Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 171: : Complement each other! Break through again!

() But the result made him disappointed again.

Xuanqi has no breakthrough! Even a little breakthrough.

When Yangding Tiandun sat down on the ground, what went wrong? I have already avoided the secondary OSS of the gold system, but in the face of the first-class ss of the wind system, it is completely helpless and completely passively beaten.

What should I do? Can you break through?

Yangdingtian racked his brains and fell into deep pain.

"A ugly, what do you say I should do?" Yang Ding Tian dynasty in the arms of the young sword.

A ugly sword is quiet in the hands of Yang Dingtian, as if feeling the pain of Yangdingtian, and silent.

Of course, at this time, Yangdingtian can also choose other departments' secret rooms to try, such as his most advantageous ice system.

However, it is a strategy to temporarily open the second secret room of the gold system and choose to test it in the first secret room of the wind system. If you change it at this time, it is definitely a kind of embarrassment. Yangdingtian will never do this.

There must be a way, there must be. Even if it is the ultimate difficulty, there must be a breakthrough, otherwise there is no meaning in this mystery.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian flashed a thought.

He found that his own brain was too rigid before, only know that there is no sword to correspond to the gold chamber, and the invisible sword corresponds to the wind chamber.

In fact, this can be completely complementary.

For example, just in the wind-tight room, Yangdingtian used the invisible sword to slow down the invisible blocker, and even stabbed the tens of thousands of swords to stab the other side. Obviously it is not enough speed. So where can I practice speed? There is no doubt that it is a high-gravity multiple of the gold-lined interior.

Contacting the invisible sword under high-magnitude gravity will definitely make the speed of the sword faster.

I figured this out, Yang Dingtian suddenly jumped from the ground and cheered. Then directly grabbed the ugly sword and walked back to the first secret room of the gold department.

Originally, Yangdingtian was very easy to walk in, because the stone man inside had been destroyed by Yangdingtian.

But at the moment he entered, he violently cracked a stone man from the wall, waving a metal giant hammer, and slamming into the sun.

"Discover intruders, kill them!"

Still the same stone man as just now!

Yang Dingtian suddenly stunned, is this stone man himself not destroyed? How come again?

Is it that I enter the other secret room and then come back, this gold-based secret room will start the trial process again, so the stone man appears again?

Under the circumstance, the stone man's hammer has suddenly reached the front.

Yangding Tianfei quickly lifted the epee in his hand and just wanted to make a sword without a sword. Because there is no sword to specialize in this stone man in front of you, you can easily hundreds of it.

But soon Yang Dingtian changed his decision. Since he is going to practice the invisible sword, he will ask for the invisible sword. Although the invisible sword is only fast, the strength of the sword is really strong.

"Oh..." Under the triple gravity, the invisible sword of Yangdingtian has been much slower, but it is already fast enough, and it is very easy to block the stone man's hammer.

A loud noise, Yang Dingtian's body slammed out a dozen steps, a blood almost spit out.

In the face of the stone giant, the invisible sword is fast, but the power is completely inadequate.

Yang Dingtian was too late to sigh, and the stone man rushed up with a huge hammer.

"Invisible sword..." Yang Ding Tian body shape flashed, and the sword in his hand slammed out.

"Call..." Yang Dingtian only felt a pain on his face. The stone man's hammer was directly scraped from the face. Although it was not directly rubbed, the wind that was scraped was still like a knife.

"When..." At the same time, Yang Dingtian's invisible sword quickly stabbed the stone man's chest.

Suddenly, the stone splash!

The invisible sword is an invisible sword, even under three times of gravity, even if the sword in the hand becomes a thousand pounds. However, Yangdingtian is still able to avoid the attack of the stone man, and the sword in his hand can also stab the stone man's body. This is completely impossible for a sword without a sword.

Next, Yangdingtian began to make invisible swords numerous times.

Suddenly the body is getting faster and faster, the sword is getting faster and faster, and the figure of Yangdingtian is completely shadowy, flying fast in the secret room.

And the stone man has not been able to catch up with Yangdingtian, and his hammer is completely unable to catch up with Yangdingtian.

The invisible sword of Yangdingtian has stabbed him innumerable times.

Dozens, hundreds of times, thousands of times!

Five hours later, this stone man was completely devastated. All over the body, not one inch intact, are the scars left by the invisible sword of Yangdingtian, some are deep holes, while others are deep slashes.

But the invisible sword's lethality is too weak compared to no sword.

Therefore, the stone man has smashed thousands of times and has not been completely destroyed.

At this time, Yang Dingtian, the mysterious body is almost completely exhausted. At this time, he should return to the hall zhōngyāng to swallow Xuan Xuan, but he is not reconciled, the stone man will soon be finished.

"The last sword, if you can't kill it, then forget it."

Then, the sword in his hand turned, his body flashed, and he quickly surrounded the stone man. The sword in his hand, like a poisonous snake, slammed down the stone man's neck.

This is also an invisible sword!

After making innumerable invisible swords, Yang Dingtian has a completely different understanding of this trick, so the sword strokes are also very different from the previous ones. They are still the jīng marrow of the invisible sword, but the tricks are completely free. Y is wrong.

"Call..." After the last invisible sword was completed, Yang Dingtian’s figure quickly retreated and was directly pushed to the door of the secret room. Because of this time, his body has been completely exhausted, and even a little left.

"Oh la la la..." After the stone man was cut by the invisible sword of Yang Dingtian, he stood still in the same place. Then, the entire brain bones rolled down.

"Oh!" Then its headless body fell to the ground, smashed and shattered and turned into powder.

A gust of wind blew and the powder on the ground was blown clean.

Yangdingtian destroyed the stone man, and although he used the invisible sword, he still destroyed the stone man.

At this time, he has no strength at all, and even walked to the five elements of the hall zhōngyāng, are very difficult.

Finally came to the most concentrated place of Xuanqi, Yangdingtian sat down to adjust the interest, holding a ugly sword, began to swallow Xuan.

Endless instinct, almost crazy, like cháo water flooding into the zen of the sun.

Yang Dingtian completely dried up the mysterious veins, instantly moistened. Like a lot of dry rivers, it was filled with water in an instant. Then the water flows to the sea.

The sea of ​​Yangdingtian is also filled with little by little.

Six hours later, Yang Dingtian’s gas sea was completely at its limit, filled with the purest and condensed mystery. Then, the body began to stop consuming the mysterious.

This means that there is no breakthrough, and Yang Dingtian can't help but be disappointed.

But then, the sea of ​​bang suddenly jumped, and it began to be stupid and swaying.

Then the mysterious gas that has stopped has begun to invade madly, even more turbulent than just now, and instantly swells the mysterious veins and swells the air.

The sea is constantly expanding and expanding!

Swelled to the extreme!

"Hey..." A white light flashed, and Yangdingtian broke through again.

Everything stopped, and even the knowledge of Yangdingtian was temporarily stopped. The zen veins and the sea of ​​Yangdingtian entered a short period of nothingness.

After a few seconds, everything gradually recovered.

The consciousness of Yangdingtian gradually recovered, and the Xuanmai and Qihai of Yangdingtian gradually recovered.

Yangdingtian directly crossed the seven-star superior and directly broke through the eight-star, becoming the eight-star junior bastion warrior.

Yang Dingtian discovered that every time the destroyer was destroyed, Xuanmai would have a huge breakthrough.

Yangdingtian successively destroyed the stone man with a sword without a sword, and every time Xuanqi had a huge breakthrough.


Next, it was time for him to use the invisible sword to go to the wind chamber and kill the invisible killer. However, this time, Yangdingtian did not immediately enter the chamber test. He needs to sleep!

He has not known how many times he has not slept! At least ten days!

However, he used to treat the injury in the green pool as a sleep. In fact, at that time, he and the body did not get enough rest, and the time was relatively short.

Holding a ugly sword, Yangding Tian sleeped for nearly ten hours before waking up.

After waking up, Yang Dingtian felt that the jīng **** that was in the body was full of exuberance. Carrying the ugly sword, Yangdingtian once again entered the wind chamber.

After pushing the door open, take a deep breath and step forward.

After entering, he closed his eyes directly and used his heart to feel the slayer.

"Oh..." Sure enough, she came.

Her knife has not yet hit the top of the sun, but a chill has already hit in advance.

Yangding Tianfei quickly reversed a sword.

"When..." Yang Dingtian blocked her knife in advance.

Then rushed forward, and the sharp sword in his hand quickly stabbed and stabbed behind the knife.

The sword of Yangdingtian has been very, very fast. Compared with the gold-lined room, it is not enough to know how many times.

But it is still late, the invisible blocker, really drifting away like the same gust, and completely disappeared in the touch of Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian is not eager, still closed his eyes, waiting for her once again attack.

Sure enough, just half a minute later, Yangdingtian only felt a cold. The invisible and horrible blade turned directly to it.

The sword of Yangdingtian, like lightning, slammed into the ground.

"Ah..." A sharp tragic.

On the ground, a woman's figure was directly revealed, and Yangdingtian stabbed her, but at the same time, the side of the Yangding Day was also drawn in the middle, and the distance was only less than one inch.

This is a woman who is covered and has long hair. Very thin and very deer.

Of course, she is not a real woman, just a shadow. However, this shadow will kill and hurt, just like a woman with pure energy.

"Call..." After the injury, the woman violently turned into a group of gray shadows. Like the same gust, she flew away from the top of Yangdingtian and disappeared without a trace.

The entire secret room, once again fell into silence, this invisible woman disappeared again.

Yang Dingtian continued to close his eyes and waited for her to shoot again.

Half a minute passed.

A minute passed.

Five minutes passed.

This invisible wind girl still does not have hands, as if who is more patient in the competition,

Finally, the invisible wind girl couldn't stand it.

Yang Dingtian suddenly felt that the neck was cold, she shot, this time her goal is the neck of Yangdingtian, she wants to directly give Yangdingtian a fatal blow.

Yangdingtian just felt the chill of the neck, and after a moment, the sharp edge would smash the neck of Zhongyangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian’s sword in his hand smashed out quickly, and he had to hit the long sword.

But then, he felt that it was not right, because from the feeling of chill, to the time of the blade is a bit too long, almost more than 0.1 seconds.

The speed of the invisible girl is very fast, and it is absolutely impossible to spend so long.

Then, there is only one possibility, and this invisible wind girl is hitting the West.

At this time, Yangdingtian felt that there was a slight fluctuation in energy behind it, which was extremely slight, as if it could not be felt at all.

Yang Dingtian completely ignored the sharp edge that came from the front and slammed his hand back.

"Ah..." behind him, there was a scream of screaming screams.

Sure enough, this demon woman is flying to the blade, directly smashing the knife out of her hand, and then letting it fly back, cutting the neck of Yangdingtian, and pretending that she is holding the knife to the neck of the sun, in fact, in fact, in fact He has already circled behind Yang Dingtian, preparing to make a fatal blow to Yangdingtian.

After Yang Dingtian felt strange, he did not hesitate to look at it and directly reversed his sword.

Sure enough, this invisible wind woman was directly pierced. Showing a demon and awkward face, her ten pointed scary nails were about to slam into the top of Yangdingtian.

At this time, after being stabbed by Yangdingtian, she immediately turned into a gust of wind to escape.

But Yang Dingtian will give her a chance, let the back be smashed by the sharp edge. The sword lightning in the hand is generally surrounded by stabbing, still an invisible sword. But it completely surrounded the invisible wind woman.

Use the invisible sword to recruit to surround the invisible wind woman with the fastest speed, so that she can not escape.

For a time, this invisible wind woman seems to be trapped by the female ghosts in the array, desperately rushing left and right, madly wanting to go out.

Her speed is really fast, really like the same gust, can slip away from a corner at any time.

The sword of Yangdingtian is also very fast, completely exhausting all the mysteriousness, frantically surrounding the invisible wind girl.

Surrounded by one side, while wrapping, it cuts frantically and quickly.

Invisible sword, invisible sword, invisible sword!

Hundreds of invisible swords, thousands of invisible swords, thousands of invisible swords.


The invisible wind woman made a fierce scream.

Struggling desperately, desperately trying to escape. But after the injury, her speed became slower and slower, and she was always wrapped in the sword of Yangdingtian. (To be continued.)

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