Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1135: Death! The innocent father!

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The nine patriarchs did not go to Zhoushan with Yangdingtian.

After the retiring of Yongshe, the entire Xiaoxitian authority suddenly fell into a very chaotic situation.

In particular, the silver capital has suddenly become a leader.

However, silver is not the capital of thousands of years. Even after I heard that Yongshe stepped down, not only did the people not fall into a panic, but even the high-ranking aristocrats did not have much turmoil.

Even the civil and military officials of Yindu have their own duties.

After all, this mature system has been running for thousands of years, no matter how good or bad.

It is rare for the speaker to step down, but it is not without it.

Just a few years ago, the enchanting speaker was also directly violent, and did not see the silver chaos in the world.

In short, Xiao Xitian is a world in which class solidification is very serious, and the power of inertia and order is very powerful.

Just like the Ningzu in the far south, the owner died for a long time, and it will not be chaotic. Everyone still has his own duties.

Besides the speaker, it is not an emperor.

However, in order to protect the safety of her daughter and grandson, Enchanted II still left almost all the masters of the family in the capital.

Among the nine tribes, the Tianhuo can only be stunned.

And after the combination of Enchanted II and Demon II, the only one who can be called the opponent is barely the Golden Alban.

So, it won't turn anymore!

There are only four patriarchs in total, and Yang Dingtian will be sent to Wushan.

They are Enchanted II, Demon II, Jin Azu, and Giant Patriarch.

The Jin Azu chief is the father of the demon glass purple. He is now the only opponent of the demon anger II. Naturally, he cannot stay in the silver capital to make waves.

The giant genius demon giant II, is completely joined in the fun, originally only the three chiefs escorted Yongshe to go to Zhoushan. As a result, the demon giant II felt that there was no face in the circle that was not crowded into the big bang, and it was hard to ask for it.

In the face of such a monk, there is no way for Enchanted II, so he promised him to come together.


Then Yang Dingtian, the four patriarchs, the eight punishers, and dozens of masters, escorted Yongshe, went to the mountains!

On this road, Yangdingtian is still somewhat worried. He knows that Yongshe will not do anything in the past few years. There must be a secret force loyal to him.

Of course, on this point, Enchanted II is more clear.

However, he is not worried at all, because there are more than a dozen people in this pedestrian.

Xiaoxitian is afraid that there is no power at all, and he can directly rob Yongshe.

And if someone robs it better, kill it directly in the middle.

Even, Enchanted II is planning in the heart, is it necessary to fake someone to hijack the Yongshe. Then, take the opportunity to kill him in the middle.

But in the end, Enchanted II still gave up the idea.

Because reaching the summit does not prove that the weight of this silver dragon referee is more important, and it is more important to enter the real negotiation with the Silver Dragon Temple.

After only one day and one night, the group came to the junction of the mountains and the small West.


At the junction, a huge castle stands.

However, it seems that it is just an energy light and shadow, it is incomprehensible.

Because neither Zhoushan nor Xiaoxitian are within an energy environment, there is a layer of energy barrier in between, which no one can pass through.

Of course, the surface of the castle is clearly visible. The flags above, as well as the punishers who stand up, are the dense silver dragon temple warriors.

Yang Dingtian came to the castle door and raised the token in his hand. He said: "Open the door!"

"Yes!" There were four punishers coming down the gate.

This gate is also an energy barrier, so it looks translucent.

Four punishments came under the door, and the front was neatly squatting: "Give the Lord of the Referee."

Seeing this scene, Enchanted II has a long sigh of relief, this silver dragon referee is true.

This castle is the only armed force of the Silver Dragon Temple. These punitives are very arrogant. No one is a bird. Even if the Speaker of the West Side is coming, they will ignore it.

Now they are actually greeted, it is true that the silver dragon referee!

Then, the four referees began to open the energy gate of the castle.

The so-called energy gate is to use an energy array to transform the properties of this energy barrier so that it can pass through.

Four referees, fast and busy.

Incomparably huge energy array, starting to work.

When the energy barrier begins to be rebuilt, the energy barrier at the gate will melt and become transparent.


With the operation of the energy array, the parts of the city gate are actually getting thicker and thicker.

Finally, it completely turned into blood red.

Moreover, the entire energy barrier begins to be extremely unstable.

Finally, the entire castle began to tremble, tremble!

Yang Dingtian was shocked, and Enchanted II was shocked. All the punishers were shocked!

The castle trembled more and more, as if it would collapse at any time.

Yangdingtian shouted loudly: "Stop!"

Then, the four punishers stopped.

Suddenly, this blood red faded away and restored the previous energy barrier.

The four punishers stepped forward and said: "His referee, I don't know why, the door of energy can't be opened!"

Yangdingtian heart suddenly tightened.

Enchanted two eyes stared blankly at Yangdingtian.

This, this will be dead! This is really dead!

Once, the Silver Dragon Temple and Xiao Xitian are completely isolated, then it is nothing!

At this time, Yongshe suddenly laughed and said: "The so-called lord of the referee, even the door of energy can not be opened. No one can never enter Xiaoxitian from Zhoushan, then how did you come?"

Everyone looks a little.

Yongshe continued: "That can only prove one thing. You are not a silver dragon referee at all. You are a fake referee. I am separated from the silver and nine tribes. It has an ulterior motive!"

This is awkward, and the attitude of the punishers in the castle proves that he is the silver dragon referee.

Yongshe then went to the enchanted dynasty: "Angry brother, you are the mainstay of Xiaoxitian. At this time, you must become the pillar of the whole world!"

Enchanted II sneered at Yongshou: "What do you mean?"

It’s all this time, don’t you want to turn over and dream.

Don't say that this person is the silver dragon referee, even if it is not, you can't turn over. Everyone pushes you down the stage, the face that has been torn, can't make up.

Yongshe said: "Right brother, I know, my step down has become a foregone conclusion! It doesn't matter, I can't do this acting speaker. But the interests of Xiaoxitian World must be maintained. You also know that there is a secret force secretly loyal to me. We can still act as an ally, and we can still push Ji Ya to the position of the speaker. The Yinlong Temple and Xiaoxitian are completely isolated, only we know in the audience. I can fake death, and then completely disappeared, the name is buried in the service of the brother. And the so-called silver dragon referee in front of me will kill all!"

Enchanted II suddenly laughed and said: "Yongshe, are you kidding? Even if you can't enter Zhoushan, we can still kill you here, and then say it is Mingzheng's sentence! As for the door of energy It’s isolated, it should be your handwriting, no wonder you are afraid of it. But since it can be isolated, it can be opened.”

The smile on Yongshe’s face converges, then he waved his hand.


Suddenly, dozens of black shadows flashed.

Everyone, all under the black cloak.

The shadow, a hoarse voice, slowly said: "Let the Speaker of Yongshe."

Enchanted two brows wrinkled.

This is the secret power of the legend loyal to Yongshe.

It is very, very powerful.

Yongshe said: "Right brother, I know, this referee will definitely have a very high level of negotiation with you, and there must be great interests, so you will betray me. These interests should be brought by the Silver Dragon Temple. But now the Silver Dragon Temple is isolated, so the interests of the previous talks should not be counted."

As soon as this was said, Enchanted II changed dramatically.

Indeed, if it is completely isolated, even the Silver Dragon Temple is equivalent to completely disappearing in the small Western world.

That is also about what cooperation, talk about what transactions, those big interests, naturally paid for.

Yongshe whispered: "But between us, we can still cooperate. My strength is very strong. You and I will unite and you can be invincible in Xiaoxitian."

His voice, directly condensed, penetrated into the ears of the Enchanted II.

Enchanted II whispered: "But, I believe you, yongshe."

Yongshe said: "I am always caught by you, can't escape, my life is always at your disposal, this is all right. I just, our cooperation."

Enchanted II whispered: "What do you want, make it clear?"

Yongshe whispered: "I am not interested in everything about What I want is to let Xiaoxitian invade the human kingdom and eliminate Yangdingtian. Therefore, there is no conflict in our interests. It is completely cooperative."

Enchanted in the heart of the second tremble.

Looking at the dozens of black shadows in front of me, this power is really exciting.

If the Silver Dragon Temple is really completely isolated, then the previous transactions and negotiations are really not counted.

Yongshe’s eyes flashed with the deceitful and devil’s light. He whispered: “Believe me, this power can only be mastered by me! Kill the referee in front of me, and then everything is not happening. You continue to control the whole small West, and This powerful force in my hands is all for you to send, how? But there are more than twenty holy powerhouses!"

The black shadow slowly said: "Let the chairman of Yongshe, or go to war!"

At this point, Yangding Tianmuguang stared at the leader of the black shadow, slowly said: "Yizhu, you are not a language family, once the silver dragon referee, Nalu Speaker, when fell to become the running dog of Yongshe? ”

This is a eclipse! R1152

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