Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 228: : Wash the marrow and cut the veins!

Speaking of the map of the world-class Xuanhuo, Yangdingtian learns the characters and language of the Fox people from the fox family girl Jill every day. Compared with the mainstream texts of this world, the characters of the Fox people are more streamlined. As long as they have mastered a thousand words or so, basically there will be no problem in communication, and you can understand the relevant records of the Fox people.

As for the text on the map of Yang Dingtian, this is even more problematic.

So at this time, the text on this map, Yang Ding Tian can already read it. However, the above texts are all unique words. From these words alone, I don't understand what it means.

Moreover, Yang Dingtian felt that these sentences did not seem to be a place name, but rather a poem unique to the Fox people. And each sentence is only half. Yang Dingtian only understands the words of the Fox people, and he does not know much about poetry. Plus, these poems are only half of each sentence, so I don’t know what it means.

In order to understand these poems, two maps must be composed of a complete pair, and the entire long poem also constitutes a complete one, so that it can be analyzed slowly.

Therefore, whether it is the half map in the hands of Yang Dingtian or the half map in the hands of Qin Huaiyu, you can't get any information alone, but you really have to combine them.

Yang Dingtian did not try it anymore. He took out some of the words in the latter half of the verse and tried to explore Jill. He asked some of the long-lost Fox people's poems, but they did not get an answer. Therefore, the poems on this map should not be the traditional verses of the Fox people, but the original people who painted them.

In the vat, the materials and medicines used by Yangdingtian for the fourth layer of the marrow to cut the veins are ready.

The potion in the barrel is usually red and half is blue. This is the real ice and fire. It is usually ice, usually flame.

It is completely filled with terrible energy! If it is only the same, then when people jump, they will be burnt to ashes, or frozen into lumps. This combination of ice and cold energy reaches a balance, so the result of the forging body washing pulse can be achieved inside.

From the space ring, put a small bottle of holy water and pour it into the bath of the marrow.

This small bottle of holy water, instantly integrated into the liquid of the ice and fire two days, disappeared without a trace.

Yangdingtian has a long sigh of relief and can be compatible, as long as it does not exclude.

After doing all this, Yang Dingtian stripped off his clothes and jumped directly into the liquid.

"Ah..." Suddenly, an incomparably intense fiery energy instantly filled the whole body, as if the whole body was burned in the flames. The feeling was instantly painful to the extreme, making people completely unable to make a sound.

This kind of incineration didn't take long, and at the same time, the energy of a bitter cold and ice also slammed into the body. In an instant, the bones, muscles, blood, and veins of Yangdingtian must be solidified.

This terrible ice is much more terrible than in the snow and ice.

Fortunately, Yangdingtian is the Jiuyang Xuanmai. This feeling of icy and cold bones is much better than the burning of the previous ones. If other people do not have masters to protect the law, I am afraid that they will be shocked in an instant.

Moreover, the icy cold is better than the deepest part of the frozen water.

In this kind of ice and fire, Yang Dingtian began to transport the mouth and smash all the sinful gas in the sea, and cleaned every place in the sea to clean every inch of the body.

"Ah..." Yangdingtian did not cry out, but in his heart, Yangdingtian has begun to scream.

This feeling is really too painful. It is at least ten times more painful than the burning and freezing of the ice and fire.

In the process of clearing the mysterious veins and the sea of ​​air, it is really like using a knife, desperately scraping in it, and scraping the deposits in the mysterious veins.

This painful feeling is much more painful than being scraped by the surface of the body. It is no less than the ancient slashing and peeling of the earth.

"Ah..." Just under 10%, Yangdingtian has been painfully drawn out, and there is a blackout in front of him, to completely faint.

This can really be called the ultimate pain of the human body!

Moreover, he must not faint in the past, once fainting, then completely finished, the direct veins are destroyed, the mysterious burst.

Even Yang Dingtian can't let the master block the nerves in his mind to reduce the pain, because this pain is very important. Only this kind of pain will allow Yangdingtian to control the strength of Xuanqi and the direction of washing the veins. Otherwise, the strength is slightly wrong. Not only does it not wash away the sediment in the Xuanmai, but directly cuts the Xuanmai directly.

Therefore, in the case of no one to protect the law, it is a life of nine deaths!

In this way, Yangding Tianqiang endured the ultimate pain, and carried out the fourth layer of pulping in one inch and one inch.

But even if he has an extremely strong will and endurance, he can't stand it anymore when he washes the veins to 30 percent. His body has begun to numb, and the extreme pain has made his nerves feel a little slow.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian fell into the most dangerous moment.

After the nerves feel a little slow, you can't control the size of the energy, you can cut off your own veins at any time. Once the puncture is cut, all the sighs in the sea will burst open, and then there will be only one ending, and the body will die!

And if someone protects the law, then the powerful mysteriousness can protect the mysterious veins of the body of the marrow. Even if the power of the marrow is wrong, there is no danger of breaking the body.

Yangdingtian clenched his teeth, desperately keeping a clear head and a keen sense.

However, this has become more and more difficult!

Suddenly, the mysterious gas in Yangdingtian’s body trembled fiercely.

Instantly, powerful and mysterious, violently tearing apart the thin and mysterious veins, it will be violently torn off, and then the whole body will suddenly blast open.

In this case, Yangdingtian will explode and die.

At this most dangerous moment, suddenly a gentle energy emerged from the liquid medicine and directly penetrated into the damaged area of ​​the mysterious vein.

Then, this sacred and warm energy directly disappeared from the mystery of the violent desire. The injured veins quickly became intact.

This holy fruit is useful, and much more powerful than Yang Tiantian’s imagination.

The next step of washing the marrow is still extremely painful! However, under the danger of not exploding and dying, the Yangding Tianzhu is much stronger. It is not necessary to completely control the size of the Xuanqi energy, and there are almost some rampages.

The marrow is cut to 40%.

Fifty percent.


Eighty percent.

Ninety percent!

In the middle of the process, at least five times the danger of exploding and falling, but under the influence of holy water, all are shocked.

In the last ten percent of the process, the speed is especially slow, and the mysterious gas of the washing pulse is almost one millimeter and one millimeter. So this last 10% of the time spent on cutting the veins, even more than 90% of the previous time.

Time passes by minute!

Ninety-one percent!

Ninety-two percent!

Ninety-three percent!


Ninety-nine percent!

One hundred percent!

Yang Dingtian’s body flashed, and all the mysterious scent disappeared without a trace, and then quickly condensed back into the sea.

All the pain disappeared without a trace, the whole body up and down, the warmth of incomparable, the incomparable comfort, as if the spring breeze passed, as if in a fairyland.

The whole body is completely fluffy, as if it really wants to fly.

The fourth layer of the marrow is cut to perfection.

Look at the liquid in the barrel, it has completely changed color. It is no longer the former red and blue, but becomes turbid.

Yangdingtian stood up from the barrel.

Suddenly, the surface of the body seemed to have a layer of knotty.

Black is the impurity in the body, red, is the blood that oozes out.

Most of the sediments in these mysterious veins and gas seas were forced out and condensed on the surface of the body, about one millimeter.

So at this time, Yangdingtian looks very dirty, and there is still an unpleasant smell.

With a gentle shake, this layer of crusted impurities on the surface of the body instantly shattered and fell into the barrel, revealing the clean body of Yangdingtian.

Compared with before, Yang Dingtian’s body has become as clean as jade, like a new egg. Of course, the scars still exist but the skin around the body is really like a newborn.

And this deep sea Xuanyi is indeed remarkable, the impurities and blood in the body of Yangdingtian can be infiltrated and directly arranged outside the deep sea Xuanyi.

The fourth layer of the marrow was cut, Yang Dingtian left the barrel, and then entered another barrel, which has a rare recovery liquid, and Yang Dingtian thoroughly cleans the body inside.

After doing all this, Yangdingtian poured a small bottle of red liquid into the turbid barrel.

After the liquid entered the turbid liquid, it suddenly burned with flaming flames. In less than half a minute, all the turbid liquid and the entire jade barrel were turned into ashes. Although it does not hinder, Yangdingtian will not leave any traces.


Yangdingtian left the secret room and swam out of the lake. At this time, the sky was already bright, and it was almost hollow.

The fourth layer of washing the marrow, almost spent thirty hours! Of course, this is already very, very fast, because there is the role of holy water, so it is impossible to explode, so the ambition of Yangdingtian can be said to be completely rampant, and the speed of other people is only a few times slower.

Yangdingtian swims out of the water and walks a dozen miles to the north. There is a house there.

Yang Dingtian walked into the house, where Qin Meng was surrounded by four deaf-eyed Lux, and there was a huge box on the ground, which was filled with things.

Seeing that Yangdingtian came in, Qin Meng was directly rushed up. Jiao said: "How is Shen Lang, how is cultivation?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the mobile phone network). Reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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