Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 246: : Try to leave Qincheng!

From then on, no matter who is in the dark, no one really dares to offend Yangdingtian.

It is said that such a day should be very prestige, enjoy huge power without fulfilling any obligations, but Yangdingtian is like a needle. And the most crucial thing is that time is lost day by day, and the days of the big battles of the city of Yunxiao are getting closer and closer, and the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo has not yet arrived. Yangdingtian is really anxious.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian has not known how many times he proposed to leave Qincheng and continue to wander outside, but all were rejected by Qin Wanqiu.

Moreover, after each refusal, Qin Wanqiu will punish those who have sinned against Yangdingtian. Therefore, every confession of Yangdingtian will bring a **** punishment.

Therefore, for a time, Yangdingtian was actually trapped in the Qincheng by such a device and could not leave.

Moreover, if it is not a last resort, Yang Dingtian cannot sneak away and sneak away. In fact, he couldn't walk anymore because he was jealous of many people in Qincheng. Therefore, in order to protect the safety of Yangdingtian, Qin Wanqiu arranged a personal guard for him. Both of them were Wuzun-class powerhouses.

On this day, Yangdingtian came to see Qin Wanqiu again and expressed his intention to leave.

Qin Wanqiu said loudly: "Army, are you so uncomfortable when you stay in my Qincheng? I have nothing to be thoughtful about, so that you can stay so far?"

Before Yang Dingtian always said that the Lord is very good to me, but my nature and mission are like wandering, but they have not succeeded.

At this time, Qin Wanqiu asked this question again, Yang Dingtian sighed: "In the Qincheng City, I have nothing to do, the better the Lord is to me, I am even more uncomfortable. In a few days, it is like a year."

Qin Wanqiu said: "Want to do things? It is easy to do, you want to train, or want to do housekeeping, or to manage a piece of territory, all can be. No matter where you look, I will let you do it. ""

Yangding Tiandao: "I can't do all these things. The only thing I am good at is wandering the world.

The Lord also agreed to my strategy before, focusing on the half-human, fostering allies, hiding power, and having risen after the war. Therefore, I think that the most suitable thing for me to do now is to go to the semi-human territory to conduct an investigation, analyze and classify hundreds of half-human races, determine which half-humans should be eliminated, which half-humans should be fostered, and which half-humans should be married. Intermarriage. This is a small matter, and it is only me who is suitable for it. ”

Yang Dingtian finally said this. I didn't say it before. I was afraid of causing Qin Wanqiu's suspicion, but now I have nothing to do. I can only get out of this way, and he just wants to go east to the grassland to find the heaven and earth.

During this period, Yang Dingtian and the master in the brain have already analyzed the complete world-class Xuanhuo, and analyzed the above poems innumerable times, and even has probably determined the approximate location of the Xuanhuo. range. The geographical location has basically been reduced to within a few hundred miles. What is needed now is to enter the field within a few hundred miles of the field. No matter what method is used, we must find this place-level fire.

After listening to Yang Dingtian’s words, Qin Wanqiu did not directly reject it as he did in the past, but fell into meditation.

After a few minutes, Qin Wanqiu said: "Mr. Shen, don't worry, this matter is no small matter. Please let me think for a few days. Within five days, I will reply to Mr."

"Yes, Lord." Yangding Tian respects the courtesy.

Then, Yangdingtian returned to the other courtyard of Qin Meng. In the next few days, I didn't go out. I spent most of my time practicing. In a small part of the time, Qin Meng was very close to my parents. When there was no one left, I communicated with the master in my mind, relying on the master to the east. Memories, I want to fully confirm the exact location of the Xuanhuo on this map.

However, it is a matter of more than a decade ago when the East Nirvana went to the east to the grasslands. At that time, the East Nirvana was walking thousands of miles away from the grasslands, and the memory of a certain place was indeed very limited. Therefore, after roughly determining the range of a few hundred miles of Xuanhuo, it is impossible to be precise. The only way is that Yangdingtian personally went to the area of ​​these hundreds of miles of buried bones, looking for one place.

However, Yangdingtian is still relatively lucky, and this buried land can be regarded as the no-man's land in the east. Because it is a neutral battlefield, there is no life in any race. Otherwise, if it is in a race territory such as a wolf or a tiger leopard, Yang Dingtian is already torn into pieces just after entering.

Therefore, the feeling of Yangdingtian going east to the grassland is even more urgent.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian waited for Qin Wanqiu's reply to be more and more worried.

On the second day, the third day, the fourth day, and even the fifth day, Qin Wanqiu did not have any response.

Until the fifth night, Qin Wanqiu finally sent someone to come.

"Mr. Shen, do you want to go to the grassland in the east?" When he saw Yangdingtian, Qin Wanqiu asked the first sentence.

"Yes, Lord." Yangding Tiandao.

"Mr. Shen, do you know why I have been stopping you from leaving Qincheng?" Qin Wanqiu asked.

"I don't know." Yangding Tiandao.

"Because I am not willing to give up this talent." Qin Wanqiu said: "There are many talents in this world, and there are even no shortage of geniuses, but almost everyone puts their talents on cultivation martial arts, except you. I can see Your talent is even higher than my son Qin Huaiyu, even as much as me, and your teacher is a knife and a prince. According to your age, your normal cultivation should be a Wuzong-level powerhouse. Even Wu Zun, you can only be a star Wu Xuan. You can put your experience and talent in other aspects, and these aspects are exactly what I need. If you miss you, maybe I can't find the first one. Two people like you."

Yangding Tiandao: "Lord, first of all, I am certainly not as good as you said. Secondly, what I know, I have already told you that there is nothing in my mind that deserves your attention."

"Of course not." Qin Wanqiu said: "Mr. Shen, know why I must let you stay with me?"

"I don't know." Yangding Tiandao.

"Mr. Shen, you are good at big strategy, big eyes, but some lack of specific matters, but this is the real great wisdom." Qin Wanqiu said: "I stay with you because I face major decisions every time. When I am, I may be confused. I don’t know what choice to make is correct. As long as the choice is wrong, perhaps the foundation of Qincheng will be completely finished. At this time, I need you to be with me and use your big Wisdom helps me make the most important choices. So maybe I will ask you once in ten years, but every time is extremely important, and may even change the fate of Qincheng."

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and said: "Lord, I didn't think you were so important to me. But I can only say that I am a person who can't be idle. I need to keep walking and do things constantly. In order to keep my eyes and mind, once I stop to enjoy the rich and comfortable life, I will be abolished."

"I understand." Qin Wanqiu nodded and said: "You want to go to the grassland in the east, but you must promise me a condition."

"You said." Yangding Tiandao.

"I am married to A-Day and become the son-in-law of Qincheng." Qin Wanqiu said.

"Ah?!" Suddenly, Yangdingtian was shocked.

"What? You don't want to, do you dislike Ali?" Qin Wanqiu said.

"Of course not." Yangding Tiandao: "This is what I dreamed of, but now it is not the time to break with Baiyun City."

Qin Wanqiu coldly said: "What did Baiyun City count? A fox and a tiger smashed the home, because I had to dominate the northwest and southwestern continents before, in order to prevent my own eating too ugly, I had to raise Baiyun City, lest Tiandaomen feel that I am a big one in the northwest Qincheng. Otherwise, what is it in the northwest Qincheng? His strength is much worse than that of Yunxiao City. Now I have to put the strategic focus outside, so I don’t care about breaking with Baiyuncheng. It is."

"But thus offending Xuan Tianzong, it is totally worth the loss." Yangding Tiandao.

"In the eyes of Zhu Qing, Baiyun is a fart." Qin Wanqiu said: "The Eastern Nirvana is gone, and now all the eyes of the Qingzhu are staring at the Yin and Yang Dynasties. If today, the Emperor is not counted, the real Grand Master Only two and a half are strong. Before the Yin and Yang dynasty was not annexed, Zhu Qingzhu and I were more cooperative than confrontation."

Then, without waiting for Yang Dingtian to open again, Qin Wanqiu said: "Okay, no need to say."

If you want to leave Qincheng and go to the grassland in the east, you must be separated, otherwise you will stay here and feel free to leave. ”

At this time Wanqiu completely shows the hegemonic side, and with a big hand, basically no one can stop it.

Yang Dingtian deeply worshipped: "Since the Lord does not care about the attitude of Baiyun City, why should I refuse such a beautiful thing?"


Although the 50th birthday of Qin Wanqiu has passed more than half a month, but the guests did not leave, because a month later is the wedding of the four sisters of Qincheng and Ye Feng, so close, some people Simply lazy to go back, live directly in Qincheng and wait for a month after the wedding was held.

However, it is clear that the wedding of Ye Feng and Qincheng's four little sisters will not be as lively as Qin Wanqiu's 50th birthday feast, and the guests will not have such a heavy weight.

That night, Ye Feng and Yang Dingtian were seriously injured, but Yang Dingtian was the one who left behind, so Ye Feng’s life was not serious. In order to kill Yang Tiantian, he used the Xuanxuan Xuanxuan, his Xuanmai was severely damaged by weak control, so the biggest achievement in this life may not be able to break through the Wuzun class.

However, for some reasons, Qin Wanqiu did not repent, but still fulfilled the marriage contract, and assigned the fourth daughter to Ye Feng.

The next morning, Qin Wanqiu summoned all the important guests and key members of Qincheng, and publicly announced that Qin Mengli and Ye Wuzheng were officially separated.

This news directly shocked everyone, and even Qin Huaiyu was full of surprises.

(To be continued, "This text is provided by Dawning Update Group @人修修罗6". If you like this work, you are welcome to (m) vote for recommendation, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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