Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 170: : Abnormal BOSS, stealth killer!

Yangdingtian was not easy to adapt to the first secret room. At this time, on the basis of the first secret room, the power of Yangdingtian was once again weakened by three times and the speed was weakened by three times. So stacked up, Yang Dingtian was at least five times weaker than the first secret room.

Then, look at how powerful the blockers in the second chamber are.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and took a deep breath, then stepped into the second secret room.

"When the heart is suddenly, the top of the chest is a pain, and the breathing feels pain.

Hand Feng's young sword will have about three kilograms.

"Hu Liu from the wall, violently cracked a silver metal man, holding a giant sword in his hand, directly shot from the wall, lightning generally rushing into the sky.

"Intruder, dead!" A sharp scream, the silver metal man's sword, slammed into the sun.

"Nothing is indestructible..."" Yang Dingtian raised his young sword in his hand, and his hands were on top to resist the metal man like a sword like Taishan.

"Hey, a loud noise!

"Oh... Liu Yang top spurts a blood, and the whole body flies directly 100 meters, like straw.

The muscles of the arm are torn apart, and the muscles on the chest are also torn.

Even the mysterious veins of the whole body have cracked countless gaps!

Yang Dingtian’s body flew directly out of the second secret room, and flew over the first secret room, directly slamming into the hall of the Five Elements Hall.

Life and death are not clear, and the body is full of flesh and blood.

Just a moment, just a moment! Yangdingtian was assisted by the second-level help of the gold system. (M in each Chamber of Secrets is also known as the Destructor)

At this time, Yangdingtian has completely fainted in the past. If he still has consciousness, he will certainly be amazed. He originally imagined the second chamber’s blocker as very powerful, but still did not expect that it would be so powerful. The point is completely a thunder blow, almost a spike!

The hundred-meter-tall giant in the central part of the main hall slowly opened his eyes, and the Yangdingtian, who was still alive and dead, was caught in the hand.

"The trial is injured for the second time, testing the life of the tester!"

“The trial still has life and there is salvage value.”

Then, the three giants opened the slate of the chest, and once again exposed the green pool, and lifted Yangdingtian into the pool!

This time, Yangdingtian only cultivated for five hours in the pool, and the injury has been restored.

His injury seems to be scary, but he does not know how many times weaker than the shock of the solitary phoenix dance, so it is only a matter of five hours to cultivate in the green pool.

"Thank you, Big Giant" was put on the ground again, Yangding Tianchao three giants.

The three giants did not answer him, but closed their eyes again, restored their original posture, and motionlessly turned into a sculpture.

Yangdingtian holding the ugly sword, once again came to the middle of the main hall of the hall, once again entered the swallow Xuantu.

Xuanqi is still so rich and pure, and it is still continuously integrated into the body.

a little...

Two hours...

Three hours……

Five hours later, Yang Dingfang’s temperament trembled, and once again entered a small breakthrough, directly into the seven-star medium warrior.

Carrying the ugly sword, Yang Dingtian once again entered the gold test room.

Go ahead to dangers.

Just now, Yangdingtian was killed by a stroke. This time, Yangdingtian once again challenged the killer of the second secret room of the Golden Department.

Pass through the first secret room, go to the second door and push the door directly.

Yang Dingtian did not immediately take a step, because the shock of the silver metal man just now is to let Yangding Tianxin have a lingering fear, it is a spike.

The mysterious spirit of the whole body was condensed in the hands of the ugly sword.

"I am ready." Yang Ding Tianzhong secretly, then clenched the epee in his hand and slammed in.

"Huchuan silver metal man suddenly like a lightning bolt, rushing over, the giant sword in the hands like Taishan top, suddenly slammed into the top of the sky.

"Come on!" Yang Dingtian - loud and loud, holding the ugly sword in both hands, trying to resist.

"Hey!" A loud noise.

"Oh... only the top of the sky, the blood in the sky is mad, and it flies hundreds of meters directly like straw. It flies out of two secret rooms and falls back into the hall of the Five Elements Hall.

However, this time a little better, not completely fainted. But this is even more painful, and Yangdingtian clearly feels the pain of the entire body.

The three giants opened their eyes again.

"The trial was injured for the third time."

“The trialer’s life is normal and there is salvation value!”

Then, Yangdingtian was once again placed in the green pool on the chest of the three giants.

This time, Yangdingtian only spent two hours in the green pool, and the injury was generally restored.

After being put back on the ground by the three giants, Yang Dingtian once again came to the center of the hall, holding the ugly sword and swallowing Xuan Xuan. In fact, at this time, most of the mysteriousness in his body was not exhausted. However, he wants to try to make a breakthrough.

However, the result disappointed Yang Dingtian. After only one hour, Yang Dingtian's qi and qi absorbed the ambience to the limit, without any breakthrough.

That is to say, at this time, going to the second secret room and encountering the silver metal man is still the result of the spike, there will be no change. After all, the sword that Yang Dingtian just resisted has completely tried his best and can no longer be improved.

Yang Dingtian is not in the second secret room of the gold system. He is not afraid of setbacks, nor does he lack the perseverance of repeated defeats. But he won't do nothing.

The result of this entry is still directly killed by the spike, and then enter the green pool to cultivate.

The painful Yangdingtian of the inch of the inch can bear, but this does not make much sense. His mystery will not have any breakthrough, and the result is a waste of time.

Changes must be made, and this will only waste time.

Yang Dingtian holds the ugly sword and walks slowly around the hall. His eyes fell on the door of other colors, and Yang Dingtian suddenly slammed his head.

"Oh my God, I am really stupid." Yang Dingtian screamed out loud.

If you can definitely go to the first secret room of other departments, why do you want to die with the gold system?

The rest are fire, ice, electric, and wind.

Although these trial rooms are not too good, but the first secret room is even better, it is better than the second secret room of the gold system, and it will not be spiked.

In other departments, there will be a breakthrough in trials. When you break through to a sufficient level, go back and kill the powerful and perverted metal man.

After deciding on the plan, the next step is to choose which department to practice.

There is no doubt that the electric system is the most weird and scary. But in real battles, the electric system is also the least practical. Because basically no encounter with the power system opponents. The monsters of this world's electric system are extremely rare, and the masters of the electric system are even rarer, and will not encounter them at all.

The world is divided into yin and yang, there are no three kinds. The mystery of all people is not negative or positive.

After the yin and yang, there are five more.

Fire, wind, gold, ice, electricity!

Fire system, directly against the positive Xuanmai.

Ice system, directly against the negative Xuanmai.

The rest of the wind system, the gold system, is very complicated.

Basically, the positive Xuanmai can be derived from the gold system, and the negative Xuanmai can be derived from the wind system. But this is not absolute, and there are very few exceptions.

As for the electric system! It is a mysterious and rare mess, there is no law at all, and the darkness and spiritual system are as rare as the electric system.

Whether it is the electric system, the dark system, or the spiritual system, there is no one in the billion.

Ximen Ningning is the spiritual department. When she was outside the abandoned mine hole, she directly imprisoned four powerful enemies with the spiritual system. At that time, Yangdingtian was just surprised, and did not feel how terrible it was. At this time, he was fully aware of the mysterious and terrible spirit of Ximen Ningning’s spiritual system, and how rare it is.

Therefore, Ximen Ningning is definitely not as simple as the righteous adopted by Ximen. The secret behind her is enough to shock the world. Her true identity may also shock everyone.

Closer to home! Yangdingtian must choose a department as its second cultivation chamber.

Ice system, Yangdingtian is the most advantageous, because he is a nine-yang Xuanmai, but perhaps has an advantage, so it is not easy to have a big breakthrough.

Fire system, Yangdingtian has no advantage at all.

The electric department is too strange. In actual combat, it is of little use.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian selected the wind system, and hoped that the trial of the wind system would surprise him.

In front of the large facade of the customs room, the door of the wind system seems to be a faint gray, and it seems to be colorless.

Gently retreat the door of the wind system and walk into the first chamber of the wind system.

Although this is only the first secret room of the wind system, Yangdingtian is very careful. After all, here is the mysterious and powerful Five Elements Hall.

But after coming in, Yang Dingtian was surprised to find out... "There was no warning, and no stone man jumped from the stone wall to kill him.

The surroundings are still quiet and there is no change.

Yangding Tianzhu’s eyes widened, waiting for the emergence of a deadly murder.

But after waiting for half a minute, there was still no reaction.

"Hey? What is going on?" Yangdingtian was shocked.

"Oh... only suddenly, a powerful blade frantically cuts the body of Yangdingtian.

The speed is extremely fast, and there is no chance to defend against the sky.

In an instant, there were dozens of blood mouths on Yangdingtian. Fortunately, he wore deep sea clothes, otherwise the whole chest was cut.

Moreover, at this time, Yangdingtian still did not find the enemy's figure, because it is completely invisible, even his weapons are invisible.

Enduring the pain of the whole body, Yangdingtian raised the ugly sword and slashed it.

However, these swords are completely slashed in the air, and the other side moves instantly, avoiding the sword of Yangdingtian.

"嗖嗖嗖嗖—"——" is another fierce knife, directly on the back of Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian was too late to turn around, and the young sword in his hand slammed behind him.

"Ha ha ha ... six a burst of crisp and strange laughter, Yang Dingtian's sword has lost.

The other party disappeared without a trace.

In this way, Yang Dingtian was cut at least a hundred times. But still did not stab the other side, even his own sword did not touch each other. This is an invisible enemy, the enemy of the wind, the speed is reaching the limit.

Just a little better is His knife is not as amazing as the Golden Chamber, otherwise the Yangding God has a life at this time.

But even so, Yangdingtian is completely flesh and blood at this time. Completely defeated, and for a few hours, Yangdingtian was completely passively beaten. Even the enemy's clothes were not touched, and even the enemy did not see it.

I thought that the first trial room would not be difficult, but I didn't think it was so difficult.

Five hours later, in addition to the protection of the deep sea Xuanyi, Yangdingtian has no inch of meat on the whole body, and every place is scarred.

In these five hours, Yangdingtian waved no more than tens of thousands of swords, but no sword could hit each other. The invisible sword of the yin and yang world swords is completely gram-like, but there is still no sword stabbing each other.

At this time, the mysterious spirit of Yangdingtian has been cleaned up.

Full of anger, full of unwillingness, Yang Dingtian withdrew from the first trial room of the wind system.

Then, he was quickly healed again by the three giants in the green pool on his chest.

This time because of a skin injury, the injury of Yangdingtian was almost cured in just two hours.

After returning to the ground, Yangdingtian once again came to the center of the zero-gravity hall to start a new round of swallowing. I am looking forward to this, will there be a breakthrough this time. ([To be continued] This text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @八戒丶他师兄. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the first launch, recommend the ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. 】)

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