Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 247: : Shen Lang is getting married!

This news directly shocked everyone, and even Qin Huaiyu was full of surprises.

Then, Qin Wanqiu announced that he would officially assign Qin Meng to the Qincheng military division Shen Lang as his wife, and the wedding will be held three days later.

This news is even more shocking to everyone.

What exactly is going on? Did Qincheng and Baiyun City completely break apart?

You must know that the current husband of Baiyun City, Ye Wucheng and Qin Meng, is now in the hall.

After hearing the words of Qin Wanqiu, the main city of Baiyun City has suddenly changed dramatically, revealing a completely unbelievable expression.

The face of Ye Wuzhen was instantly pale and colorless. After the infinite shock, his face was extremely defeated.

However, Yang Dingtian did not think that after the brief shock of the main city of Baiyun City, he walked out of the crowd and said loudly: "As everyone knows, my brother Ye Wuzheng and Miss Qin Mengli have long had no feelings. But for the white clouds. Said that the friendship with Qincheng had to be reluctantly together. But these two people are too small to see the friendship between Qincheng and Baiyuncheng. I have been with Qin Qinjun for decades, and where do I need marriage to maintain? And I I also felt that Shen Langjun and Qin Mengli were really in love with each other, so I personally discussed with Qin Xiong last night, let Ye Wuzhen and Qin Meng leave and leave, a perfect marriage between Cheng Jun and Miss Qin. Wan Qinxiong also strongly disagreed, I made a fire, and he agreed to this beautiful thing."

Then, Ye Wucheng looked at Yangding Tiandao: "Shenlang military division, you won the beauty, but don't forget that I am your real matchmaker."

At this time, Yang Dingtian was really impressed with the performance of this Baiyun City Lord.

Obviously, Qin Wanqiu had not discussed with him before declaring this decision, so he was so shocked at the first time, but then he recovered in the most intelligent way, proactively indicating that this is He leaves no city's own decision. If Yangdingtian doesn't know what he really wants, he will really be deceived by his performance.

At least Ye is not deceived, and the gaze of his brother is filled with incomprehension and hatred.

However, this performance of Ye Wucheng also made him understand the bluff of Baiyun City. Just as Qin Wanqiu said, Ye Wucheng was even more afraid of the break with Qin City, although Ye Wucheng gave his sister a birthday to Zhu Qing, although Ye Feng screamed and wished the uncle, but Baiyun City was just a fox. However, Zhu Qingzhu will not put his Ye Wucheng in his eyes.

Therefore, at the end of the birthday banquet, when Qin Meng was intimately and Yang Dingtian publicly entered the hall, Ye Wucheng was so angry. At this time, Qin Wanqiu’s behavior was completely humiliating to Ye Wucheng, but he smiled and picked up his face. Instead of turning his face in public, he helped Qin Wanqiu to round the matter.

Qin Wanqiu looked at Ye Wucheng's eyes and flashed a trace of disdain and irony, and then toward Shen Langdao: "Military division, have you thanked Yecheng Lord?"

Yangdingtian is also happy to help play, walked to the front of Ye Wucheng, and said: "Shen Lang thank you Yecheng Lord for fulfilling."

"Well, let's talk." Ye Wucheng said: "Even if there is no dispute and Miss Meng Li and I left, but I and Wan Qinxiong are still relatives of children, so you and I are also a family. Ye Feng did not know how to offend you, but from You are his elder now, and he does not grow up. He still needs a lot of discipline. Wan Qinxiong, are you saying yes?"

When Ye Wucheng said this, his eyes looked at Qin Wanqiu.

Obviously, today Qin Wanqiu completely beat him to a surprise and frightened war. He could not confirm that Qin Wanqiu’s move was only to complete the Shenlang and Qin Meng, or to break completely with Baiyun City, so he made a temptation. If it is a complete break, then the marriage contract between Miss Qin and Ye Feng will be completely abolished.

After listening to Ye Wucheng’s temptation, Qin Wanqiu said: “Yes, Shen Jun’s knowledge is profound, and later is Ye Feng’s uncle, Ye Feng can ask more.”

After hearing the affirmative answer of Qin Wanqiu, Ye Wucheng’s heart finally let go.

At this time, all the talents present were reacted from the shock, and then they went forward to congratulate Yang Dingtian.

Three days later, Qincheng was once again brightly lit, and it was also in the central hall, and a large banquet was held again.

However, the protagonist of this banquet has become Yangdingtian and Qinmeng away! Although the scene was not as big as the birthday feast of Qin Wanqiu, the heavyweights present did not have a birthday party.

Especially the Gongsun Sanniang (Duogu Fengwu) and the Oriental Ice Ling are not there. After Qin Wanqiu’s birthday feast, they left Qincheng.

The departure of the solitary phoenix dance really made Yang Dingtian full of surprises. Isn’t this enchantress really recognizing Yangdingtian, this is impossible, before the Yangdingtian on the sea boat going to the northwestern mainland did the same Dressed up, but the singular dance is still recognized at once. But if she recognizes Yangdingtian, why is there no move?

Yangdingtian is puzzling, but it is obviously not the time to worry about this matter.

At this time, Qin Wanqiu personally took Yang Dingtian and Qin Meng to go to the toast. Of course, it is not a table and a table, because there are hundreds of tables in the Great Hall of Light. Even if you are respectful to tomorrow, you can’t finish it. It’s just a matter of choosing dozens of tables. Toasting, but the heart has no idea where to go.

This world is really ridiculous. Yang Dingtian did not think of it anyway. His first wedding in this world turned out to be with Qin Wanqiu’s sister. And his real wife, Ximen Yanyan, did not have a real wedding at all.

Although the wedding was a fake, but Yang Ding Tianxin was full of enthusiasm for the flames, and suddenly he decided to secretly decide to wait for the real victory of the flames after the victory of the city.

"Sui Ning soft children, congratulations to my aunt, my uncle's love for a lifetime, happy and happy."

In the middle of confusion, Yang Dingtian heard a familiar voice and looked up to see the gentle face of Ning Luoer. At this time, she smiled and picked up the glass, returning to Yang Dingtian and Shen Lang. . On her side, Xiao Ningning, who is wearing makeup and jade, is sitting on the legs of Qin Huaiyu, a happy look.

Yang Dingtian noticed that even Ning Luoer was a happy face at this time, and she was completely guilty of her previous disappointment.

Before Qin Huaiyu was full of wolf ambitions for the flames, Yangding Tian thought that Ning Luoer would return to Qin Huaiyu, but at most it was only a lover or a small sister, but did not think that Qin Huaiyu directly regarded her as a lady, no matter Before the birthday banquet of Qin Wanqiu, or the Qin Meng divorce banquet today, he took Ning Luoer to attend. (To be continued, this text is provided by Dawning Update Group @丶打豆豆mm. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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