Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1104: The coffin kisses deeply! Live!

Zhu Hongxue, Qiu Yiming, Zhao Mu and others, all locked up the Xuanmai, completely unable to move. Oh,

Naru’s cultivation is enough to unlock their mysterious imprisonment, but it takes time.

At this time, the coffin closed the beautiful, and the jade hand waved.

Suddenly, dozens of dark dragons, lightning came in general.

At this time, Tongtian Emperor Beijing stopped, the entire dark empire lost control.

Therefore, the spirit of possessing the talent of the heavenly spirit is the highest commander of these dark dragons.

If it was the former Dark Dragon, all the commanding power was assigned to different evil spirits.

But most of these dark dragons are just made, and only the talents on the dark throne can direct them directly.

Dozens of dark dragons easily lifted the hostages of the Bright Parliament and then flew directly outside the Dark Empire.

There is no one, and there is a sword of the Naga king of Yangdingtian, which has blocked thousands of evil spirits.

Waiting for the spirit to control the dark dragon flying a few hundred miles later.

Nalu used the mysterious spirit to forcibly open the mysterious shackles of the Lingbi, and then the two followed the dark dragon's team.

The near-prestige soul sword of Yangdingtian, with the help of Nalu, turned the direction and flew toward the edge of the dark empire.

The sacred powers have no spirits, and they will retreat in the battle.

Soon, the escape team led by Nalu came directly to the front of the dark material layer.

The Soul Sword **** the gem of the eyes of Yuanshi Naga, directly melting the dark matter, followed by dozens of dark dragons, with the hostages of the Light Council, followed.

And Nalu, the coffin followed behind the dark and dark dragon, the innocent behind the temple.

The action is extremely fast. A group of people directly entered the dark matter, disappeared into the dark empire, and disappeared into the vision of all evil spirits.

The princess peony led thousands of evil spirits, only to watch this group of people flee.

Because the dark matter layer is quickly closed, and the queen is not there. They are unable to enter the dark matter layer.

And the most terrible thing is that after the suspension of the Emperor of Heaven, the dark matter has spread continuously.

In other words, if Tongtian Emperor Jing is so stopped.

The entire dark empire will be swallowed up by the dark matter, and by then all the evil spirits will have no place to live.


After entering the dark material layer, Yangdingtian controls the soul sword and leads the way in front.

and. It is not a straight line, but a seven-turn and eight-around.

Because, after the devil, Ji and the prince Li Ming may soon catch up, and Naru’s direction is seen by the peony and others, and the line may be caught up.

This is a special eight-round, in such a dark matter, and then want to catch up, is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

really. Not too long.

The demon dying has not arrived yet, but her soul sword wand has arrived.

because. The speed of the soul sword is fast to the extreme.

After entering the Dark Empire, the Soul of the Devil's Death Ji did not find a non-evil spirit, so he could not launch an attack.

Therefore, you can only recall the soul sword.

Then, the soul of the magic sword wand. Once again, fly out of the dark empire.

Pass through the thick dark matter and come to the side of the demon.

After the devil took up the soul sword, only to see a few words written on the soul sword, this is the peony left on the soul sword, to the post-magic letter.

"There are no spirits. All the hostages of the Parliament have escaped from the Dark Empire and have a holy power."

Seeing these words, the devil died and almost spit out blood.

"It’s too much to deceive, it’s too deceptive!”

The Prince is also stunned by the heart.

He was only worried that such a thing would happen, and he did not expect it to happen.

Yang Dingtian is really dare to take risks. Does he dare to do this?

Then, after the demon, Ji Ji will enter the dark empire.

"No, it is already late to enter the dark empire." Prince Tai Li said: "Once they are allowed to penetrate into the dark matter, it is tantamount to finding a needle in the haystack, and they can't catch up. So, the current method can only guess, Yang. From the top, where will the Lingbi and Wuzizi be exposed to the ground, and then intercepted there."

However, the entire continent of the dark matter does not know tens of thousands of miles. I want to guess where the coffin and other people will drill out of the ground, and it is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

Prince Tai Li said: "Of course, there is still a way. Yangdingtian attacked the dark empire, and certainly sent two sacred masters. So, at this time, Yunxiaocheng is definitely incomparable emptiness, the East Nirvana, Qin Wanqiu Yunjun slave, Song Chunhua and others must be there. Now killing a carbine, perhaps getting a more important hostage, Yangdingtian will eat a bigger loss.

After the devil died Ji Dao: "Is it possible that this group of people is no longer in Yunxiao City?"

The prince was nodded sharply, and the possibility was very, very large.

When Yang Dingtian storms the Dark Empire, he will definitely think of the danger of Yunxiao City.

Even as long as the important people of Yunxiao City are all entered into the sea and protected by the ancient beasts of the mermaid empire, there is no way for them to take them for a while.

Suddenly, the emperor said: "I know where the Lingbi and others are."

When this was said, Li Ming was overjoyed.

I almost forgot this thing, and the life and death of the innocent is completely in the hands of the emperor.

The ghost emperor asked the heavens, and made a special mark on the innocent.

The prince sneered with a sneer, and in this case, not only can the spirits be intercepted, but even the holy powers sent by Yangdingtian can be wiped out.

Suddenly, under the leadership of the emperor, the three men flew quickly toward the first place.

"Now how far away are the fugitives from the spirits?" asked the Prince.

"Four thousand and three hundred miles, at this time they have reached the demon domain."

Suddenly, the Prince sighed: "After the devil, do you say that Yangdingtian destroys the dark empire, is it within the dark empire, or is it outside?"

After the devil, he died, and then said: "Yes, it is outside."

Because when Tongtian Emperor Jing turned normally. Anyone who enters the Dark Empire will be detected.

The Prince said: "If it is outside the dark empire, then now the coffin and others are in the dark matter, and the yangding sky is above the ground. And there is only one person around him, even the soul sword is not around. Does that mean that we can hold him?"

When the words came out, the devil died and the eyes were bright.

If you can catch the Yangdingtian, then don't say that you have escaped a coffin, even if the ten coffins escape.

Yangdingtian is the one who is truly worthy of the city. He is the key to the devil's breakthrough of the gods and even higher levels.

After the devil died Ji Dao: "Where do you think, where is Yangdingtian?"

Prince Tai Li said: "I think it should be in the magic domain. Because the spirits and others are flying toward the magic domain, they will definitely choose a center point for convergence."

Suddenly, the three men who died in the devil, quickly flew in the direction of the magic domain!


The cleverness and deceit of the prince's fierceness is indeed true.

Even in the face of the worst news, his mind is spinning fast to find the best chance.

Indeed, two thousand miles from the center of the magic domain. Naru took the coffin and others and broke the ground.

And Yangdingtian. I have already waited there.

After rushing out of the ground, Lingbi saw Yangdingtian at first sight, then slammed into his arms, and couldn't help but feel the joy of his heart and kissed Yangdingtian's lips.

Finally, finally she escaped from the terrible devil. Back to the side of Yangdingtian.

At this moment, she is really full of security.

After the kiss, she snuggled in the embrace of Yangdingtian, sniffing his breath.

She really feels that there is no happiness at this moment.

Yang nodded, then gently kissed on the head of the coffin.

"Come on, or after the devil, they have to chase." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Yang Dingtian led the crowd and continued to fly north.

Suddenly, the coffin said: "French, here is the boundless magic field, you can't go out."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao: "So, I am going in this direction. Because the queen will definitely catch up, she knows where we are."

The coffin was puzzled, and then the face changed dramatically.

Soon, she also knew that the devil did know where they were.

Because, there is no spirit.

Soon, the innocent thought of this too.

The ghost emperor asked the day to leave a mark on him, so the emperor must know that he is here.

Suddenly, if the innocent slammed his teeth, he would fly in the other direction. He would lead the emperor and the emperor.

Who knows, Yang Dingtian immediately appeared in front of him, saying: "Predecessors, follow me."

"No, I will follow you and will hurt you. When the emperor releases, I will completely lose my fighting power. At that time, you will have only one holy power, not their opponents. Everyone will suffer, including you." "No way."

Yangding Tiandao: "The time is tight, I can't explain it. I can only say that I will not give up anyone, believe me!"

Then, Yangding Tian firmly grasped the innocent and continued to fly north.

At this time Devil's death Ji, Prince Tai Li, the emperor's release is catching up more and more quickly.

If there is only Yang Dingtian, Naru is of course very fast. However, with dozens of dark dragons, the speed is not as good as the devil and the fierce.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

From four thousand miles, to three thousand miles, to two thousand miles, to a thousand miles.

Even, after the devil, Ji Ji can already see Yang Dingtian and others.

Prince Tai Li said: "There is only one holy powerhouse around Yangdingtian. Without the spirit to lose the fighting power, can we hold Yangdingtian?"

After the devil died Jidao: "My soul sword, against the soul of the sword of the top of the sky. Yangding days there are dozens of cumbersome, this battle we won. Maybe, can really seize the Yangdingtian."

Prince Tai Li sneered and said: "Yangding innocence is the organ is too smart, and this child will have to fold."

Then the three madly caught up. (To be continued..)u

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