Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1169: From the soul hall, Ximen Ningning?

With the devil's request for the arrest of the sky, Yang Dingtian and the deficiencies of the president, Nalu Speaker and others looked at each other and then took a long breath. 》,

If there is no celebration, it is not too late to **** the devil to ask the day to leave.

When I left the hall, I saw the Shura Lingling, which was full of guards and ready to fight.

She saw the crowd coming out, and then saw the captured demon king ask the sky.

Suddenly, she really has a feeling of ruining three views.

The devil asks Scorpio, it is very powerful.

According to the saying, it should be earth-shattering. The war is a few days and nights, the corpse is full of land, and the world is broken.

How did it end so few hours, and there was no casualty, even the hall did not break.

This is too simple.

"This, this is over?" The scorpion went to the top of the sun and whispered in the sky, and the words were actually lost.

Yangding Tianyi, then nodded: "Yes, this is over."

Lingbi said: "This, this is too simple, how do I feel an unreal feeling."

Yangding Tiandao: "Stupid girl, isn't that good?"

The coffin thought for a while and said: "There is still a strange feeling."

The Holy Expeditionary Force took the Devil to ask the heavens, walked out of the ruins of the Devil's City, and then brought the Serpents' captives together.

The Queen of the Sea Heart saw the devil's request to the sky, and the horrified expression was really like the collapse of the world.

The devil asks heaven, what a singularity?

It’s exactly like the world’s dominance, so it’s so arrested?

How is this possible?

Does the Yangding innocence represent the **** of chaos?

Even the devil asks that the sky is over, then the whole world is Yangdingtian, then what is the significance of her struggle with the Queen of the Sea Heart?

The heart of Queen Haixin is extremely complicated. But the devil asked Tian to be trapped inside the energy prison. Without a little reaction, it seemed to fall asleep.


After a few days and nights.

The Holy Expeditionary Force returned to the human kingdom, but did not stay in any city and directly entered the entrance to the taboo of the mainland.

When you pass the head hall, it is the most stressful time.

Because the Holy Power is made up of energy-filled prisons. Once you enter the taboo of the mainland, you will completely dissipate it.

So at that time, the devil will probably get out of trouble.

Once he is taken out of trouble, he wants to catch him, it is difficult.

Therefore, the four chiefs negotiated, and in another way, the devil was asked to enter the small West.

The vain president used the hollow flame to open a huge door of dark energy.

then. The sacred expeditionary army escorted the demon king to ask the heavens and the snake people to take prisoners, all into the dark world.

Then, from the dark world, enter the head hall and enter the small West.


I don't know if it's a good idea, or it's a good luck.

The dark world that enters is only a few hundred times more gravity, not far from the Dark Portal.

And dozens of holy expeditions entered the dark world. The energy prison for the devil to ask the heavens is still intact.

In this way, the Holy Expeditionary Force successfully avoided the taboo of the mainland. Pass through the dark world and enter the skull hall.

At this time, in the hall of the skull, it is the Buru and the demon purple.

Demon Purple did not care much about everything, but Burlu saw the Holy Expeditionary Force coming out of the Dark Portal, and then saw the innocent Yangdingtian, and the captive Devil asked Heaven. Suddenly overjoyed.

"The Sovereign, the devil asks the sky, is it arrested?" Buru trembled.

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, Burrow’s breathing became rushed and said: "That. Does the Light Council know?"

Yangding Tiandao: "After waiting for him to be held in hell, I will announce this news again."

Buru trembled: "That, I am waiting here."

Yang Dingtian smiled at him and said: "When he is put in hell, I will tell you the first one."

Then, the Yangdingtian and the Holy Expeditionary Army, escorting the devil to ask the heavens, and the snakes, entered the Xiaoxitian and went to the mountains.


Along the way, despite the worry, no accidents occurred.

At this time, the embers of the demon road, and all the evil spirits, have been transferred to the energy prison of the Zhoushan Snow Mountain Castle.

The captives of the Snakes are also held here.

The Yangdingtian and the Holy Expeditionary Force continued to **** the Devil to ask the heavens and enter the prison of hell.

Come to the entrance to Hell prison.

Yang Dingtian, Nalu, waiting for the Enchanted II here, as well as the illusory president, each took out a quarter of the energy key.

Then, the energy prison is turned on.

The Holy Expeditionary Force, escorting the Devil to ask the heavens, step by step, entered the depths of the energy prison.

Finally, I reached the deepest point.

There are only three prisoners inside.

The devil asks the heavens, the emperor releases the side, and there is no spirit.

Seeing the first sight of the devil to ask the heavens, the devil was first completely horrified, and then the whole person was completely thundered and lost all reactions.

The whole person is completely sluggish.

Sitting there, motionless.

How can it be? How can it be?

The devil asks the heavens to be the master of heaven and earth. It is heaven and earth.

How could it fail, how could it fall into the hands of Yangdingtian?

Is this my illusion?

After the devil, Ji Ji wrestled his head desperately, trying to make his spirit clear.

Yes, this is the truth, this is not an illusion.

Then, a spurt of blood slammed out, and the queen died and fainted.

At this time, the devil asked the genius to open his eyes and stare at the demon.

The emperor's interpretation of the side, but also completely dare not look at this scene.

The devil asked the sky to be arrested, and the ghostly emperor of the Nether Empire asked the sky, is it faster?

You must know that in the avatars of many demon kings, the empire of the dark empire is the subject, and the ghosts of the Nether Empire are left to ask the heavens, and the eternal life of Xiao Xitian asks the heavens, but they are all avatars.

Now, even the main body is finished.

Then, what hope is there?


The demon king asked the day to move to the prison of hell, and the layers of energy walls were closed.

at last. Yang Dingtian and others long breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, even if the devil asks the sky to recover, he can't escape.

Of course, this **** prison has no fighting power.

After the demon king was asked to be held in hell, he sat up. like a statue.

At this time, the demon sorrowed and woke up, climbed a few steps, and approached the energy wall, as if to be closer to the devil.

Then, she looked at the demon king in such a madness, even though his body was covered under the Chaos Emperor.

The devil asked Tian Hao to open his eyes and looked at the demon and died.

He stayed on the throne of the Dark Empire for two hundred years, and all his emotions were already cold and numb.

However at this time. Finally, the emotional perception of two hundred years ago has gradually emerged.

"Oh..." he sighed hard.

In this sentence, and the usual sound of his usual robot, there is a fundamental difference, and it has been somewhat similar to the real question.

Yangdingtian had never wanted to save the devil and died, and did not want to liberate her soul.

But at this time, Yang Dingtian still asked: "When you ask the sky, is there any way. Can you peel off the Yuanshi evil spirits in the body of the demon and liberate her soul?"

The devil asked the sky and shook his head: "Her soul. It was originally free, how to liberate? She is only dark, and she has fallen."

Yangding Tiandao: "If, does Yuanshi evil spirit strip his body? Can she return to the previous emptiness?"

The devil asked the sky and shook his head: "I don't know."

At this time, after the devil died, Ji Wei said: "I don't need it, Yang Dingtian. I don't need it! I want to live with the day and die together. For those of you who are nothing, for those who are nothing." One set, I am tired of it. My fall is my willingness. I don't need you to save."

Yang Dingtian ignored the madness of the demon and died, but continued to ask: "Is there a way to strip the Yuanshi evil spirits from the demon?"

After the devil died Ji Dao: "There is a way, let Naga alone sore frost come over, live and will be lost in the body of the half-earth evil spirit tree to take away."

Yangding Tiandao: "But at that time, it was you who took the initiative to release the Yuanshi evil spirits, and forced them to be forcibly, and they would be shackled by Naga Frost and took away the evil spirits of Yuanshi."

The devil asked Tiandao: "Now she has a half-element evil spirit, and the Yuanshi evil spirit itself has a strong combination of two. Whoever is strong, who can take away the other half of the evil spirit tree."

Naga alone is a froster, it must be stronger than the death of the devil, so she took away half of the evil spirits in the body of the devil, which is reasonable.

However, when the Yuan Shi evil spirits were only half a century, they were so powerful. How terrible is it when it is combined into one? What are the consequences, it is completely unknown.

Naga Frost has a half-earth evil spirit, which is enough to make Yangdingtian a headache. If there is a complete one, then the consequences...

Therefore, Yang Dingtian had to temporarily put this idea aside.

"Ask my God, my father-in-law is boundless, and I am in the soul. My wife, Dongbing Bingling, also has a soul-seeking. Now, I will freeze them all." Yangding Tiandao: "This soul-seeking practice , you created it, can you have a solution?"

"I created it?" The devil asked Tiantian and smiled and said: "It is not created by me. I have no solution, so your father-in-law and your wife must become bloodthirsty monsters."

Yangdingtian eyes trembled fiercely and said: "That, who has a solution?"

The devil asked Heaven: "Whoever created it, who has the solution."

Yangding Tiandao: "Who is this evil soul-seeking practice, who created it, does he have anything to do with evil spirits?"

The devil asked Heaven: "It is related, they have nothing to do. It is irrelevant and has some relationship."

Yangdingtian anger said: "You make it clear."

The devil asked the sky and shook his head: "I don't know, Yangdingtian."

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath: "Who is this evil soul-seeking practice?"

The devil asked Heaven: "From the temple of the soul."

From the temple of the soul, it is the temple of the soul.

I wish the Qing master to go into the soul hall and become very powerful.

The Queen of Poison, who was caught in the Temple of the Soul by the air, gave birth to Naga alone.

The solitary person of the Happy Palace entered the Temple of the Soul and also got the body of Shura.

Yangding Tiandao: "Ask the sky, have you also entered the Temple of the Soul?"

The devil asked Heaven: "Of course, how else would I find the Yuan Shi evil spirits? How can I get the gem of the eyes of Yuan Shi Naga?"

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian was completely horrified.

Everything that the devil asked about the heavens was actually obtained from the Temple of the Soul?

What are the things that are so powerful in the Yuan Dynasty and the evil spirits are all obtained from the Temple of the Soul?

Then, what is this thing that is away from the soul hall?

Yang Dingtian asked a word: "So this is the soul hall, where is it?"

The devil asks the sky and shakes his head: "Where is the Temple of Departure? I also want to know. If you know this answer, remember to tell me. Of course, if I am dead, remember to burn it to me, lest I die."

Yangding Tiandao: "How did you get into the Temple of the Soul? How can I enter the Temple of the Soul?"

The devil asked Heaven: "We are all in desperate moments and are directed into the Temple of the Soul. You should enter the Temple of Departure, it should be very simple. Perhaps, your other Naga woman, Simon Ning, is the soul. The messenger of the temple."

Ximen Ningning is Naga, Yang Dingtian already knows. Moreover, she is a later generation of Naga, is a spiritual system, the cultivation on the martial arts is very general, and the Naga frost is essentially different.

But, but she turned out to be the messenger of the Temple of the Soul?

Moreover, the devil asked the day to use the word, even his own is not sure. (To be continued.)

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