Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1123: Crusade against the Yongshe Alliance!

Suddenly, the demon asked: "I will go all out, but if Yongshe is at the last minute, she still refuses. How about Zhoushan?"

Yangdingtian slowly said: "No Zhoushan is willing to use any means to maintain the authority of the Silver Dragon Temple."

The demon nodded and said: "I understand."

Next, the demon is completely resolute and vigorous, and the orders go on.

Let all the warriors of the entire Yinyue nationality be ready to go, ready to go.

With the order of the demon patriarch, the temperature of the entire Yinyue family seems to rise instantly.

Under the rule of the demon patriarch, the entire Yinyue nationality is completely a fighting nation.

They are always fighting and full of desire.

After rectifying the force in the family in the shortest time, the demon patriarch immediately went to his **** ally with the Yangdingtian, Haiqi!

The Haiqi people are not only the hard-core allies of the Yinyue people, but also his in-laws.

His wife is from the Haiqi people.


Haiqi, in the southwest of the Yinyue.

Unlike other places in Xiaoxitian, its land is almost directly floating on the sea, just a few feet from the sea.

Moreover, it is not a large expanse of land and mountains, but more like an island floating on the sea.

The entire Haiqi family, large and small, do not know how many floating islands there are.

Moreover, the Haiqi people are also the hottest tribes throughout Xiaoxitian.

In the area of ​​Xiaoxitian, the Qihaiqi people are the largest in the nine tribes, but they are also the most scattered and the worst in the environment.

One day and one night, the demon patriarch took the Yangdingtian and set foot on the land of the Haiqi people.

It is really hot here. The demon foxes here are not so white. Moreover, the clothing is very thin and can even be said to be irritating.

Perhaps because of the skin color of the wheat, plus the exposure of the clothing, the women here are especially enchanting.

Especially the body. Yang Dingtian has seen rare hot.

The demon patriarch, with a few people in Yangding, flew directly to the front of the Haiqi Wangcheng.

The king city of the Haiqi people is called the Split Rock City!

The whole city looks like a boulder floating in the air.

This seems to be a bit like tearing space.

Yang Dingtian understands that the Haiqi people are the closest to the tearing space.

However, this boulder is also a huge lady.

It is a few hundred miles in diameter and tens of meters high. It looks like an asteroid.

Central boulder. Cracked a huge gap, this is the entrance to Wangcheng.

"I am demon, let your patriarchs come and greet." Under the huge city gate, the demon is very strong.

The warrior above the huge stone gate saw the demon, and immediately went to Beijing, and then neatly bowed down.

Then, slowly open the huge city gate.

Then, others quickly rode the ride. Fly toward the palace.

After only half an hour, a tall and fat old man. Riding on a huge flying ride, floating on the platform in front of Yang Dingtian and others.

Then, he jumped out of the flying ride with a breathless breath, and rushed to the front of the demon, saying: "Yin, finally willing to come to see me. I want to die, I want to die!"

This fat old man, not only looks warm, but even with a favor.

Obviously, the demon is his son-in-law, and the result is his expression of his knot.

Last time. The enchanting led the army of the parliament to attack the Yinyue people. Although the Haiqi people did not betray, they did not send troops to help.

Therefore, after the end of the war, the silver moon patriarchs never again ignored the Haiqi people.

And his old man, the Haiqi patriarch, had two days and two heads, and sent people to pay tribute to the Yinyue people to apologize.

However, every gift was thrown back by the demon.

The devil's wife, also in the dialect, said that he would break the relationship between the father and the daughter with the Haiqi chief.

Now, I didn't think that my son-in-law had personally went to the door, so how can the Haiqi patriarch not be overjoyed.

Demon Li did not say anything, flew directly into the city gate, and still had no good looks for his old man.

This fat Haiqi patriarch, did not care, smiled and followed the back door.


The royal palace of the Haiqi people is also a strange thing.

It is almost dug out in the boulder, and is similar to the Wanxue Palace.

However, Wanxue Palace only dug the cave. The palace of the Haiqi people is a huge palace that is alive and well.

It’s a complete awesome work.

Moreover, the size and momentum of this palace is completely higher than that of the Yinyue and the Shadowgo.

Therefore, this Haiqi nationality should be a very strong race, but it is such a low voice to the Yinyue people.

Yes, the Haiqi people used to be the first big family. Or it is more than the first big family, when he almost unified the entire small western world.

At that time, the Haiqi clan demon department, the heroic and powerful, is extremely powerful, and is known as the first master of Xiaoxitian.

And demon, it is his most important disciple.

The demon department has always felt that Xiaoxitian is divided into nine tribes, which is the foundation that hinders the strength of Xiaoxitian. Moreover, he is full of a sense of crisis in Xiao Xitian's world fantasy.

He set the strategy of Xiao Xitian at that time. The first step was to unify the entire Xiaoxitian and establish the Xiaoxitian Empire.

The second step is to break through Xiaoxitian and get a truly complete continent.

He always felt that the continent that floated on the sea in the sky was always unsafe and would fall one day.

The third step is to make the Xiaoxitian race a mainstream race in the chaotic world and survive for generations.

Note that he is talking about the mainstream race, not the race.

About the demon department, in the Yindu Library, there are not many books about him.

It is not that he is not important. In fact, he is the most important hero of Xiaoxitian history.

Yangdingtian is in the middle of the mountain, only to understand this person, and to his heart.

This person's ambition seems to be the same as the enchanting, but it is actually different.

The enchanting ambition is to breed a demigod, then replace the Naga and dominate the world.

The ambition of the demon department is to make this evil race of the demon fox family. Become a normal, mainstream civilized race.

Because the demon fox is a smart race that was made by the fallen silver dragon.

Such a race is either a disaster or a destruction.

The demon department is to unify the entire small western sky, and then normalize the civilization of the demon fox.

Yang Dingtian saw his insights and writings. I have to admit that many of this person's ideas are very similar to themselves.

More than a thousand years ago, the demon department began to lead the Haiqi and Yinyue national coalition forces, sweeping the entire small West Heaven, invincible.

In just a few decades, it is almost necessary to unify Xiaoxitian.

At that time, the devil's father, the demon fierce, the demon anger II's father was fascinated. They are the most loyal comrades in the demon department, and they are his right arm.

Once the empire is established, it will become the prime minister of the empire. Demon, will become the marshal of the empire.

It is a pity that there are still the last ones from the nine tribes.

The demon part is violent, and his right arm and his right arm are demon. Enchanted II, also inexplicably died.

Since then. This empire has not yet been established, and it has completely fallen apart.

And those defeated races, as well as the silver capital, took the opportunity to counterattack.

At that time, the demon department devoted all his life to the reunification of Xiaoxitian, and he did not live forever.

And his younger brother, the demon is repaired as a general. Timid and thick.

In the face of the enemy's counter-attacks, the Shadowgo, Haiqi, and Yinyue coalitions retreated.

And the most deadly thing is that the enchanting prince who took over the Shadowgo patriarch was not good. Rebellious, and invested in the embrace of Yindu.

As a result, the Haiqi and Yinyue families were even defeated.

In the end, he was succeeded as the patriarch of the Yinyue patriarch, and he turned his back on the arrogance. With the determination of mortal death, he led the two warriors, resisting and blocking the silver capital.

It is also the devil's fight, which avoids the fate of the Haiqi people being dismembered.

At that time, as the commander of the bicommunal coalition, many high-level members of Haiqi hoped that the demon would also become the king of the Haiqi.

Because, the demon king does not have any descendants.

However, the demon refused, let the younger brother of the demon department, his own Yuezhang demon, became the new patriarch.

Since then, the Haiqi people have fallen from the first strong family.

When the enchanting swindlers slashed the silver moon family, the demon daring was weak and weak, and the choice was neutral. However, at that time, the high-ranking warriors of the Haiqi people went to the Yinyue to help.

In the eyes of many warriors of the Haiqi people, as the disciple of the demon disciple, it is their leader.

Therefore, although the demon is the Yuezhang, but the demon is still pleasing to the knot.


Among the huge halls, there are only demon dragons, demon and a few people.

Yaolong smiled and said: "Hyun, can you have anything?"

Demon fiercely pointed to Yangding Tiandao: "This is not the silver dragon referee of Zhoushan."

Demon, he lived under the wings of his brother when he was a child, so many things don't care much.

After a long while, he picked up the word Yinlong referee from his mind.

Then he bowed and said: "Xiao Wang met with the referee, what is the order?"

After meeting, he said what he told many times. It is very timid and horrible.

Demon Li directly said: "Now the acting speaker, Yong She, has been asked by humans to win the day. He wants to be a disaster, we want to get rid of it."

Suddenly, the demon looks pale and bitter.

He is the most feared of killing and killing.

And When the last time the enchanting attacked the silver moon family, this female niece did not want the Haiqi people to ask for help.

Now, for this matter, I went straight to the Haiqi people.

"Yin, this, is this long-term discussion?" Demon Longmen.

"There is nothing to say." Demon and fiercely swayed, said: "This is the case. I am going to gradually reunite the Justice League and attack the Speaker of Yongshe. Our two races are the initiators. You will go to the elders of the tribes. Call over, launch the army, prepare for war!"

"This, that, okay..." Although the demon patriarch was very embarrassed, it still went down.

Yangdingtian is counted, Haiqi and Yinyue are not allies at all, they are completely family.

As long as the devil is willing, in the Haiqi, he can be the master.


Note: Sorry, Kavin is ok, although it is almost ten o'clock, but there is one more. (To be continued...) R1292

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