Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 227: : Qincheng strong! Closed-door practice.

Yang Dingtian also finally saw this legendary northwest Qincheng, which made him even some unforgettable northwest Qincheng.

Up to now, Yang Dingtian has seen many headquarters of major forces.

Yin and Yang dynasty, built around the mountains, the atmosphere is full of ancient meanings, but also a little detachment, completely the meaning of the Jianghu martial art.

Yunxiao City, built on the foothills, is aggressive and full of fierce momentum.

The Wanxue Palace, built directly within the 10,000-meter mountain, is the most bizarre, completely insane.

But whether it is Yin Yangzong, Yunxiao City or Wanxue Palace, the big is big, the odd is odd, but basically there are no more than two or three thousand people.

However, the northwest Qincheng is completely different.

The northwest Qincheng is really like a complete city. In fact, the northwest Qincheng is indeed a city.

The city is smaller than the Western City, but it also has a small population of hundreds of thousands. Compared with Xizhou City, the northwest Qincheng is more like a military fortress.

The entire Qincheng city is divided into inner city and outer city. The outer city wall is tens of meters high and more than ten meters wide. On the wall, it is a sergeant, and there is a huge power.

In the air, there is a team of patrolling gryphon knights.

The entire city of the northwest Qincheng can only be said to be very atmospheric and not very grand.

In fact, most of the buildings in this city are square, mostly gray bricks and black tiles. There are no intricate carvings on the house eaves. Perhaps grand and spectacular, but not how gorgeous.

The layout of the house is also mostly square and symmetrical.

The wide bluestone street is straight and smooth, with few turns.

The city is even a bit rigid! But I have to say that this is among the many forces, this is the largest city of headquarters.

Other forces, not a bigger mountain, is a huge fortress. Only the northwest Qincheng is a real city. It can also be seen from this that the inner ambition of the Qin family is where. Perhaps he is not the head of a martial art, but the king of a country.

At this time, within the city of Qin, the voices are full of people, and most of them come and go.

Of course, this kind of grand occasion is not comparable to the ritual ceremony of the yin and yang dynasty ten years!

However, in comparison, the Yin and Yang dynasty is too high, and it is only the members of the Tiandao League that can enter the mountain gate. Moreover, the head of the party can bring up to ten people to worship in the pilgrimage. Most of the rest must stay in the oriental cloud. State.

The northwest Qincheng city is not so refusing to be thousands of miles away, and the forces of both sizes can come to the birthday. And every force can carry a lot of people. Anyway, Qincheng is huge and can be arranged.

Therefore, the number of people who came to congratulate the 50th birthday of the Qin family, but more than the ten-year sacrifice of the Yin and Yang dynasty.

Although there are many people, the order in the city is very orderly. Every few hundred meters apart, Yangdingtian can see a team of black patrol warriors, fully armed, cool and sharp.

Yangding Tianmu estimates that in the northwest Qincheng, there are two or three thousand warriors and knights!

During the time, Yang Dingtian’s heart is more clear, Yunxiao City and Northwest Qincheng are not a competitor at all.

The three thousand black blood cavalry of the Black Blood Castle is already the largest armed force in Yunxiao City. Coupled with Yunxiaocheng disciples, plus the military power of other castles, the armed forces of Yunxiao City will never exceed 10,000.

The northwest Qin family, within the Qincheng city, has at least 50,000 military strength. Of course, this is only the armed forces in Qincheng, not including the three thousand miles of land directly managed by the Qin family.

Within the thousands of miles of Yunxiao City, most of them are dependents. The three thousand miles of the Qincheng in the northwest of the Qin Dynasty are all managed by the Qin family. That is to say, all the people within the three thousand miles of territory are directly listening to the dispatch of Qincheng.

And depending on the size and power of Qincheng, it is far more than a thousand miles.

Perhaps, from the construction site alone, the armed forces, Qincheng has surpassed Yin and Yang and Xuan Tianzong.

At this time, Yangdingtian knew clearly that it was impossible to defeat the northwest Qincheng from the front. In this city and the ground, ten Yunxiaocheng are not opponents of Qincheng. The power that Qincheng can mobilize is ten times that of Yunxiao City.

There is only one way to defeat Qincheng, that is to defeat Qin Wanqiu of Qintian. And Qin Wanqiu is a strong master of the division, and he should be among the top three at this time. Yang Dingtian wants to defeat him, at least after waiting for the East Ice.

At the end of the year, Yangdingtian won the victory in the city of the city. The only thing to do is to clean up the interior. Not only will the Yang’s opposition forces in Yunxiao City and the latent forces of Qincheng be completely removed, but also the Qianli territory of Yunxiao City will be completely integrated. He must do more thoroughly than the West Gate, and completely turn the ministerial power of the Thousand Miles into a direct force. The power of the ministers such as the Iron Sword Gate, the world becomes like a black blood castle, directly under the command of Yunxiao City.

Only in this way can we truly resist the annexation of Qincheng. As for the counterattack, before Yang Dingtian's repair is more than Qin Wanqiu, don't think about it. Even after becoming the owner of Yunxiao, the biggest task of Yangdingtian is to completely sort out the thousands of miles of Yunxiao City and completely twist it into a fist.

After entering the inner city, Qin Meng went directly to see the Qin Dynasty master Qin Qin Qiu. As her lover, this identity is absolutely not on the table, so if it is not because of the comparison with Ye Feng, in fact, from the beginning to the end, Yangdingtian has not qualified for Qin Wanqiu!

Therefore, after Qin Meng left to see the Qin Wanqiu master, Yang Dingtian lived in the other courtyard of Qin Meng, and basically never came out.

Qin Meng's other hospitals, about four or five hundred acres, is completely a Qin Meng away from a person, in this face Yang Tiantian is absolutely safe!

It is only in this courtyard that there are more flowers, plants and the like, more like a manor. It can be regarded as one of the largest manors in Qincheng.

There are about 2,000 people in the entire courtyard.

Hundreds of maids, hundreds of warriors, and hundreds of slaves! These people are completely loyal to Qin Meng, and are completely affiliated with Qin Meng.

When Yang Dingtian entered here, these slaves were respectful on the surface, and in fact they also had great disdain in their eyes. Especially for some older managers, it is even more difficult to talk about.

"From today on, you will live in this yard." A veteran of the brocade, with Yang Dingtian came to a slightly remote courtyard.

This courtyard, in the northwest corner of the entire courtyard, was the residence of Qin Meng before the special placement of lovers.

Qin Meng is going back to Qincheng two or three times a year, and he lives in Qincheng’s other hospitals for half of the year. So these years her lover, these slaves also saw seven or eight people. These lovers, the time spent in other hospitals, did not last longer than ten days. Once Qin Meng is tired, her lover will marry her maid directly, giving a house and an industry in Qincheng or Xizhou City.

Therefore, in the eyes of the elderly in other hospitals, Qin Meng’s lover and the next person are generally the same, because in the end they also slandered slaves. The old people in these other hospitals are self-sufficient and Qin Meng’s body, and Qin Meng’s lover is an outsider among the next people, and they will not even be the same thing.

In the face of the coldness of the servants of other hospitals, Yang Dingtian also did not care. And this courtyard is quiet and quiet, and it just happens to live.

When the old housekeeper left, he was careless: "This time, there are a lot of guests who come to visit my wife. So when Shen Gongzi is not summoned, it is best not to leave this courtyard, so as not to be embarrassing."

This has been said to be extremely rude, even rude.

Yangdingtian did not care, and smiled slightly: "Good!"


In the evening, when Qin Meng returned to the other hospital, it was already more than nine o'clock in the evening of the Earth. It was obvious that she had dinner with her brother and then said a long time.

To see Yangdingtian live in the most remote courtyard, Qin Meng was suddenly cold when he was suddenly stunned. "All the people in the hospital are all in front of the lobby!"

After half an hour, more than 2,000 people in the hospital, all gathered in the square in front of the lobby.

Qin Meng left the stairs and took the hands of Yang Dingtian. He screamed coldly: "Everyone, kneel!"

Suddenly, more than two thousand people brushed their arms.

"You remember, starting today, the man behind me is the male owner of this other house, the only male master." Qin Meng said from the crisp: "I don't care what I say outside, but in this other hospital." He is my husband!"

Suddenly, everyone in the square gave a slight glimpse, and the look of Yang Dingtian was full of surprise.

"Don't hear it?" Qin Meng was cold.

"Yes!" everyone sang.

"I still don't see the owner?" Qin Meng left.

Suddenly, everyone went to the top of the Yangding Tianzhu: "The slave / slave, see the master!"

In particular, the old man who was arrogant about Yang Dingtian today was full of horror and blew his head toward Yangding.

"Everyone gets up and gives everyone trouble." Yang Dingtian smiled.

"Don't thank you for your male master?" Qin Meng left the road, and coldly swept the housekeeper who had bleeding.

Everyone timidly got up and said in concert: "Thank you for your master!"


On the couch, Yang Ding Tian and Qin Meng are separated, naked and entangled, and it is a fierce battle.

Qin Meng was soft and soft in the Yangding Tianhuai, softly said: "Shen Lang, today my brother made a fire on me."

"What's wrong?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Before, Ye Wuzheng pretends to live in my other hospital. At the dinner party this evening, I went straight to say that Ye Wuzhen did not have to come in, let him live elsewhere, and let him not step from now on. After I listened to my brother, I got angry. I will send someone to kill you on the spot." Qin Meng said: "I said, if you die, I will die in front of him, then he Just dropped the glass!"

Yang Dingtian suddenly smiled and said: "You are too eager."

"I really can't wait a day." Qin Meng said softly: "I originally wanted to say to my brother how great you are. I didn't expect to annoy him, and I didn't have a chance to say it."

"It doesn't matter." Yang Dingtian clenched her tightly: "I don't care about other people's eyes anyway. After I defeated Ye Feng on your brother's birthday feast, I will accompany you for a while and will continue to go out." ""

When this was said, Qin Meng was a glimpse of the beauty, and softly said: "Can't you not go? I can't bear to be separated from you one day!"

Yangding Tian smiled: "If the two emotions are long, they will linger in the dynasty. As long as the hearts are together, even if they are separated by thousands of miles, it is as close as possible."

"Lang Jun!" After listening to Yang Dingtian's words, Qin Meng was suddenly moved, kissed the lips of Yangdingtian, and wrapped up the body of Yangdingtian, gently turned over the petite body and rode in Yangding Tianzhu. Between, lifted the beautiful buttocks and swallowed something in Yangdingtian into her body again, then leaned down and kissed, while shaking the waist, once again the most intimate feast.

Their first meeting, Yang Dingtian used heavy taste, and tried again later.

But since then, the two have never tried again, they are normal sympathy, but they are more intimate than ordinary men and women. Yang Dingtian discovered that when Qin Meng was really engaged in emotions, he was not very enthusiastic about violent, and her favorite is the gentle love of hugging and kissing.

As if her passion for emotions is getting far better than it is!

Ten minutes later, the two men entered the climax again. Qin Meng was soft in the Yangding Tianhuai, and was not in a hurry to clear the body. She kissed the top of the sun and sweated her lips, and said softly: Baby, my brother’s 50th birthday, tens of thousands of people have a birthday, so I will be very busy during this time, and I can’t stay with you all the time.”

"It doesn't matter, I just have to practice martial arts in these few days, and I am ready to compete with Ye Feng's idiot." Yangding Tiandao.

"Can you really win?" Qin Meng was worried.

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao: "From tomorrow, I will live in the most remote places, retreat and practice. A, you have such a place, there is no one within a few dozen miles, and It is an absolutely secret place, and there is a secret room."

Qin Meng thought for a while, softly said: "Yes, one hundred miles outside the city. There is a lake, there is a secret room under the lake, which was built by me at the time, almost never used, and it belongs to me completely. Private property, no one else knows."

"That's just right." Yangding Tiandao: "In the next few days, I will retreat in the secret room to meet and compare with Ye Feng's birthday feast."

"Well, rest assured!" Qin Meng said: "I will, what materials, medicinal herbs, or cheats are needed. You just have to give a command, as long as there is in Qincheng, no matter how precious, no matter how much, will send you Come. Although your woman's martial arts is not high, the power is not big, but to talk about wealth, there are not many people in the world, and my wealth and so on are all yours."

A judo in Yangding Tianxin: "I need some things, wait for me to give you a list, you have to let the most reliable people arrange these things."

Qin Meng is disappointing: "I will arrange it myself."

Then, she ate and smiled: "There is a woman with a super rich woman, not bad."

Yangding Tian smiled: "Yes, the feeling of eating soft rice is very good."

When this was said, Qin Meng was a little embarrassed because she knew her man’s slouch and had no interest in power and wealth.

Then, she seems to deliberately explain the general saying: "Now think of it, my underground palace in Xizhou City, it is really boring. I used to like it, always want to collect all the treasures in the world, now But there is no interest at all. I really have no interest in these treasures in the world. No matter what is precious, in my eyes, it is like rubble."

"I believe that you will find something more meaningful." Yangding Tiandao.

Qin Meng left a smile and put Yang Dingtian's hand on his big white buttocks. He said: "What I am doing now is something more meaningful."

Yang Dingtian touched her plump snow buttocks and said: "Yes, about my identity, don't tell anyone. Although there is no danger, it brings some trouble."

"I know!" Qin Meng was so greasy, and then winked and said: "I will clean up your body and then go to sleep!"

Then, the petite body gradually slides down, sticking out the small tongue, and cleaning up the crime for the sun-topping.


The next day, Qin Meng left early.

Yangdingtian also used the most secret channel to transfer to the secret room under the remote unmanned lake.

The lake is about a few hundred mu in size. It is completely privately owned by Qin Meng. There is no human smoke within a few tens of miles. It is the best retreat for Yangdingtian.

Diving into the bottom of the lake, Yangdingtian came to the underground secret room and began to practice retreat.

Although the secret room is at the bottom of the water but the doorway is all water-repellent energy spar, so even if you open the thick stone door of the secret room, the lake can not enter at all.

There is a four-day time from the contest of the birthday banquet.

Want to completely defeat Ye Feng, Yang Dingtian best need to break through the Wu Xuan class. However, this difficulty is very, very large.

In accordance with normal cultivation, Yangdingtian learns to kill the third stage of the sword, and at most it can only break through two levels.

However, if Yangdingtian carries out the fourth layer of washing the marrow, it may break through two levels. If the fifth layer is used, the breakthrough may be slightly more, but certainly not more than Three poles.

In this way, at most, the most up to the top of the sky can break through the eight-star big sacred martial arts, there is still a two-level gap from the Wu Xuan level. The two levels of disparity, according to normal cultivation, will take at least half a year.

The eight-star Grand Xuanwu division, and Ye Feng are one step eleven. Although it is not impossible to defeat him, but Yangdingtian wants a big victory, not a tragic victory! Therefore, he must break through the Wu Xuan class.

In just three or four days, in addition to the breakthrough brought by the killing of the sword, but also want to break through the two levels, really must think of other methods.

The victory and defeat of this contest can be said to be crucial and is the most important part of the Yangdingtian plan. Even the map of the other half of the world-class Xuanhuo can be completely determined by the victory of this contest. (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking update group @87453198]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "starting" vote, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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