Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1170: Let's go to hell! Heaven and earth fission!

Where is the Temple of Soul?

What exactly do you want to do?

The devil asked Tiantian that Ximen Ningning may be the messenger of the soul temple?

So what role does Queen Medusa play in the Temple of Departure?

Of course, whether it is to let the Queen of Poisons give birth to the demigod Naga, or let the devil ask the heavens to discover the evil spirits of the Yuan Dynasty, or the adventures of the Zhu Qingzhu, the adventures of the solitary aliens. ¥°F,

In short, everything that has been done from the Temple of the Soul seems to be in the midst of a disaster.

Everything it does seems to be standing on the opposite side of Yangdingtian.

It looks like an enemy of the **** of chaos.

So, does it mean that the so-called Departure Hall is the highest evil force in the world?

Is it the ultimate enemy of Yangdingtian?

Thinking of the word of the enemy, Yang Dingtian’s brain couldn’t help but think of the gentle and amiable Ximen Ningning.

The time she spent with her was very short, but it completely warmed her heart.

She completely protects herself without reservation and loves herself.

It can be said that Ximen Ningning is the first woman who is really good at Yangding.

Speaking of the goodness of Yangdingtian, she is even earlier than Ximen Flame.

At that time, Yangdingtian was still unclear. Now, in retrospect, Ximen Ningning has no reason to be good at Yangding, and it has paid everything.

What is Ximen Ningning?

She has the devil's tears to ask the heavens, which is exactly the seal of the energy of the first evil spirit.

She also has the most precious space ring, the world's unique space ring. It fully represents the world's most secret space ring.

These things, she gave Yang Dingtian.

As for the deep sea Xuanyi, it is her most insignificant thing.

In the end, in order to let Yangdingtian kill the Millennium Nightingale, she actually got the deep sea mystery.

At that time, the childish ignorance of Yangdingtian. Although I felt very shocked, I couldn’t think of the meaning behind this deep sea mystery.

There is no deep sea mystery in this world. The deep sea mystery that Ximen Ningning took out is fresh and has just been extracted from Naga.

Therefore, this deep sea mystery is likely to be extracted from the depths of her own body? Or is it the gift of Queen Medusa?

No matter which one, the value of this deep sea mystery. It is totally impossible to estimate. As a result, it was given to Yangding to kill the Millennium Night.

The value of a hundred thousand nightingales is not as good as a deep sea mystery?

It’s such a woman, there is no reason, and she has paid everything for Yang Dingtian very suddenly.

Then, in order to kill the ring for the sun, it disappeared without a trace.

According to the statement, she should have been imprisoned by her mother, Queen Medusa?

Why was he imprisoned? Of course it is because of Yangdingtian.

Thinking of this, Yang Dingtian’s trip to the Temple of the Soul suddenly became very urgent.


Yangdingtian left the prison prison. But his mind is still full of mysteries.

The demon road has completely perished, then there are only two specific targets.

The first is to find Naga Frost, the second is to find the Temple of Departure.

Looking for frost, Yangdingtian is not for sharing the demigod, but to avoid her as a disaster.

Because in a strict sense, the human kingdom has no enemies in this world.

of course. The ghostly emperor of the Nether Empire asked the sky to be an enemy, but it was impossible to come out of it in the Nether Empire.

Just wait until the Yangdingtian lightning weapon reaches a certain level. You can enter the Nether Empire, annihilating the Undead Army and the Nether Ghost Emperor. Moreover, this is not a top priority.

And to go to the soul hall, more to expose the truth, in order to save the East ice and Simon.

Also, it is for the West Ningning.

of course. Before these two things, there is still a matter of urgency.

That is, you must immediately decide the devil to ask the fate of the sky.

In the meeting room of the Snow Mountain Castle Hall, the leader of the three tribes, plus the Silver Dragon Temple. The representatives of the nine major tribes, a total of six people, were again discussed.

The clerk, still a fire priest.

There is only one theme for this deliberation. Do you want to kill the devil and ask the sky? When will you die?

The mermaid Queen Violet said: "I propose that the demon king will be asked to go to heaven, and he will be executed immediately, so as not to have a long night dream."

Nalu said: "Yangdingtian, is there any secret in the body?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Even if there is any secret, only he is willing to speak, he will not say that he is not willing to speak. Maybe no one can let him say it. This person is too terrible, I also feel that he was executed early. Eliminate hidden dangers early."

Enchanted Second World Road: "I also agree to kill him as soon as possible. In this way, the alliance of our three tribes, as well as the process of reunification of Xiaoxitian, can also be opened as soon as possible. Also, some of the demon foxes of Xiaoxitian immigrated to The human kingdom, adapting to the new living environment, can also start early."

Demon Li has shaken his head and does not know whether he is in favor or against it.

The director of the illusion of the imaginary thought for a while: "Well, I will kill the devil in the morning, and the sooner the better, the better for the whole world."

The plan was then determined.

Destroy the devil as soon as possible.

The deficiencies will say: "The devil asks the sky that there is no evil spirit. Is it going to the border of the abyss to die? Or throw it into the dark material to die?"

Yangding Tiandao: "These two ways of killing can be done, but the dark matter will enter the torn space, or the human kingdom, for fear of a change. So, still enter the dark world and die at the abyss border."

Enchanted Second World Road: "The devil asks the sky that there is no undead body, no evil spirits. So, you can kill directly, you don't need to use the abyss border. You only need to use the energy array, constantly beaten, until his chaotic emperor A burst."

The deficiencies will say: "This is also possible, fire dance, you calculate, use our energy array, how long will it take to kill the devil to ask the sky?"

The Fire Dance Sacrifice said: "What is the energy level of his Chaos Emperor?"

The deficiencies will say: "For the time being, attack it according to five thousand holy seas."

After a short calculation, the fire priest said: "The medium-level energy attack. It should be about 200 million times. If we all open the energy matrix of the prison prison, it should be about 19 days. You can kill the demon." ""

Nineteen days, it is a bit too long.

The Fire Dancer said: "And, the energy of the prison prison will have a relatively large loss. It will lead us to the overall energy array, replacing all the energy spar hundreds of years earlier."

Nalu said: "Since it is executed, it is still sent to the abyss border and killed."

As a result, everyone agreed that, like the way of ruling the prince, he would throw the demon king to the abyss border and die.


After the decision was made, it was vigorous and vigorous, without any delay. Execute directly.

Thus, the four chiefs of the Holy Expeditionary Force, and more than a dozen holy punishers, once again entered the prison of hell.

After the demon, he saw Yang Dingtian and others came to Hell prison again, and suddenly changed his face.

Yangding stepped forward in the sky: "The devil asks the heavens, because you have committed unforgivable crimes against the human kingdom, so the tribal alliance sentenced you to death and immediately executed!"

This is the case. The devil asked Tianzhu to open his eyes, his eyes twitching.

but. In the end he did not say anything, but stood up.

And after the devil, Ji Ji suddenly shouted: "No, no, you can't kill him."

Then, her almost crazy eyes stared at Yangding Tiandao: "Yangdingtian, I changed with him. You executed me, you let him live."

Soon, after the demon, Jiji realized the absurdity of his words, and she immediately said: "Yangdingtian, I promise you. I stripped the Yuanshi evil spirits out of my body, I returned to the ranks of the hidden sects, and changed again. Go back to that emptiness, is it good? Don't kill the sky, don't kill him!"

Yang Dingtian stared at the demon and died, and it is obvious that she could not do it.

She can control the evil spirits to leave their bodies and enter another body to win. This is not false.

But, along with leaving, there is her soul.

Only Naga can have terrible energy, and the Yuan Shi evil spirits will be separated.

"Sorry, he can't live if he asks." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, a dozen of holy powers, directly removed a grid of energy prisoners, took away the devil to ask the sky.

After the demon, Ji Ji fell to the ground and snorted: "Yangdingtian, you are afraid of him, you can't wait to kill him, you are afraid of him. Yangdingtian, you must not die, you must not die ......"

The demon of the devil, the former lord of the patriarch.

At this time, the madness is like a devil, and the words of screaming in the mouth are like mad women.

Of course, even if she is too fierce, she can't stop the death of Heaven.

A dozen of holy powers, directly to the devil to ask the sky, took away from the energy prison, returned to the ground of the mountains.

Then, the president of the illusion will open the door of energy and enter the border of the dark world.

It was at this time.


Suddenly, a terrible ground shakes the mountain.

It is like a world of destruction.

Everyone clearly felt that there was a huge collapse in the torn space plane.

At the same time, the Xiaoxitian world was also violently shaken and shredded.

Countless floating continents and giant mountains began to drift.

Many floating peaks suddenly fell into the sea.

Someone at the place, the face changed dramatically.

Is it possible that the tearing space and the small niche of Xiaoxitian will come early?

So, what is the reason for this?

The four chiefs present at the scene looked at each other.

The torn space and the dramatic changes in Xiaoxitian are continuing.

Faced with such drastic changes, the devil is asking for the death penalty, do you want to continue?

Enchanted Second World Road: "Nara Speaker, demon lord, it is better for you to go to Xiaoxitian, to stabilize the overall situation. I represent the demon fox family, accompanied by the illusory president, and the demon king asked the heavens."

The fire dance priest said: "If the tearing space collapses in advance, then the whole small western sky must be transferred immediately."

The imaginary will say: "Yangdingtian, now only you can enter the torn space, you immediately investigate to see if the tearing space is destroyed in advance? If so, the small western world should be transferred immediately, if not, To investigate the cause."

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao, then will fly toward the tearing space.

The vassal president of the vassal pilgrim said: "Go, let us go to the dark world, and let go to the heavens."

"Yes!" All sacred punishers said.

"Ha ha ha ha ..." Suddenly, the devil asked the sky to send a burst of laughter: "Yangdingtian ~ saw no, this is the retribution of your execution. I am just, destroy the **** of chaos It is the real salvation, it is the true justice. This is God is warning you, punishing your stupidity. If you want to stop the disaster, there is only one way, that is, to return to the right path, against the **** of chaos, Free the civilization of the entire chaotic continent!"

When this was said, everyone changed dramatically.

The devil asked Tiantian to continue to smile: "As long as you kill me, the tearing space will be finished, Xiaoxitian will be finished, hahaha! Want to stop the disaster? Then I can only let me go, only I can stop this disaster."

When the words came out, everyone looked even more stunned.

Suddenly, the illusion will be stern: "The devil is ridiculous, it is ridiculous. You will die today, and the heavens and the earth will not save you."

Then, he slammed: "Yangdingtian, immediately tearing the space, investigating clearly. Today, the devil wants to die."

"Yes!" everyone shouted in unison.

Yangdingtian lightning is general, flying to the torn space. (To be continued..)u

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