Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1142: lingering! Back to the human kingdom!

There is a saying that the mouth is shouting no, but the body is very honest.

Ji Ya, this is the typical situation.

I kept shouting in my mouth, shouting, but the whole body was already flooding, and I was desperately writhing to match the action of Yangdingtian.

After a while, even the clothes were not exhausted, she squatted on the stone table and was invaded by the sun.

The two men are completely like a firewood.

I have never had that thing for a few years, and the last time Yang Diantian was, after the end of the first World War, happened once and innocently, and it is about a few months now.

Therefore, the violentness is completely described in words.

All reason is completely washed away.

Throughout the courtyard, the fiery * seems to be roaming everywhere.

The red leaves on the ground float all over the sky.

At the beginning, all of them were active in Yangdingtian, and the young woman of the flower letter, Ji Ya, was completely like a mud.

But with the feeling of the explosion coming for the first time, she immediately turned against the customer, directly pressing Yangdingtian on the ground covered with red leaves, and then madly smashing the phoenix.


In this way, I don’t know how long it has been.

Two people mad all over the entire courtyard, using every way.

Let the body explode again and again.

Until the end, completely unable to soften on the stone table, enjoying the charming quiet.

Then when I opened my eyes again, I found that the sky was dark.

Giya quickly got up from Yangdingtian, and then tidy up the clothes and pulled the skirt back.

"The dead ghost of death." She licked Yang Tiantian. Then quickly ran into the house and bathed.

"Your side is over, don't come over." While running, he said.

Yangdingtian went to the other room, where the red-haired demon fox waitress had been waiting for a long time, and the comfortable hot springs flowed in the white jade bath.

Yangding Tianshu lay down comfortably. Several demon fox waitresses came forward to clean every place in Yangdingtian.

Then, put on a comfortable shirt.

When everything is ready, it is completely dark.

The maid took Yang Dingtian to a palace, which was very familiar to Yangdingtian when he was under house arrest in the silver palace. Just live here.

A japan in a pink dress, and a enchanting sun in a white robes, have been sitting on the table waiting.

There are a lot of delicacies on the table, and everything is very delicate.

Of course, except for the red cake, the red cake was not tossed.

Baby son sees Yangdingtian coming in. Picking up a small mouth and complaining: "Dad, you are so slow, I am starving."

When I spoke, my big eyes were still looking at the table deliciously.

Yangding went to sit down and said, "Get in."

The little guy's chopsticks immediately attacked, and picked up the best snowflake beast, and stuffed it into a small mouth.

Ji Ya took the red wine and filled it with Yang Dingtian. Then pour yourself a full cup.

Also pick up another bottle of red wine without wine, full of baby enchanting.

However, this little guy has completely cooked up with the full table. I don't care about anything else, and I have a lot of oil on my face.

Yangding Tianduan started the red winemaking, and he touched a cup with Ji Ya, and then drank it.

This taste is very embarrassing, saying that bitterness is not bitter, saying that acid is not sour. In short, it is definitely not good to drink, but there is a very fragrant taste. Very deep and far away.

"How come the father-in-law did not come?" Yangding Tiandao.

Ji Yadao: "The nine tribes have banquets. Is it not good for our family to eat three?"

"Okay." Yangding Tiandao. Looking at the face of Ji Ya Xue Bai Mei Yu, the blush on the cheeks and the charm in the beauty, have not faded.

Next, two people continue to drink.

Yangdingtian is constantly eating and drinking, drinking big mouth and eating meat.

The three people do not have to talk, but another feeling of warmth and happiness, flowing in the hearts of three people.

Suddenly, Ji Ya’s face was annoyed.

Because, she finally found the root of the picky eater.

This is the father and son, and the things you like to eat can be exactly the same.

For most vegetables, you don’t touch it, you just like to eat meat.

Moreover, it is still fat and thin, preferably with bones and chewing.

Ji Ya saw the father and son, picking up the chopsticks in the plate, eating in the mouth, staring at the eyes.

That looks like the truth is exactly the same.

"Xiangyang, how to eat meat, do not eat vegetables, this will not grow long." Ji Ya cold road.

The little guy didn't lift his head: "Dad is like this. You don't care if you are an adult. Take care of me as a child."

"Yangdingtian..." Ji Ya glared at Yangding Tiandao: "Do you have a good example for your son?"

Yangding Tianyi, then drink a lot of red wine, pick up a bunch of vegetables directly into the mouth and chew a few mouthfuls, swallow directly.

The little guy demon Yang said: "Mom, since Dad likes to eat vegetables so much, I will not grab him, give him."

Yang Dingtian is speechless, this son is different from other sons.

Yang Yi, gentle and elegant.

Yangshuo, proud and overbearing.

Little ugly, all day long, I like to spoil and sell cute, it is a little confused.

In front of this enchanting sun, naughty machine spirit, but it is most like the time when Yang Dingtian was a child.

Ji Yake did not reason with his son. He went straight to the front and used a jade hand to pinch the little face of the little guy's oil. He squeezed the small mouth and then forced every vegetable into it.

Suddenly, the little guy’s face is the same as bitter gourd.

After he finished eating, Ji Ya took a sip on his little mouth and said, "Hey!"

A table full of dishes, was actually eaten by a family of three.

Of course, most of them are eaten by Yangding.

Finally, no one touched the stack of red cakes.

Ji Ya looked at Yang Dingtian and looked at the enchanting sun.

"I am full, I am going to read a book." The little guy slid off the chair and turned to run.

Ji Ya grabbed his ear directly and picked up a red cake. Road: "Open your mouth!"

The little guy reluctantly opened his mouth, and his mother world stuffed a piece of red cake and said: "After eating, go play."

"I don't like mom, Dad, take me away..." The little guy smacked his mouth and chewed. Then swallowed, said: "Ms. Ji Ya, can I go to play now?"

Ji Ya did not care if he called his son's name.

"Yes, Mr. Yaoyang, remember when you will come back?" Ji Yadao.

"Know..." The little thing ran away in a blink of an eye. When I ran to the door, I turned my head to the sun and said: "Dad, can you sleep with me at night?"

"Of course, hehe." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, the little guy ran away without a trace.

"Where is the little guy going to play?" Yangding Tiandao.

Ji Yadao: "To read books in name. It is actually looking for a little girl to play."

"Ah..." Yangding is awkward.

Ji Yadao: "You are so fancy, he is very true to you."

Yangdingtian is speechless, no, this little guy is only three years old.

Among his sons, whether it is Yang Yi or Yangshuo, they don't like to play with little girls.

As a result, this enchanting sun turned out to be the same as when she was a child. Like to be tied in the pile of girls.

Also, I really didn't think of it.

"The upper beam is not right under the beam..." Ji Yadao, then pushed the stack of red cakes to the front of Yangdingtian: "Eat."

Yangdingtian has a bitter look. Road: "But, I, I am full."

Ji Yadao: "This is what I personally did. You can't eat it."

Then, Yang Dingtian helpless, can only bite a bite. Eat a stack of red cakes.

But when he got the last piece, he suddenly caught Ji Ya. Pinch open her small mouth and force the red cake mouth to the mouth.

Ji Ya is constantly struggling. However, at this time, she is no longer an opponent of Yangdingtian, and she can only be fed by Yangdingtian.

"Yangdingtian, you are disgusting." After Ji Ya swallowed, his face was disgusted.

Pull her on her lap, gently touch her neck, kiss her eyes, nose, and then clean up the red cake in her mouth.

As a result, the emotional Ji Ya can no longer hold back, open a small mouth, and put a small tongue into the Yangdingtian mouth.

The two kissed and entangled.

The deeper the kiss, the more hot the body is, the faster the breathing.

Then, he fell into hesitation.

After all, I’m doing this kind of thing all afternoon, is it right now?

"Yes, still don't, it's not good to do this kind of thing!"

While hesitating, while moving, she directly untied the skirt, liberated Yang Tiantian, and then sat on the top of the sun.

Two people, deeply blended together.

"Light, light, gentle..."

Then, two people are like a breeze, and once again the soul blends.


"Fu Jun, my sister, okay?" Ji Yayi asked softly in Yangdingtianhuai.

"Okay, all good." Yangding Tiandao, rough hands caress her soft and full hips.

"You said, I took my baby to Yunxiaocheng for a while, okay?" Ji Ya whispered.

Yangding Tianyi, then said: "Well, after the stability of the human kingdom, you and the baby can not only live in the human kingdom. Yang Yi and the enchanting, but also Xiao Xitian live."

"Yeah." Ji Yadao: "Are you going tomorrow?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao: "However, I will come back soon, and I will come back with the Speaker of Naru."

"Yeah." Ji Yadao: "In the future, don't leave that long, I... I am really embarrassed."

"How, is it so strong?" Yang Dingtian smiled.

Ji Ya is dissatisfied: "Don't look at the scenery..."


When it was about ten o'clock on the earth, the little guy was coming back from the library.

Then, the family of three went to the big bed.

The little guy is two years I have been sleeping in a small bed. Now I can sleep with my parents. I am so excited that I am constantly rolling around in bed.

"Dad, telling stories, telling stories, I am not going to sleep tonight, I want to listen to the story until dawn..." The little guy announced loudly.

Then less than fifteen minutes later.

The little guy huddled and fell asleep in Yangdingtianhuai, Yangdingtian could not help but doubt, is his story so ugly?

Moreover, this little guy is more than three years old, still holding his head in a sleeping position, just like a baby.


Early the next morning, Yangdingtian left the capital and returned to the human kingdom.

When he left, the little guy was still asleep.


Note: Please pay for the guaranteed monthly ticket, thank you! (To be continued)

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