Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 245: : Wu Xuan fire map! Thank you!

In the four simple and rough verses, the first half of each sentence is written on the half of the Xuanhuo map of Qinhuaiyu. The last half of the sentence is written on the map of Yang Xuantian. Except for the last word, the meaning of the first and second sentences of each of the other sentences is the opposite.

Therefore, if there is only half of this map of Xuanhuo, there is no use. Only when they are together, can we see the meaning.

Leave this verse without saying it, just on the map. To be honest, this map is rougher than this poem and has a lot of randomness.

Only a few mountains and a few pieces of water are seen in the picture, and most of the rest are grasslands.

The only useful piece of information is a mountain in the middle, with the left half red and the right half ice blue. The half on the left is on the map of Qinhuaiyu, and the half on the right is on the map of Yangdingtian.

The pitfall is that if the two maps are not combined, Yang Dingtian can't see that it is a mountain. Before he noticed that he had a pointed blue right-angled triangle on the map. He once thought that this was a sword and something. The two halves were combined to know that this is a mountain. .

A very bizarre mountain, this mountain is half a flame, usually ice.

However, the more bizarre the more features, the better, so it is more convenient to find the target. And this mountain is so strange, maybe the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo is in this mountain.

"Master, you have been to the east from the grassland, do you know this half-flame half-cold mountain?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The East Nirvana: "I have never seen it."

“Ah?” Yangding Tiansheng said with amazement: “This mountain is so bizarre, it should be very famous.”

"It is so reasonable, but I did not see it when I entered the grassland in the east."

Yangding Tiandao: "Whether it will be because you did not go far east from the grassland at that time.

So I have never seen this mountain. ”

The East Nirvana said: "It doesn't seem like this. Although this map is very rough, I really probably faintly went to this place."

“Have you been there?” Yangdingtian said with a surprise: “Where is this place on the map?”

The East Nirvana: "There is only a general impression. I draw a rough conclusion based on the orientation of several mountains and several waters in this map. If you remember correctly, this area should be a buried bone. ”

Yangding Tiandeng was very surprised: "Where is this place in the grassland in the east?"

"The most central."

"Which subterranean land belongs to this buried bone?" Yang Dingtian asked, but the heart felt that it was the best place for the Fox people, because Jishi Ashi is the fox family.

"Which race is not counted." The East Nirvana said: "The entire buried bones are five hundred miles apart.

It does not belong to any race. It is the central battlefield of the grasslands in the east, so it is called the land of bones. ”

"The range is five hundred miles, this range is not small." Yangding Tiandao: "Master, the bones of the land really do not have half of the flame half of the ice mountain?"

"Really not."

How could this be? How should I find it? This is a full five hundred miles.

The Eastern Nirvana smiled and said: "The master does not know, it does not mean that the half-humans on the grassland do not know. According to the position on the map, it should not be very difficult to find in the middle of the buried bone. So just go there. It should be easy to find."

Yes, as long as you get there, it is not difficult to find. Moreover, getting the other half of the Xuanhuo map from the hands of Qin Huaiyu can be regarded as an impossible task, but Yangdingtian also did it.

Now the complete map of Xuanhuo is in hand, Yangdingtian does not believe that Xuanhuo can not be found.

Then the most important thing next is how to get out of Qincheng and leave Qincheng without the doubt of Qin Wanqiu and others, and go east to the grassland.

In the next few days, Yangdingtian fully felt the determination and enthusiasm of Qin Wanqiu.

The next day, he summoned all the important figures of Qincheng. These people either held important positions in Qincheng, or were the various princes in the Qincheng territory. A total of nearly a thousand people gathered in the hall to introduce them. Yang Dingtian, and Qin Wanqiu announced that from today, Shen Lang (Yangdingtian) served as the Qincheng military division.

This caused everyone to be shocked and not to say that Qin Meng was completely surprised and happy.

Not only that, in the past few days, Qin Wanqiu spent most of his time talking with Yangdingtian. Qin Meng was worried about the centrifugation, so he also forced himself to join in.

To see that his brother and Ai Lang are talking about something completely different, even when the world has no idea at all, Qin Meng is more fascinated by his expression, and his heart is more admired for Yang Dingtian.

However, because of Qin Meng's participation, Mahjong, Go, and Chess also began to wind up in Qincheng. After Qin Wanqiu played, I heard that these were all designed and created by Yangdingtian, and they even admired Yangdingtian.

However, Yang Dingtian’s slight surprise is that Qin Wanqiu can be said to be the most talented person in Yangdingtian’s world, but whether it is Go or Chess, his level is very general, even if it is completely After being cooked, it is not the opponent of Qin Meng, or even the opponent of Yang Dingtian. Whether it is chess or Go, Go is basically ten sets and nine losses.

On the contrary, Qin Huaiyu’s chess skills are amazingly high and completely unexpected. After a little familiarity, Qin Huaiyu will have no opponents, whether it is against Yangdingtian or Qinmeng, it is a spike.

In short, the Shen Lang played by Yang Dingtian during this time became the hottest person in the whole Qin City. I don’t know how many people’s jealous eyes have been harvested.

At the beginning, it was still good. Later, the pro-brothers in Qincheng also came to provocate repeatedly. Yangdingtian didn’t care. Qin Meng was not willing to be wronged by Yangdingtian, so he repeatedly went to reprimand, and the results were before Qincheng’s children. Going to Qin Wanqiu before complaining.

As a result, Qin Wanqiu was furious and furious, and he directly blamed all the pro-daughters who had picked up the top of the sky, and even expelled the two headed people from Qincheng.

Since then, no one in Qincheng has ever dared to condemn Yangdingtian. However, these pro-brothers have Qin Qinjiao repeatedly provoked Qin Jiaojiao.

Qin Jiaojiao, a woman, is mean and arrogant, arrogant and unreasonable. After being jealous, she repeatedly came to find her, and Yangdingtian repeatedly avoided it. In the end, she directly entered Qin Meng’s other hospital to find things to challenge.

The end result is that Qin Wanqiu fanned her a slap in the face, directly playing Qin Jiaojiao out of a dozen meters, mouth spit blood, half of the delicate face instantly reddened, let Qin Jiaojia scared even I can't cry crying.

At that time, Yangdingtian was really somewhat flattered.

From then on, no matter who is in the dark, no one really dares to offend Yangdingtian. (To be continued, this text is provided by Dawning Update Group @丶打豆豆mm. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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