Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 234: : Oriental Ice Ling, Du Gu Feng Dance, Ning Luoer!

And within an hour, no one has ever told Yangdingtian to go to the main hall.

Yang Dingtian laughed at himself and he really didn't think it was this situation.

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside, and then the remote door was pushed open.

The beautiful and unparalleled Qin Meng Li, standing outside the door, her purple brocade dress, she is now fascinating, beautiful and thrilling.

After seeing Yang Ding Tian, ​​Qin Meng was full of anger at the first time. The beautiful face was full of anger.

"Lang Jun is gone, I will take you to get back to justice!"

Then Qin Meng rushed in directly, took Yang Dingtian's hand and went outside, and walked toward the central hall.

Suddenly, the monks who had been laughing at Yangdingtian had a very horrified look on their faces. Then, this horror turned into panic and fear.

They didn't think that Yang Dingtian was really a big man, a big man who could crush them with a finger.

While walking, Qin Meng was angry and said: "I don't want to look at my face. I really want to see if that person has eaten leopard gallbladder and dare to be so rude to my man."

Then, she looked at the sun and looked at it: "Sang Lang, I started looking for you after the banquet. I didn't expect that they would dare to arrange you in the squatter's courtyard. They even want to tear their faces, I still care. What, I have already driven Ye Wuzheng the eunuch, and wait for you to sit on my left."

The same position, the left side is respect, is the position of the husband.

Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "This is also worthy of being angry? But I really want you to do something. This group of monks are waiting to perform, although it is not suitable for eating, but you still have to prepare some tea."

After hearing the words of Yang Dingtian, the timid Qin Meng suddenly smiled and smiled. White Yang Tiantian said: "You have no desire, no wonder, you are bullied, you don't care, I don't depend on..."

Then, in this way, Qin Meng took the hand of Yang Dingtian, without any concealment, and went directly into the central hall.

Inside the hall, the lights are bright, and thousands of people sit inside.

When everyone saw Qin Meng and took Yang Dingtian into the hall, the otherwise noisy hall suddenly felt silent.

Everyone is full of incredible gaze, Chaoyang Dingtian and Qin Meng are looking away! Many of them have changed dramatically!

Many people have heard of it, Qin Meng has changed a new lover. However, the identity of this lover is still not on the table. Qin Meng is still on the surface and has to fight with Ye, and to make the name of the husband and wife.

But I did not expect that Qin Meng would be so naked and unobtrusive with his lover to walk into the hall, which is equivalent to completely tearing the face. This is equal to the slap in the face of the people in the world.

Therefore, Ye Wuzheng's face was pale in a moment, without a trace of blood, looking at Qin Meng and Yang Dingtian, suddenly his eyes were like a wounded beast, showing the killing of the sky.

Yes, the arrangement of Yangdingtian to the monk's partial hospital is his command of Ye Wuzheng, but he did not think that Qin Meng would care so much about this lover, and directly retaliate against him with the most violent means.

In time, Ye Wuzheng’s undisguised killings directly looked at Ye Feng. That is very clear, let Ye Feng wait in the competition, in the eyes of the public, kill Yang Dingtian (Shen Lang).

Ye Feng's face was cold, nodded, and then a little shake of the sword, looking at the eyes of Yang Dingtian, also full of the meaning of killing.

It is not only Ye Wuzhen, but also Ye Wucheng, and Qin Huaiyu, and of course the supreme master of today, Qin Wanqiu.

It’s just that Yang Dingtian’s first time was not to pay attention to Qin Wanqiu, nor to kill Ye’s Ye Wuzhen and Ye Feng. It is the eyes of three beautiful women.

These three beautiful women are no less than the Qin Meng away from him.

They are, Oriental Ice Ling, Gong Sun San Niang (Duo Gu Feng Dance), and... Ning Luoer!

He really did not think that the three women in the hall of the birthday banquet would meet.

It is not strange that Oriental Ice Ling appears here, because she is also a person of Tiandao League, but the status of Yinyang is higher than that of Qincheng, so her arrival is just a lift for Qin Wanqiu. However, from another angle, at this time, the whole masters of the whole world will not add up to four or five. Qin Wanqiu is one of them. Although the Oriental Ice Ling is a yin and yang ancestor, it is also a good gift to come to the younger generation.

Ning Luoer, Yang Dingtian should have long thought of it. The man who raped her a few years ago is Qin Huaiyu. However, Qin Huaiyu has always had a wolf ambition for Ximen Yanyan. Yangdingtian felt that Ningrouer could only do his private house, but did not expect Qin Huaiyu to publicly bring her to the birthday party.

The most unexpected thing for Yangdingtian is the solitary phoenix dance. Is this demon woman eating the leopard? Although she is a grandson, she has changed her face, but Qin Wanqiu is a great master. The Oriental Ice Ling has such a good, it is very likely to see her true identity, what is the reason, can let this demon girl appear in this birthday feast?

Moreover, there is another terrible thing that the Du Gu Feng dance can recognize Yang Dian Tian from a distance.

Therefore, Qin Meng left the moment when Yang Dingtian walked into the hall, when all eyes were condensed on the face of Yangdingtian. Yang Dingtian discovered these three faces that shocked him, but did not make any eyes.

The performance of these three women is not the same, Ning Luoer is only a slight glimpse, and then looked at the Qin dream to the eyes of goodwill and worry, no doubt she did not recognize Yangdingtian.

The Oriental Ice Ling didn't even lift up the corners of his eyes. Even among the crowds, she seemed to stand on the tip of the mountain, completely ignoring the people around her. It is no wonder that the solitary phoenix dance dare to appear directly in front of her. This woman is absolutely absolutely uninhibited. She does not have any interest in the Gongsun Sanniang who is posing as a solitary phoenix dance, so she does not have to worry about being seen by her.

As for the solitary phoenix dance, it was a bit strange. After a glimpse of Chaoyang Dingtian and Qin Meng, they immediately removed their gaze and did not react, as if they did not recognize the Yangdingtian.

On the contrary, Qin Wanqiu and Qin Huaiyu reacted a lot.

Yang Dingtian is also the first time to see the true content of Qin Wanqiu! He is completely different from Yang Dingtian's imagination. He is not too tall, not handsome, nor elegant, or even somewhat extensive.

Strong silkworm eyebrows, narrow eyes, towering nose!

The whole face is white, but it is full of overbearing. The eyes are full of the city and the heart, but it is full of impatience all the time.

In short, this is a very complicated person, and a person who is full of hegemony and daunting.

"Ali, what are you doing?" Seeing Qin Meng left with Yangdingtian, Qin Wanqiu directly violently angered, even in front of thousands of people do not do anything to cover up.

Qin Meng became brave from his gaze, holding the hands of Yang Dingtian, and directly unveiled the cards in front of everyone.

However, Yang Dingtian suddenly stepped back half a step, then slightly bent down the waist, although still holding her hand, but the character changed from a male lover to a subordinate.

"Faithful wife sent back to the seat!" Yangding Tianzhu was in the body.

Qin Meng was a glimpse of the moment, and the sun was shining.

Yangding Tian looked at her with a look, then continued to send her back to her banquet seat, and then stood behind her with a sword, completely like a loyal guard.

Although everyone knows it well, and even if it is not suitable for the **** leader to appear at the banquet, Yang Dingtian’s move is already a big step for everyone.

At least the main city of Baiyun has no city, and the face is not so ugly.

As for Ye Wuzheng and Ye Feng, the intention to kill is not reduced by half.

Qin Wanqiu looked at Qin Meng with a cold look and said: "Ali, you as the master, disappeared at the banquet, very rude, respect a glass of wine, and apologize to you."

Qin Meng was not really demolition, but at this time, he did not give any good face. He picked up a glass of wine at random and did not pay attention to it.

And everyone in the room, hurry to retaliate one by one, and smash this page.

People in the field smashed this page first, but some people did not want to smash it.

Ye Feng got up straight and bowed to Qin Wanqiu. "The father-in-law is today, your 50th birthday, Qincheng Shangwu. This song and dance is also tired of singing and dancing. It is better for me to offer a contest to my father-in-law. How is it helping?"

Qin Wanqiu took up a huge wine glass and drank it all. He certainly knew what Ye Feng intended, but he did not stop it at all. He did not look at the sun and looked at it. He said it directly: "Good!"

Ye Feng suddenly smiled, Chaoyang top Tiandao: "Shen Tong collar, you were promoted by Mrs. Qin in the end of the micro, the martial arts are extremely extreme, this contest, you will be my opponent, how?"

Yangdingtian faintly said: "Respect is not as good as!"

Ye Feng left the position and took the sword to the center of the main hall.

Suddenly, the dancers in the temple quickly faded and vacated a vacant lot of thousands of square meters.

Yangdingtian holds a huge box, changes to the center of the main hall, opens the box, and takes out the huge mighty mad knives inside.

Ye Fengdao: "The father-in-law, tonight is your birthday feast, it is a happy event, this should not see blood. But Qincheng iron and blood is mighty, should not be jealous of these. Wait for the next contest, if there is a flash, or appear Bleeding, or casualties, please ask the father-in-law for forgiveness."

"Yun!" Qin Wanqiu directly took the lead.

Suddenly, the face of someone at the place became dignified. Everyone knows in their hearts that this is Baiyun City’s need to seek justice for Ye Wuzheng, and to cause Yangding to die in the dead, to avenge Qin Meng’s unreasonableness.

Moreover, Qin Wanqiu also agreed, indicating that the punishment of Qin Mengli, also said that he did not intend to break the alliance between Qincheng and Baiyun City.

Therefore, everyone looked at Yang Dingtian's gaze and added a bit of sympathy. In their eyes, Qin Meng’s lover was dead. However, their sympathy is also very limited. For the role of Yangding’s pet, they are always disdainful and disdainful.

"The sword is ruthless, life and death are from heaven, Shen is led, please!" Ye Feng slowly pulled out the weapon, cold and cold. (To be continued [This text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @得罪人的纸纸]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "First" vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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