Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1140: New Void Fire! New Speaker!


Yongshe suddenly made a very screaming roar.

Full of incompetent barking.

Then, he only saw that the light and shadow of his soul wrapped in evil spirits directly melted into the abyssal border.

It is completely invincible, and it does not kill the evil spirits. It is here like the ice under the scorching sun, and it is completely melted.


Then a sound, a tremor.

Yongshe asked the sea of ​​the sky and blasted it directly.

However, the energy has not exploded, and it will melt directly.

Then, it is the mysterious vein protected by evil spirits, the heart part.

Finally, it is the brain domain protected by evil spirits.

The incomparably powerful, undead evil spirit energy, in the energy of the abyss border, like the metal into the high temperature magma, instantly melted clean, disappeared clean.

The body of Yongshe, together with the soul of the heavens, was completely dead and completely disappeared into the world.

The last to be melted is the head of Yongshe.

His soul seems to be completely unbelievable that he is really dead. I have the energy of evil spirits and I am really dead.

After Yongshe’s death, Yangdingtian still stood quietly on the edge of the abyssal border, hoping that the abyssal border could extract a new hollow fire.

The four patriarchs, as well as the defensive president, are also waiting quietly.


In the vast abyssal border, countless subtle bright awns began to condense, condense, and condense.

Finally, the cohesion becomes a black and white fire.

Black and white fires began to condense into a transparent hollow fire.

In the face of this emptiness, the Golden Afghan, the Enchanted II, and the Demon King II are full of eagerness.

Because whoever masters the fissure of the void, whoever masters the powerful dark wanderer power of Yazhu.

Yang Dingtian went straight to the road: "According to it, I already have a hollow fire, so this hollow fire should let go. But, with a hollow fire, not only masters the power of the dark wanderers, but also freely enters and exits. The human kingdom and Xiaoxitian. At present, the human kingdom is far weaker than Xiaoxitian. I can't let the human kingdom be at risk."

When this was said, everyone understood it. Yang Dingtian did not want the four patriarchs to have this emptiness.

Yangding Tiandao: "Yufeng patriarch, you have swallowed this emptiness. So you can control the exiles of the Silver Dragon Temple and study the abyss border."

Not the president of the Zhoushan Grand Priest Association, shook his head: "Yangdingtian, you still own it."

Yangding Tiandao: "But I already have a hollow fire."

The deficiencies will say: "Your cultivation is very close to the 20th order, and this new emptiness fire is swallowed up. Maybe there is a breakthrough."

Yang Ding Tian Yi, then squatted: "Thank you for your loyalty to the President, I am not welcome."

Yangding stepped forward in the sky and began to input the gods and mysteriousness into the fissure.

In an instant, the emptiness of the fissure fire slammed into the air, and it was in contact with the sacredness of Yangdingtian.

In the top of the sun, I couldn’t help but feel the slightest excitement. Can you swallow this emptiness fire, can you successfully break through the holy level?

The emptiness of the fissure, and the consciousness of Yang Dingtian, after the Xuanqi had enough exchanges, actually turned out to go back.

That's right, this emptiness fire has returned, and it refuses to be swallowed up by Yangdingtian.

The reason is very simple. It felt another hollow fire in Yangdingtian, so refused to stay in the sea of ​​Yangdingtian. Because, it may feel that as the second hollow fire, there is no place in the body, and there is no room for development.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Dingtian also clearly felt that the emptiness of the volcanic fire within his own sea suddenly swelled as if it had become fierce.

Obviously, the emptiness of the flames within the sea of ​​his own, absolutely refused to enter the new void.

If you really enter, I am afraid that two pieces of emptiness will break into a ball.

This situation, Yang Dingtian is really unthinkable, really completely speechless.

The two emptiness fires are strongly mutually exclusive.

This is really no way.

Yang Dingtian helplessly surpasses the longevity of the meeting: "Hello, I can't swallow it, then you can take it back for research."

Xu Yan smiled and nodded, reaching out and summoning it.

Suddenly, the hollow flame flew and flew in his palm.

The illusion of light and the slightest spurt, suddenly the emptiness of the emptiness into a thousand, and poured into the body of the virtual.

Then everything is quiet.

There is no change, no cure, no breakthrough.

Because, to his level of cultivation, swallowing a hollow fire, is not enough to make his repair a breakthrough.

"Well, I have already successfully executed and asked for help, and you will return!"

Yangdingtian looked at the mysterious and beautiful abyssal border. Yongshe asked that the sky had disappeared without a trace and became part of the abyssal border.

He is indeed a very powerful one, and now it has finally been removed smoothly.

Of course, even if he is not dead, he will not be able to make waves. However, it is better to die than to die.

A confession of Yangdingtian has finally been solved. Now, even if the Demon Road enters Xiaoxitian, it is completely dead.

On the door of the human kingdom, he has no worries at all.

Moreover, all the holy powers can be transferred back.


Yang Dingtian leads everyone, and the exit to the dark world is the dark door of the head hall.

The dark door was opened with a fissure fire, and then a group of people came out of the dark world and entered the hall of the skull.

Sure enough, at this time, within the hall of the skull, there are more than a dozen demon fox masters sitting together.

Among them, there are nearly ten strong people, and the rest are semi-classified.

This is almost the majority of the silver palace martial arts strong, and it was sent here by Yongshe. Once the door of the human kingdom is opened, these fox-family powerhouses will surge out, destroying the holy powers of the Yangdingtian side and taking away the door of the human kingdom.

Seeing someone coming out of the Dark Portal, the strongmen of the Silver Palace suddenly glimpsed, and then at first glance, they saw the Enchanted II and immediately relaxed and guarded.

"The silver palace martial arts, meet the kings." The silver lord of the holy class leader, took the lead in the salute.

The masters in the silver palace are concentrated in the Silver Palace, and they vow to always be loyal to the speaker. Of course, it is loyal to the position of the speaker, not someone.

Therefore, when the enchanting is in, they are loyal to the enchanting. Even the enchanting people let them imprison the Yongshe, they will obey.

After the enchanting death, Yongshe Acting Speaker, the Silver Palace Temple is fully loyal to Yongshe.

Their loyalty, like the Yinlong Temple punishers, is only loyal to the Yinlong referee.

The punishers in the border castle do not care at all about the silver dragon referee, even their father-in-law. As long as he is the silver dragon referee, he will obey any of his orders.

Enchanted II went forward: "Wu Dian Zhu Xian, your mission is over, go back."

The leader of the sacred ranks of the Yin Palace Wu Dian said: "Without the order of the speaker, our mission will never end."

Enchanted Second World Road: "President Wing She has been asked by humans to slay and murder the enchanting speaker. The Silver Dragon Temple ordered the arrest, and the Joint Council has already impeached him to step down. Silver Dragon Referee, escorting Yongshe The speaker entered the mountain, and he has already identified the true body. He has confirmed that he has been asked by human beings to confirm that he is the murderer of the murder. Therefore, he has been executed."

Enchanted II said that he took out a document.

This is the highest order of the Joint Council. The above is the impeachment of the Speaker of the House. It is covered with the private seals of the eight patriarchs and the public badge of the Joint Council.

Then, give a stack of retro jade.

Including the picture of Yongshe being demolished, and the picture of Yongshe being identified as the real body, as well as the picture of Yongshe admitting murder, and the scene of Yongshe being executed!

Every piece of evidence is very rigorous and authoritative.

After the leader of the Yin Palace Wu Dian finished reading it, it was passed down once!

Then the leader of the silver palace of the Holy Class leader said: "The Speaker of the House of Yongshe has stepped down and is executed, and our mission is temporarily frozen."


The leader of the silver palace warrior said: "But we will still be in the skull hall, but we will not do anything. Please ask the new speaker, release new orders, we will stop the task, or start a new mission! ”

Sure enough, it is very strict.

After Yongshe’s death, the tasks of this group of silver martial arts were only temporarily frozen, not completely stopped. They only obey the orders of the new speaker.

Enchanted Second World Road: "Please rest assured, the new Speaker will soon give you new orders!"

"Yes!" The leader of the silver palace warrior once again bowed, then sat down and closed down in a state of temporary freezing.

In the process, they will not do anything and will wait until the new speaker's order.

The four patriarchs, the illusory president, Yang Dingtian and his party, left the head hall and entered Xiaoxitian.

A few people, first sent the president of the virtual extension back to the mountains.

And Yang Dingtian, officially delivered the position of Yinlong referee to the president of the virtual deputy, handed over the mask, robes, and not Zhoushan!

I thought that the chairman of the deficiencies would be serious about collecting these things, and solemnly placing them in the most important places.

As a result, the president of the virtual derivation was still thrown to the fire dance casually, and then greeted the sun in the morning, and returned to the stone room to continue the meditation study.

Yang Dingtian once again bowed to the fire dance ceremony: "Thank you for the fire dance lady."

The fire dance smiled and said: "Well, busy with you, I still have a volume of novels that I have not finished reading."

Then she went back to her stone room.

The entire Grand Priest Association has fallen into an extremely empty space.


Yangdingtian left the Zhoushan and entered the Xiaoxitian world.

Then, his figure began to change and became a non-language Jiang Shang.

Instead of the language family Jiang Shang, the official Xiao Xitian's spiritual leader Daxian Shi! Be the teacher of the speaker!

Yang Dingtian returned to Yindu, this is to meet with Ji Ya and his son, enjoy the happiness of family.

However, when Enchanted II saw the first sight of Yangdingtian, he whispered: "Yangdingtian, in fact, Daxianshi is fully capable of acting as the speaker of the speaker. You may be the acting speaker, perhaps better!"

Yangdingtian could not help but scream!


Note: After ten minutes, a new month has arrived, and I will ask for a monthly pass. R1152

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