Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 233: : Birthday feast! !

After learning the knife method, Yangdingtian took a bath at the fastest speed, put the demon sword into a long box, then held the box, walked out of the secret room, and rose out of the water, mad towards the cabin ten miles away. Rush away.

Within the hut, Su Mei is waiting for him, and his expression is extremely anxious.

After seeing the appearance of Yangdingtian, she was beautiful, and then quickly took out a set of robes, took off the clothes of Yangdingtian, put on the value of Jindingtian, and then pulled the yang. In the sky, a magnificent carriage drove in the direction of Qincheng in the north.

"Fast, the birthday banquet is about to begin. Once we start, we can't get in."

The inner city of Qincheng inner city, about 5,000 acres, is the core of Qincheng, the headquarters of Qin family, and the real power core of the entire northwestern continent.

Yangdingtian entered the inner city for the first time and found the inner city within the palace wall. All the buildings are completely magnificent and powerful.

Tall buildings, huge palaces, huge steps, huge squares, long ramps.

The entire inner city, unlike the headquarters of a martial art, is like a palace group of ancient Chinese emperors.

Yes, this Qin family is not the same as everyone else. What he has to do is not a sect of the sect. He has to do a king.

Yangdingtian rushed to the gate of the inner city with the fastest speed. At this time, the big bell has not yet sounded, so Qin Wanqiu’s 50th birthday feast has not really begun.

At the gate of the whole city, people were not too much at this time, because the people who came to the dinner party basically had already entered.

However, the inner city gates are still heavily guarded, and there are hundreds of warriors guarding them, including two of them.

"Come on and get off, stop!" Yangding Tian just arrived at the entrance of the inner city, and he heard a broken drink.

Yang Dingtian came down from the carriage and said: "The leader of the Xizhou City Lord's Lady's Guard, Shen Lang, came to attend the Lord's Birthday Banquet."

When this words came out, dozens of gaze suddenly looked at the sky. There is no doubt that the name Shen Lang is already well known under the operation of a caring person. Moreover, Yangdingtian can almost feel the disdain and disdain in their eyes.

After all, Yang Dingtian’s identity at this time was a male pet of Qin Meng. Although in the other hospitals, many people know that Yangdingtian (Shenlang) is a male owner, but in the eyes of others, Yangdingtian is just a face-to-face.

The first warrior came forward and looked at Yang Dingtian with a cold look, then faintly said: "Follow me."

Then, the warrior entered the inner city with Yangdingtian.

What makes Yangdingtian slightly uncomfortable is that instead of going in from the main entrance, a small side door is opened next to it.

At this time, the night has come, and the whole inner city is brightly lit and the voice is full of people.

A neat patrol warrior spreads through every corner of the inner city. Gorgeous maids and servants, carrying a variety of delicacies, shuttled on every road.

After entering the inner city, Yang Dingtian discovered that the warrior’s first tie was Yangding’s path to the right, not the VIP Avenue in the middle.

Qin Wanqiu’s birthday feast was carried out in the largest tens of thousands of square meters in the inner city center. Almost all the guests entered the 20-meter-wide avenue in the center. This warrior’s first tie, Yang Dingtian, actually took the corner path.

Moreover, Yang Dingtian discovered that the servants of the inner city were shuttled on this trail. This is a road for servants to walk.

Although Yang Dingtian didn't care much about this, at this time, he couldn't help himself for a while. In the eyes of Qincheng people, he was the role of his masculine servant. At this time, Su Mei’s face is also full of unhappiness and helplessness.

The samurai leader did not take Yang Dingtian to the central hall, but took him to a backyard.

"You are waiting here. When Ye Feng’s master begins to compete, someone will come to teach you." The warrior leader pointed to the cold and cold road in the small courtyard: "Without an order, you must not step out of this small courtyard. Do not kill."

Yangding Tiandeng was extremely angry and walked into a partial hospital.

At this time, there were dozens of warriors guarding the entire small courtyard, and the faces were cold and fully armed.

Entering the small courtyard, there are dozens of tables inside, and dozens of people have been sitting there to eat. There are men and women inside, and this time it is divided into several waves, sitting in it and whispering.

Look at the dress of this group of people, they should all be prepared to perform at the dinner. Some are performing acrobatics, some are performing tricks, and some are performing dances.

Some people in Qincheng used Yang Dingtian directly as a slutty show of juggling, which is totally humiliating.

After Su Mei entered, she frowned. "They are too much. They are too deceiving."

Yang Dingtian smiled: "It doesn't matter."

After entering the small courtyard, I found a location and did it.

The monks in the performances saw the Yangdingtian of the Jinyi jade, and suddenly said: "Brother is the team, how have you not seen it before."

Yang Dingtian smiled and was preparing to answer.

Who knows Su Meihan said: "I have your dog's eyes, and the status of Shen Gongzi is noble. Is it comparable to you?"

You must know that the status of the monks in this world is the lowest, and it is not as good as the ordinary civilians.

Those swearing people insisted, and suddenly disdain sneer: "What equipment is installed, if it is not a monk, will you be a cold bench here?"

Then This group of people whispered and laughed at Yangdingtian. Su Mei was not fast, she had to go to the lessons, but she was stopped by Yang Dingtian.

"I don't care about this. The ridiculous thing is the group of people who make small means." Yangding Tiandao.

Su Mei coldly said: "They don't put the lady in their eyes."

Yangdingtian shook his head and did not speak. Of course, they did not dare to leave Qin Meng in his eyes. However, at the feast at home, the Qincheng Lord has expressed his dislike of Shen Lang, so the attitude towards him in Qin City can be imagined.

In this way, Yangdingtian waited in this courtyard, not even a cup of hot tea, let alone the wine.

On the hall a few hundred meters away, the lights are green and the sound of music is heard into the ear. The scent of food and wine can be drilled into the nose through a few hundred meters, making these monks in the courtyard drool.

Although only a few hundred meters apart, the main hall and the courtyard are completely a heaven and an underground.

Thousands of people sitting in the hall are human beings. These monks in the remote are all people under the people.

In this way, wait for fifteen minutes, half an hour, an hour!

The birthday banquet in the main hall is still lively, and countless wines and delicacies are delivered like water. Countless beautiful people, never stop. The halls of the hundred meters away, under the light of the lights, the beauty is like a scorpion, like the heavens and the earth. (To be continued [This text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @得罪人的纸纸]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "First" vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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