Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1122: Demon patriarchs pledge allegiance!

This is the time when Yangding is a few years later, once again,

How long have you left Xiaoxitian for the last time? At that time, Ji Ya just gave birth to a child, Yang Dingtian ventured to Yindu to see the children and Ji Ya.

It was also from that time that the relationship between myself and Ji Ya was moderated. It was no longer the same as before, although the name was a husband and wife, but it was actually an enemy.

Since the last time he left Xiaoxitian, Yangdingtian entered the dark field and then went to the New Naga Empire.

It’s been more than three years now.

Therefore, I and I have already been three years old.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian couldn't help but have an impulse to go directly to Yindu to see Ji Ya and his children.

However, Yang Dingtian immediately suppressed this impulse.

The first stop of his own is the silver moon, and this cannot be changed.

Yang Dingtian and eight punishments, along the edge of Xiaoxitian, flew toward the king city of the Yinyue.

Their luck was good. At this time, Xiaoxitian just rotated to a place not far from Zhoushan, only less than eight thousand miles.

The speed of the dark dragon beast riding in Yangdingtian is not fast.

This dark dragon beast is not the exclusive mount of the Zhoushan Grand Priest Association. It is not fast, but it is powerful enough, especially the face that grows like a dragon.

Even if the flight speed is not fast enough, but one day later, it still reached the king city of Yinyue.


A few years ago, the enchanting led the coalition to attack Silvermoon City. Then, the enchanting succumbs to the demon patriarch with his own ideals, so that the two join hands, to change the development direction of Xiaoxitian.

But shortly afterwards, the enchanting was killed by eternal death.

After that, although the Yinyue family returned to the nine tribes, he was even more disheartened with being the speaker. I am not willing to restart the war, so I completely closed the king city and did not interact with the outside world.

Even, even the United States Parliament of the Silver Palace, he did not participate.

This is bad news for Yangdingtian, and the Yinyue people are isolated from the world. It means that there are no allies.

Yang Dingtian led eight punishers and came to the silver moon king city.

Suddenly I saw the huge door of the king city closed, representing the attitude of the Yin Yue people.

"The guests from afar, I am very sorry, my Yinyue people have closed diplomacy and are not welcoming any messengers and guests." A high-ranking silver moon warrior on the gate.

Yang Dingtian has not yet appeared. A black punisher in front of him, slowly stepped forward: "If the referee of Zhoushan Yinlong is approaching, please the Yinyue patriarch is demon. Come and greet!"

The referee of Zhoushan Yinlong is completely representative of the power of the Zhoushan Grand Priest Association and represents the highest sacred power of the world.

Therefore, it is indeed for the silver moon patriarch to personally greet.

The senior warrior on the gate of the city stunned and suddenly did not respond.

The silver dragon referee, a long-lost name.

He searched for a long time in his memory, finally found the name, and then his body trembled. Suddenly shocked a big jump.

Actually the silver dragon referee?

What is the real name of the Grand Priest Association? It is the Silver Dragon Temple!

It is a small western totem, a representative of the fallen silver dragon in the secular. It is the highest belief of the whole small West.

It represents the most sacred power of Xiao Xitian.

However, the group of the Great Priest Association is too sloppy and too passionate about power, so that the entire Xiaoxitian can not find their traces of power.

However, he does represent the highest sacred power of the small Western world.

The senior warrior glanced at Yangdingtian and was directly scared by his appearance.

This is a living species of the dragon face. Only he did not know what attitude to use at all, and at his level, he could not distinguish the authenticity of the Yinlong referee.

Therefore, the only thing he can do is to fly generally into the king city. The obituary patriarch is demon.


Since the death of the enchanting eternal ruling, the heart of the silver moon patriarch is really cold.

He could only watch the Xiaoxi Tianzhu fall until it was destroyed.

Moreover, his best heir, the enchanting, is dead.

His daughter, the demon, went to post a human.

Of course, he can live for a long, long, long time, so there are no heirs, not very much.

Moreover, in his view, Xiaoxitian civilization may not be able to exist for a long time.

Therefore, the only thing he can do is to completely shut down the entire Yinyue family and not communicate with any outside.

Then, he tried to use a wine to numb himself. This kind of world is so drunk that I feel so awake, it is too uncomfortable.

However, no matter how much he drinks, he is still awake.

His son died and his daughter ran away. His favorite woman is innocent, and his wife, fearing him like a tiger.

Therefore, for a long time, he lived so coldly, and he was silent, making everyone around him more and more afraid and alienated.

Of course, this alienation is not a betrayal. All the people of the Yinyue family respect him and even worship him. This is a person who is exactly like steel, but he is really unable to get close to him.

The palace of the Shadow Go family is incomparably gorgeous and beautiful like a cloud.

The royal palace of the Silver Moon is the same as the demon spirit. There are no flowers, no brocade, only cold stones.

Even there were not many maidservants in the house. Only the demon and the gentleman lived in the air, and even his wife was rushed to other places to live.

He seems to be born to reject everyone.

Since the wine could not anesthetize himself, he began to practice madness more crazy.

Even forgetting the time, since the birth of the child, he never had a bed with his wife, as if the sword is his wife, day and night, inseparable.

The long-standing independence of his own, making him more isolated, and even not used to other people around him.

Therefore, when the senior warrior of the city gate entered his hall and he was still a kilometer away from him, he frowned and felt a strong discomfort.

"Stop, don't come in, what's going on. Say!"

The warrior hurriedly squatted outside the main hall and said: "The ancestors of the Qizhen sire, outside the city of Wang, there are mysterious guests visiting, claiming to be the silver dragon referee."

The face of the knives and the general face muscles slammed.

Silver Dragon Referee?

How long is this the name? Many people think that this name will never appear again.

Why does this term appear in the Silvermoon?

Demon frowned. He is not interested in anyone's visit.

He does not care about any power figure, including the so-called high priest association.

However, he is full of respect for the Association of the Great Patriarchs and the spokesperson of this group of fallen silver dragons in the world.

This is a very complicated emotion, I respect you very much, but I don't want to take care of you.

Depressing the inner impatience, the demon patriarch is still getting up. Go outside and meet the so-called Silver Dragon Referee in person.


The gate of the Yinyue Wangcheng City slowly opened.

The silver moon patriarch was demon, and did not bring anyone, nor organized any arranging. He walked out of the city gate and went to the ceremony: "The silver moon chief is demon, and sees the silver dragon referee."

Yang nodded and said that he returned.

As a representative of the fallen silver dragon in the secular. His only temperament is the need for arrogance.

then. The silver moon long demon sternly said: "I don't know what the silver dragon referee has to do?"

He is very straightforward, if you have something, you will say. If it's okay, then it's best not to let me reception.

Yangdingtian slowly said: "There are things, important things, very secret."

The face of the demon stone, finally had a little expression. Then said: "Please!"

Then, Demon Li personally led Yang Dingtian, riding a flying ride and flew toward the main hall.

After entering the empty hall.

The huge palace, at this time only Yangdingtian. Eight punitives, as well as a demon person.

This person is really daring, or it is bright and upright. He is not worried about Yang Dingtian’s disadvantage to him.

"His referee, now you can say it." Demon said: "I will say no one will hear it here!"

In fact, he is also very, very curious.

The Zhoushan Grand Priest Association has not interfered with Xiaoxitian’s political affairs for hundreds of years. It has not sent the Yinlong referee to the secular world for hundreds of years.

I don't know what it was, but it made it impossible for Zhoushan to move again.

Yangding Tiandao: "Xiaoxitian Acting Speaker Yongshe, has been robbed by the human body to ask the soul of the heavens. After he murdered the enchanting speaker, he seized the power of Xiaoxitian and tried to use the power of Xiaoxitian to fight against the **** of chaos. When you come to the world of Xiaoxitian, you will not be able to send your seat to the secular world."

When the words came out, the demon stunned and said: "This matter can be taken seriously?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Of course it is true, just bring Yongshe to the mountains to verify the soul, and naturally the truth is white."

"No wonder, no wonder, no wonder..." Demon kept whispering.

Obviously, he is full of doubts about Yongshe itself, and he is always full of doubts about the death of the enchanting.

Demon said: "So, what is the referee's desire?"

Yang Dingtian took out the arrest investigation order and handed it to the demon. "It is very simple. I will bring Yongshe directly back to Zhoushan for investigation. The nine patriarchs can go together to watch the priests on the spot and discern the soul of Yongshe. ”

Yang Dingtian simply did not explain the matter of asking for the best.

Such a big thing, enough doubt is enough. Moreover, the Association of the Great Priest is only to let Yongshe go to Zhoushan for investigation, which is very reasonable.

Demon said: "With the investigation order, you can go directly to Yindu and hand it over to Yongshe. Why did you come to my Yinyue family?"

Yangding Tiandao: "If the Yongshe respects, this investigation order will be effective. If he does not respect, this is waste paper. If he does not go with me to Zhoushan, I have nothing to do, only open the battle between Zhoushan and Yindu. Not Zhoushan does not want to see this happen."

Demon sharply said: "If he does not dare to go to Zhoushan, or to be a guilty conscience, he can prove that he has been asked by humans."

His theory is rude and direct.

Yangding Tiandao: "In order to avoid civil war, Zhoushan needs at least five major tribes to support, so I first found the Yinyue family."

When this is said, the demon is full of pride.

Demon Li suddenly asked: "If it proves that Yongshe has been asked to win the day, what will happen?"

Yangding Tiandao: "In the mountains, in public,!"

Demon said: "Who, who will be in the silver?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Previous Speaker, Naru!"

"Nara Speaker." Devilly surprised, he heard the name, he really has a feeling of hearing the name of the mother.

The name Naru, although not worth the money in the Grand Priest Association. But in Xiaoxitian, it is still very noble.

Moreover, in terms of qualifications, it is far better than Yongshe.

"Is Naru, isn't it already dead?" asked the devil.

Yangding Tiandao: "No, he went to the Great Priest Association and closed his sins!"

"She is not guilty."

In the heart of the demon and others, Nalu borrows a non-language, is a great sacrifice, for the future of the demon fox.

However, what is certain is that if you remove the Yongshe, let Naru act as the speaker of the speaker, the whole Xiaoxitian is convinced, and the nine tribes are absolutely acceptable.

Yangding Tiandao: "Lord Li, the patriarch, are you willing to make trouble for Xiaoxitian?"

What he said was to bring order out of chaos, instead of destroying evil. Because in the relatively high-level civilization of Xiaoxitian, what is the slogan of annihilating evil is too naive.

The demon looked at Yang Dingtian, and then kneeled down on one knee: "It is incumbent, when you are the referee, your head is a vision!"

Demon is really that demon! Ning is not bent, fearless, full of responsibility and mission to the entire small Western world!

There is nothing to evade the requirements of Yangdingtian, and there is no negotiation or interest balance!

For him, destroying Yongshe should be equivalent to jihad! (To be continued..)u

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