Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1141: For a long time, win the new marriage!

The most direct result of Yongshe’s death is to increase the intimacy of Yangdingtian and Enchanting II. ☆→Top ☆→Point ☆→Small ☆→ Say,

Now, between the two, there is already a strong common interest, and the conflict is very small, almost no.

And in the future, the survival of the Xiaoxitian Empire is likely to depend on the vitality of the human kingdom.

Therefore, the attitude of Yangdingtian becomes crucial.

Even, Enchanted II thinks far more than Yang Ding.

According to the theory of the president of the Great Priest Association, Xiao Xitian will be destroyed in 5,000 years.

Yangdingtian is definitely not living at that time, so Enchanted II hopes Yangyi, will inherit the status of Yangdingtian and become the emperor of the human kingdom.

After all, Yang Yi is also a descendant of semi-god, with almost endless life.

After the destruction of Xiaoxitian, there will be a small Nirvana, a yin and yang mirror, a magic field and ice and snow will be affected.

But there are two continents that are still safe. One is the east from the grassland, and the other is the southernmost land.

These two continents can be used to house the silver dragon empire of the future demon fox.

Moreover, Yang Yi is the son of the enchanting, and the grandson of his enchanting II.

And Yang Yi and Yao Yang are even brothers.

The two are in charge of the entire chaotic world, which is the best result.

Next, Naru is good as a speaker. After all, her qualifications and prestige are much higher than that of Yongshe.

However, the official Nalu's qualifications are too high, so it is not a good collaborator.

Enchanted II, it is difficult to master her.

A lot of things, if she does not cooperate, the process of the reunification of Xiao Xitian will be disturbed.

And if Yang Ding Tian came to be the speaker of Xiao Xitian, then all the obstacles are gone, and it can be intimate.

of course. As a human being, Yangdingtian is difficult to spend in silver for a long time. But it doesn't matter, Xiao Xitian's speaker is not very frequent.

At that time, Yang Dingtian’s non-verbal Jiang Shang, acting as the Daxian division, acted as the speaker.

He, Enchanted II. The iron triangle formed by the demon II has already controlled the nine tribes of Xiaoxitian.

The Tianhuo people are about to finish, and it will take a few more years to ruin the Golden Albanians, the Tiansuo and so on.

It can be said that within nine hundred years, the nine tribes can be fully mastered.

In addition, Yang Dingtian has another identity that can represent the Silver Dragon Temple. The possibility of unifying Xiaoxitian has increased greatly in a few hundred years.

Therefore, Enchanted II thought many times and felt that Yang Dingtian was the acting speaker of Xiao Xitian. More in line with the interests.


Yang Dingtian did not reject it for the first time, but thought about this possibility and whether it was in the interest of the human kingdom.

The benefits are indeed not small, at least a dozen of the sacred powerhouses of the Yingong Wudian, dozens of semi-class-level powerhouses will unconditionally obey their orders.

Plus, the martial forces of the dark wanderers who have mastered their own profiles,

Then, directly control the martial arts forces. There are more than forty Saint-level powerhouses, and hundreds of semi-class-level powerhouses.

So come. In the human kingdom, it is almost invincible.

However, under the circumstance, it has been found that the use of these holy powers is not much.

Because, from the moment of eternal death, the martial power of the demon road has completely failed.

Even if Yangdingtian is willing, you can now kill the queen. The princes and other evil masters, all thrown to the abyss border and died.

Therefore, the current goal of struggle has changed.

Today, the biggest goal is only one, that is to destroy the devil to ask the sky!

As long as the devil is destroyed, the battle against the demon road. It is already basically over.

Next, we only need to wholeheartedly stop the death of the chaotic world, lead to chaotic civilization, and move to a new height.

Therefore, the significance of being the speaker himself is not great.

Moreover, the dark wanderers led by Yazhu are indirectly in their hands, and more than twenty holy-level powerhouses are doing enough.

Therefore, Yangdingtian still shook his head: "Father-in-law, let Naruo be the new speaker, it is our tacit understanding with the Silver Dragon Temple."

Enchanted Second World: "But your relationship with the Silver Dragon Temple is more intimate than Naru."

Then, Enchanted Second World: "Nalu, after all, is an independent body, it is not controlled by us, I feel that it is not worth the risk."

Yang Dingtian thought for a while: "Do not worry, my father-in-law, Nalu will be intimate with us."

Enchanted II said: "Why?"

Yangding Tiandun was a little embarrassed, saying: "Because, because she is my mother-in-law."

Enchanted II was shocked and said: "You, you and innocent are really..."

In the Dark Empire, innocents betrayed the Devil at the crucial moment, and this thing is known to the Enchanted II. Because there were a lot of demon foxes in the dark empire, they also attended the wedding.

However, Enchanted II feels that innocence is simply a dissatisfaction with the devil, and it is impossible to really associate with Yang Dingtian.

But I did not expect that these two people are really, really together.

Time, the mood of the Enchanted II is really a mixture of five flavors, after all, the innocence of the time is a lot of people's dream lovers, demon Li II, Enchanted II, are extremely admired by her.

Looking at Yang Dingtian intricately, then sighed: "So, then, okay!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Tomorrow, I will return to the human kingdom and take Naru into Xiaoxitian to become the acting speaker."

Enchanted II nodded and said: "That today, you will accompany you to my mother, no matter what, you owe them a lot."


When Yang Dingtian entered the silver palace as a non-speaking sage, he fully enjoyed the status of half master.

Because the speaker is no longer, Ji Ya is not an assistant to the speaker, just an assistant to Yongshe.

Once Yongshe stepped down, Ji Ya automatically lost any power and became an ordinary worker in the Silver Palace.

Of course, because her father is Enchanted II, and now the nine tribes are in full swing, they will not be despised in the Silver Palace, but it is impossible to become the half master of the Silver Palace.

and so. When Yang Dingtian’s fake **** is still in, everyone in the silver palace even has a main bone.

Many people even thought that maybe a few days later, the great sage Jiang Shang, who is in front of him, will become the new acting speaker.

Yangdingtian landing silver is secret. But entering the silver palace is open.

When he first entered the silver palace, the whole silver was already in full swing.

Many members of the Yindu, the nobles of Yindu, are also secretly negotiating. Perhaps it is not bad to let a non-speaking **** become the master of the silver palace.

Of course, this is not the case of Mr. Yin Du.

Whether it is on the removal of the speaker or the confession speaker, the members of the Yindu have no power to vote.

The appointment and dismissal of the Speaker is entirely the decision of the nine major tribes.

Ji Ya and Yao Yang. Still living in the familiar palace in the silver palace, the palace full of red leaves.

When Yang Dingtian walked into the courtyard, it was a beautiful scene of red leaves like blood.

And Ji Ya, under the woods, is working with a group of maids, making red leaf cakes, red leaves brewing!

This is the festive food of Yindu, every time the Hongye Festival. I have to do both things.

Plump Jiya, rolled up sleeves. The snow-white jade arm is exposed, and the alpine dough is being pressed hard.

She leaned down slightly, making the curve of the waist and hips more ups and downs.

Her femininity has really become very strong, and her body is full of mature and attractive young women. Although she looks, she is always like a human woman in her twenties.

And her baby son. I was staring at the finished product, coveted, and couldn’t help but put a little hand in my mouth.

It seems that this baby son is a foodie, seeing him twice. They are all eating.

Yangdingtian went forward and kneel down, holding the baby son and the enchanting sun into his arms.

"Dad..." The demon screamed sweetly, and then snuggled in the arms of Yangdingtian. Another chubby little hand stuffed the lollipop into the mouth of Yangdingtian.

This baby son is not very particular about it, your lollipop is drooling and you have to eat it for your father.

But Yangdingtian is in his mouth, and the sweetness seems to melt his heart.

For the arrival of Yangdingtian, there is no accident in Xiangyang, and Jiya has no accidents.

Because, Enchanted II came to Yindu early, and told her everything.

Ji Ya just fainted Yang Tiantian, and continued to face, ignored her.

Yang Dingtian took out a box from the space ring, and then took out a small sunglasses and stayed on the little face of the enchanting sun.

Wow, cool baby.

The enchanting sun was very excited, and suddenly struggled, and then ran into the house with a twist, because there is a big mirror, he is in front of the mirror, left to shine, how to look tired.

Yang Dingtian walked behind Ji Ya, gently wrapped around her waist, and began to feel soft and elastic.

The maids around smiled softly, like birds, and ran away. Yang Dingtian and Ji Ya were left in the yard.

"The waist has become rich." Yang Dingtian smiled.

Ji Ya sneered: "You can't hold it."

"Ass is getting bigger." Yangding Tiandao.

Ji Yadao: "You can't touch it."

"It has also grown bigger..." Yang Dingtian reached out and touched the richness of her chest.

Ji Ya trembled fiercely and said: "You, don't play here."

"Can you organize me?" Yang Dingtian put it in her ear and sighed softly.

Suddenly, Ji Yajiao trembled slightly, and her legs were tightly twisted together.

After giving birth to a She is a mature woman, and the needs in that area can still be suppressed.

However, the unique atmosphere of Yangdingtian’s body completely makes the demon fox women unable to extricate themselves.

After a few years of empty space, the flame inside her body burned fiercely in an instant and could not be suppressed at all.

For a moment, she felt very eager to breathe, and her legs were uncomfortable.

Yang Dingtian reached out and went to marry her skirt.

"Son, son is still..." Ai Ji almost cried.

"I was already taken out." Yangding Tiandao, then directly squatting the woman's skirt.

Suddenly, a rich white snow!


Note: The bosses are new January, and ask for the monthly ticket, thank you! (To be continued.)

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