about to rush to the Dark Empire.

Suddenly, the Prince’s face changed and he said: “Not good, not good... Yangdingtian will attack the dark empire!”

After the demon violently changed color, immediately summoned the wand soul sword and smashed out. (To be continued..)u

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