Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1134: Love blends! Send Yongshe on the road!

Yang Dingtian saw that Jiya’s eyes were very bold, and could not help but tremble in his heart. Didn’t Ji Ya recognize himself?

After Ji Yan’s eyes were looked at for a while, she closed her eyes and began to sniff. ☆→☆→,

It must have been Yang Dingtian who gave him some familiar taste, but it was very illusory and completely undetermined.

Therefore, he stared hard at him and sniffed hard.

I want to catch the illusion, but I am familiar with the swaying taste.

But this thing, when you really want to catch him, it almost disappeared without a trace.

"Mrs. Ji Ya, why is it so eye-catching?" Yang Dingtian slowed down.

Although it may not be a bad thing to recognize him with Ji Ya, at this time, it is better to have nothing more than one thing.

Ji Ya still looked at Yangding Tiandao with a little suspicion: "Just think that the taste of the referee is similar."

When talking, Ji Ya eyes staring at the eyes of Yang Dingtian.

She feels that the body can change, the face can change, but the eyes can't change.

However, this silver dragon mask does change even the eyes.

At the top of the Yangding Day, the brows were slightly wrinkled, revealing the indifference and arrogance peculiar to the Silver Dragon Temple. They did not ask the person, but faintly said: "You think more."

"Yes, Lord of the referee." Ji Ya finally lowered her head docilely and then said: "I heard that my son will become a student of the Silver Dragon Temple after he grows up, right?"

Yangtou said: "Yes."

Ji Yadao: "Can that let my child see the referee's side? I very much hope that he can get your blessing."

Yangdingtian is counted, and this Jiya still has no heart.

If the referee is the person in her fantasy, then she will be out of control when facing her own flesh and blood.

And how smart your baby is. Ji Ya is completely fully aware.

When I was still in the stomach, the baby could feel the energy of Yangdingtian through a layer of belly and feel the connection of blood.

This is even more so.

If it is said that Ji Ya is only because of the relationship between men and women, I feel that I am familiar with the sun.

Then her son of the demigod, she will definitely recognize the energy of Yangdingtian.

The demigods never need to watch. Just sniffing it is fine.

Yangdingtian certainly wants to see his children very much, but now is definitely not the time. If you expose the identity of Yangdingtian, you may not have any problems. However, at this time, there are absolutely long nights and long dreams. We must seize the time to get rid of Yongshe.

Therefore, although Yang Dingtian misses his baby very much, he must hold back.

However, he could not completely refuse it at once.

because. As the silver dragon referee, if you don't pay attention to the descendants of the demigod, it is unreasonable.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian frowned. "Time is very urgent. I must take Yongshe to the Silver Dragon Temple as soon as possible."

Ji Ya said directly: "Please give me some time."

Ji Ya really does not give up.


Then, Giya immediately went out and found Enchanted II, telling her father what she thought.

of course. She did not say that she suspected that the silver dragon referee was Yangdingtian, he just said. I want to let the silver dragon referee look at his son of the demigod.

Enchanted II wondered: "Is this necessary?"

Ji Ya solemnly said: "There must be!"

Enchanted II nodded and said: "Well, as soon as possible!"

Then, Ji Ya led the silver moon master and went to the silver palace as fast as possible.

Why does Ji Ya have to identify, is this person in front of Yang Tiantian?

Do you want to be warm and intimate?

No, absolutely not the case.

although. She also has a certain degree of integration.

But in her mind, the interests of the Yinyue people are still supreme, and the interests of Xiaoxitian are still supreme.

In case the silver dragon referee is a fake man, it means that the silver moon is fooled, which means that he can not represent the Silver Dragon Temple. This means that the agreement reached by her father, Enchanted II and Yang Dingtian, is invalid.

If this is the case, then the interests of the Yinyue people will be extremely damaging to the interests of Xiaoxitian.

You must know that Yang Dingtian represents human beings. He will not consider the interests of Xiaoxitian, nor will he consider the interests of the Yinyue people. His only purpose is to kill Yongshe.

If this is the case, then the fruit is too serious and terrible.

That means that Enchanted II killed his most important ally, and nothing was obtained, and the entire situation of Xiaoxitian was completely subverted.

Therefore, Ji Ya must figure this out.

Of course, she did not tell her suspicion to Enchanted II because he had a heart for Yang Dingtian.


Enchanted II personally came to Yang Dingtian and expressed his opinion. He wanted to let his demigod grandson receive and receive the silver dragon referee.

This request was made from the mouth of the Enchanted II, and Yangdingtian could not refuse at all.

"Yes." Yangding Tian smiled.

After the sorcerer II said that he did not leave immediately after the request, he sat down and said: "There is one thing that has plagued me for more than a thousand years. It is also the biggest mystery of the whole small western world. I want to ask the referee to solve the problem. Confused."

Although Yang Dingtian was confused, he smiled and said: "Please say."

Enchanted Second World: "The referee knows that more than a thousand years ago, the demon lord led the tribal army to sweep the small west, almost completely destroying the six-member coalition, completely unifying Xiaoxitian. But suddenly overnight, The demon king, my father's demon anger, and the silver moon's demon fierce, all inexplicable temper. No one knows the reason, you also know that the demon king was there, in the gods do not know the ghost does not feel killed This millennium. I don't know how many times I thought about it. I don't know how many times I searched, but I can't find any clues at all. How do you think that the three demons of the demon king died?"

On this point, Yang Dingtian does have his own answer.

Think for a while. Yangding Tiandao: "The demon three people should be killed."

For Yang Dingtian’s direct answer, Enchanted II couldn’t help but sigh: “But there is no one in Xiaoxi’s days who can kill them three, and the human kingdom is even worse.”

Yangding Tiandao: "The murderer is not a small West, nor a human kingdom, perhaps other races."

As soon as this was said, Enchanted II was completely discolored.

Not a demon fox. Nor is it human. Who can kill the demon three without knowing it?

Of course it is Naga!

However, hasn't the Naga in this world been completely extinct?

However, Enchanted II did not say anything. For these big men, it is impossible to break the casserole. It is enough for them to get the answers they want, and they will not ask why.

then. Enchanted II calmed down.

And Yangdingtian also calmed down, but his heart. It’s exactly like the same group.

Ji Ya will soon come to see her with his son of the demigod, and Ji Ya may not recognize himself. But the baby will definitely recognize it.

Although, this baby just saw Yangdingtian when he was born, and was embraced by Yangdingtian.

The memory of the child is very short-lived. It is almost four years away and has long been forgotten.

But... the baby of the demigod. It is not relying on memory at all, nor on relying on looks to identify it. They have an instinctive sense of smell, and they can find people connected to their blood at once.

At that time, when the baby was still in the stomach, the Yangdingtian could be recognized through a layer of belly. at this time. It's even easier.

Once recognized by the baby, the identity of Yangdingtian is exposed.

Yangdingtian can only keep thinking about it. Once his identity is exposed, what will the consequences be?

Yongshe has been ousted from the stage, and it is difficult to change the water. This is absolutely impossible to change.

However, Yangdingtian himself will be in trouble.

Of course, it may not be so bad. After all, I can still represent the will of the Great Priest Association. The Silver Dragon Temple is willing to endorse for itself.


Sure enough, less than half an hour, under the guard of the silver moon master, Ji Ya took the baby and came outside.

"His referee, Ji Ya once again asked." Outside, there was a nervous voice in Ji Ya.

"Please come in." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Ji Ya hugged a little boy, walked in, and then closed the door tightly.

The masters of the Yinyue nationality are kept out of tens of meters and no one is allowed to approach.

Yang Dingtian first saw his son.

He, he should have been four years old and four years old.

Really beautiful, this child is really beautiful and suffocating.

The white skin is really a makeup.

A chubby little face, exquisite.

Big eyes, really like a gem.

Moreover, Ji Ya left him a long hair, and now also carries a natural roll.

Golden hair, soft and shiny.

He was wearing a white robes, and it was so beautiful that it was so cute.

He has scales on his neck, but it has changed from purple to silver.

There are also pointed and lovely ears, and the scales have turned into half gold and half silver.

Unlike the quietness of my brother Yang Yi, this baby is very lively, with two big eyes like gems, bones everywhere, always filled with curious eyes.

Moreover, the little hand still takes a lollipop and eats it.

Seeing his grandson, the face of Enchanted II melted instantly, every inch of skin on his face, every inch of his eyes, filled with infinite love.

"Oh, my little sister, let Grandpa hug, let Grandpa hug..." Enchanted II took the baby and greedily sniffed the tender scent of the baby, and the expression on his face seemed to be in heaven.

And Ji Ya, his eyes are completely staring at the reaction of Yang Dingtian.

At this time, Yang Dingtian did not hide his pity and love, and fell on the baby's face.

Although the baby was held by the Enchanted II, but still eating lollipops, big eyes staring at Yangdingtian, his eyes looked motionless.

Ji Ya went forward: "Baby, let the referee, the uncle, hug, okay?"

Ji Ya took the baby over and then came to the front of Yang Dingtian.

"His referee, do you want to hug him?" asked Ji Ya.

"Of course." Yang Dingtian is ready to be exposed at this time, and there is no anger. This is his own flesh and blood. It should be a happy thing to be recognized by him.

Then, Yangdingtian took over the baby and gently sniffed the smell of his body.

Not just a child, I already have a lot of children, but every child is holding too little.

For more than half a year, don't talk about holding every child, even if you meet, it is extravagant.

Holding the baby, Yangdingtian is on the child's hair, and on the face, he kisses him with affection.

Ji Ya went forward: "Baby, do you know this uncle?"

When the words came out, the demon anger suddenly changed, and then stared at Yangdingtian.

He was very clever and immediately thought of a possibility from the question of Ji Ya.

If this is the case, if the person in front of him is Yangdingtian, then... the consequences are terrible.

It means that Yangdingtian faked the silver dragon referee and used himself to remove Yongshe.

And he simply can't represent the Silver Dragon Temple, and all his negotiations are fake.

That means that I sold out the Yongshe, removed the most important allies, and found nothing, even bringing a terrible situation to Xiao Xitian.

In an instant, a powerful energy burst out of the air, covering every space.

In his heart, there was even a killing.

If it is really Yangdingtian, he will really want to kill.

Before, Yang Yi hugged Yang Dian Tian, ​​and suddenly recognized it.

In front of this baby, lying in the arms of Yangdingtian, continue to eat sugar.

"Hey, do you know this uncle?" asked Jiya.

The baby shook his head and said: "I don't know him, but I like him."

His voice is very tender, and every character seems to be full of jumping and agility.

Hearing this sound, Yangdingtian has a feeling of melting.

However, he feels strange that the baby of the demigods can easily smell the energy of his body, and the blood-linked taste can be completely smelled.

When the baby said this, Ji Ya suddenly stunned and then let out a big breath.

The Enchanted II, pale and colorless face, suddenly recovered the blood, and the murderous body disappeared cleanly.

Yang Dingtian asked: "What is the name of this child?"

Ji Yadao: "Xiangyang!"

This name? He accepted it.

Ji Ya took the baby, and said, "Okay, we have to go home."

When the baby was taken away by her mother, she suddenly squinted at Yangdingtian, and then shouted with a small mouth: "Dad!"

He didn't scream and didn't let anyone else see it.

However, Yangdingtian almost jumped up at once.

This son of his own, really... really bad!


After Ji Ya came out, the Yangding Tianchao enchanted the Second World Road: "Well, the time is almost up, we should send you to Yongshang."

Enchanted II eyes showed his killing intentions and said: "Yes, it is time to send him on the road." (To be continued.) u

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