Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1136: The truth is white! Another father-in-law!

Naru’s husband, the non-speaker who was seduce and degraded, isn’t he committing suicide?

Why, still alive?

Moreover, even with the Yongshe collusion together?

How can this be?

What kind of pure desire is not a language? What a noble sentiment?

How could it be like this?

Yangdingtian, how can you know?


After the voice of Yang Dingtian fell, some people in the place fell into silence.

Then, staring at Yangdingtian, staring at the shadow leader!

The body of the shadow leader trembled fiercely, and then the whole body instinctively shrank, as if to hide himself into the darkness.

Yang Dingtian continued: "Hsinzhu, you have been a very noble and intelligent non-language for a long time. In the High Ritual Association, the project you studied is for the deep dark void energy! In your work, It is clearly written that all the demon foxes, the energy of the non-language, come from the dark void. The fallen silver dragon that breeds the demon foxes also swims in the dark void, as if from where to draw the power of the side."

Everyone is silent, waiting for the description of Yangdingtian.

Fuyang Dingtian continued: "Then, in your research diary, write later. In order to carry out in-depth research, you must personally look for these dark voids, personally to analyze, to experience! So, you left the silver dragon The temple, entered the small West!"

Looking at this black shadow leader, Yangding Tiandao: "The next thing is my guess. If I am wrong, please advise."

The shadow leader nodded.

Yangding Tiandao: "In the contradictory mainland illusion of the skull hall, every long period is separated by a long dark void. At that time. There is nothing in the whole world, there is only a void. Then, there is a faint black dragon. The figure of the fallen silver dragon is wandering. The small western world, although it is the product of the collapse of Nirvana, is a normal world. So there is no dark void for you to study. You have been swimming for a long time, long time, until You find that, suddenly, one day, there was a dark crack in the world of Xiaoxitian. It was land, and suddenly disappeared, it became a terrible illusion. Although it is not pure darkness, it is very similar. So, you Begin to study the dark cracks... but... you are not able to withstand the power of the dark cracks, you are polluted!"

Yang Dingtian finished. The shadow leader shuddered.

Yangding Tiandao: "It seems that I am right. At that time, you are still a very noble non-language. You feel that you are polluted, and you are afraid of falling. So, you are madly escaping. Then, you meet Na Lu. The original non-language is the end of the desire. However, your soul is polluted. So the soul you desire is flawed. You are also attracted by Naru. So you both combine. If so continue Going on, maybe it's a good thing. After a normal life, there is nothing wrong with it."

At this point, the entire body of the shadow leader has been trembled.

Yangding Tiandao: "But you denied everything. You think you live with Naru. It is the result of pollution, why do you stop yourself from falling completely? You chose to commit suicide, but you are polluted after all, You are fearful, and you are beginning to be greedy. You are afraid of death. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this. Every life should be afraid of death. Then you start to wander around the small West, like a lonesome Naru, like Nazi, thinks that you are dead, and you are in pain and embarrassment for a few days and nights. Until your daughter grows up, she has a message of suicide!"

Having said that, this black shadow leader has already collapsed, and the energy of the body is in a very chaotic situation.

Yangding Tiandao: "At this time, you are still wandering around the world, resisting the invasion of your soul by the dark void energy. You are a strong man, you desperately want to defeat it. However, Naru's death is completely defeated. You, let your will completely collapse. From then on, you are completely captured by the dark energy. Then, day after day, you are looking for the dark cracks of the whole world. But you are no longer for research, but for engulfing, You are addicted, and you are addicted to the soul. From then on, everything you live in is to devour the energy of the dark cracks. Then, you have met many of your kind. These people are the exile of the Silver Dragon Temple. They made such mistakes and were completely exiled. For whatever reason, you are gathered together and you become their leader!"

Yang Dingtian said while thinking.

Looking at each other's reaction, so far, there should be no guessing.

Yang Dingtian continued: "Despite your wandering in the world, you don't do evil, it is like an invisible person. You lead them, madly looking for dark cracks, madly devouring its power. Because you are specializing in dark cracks, only you Know how to devour this energy. In this way, day after day, year after year. Even though it is like a ghost, it does not cause any harm to the world. Until one day, you and Yongshe met! I don’t Know how you met, but in short, he has a hollow fire, can purify the dark cracks, can let your entire body into the dark cracks. Then, the dark energy that is swallowed is definitely much more, the feeling brought , definitely much stronger!"

At this point, even Yongshe has completely changed color.

Yangding Tiandao: "So, you and Yongshe, it constitutes a loose alliance. You are not obeying him, loyal to him, but just need their hollow fire, you can let you completely into the dark cracks! ”

Yang Dingtian said while thinking.

Finally, many of the mysteries in his mind were unveiled as they were explained.

For example, regarding the bloom time of the dark crack, no one knows the whole Xiaoxitian. This is the high secret of the Silver Dragon Temple. It is impossible for Yongshe to know. Moreover, even the records of the Dark Dragon Temple on the dark fissures are all studied from the bamboo, and are incomplete.

Also, non-language is not a good female color, even in men and women, they are almost castrated from the depths of the soul.

Although Naru is very beautiful, if the other party does not even have the concept of beauty, then what is the difference between beautiful red and white bones.

Also, the suicide of Yazhu, but can not find the body and so on.

Then, Yang Dingtian read all his materials at the Great Priest Association.

Finally, when this black shadow leader appeared, Yangdingtian smelled a strong energy.

This kind of energy is very familiar, but very strange.

Yang Dingtian can't say what it feels like. In short, this energy is familiar to the extent of being more familiar than the emptiness of the emptiness, but he can't think of it.

Then, Yang Dingtian connected a series of clues, made a bold fantasy, and shouted the name of Yazhu.

The reaction of the other party proved the correctness of this idea.

In a pile of chaos, the thread was found, and the whole line was smoothly pulled out.


"Yongshe, I am right?" Yangdingtian slowed down.

Yongshe asked the day to applaud and said: "It’s right, it’s very correct. It really makes me stunned. But this makes sense! Lord Bamboo and his people are now completely intoxicated by the energy of the dark cracks, only I can make them fully enjoyable. Therefore, our relationship is inseparable. If I die in your hands, then this group of people will go crazy and will kill you."

Yongshe raised his head and said: "You are right, this group of people are exiled from the Silver Dragon Temple. They are weak, they are all peaks and holy, and the holy level is more than twenty. This is the powerful martial art force of Xiaoxitian. The Shadow Ge family can't stop it, the silver can't stop it, and the Yinyue people can't stop it."

Demon screams: "But the whole small West is united, but it can stop it!"

Yongshe laughed and said: "That's right, but can you unite? Right now, your four patriarchs, plus the masters, plus the punishers, but also a dozen holy powers. You think This is more than enough. As a result, there are more than twenty holy levels on my side, dozens of peaks and half holy, desperately, you will probably die!"

When this is the case, Enchanted II and others, the face has changed dramatically!

If it is a rational martial art force, Enchanted II is not afraid.

More than a dozen holy levels, fighting more than 20 holy levels, although they will lose, but basically can not fight, the loss of both sides is too great.

However, the other party is completely irrational and is a crazy addicted devil.

They are not afraid of death at all. In order to engulf the dark fissure energy, even if they only take a sip, they are willing to pay the price of life and negotiate.

Moreover, it is impossible to kill Yongshe now. Because Yongshe is dead, the other group of people will be completely mad and will kill!

Yongshe laughed and said: "Right brother, now that the words are clear, and the cards are played, the situation is simple?"

Yongshang looked at Yangdingtian, his eyes became cold and cruel, and said: "It is very simple to make a choice now. Or cooperate with me to kill this silver dragon referee and punisher. Then this stock The powerful dark power is used by you. I only want to invade the human kingdom. Either... everyone will do the same. You know, this group of addicts can’t negotiate at all!”

After that, Yongshe said one word at a time: "Frenzy II, you make a choice. Or the silver dragon referee will die, or everyone will die together!"

As soon as this was said, the eight punishers immediately formed a group and protected Yangdingtian in the middle.

Everyone is waiting for the choice of Enchanted II! To be continued. .

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