Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1124: Powerful earthquake! Naru's power!

Of course, the elders are just a name. ~,

In fact, the highest power level among the nine tribes except the patriarch is the vassal.

The so-called vassals, there are foreign vassals, and the inner vassals.

The foreign minister has his own territory. The external vassal is to grasp the force and resources in the family.

The power of inside and outside vassals is similar.

The thirteen vassals of the Haiqi people gathered in the hall within a few hours.

Seeing the first look of the demon, the 13 vassals, suddenly excited, immediately tidy down, shouted: "See you less!"

The look of each one is very warm.

However, when the enchanting besieged the Silvermoon City, almost all of the 13 vassals led the elites of the ethnic group, posing as the silver moon masters.

Earlier, a thousand years ago, they had been fighting for decades with the demon.

They called the demon part as the king, and the demon was the king of the fierce, and the demon anger was the anger king.

Therefore, in front of this demon, it is called the less severe king!

As for the Enchanted Second World, it was originally called the Little Rage King. Later, he turned to the Silver Capital and betrayed the Tribal Alliance, so he was crowned as a shaker.

Of course, hundreds of years after the war. Enchanted II joined his face in the tribal alliance, and although he did not care for him, he was a big friend. Once again accepted his participation and accepted his marriage request.

Therefore, there is a enchanting and enchanting marriage contract.

However, I did not expect that after several hundred years of Enchanting II, I once again betrayed the Alliance and invested in the embrace of Yindu, becoming an ally of Yongshe.

In the end, he even became the biggest supporter of the enchanting speaker.

This millennium. Enchanted II rebelled and reconciled, and rebellious, two sides and three knives, fully interpreted the face of a blackmailer.

However, this is also the case, the Shadowgo family was attached to a younger brother of the Haiqi people. Vaguely at the end of the nine tribes, the hard-boiled students were run as the first strongest people in Xiaoxitian, and they had to admire his means.

Closer to home.

These vassals of the Haiqi people, when they saw the demon, the kind of worship and enthusiasm, completely threw their true master demon patriarchs aside.

The demon patriarch is not angry, his face is smiling, but his eyebrows are full of worries.

Normally, these vassals did not put him in the eye. He doesn't care too much. Anyway, these vassals are loyal to his family, and they also rule the Haiqi people.

Demon is not too big about power. He wants to live in peace, fear of change, and fear of fighting.

However, many times it is completely counterproductive.


"This is not the silver dragon referee of Zhoushan, you all see the ceremony." Demon fierce pointed to Yangding Tiandao.

These vassals. Looking at Yang Dingtian's gaze is still relatively cold. However, because of the devil's command, it is still rare to pull the Yangding Heavenly Ceremony.

After the flamboyant civilization impacted Xiaoxitian, the literary and art faction was highly respected by the Great Priest Association, which after all represented the faith of Xiaoxitian.

However, in the military faction, the birds of the Great Priest Association did not do anything. So it’s not at all.

The demon looked at the 13 vassals and said: "This time we gather everyone, it is one thing! That is, to remove the silver agent, the Speaker of the House, Yongshe!"

He is very direct.

However, the thirteen vassals are more direct than him.

"Do him, kill the old ass."

"Destroy him. Now start the army and destroy the silver capital."

"Inherit the demon king's legacy, unify the small West!"

Thirteen vassals burst.

Yangdingtian is counted. The thirteen vassals, almost all of them with injuries and wounds on their faces, are left behind by the war of more than a thousand years.

At that time, because of the violent temper of the Three Kings, the battle for the reunification of Xiao Xitian was defeated. These vassals were very unwilling.

"Yes, the silver capital was destroyed, and the seven tribes were destroyed, so that the lesser king became the second emperor of the Xiaoxitian Empire." A one-eyed demon fox, holding a big sword, desperately slammed the ground.

The hard and flat ground was split and pieced together. The demon dragons had a distressed face and convulsions, but they did not dare to say anything.

Unexpectedly, the demon is just saying that to get rid of Yongshe, he was asked to create a small western empire. The first emperor of the Xiaoxitian Empire in their mouth, of course, was their invincible commander-in-chief.

Demon fiercely waved and said: "Well, don't pull that far! This time, we are worshipping the holy life of the Silver Dragon Temple, don't pull a little Western Empire!"

Then, the demon slammed the sun and said: "His referee, please!"

Yang Dingtian started to arrest the investigation and said: "Xiao Xitian, the acting speaker, has been asked by humans to win the day. It will be a disaster for the West. The Silver Dragon Temple will send this seat to bring Yongshe back to Zhoushan, in front of The face of the big tribe, identify the soul of the eternal house!"

When this was said, the 13 vassals were greatly disappointed.

It turned out that it was not a fight, it was just arresting people. Then, what does that mean?

Demon said: "Yongshe will not be able to get rid of it, and will definitely jump over the wall. So from now on, the Haiqi must make every effort to prepare for it. As long as Yongshe dares to resist, he will immediately lead the army, attack the Yindu, and arrest Yongshe!"

"Into the silver capital, kill Yongshe!" Thirteen vassals, suddenly shouted, pulled out the weapon, desperately hit his chest.

This group of militants made Yang Dingtian slightly frown.

"Well, you are ready, I will go to the next tribe."

At this point, the demon patriarch quickly rushed forward and said: "Yin Yin, eat the banquet and go, it is hard to come here."

"100,000 people are in a hurry, what kind of banquet is still eaten." Demon, the head did not return to the ground.

"Yin, how are you?" The demon patriarch was not angry, and caught up with her daughter.

"Well, what's wrong?" Demon rides on the flying ride and flies away.


After leaving the Haiqi, flying in the air.

Yang Dingtian suddenly said: "The demon patriarch, make Yue good."

Demonful face is cold, very unhappy Yang said: "I know, this matter does not care for the referee, your concern."

Yangdingtian is not angry. Asked: "Our next goal, where to go?"

"Gianling and Tianhuo!" Demon.

Yang Dingtian knew these two tribes. At that time, he demonized against the ruling line of Yongshe and then opposed the enchanting as the speaker. Therefore, he established the Justice League and tried to prevent Xiaoxitian from going to glory and decay.

The Justice League at the time. It is the four tribes of Yinyue, Haiqi, Giant, and Tianhuo, and dozens of small families.

However, when the enchanting formation of the coalition forces attacked the Yinyue, the Giants and the Tianhuo, at the last minute, betrayed the Justice League. Instead of helping the Yinyue people, they joined the coalition. Attack the silver moon family together.

These two tribes have been rebellious, can they still succeed?


After a day and a night.

Demon and Yang Dingtian and others came to the Wangcheng of the Tianhuo.

The Tianhuo family is very far away from the Yinyue nationality, but it is very close to the Shadow Ge family.

At that time, the reason for the alliance with the Yinyue people was completely outreach.

The Enchanted Evil of the Shadow Ge family never stopped the engulfment of the Tianhuo.

The name of the Tianhuo family comes entirely from the fire that never goes out on the volcanoes of the sky.

This fire is a few kilometers high. For thousands of years, it has not been extinguished.

and. Every season, it will change to different colors. Therefore, it is known as the skyfire.

This tribe is also known as the Tianhuo.

But what is terrible is that part of the volcano this day is in the territory of the Shadow Go.

and so. The sorcerer II of the Shadow Ge family, do everything possible to **** the volcano this day and take away the skyfire!

Therefore, between the two communities, friction disputes continue, and the influence of the Shadows is large. The relationship in Yindu is deeper, so the Tianhuo family is often suffering.

Whether it is Yongshe or enchanting, it is an ally of the Shadows, so the silver palace has always been biased, resulting in the Tianhuo people have been dissatisfied with the Yongshe and the enchanting.

Therefore, the demon thinks that the success rate of the Tianhuo family is higher.


In the Tianhuo Palace, Yangdingtian saw the patriarch of the Tianhuo people, the enchanting II!

This person, almost the same age as Enchanted II, his father was the patriarch of the fire, and was murdered by the demon.

Therefore, the relationship between the nine tribes is completely a mess, and it is not complicated.

This patriarch, in order to prove the ownership of the volcano, the clothes on the body are embroidered with flames, and even the hair is red, and I can’t wait for the flames to be all over the body.

Demon and fiercely said: "Now the president of Yindu, the president of Yindu, has been asked by humans. The Yinlong Temple sent the referee to arrest him, in order to guard against the rebellion. I formed a new Justice League. , to get rid of Yongshe, you Tianhuo, do not add in?"

Yang Dingtian discovered that this demon patriarch was really too direct. When negotiating with people, they all went straight and there was no chill and no political euphemism.

After listening to the celestial patriarch of the celestial celestial empire, the first thing was to look bright, and then he shook his head and said: "Li brother, this thing, I support you from the heart. But... but I will not participate, rest assured that I must not Will stand on the side of Yongshe."

Demon angered: "There is a silver dragon temple ~ What are you afraid of?"

The enchanting Emperor II shook his head: "The Silver Dragon Temple is no matter what, when it is time to fight, they pull away and the unlucky ones are us. The anger is not able to find the reason for swallowing me. If I join you, it is I sent the handle up."

Yangdingtian cold and cold road: "Heroes, there is no neutral in this dispute. Either support or opposition. If you don't support it, then it is against it."

The enchanting face changed, and then said: "The Silver Dragon Temple can't stop me because of this!"

Yangding Tian cold road: "If this is the will of Nalu Speaker? Don't forget, you Tianhuo, but always listen to Naru Speaker."

The enchanting face shook: "Nara Speaker? She, she has passed away!"

Yang Dingtian took out a piece of Huiyu and handed it to him.

After half an hour!

The Tianhuo people also joined the Justice League to fight against Yongshe! (To be continued..)u

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