Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 248: : Go east!

Perhaps, I have a certain error in the understanding of Qin Huaiyu?

"Thank you." Yangding Tianxin thought to turn, but the action did not listen, faintly swept through the beautiful face of Ningrouer, revealing a stunning look, and then quickly set his sight on the cute face of Xiaoninging powder makeup jade. on.

In fact, Yang Dingtian did not know, when Ningrouer was toasting, Qin Meng’s eyes had been watching Yangdingtian. Because Ningrou is so beautiful, the beauty has made Qin Meng a bit jealous. Therefore, he is really worried that his lover will show his gaze when he sees Ning Luoer.

The reaction of Yang Dingtian made her happy again. When she saw the beautiful eyes of Ningrou, she showed that he was not hypocritical, but he quickly fell his eyes on Xiao Ningning and said that he had no color. Instead, a cute little girl is more attractive to him.

Of course, these are the reactions of Qin Meng's subconscious. Tonight, her beautiful face is completely filled with happiness, but it will not be deliberate.

In this way, Qin Meng is away from the bird and is next to Yang Dingtian. He is respected by a table and a table. The beautiful face is in the light of happiness. It seems to be younger and younger. It really seems like twenty. The new married mother in general.

"Lang Jun, I am really like a dream." Qin Meng, who was naked, was crouching on the body of Yangdingtian, and said softly.

The wedding banquet was over at eleven o'clock in the evening, but they did not return to the hospital, but stayed overnight in the inner city. Qin Wanqiu picked the most magnificent house and made a two-person cave.

After entering the cave, the two rushed to the phoenix until midnight, until they were exhausted.

And even after the fun, Qin Meng is not willing to sleep, but still talks with Yang Dingtian.

When I heard Yangdingtian, Yangdingtian did not say anything, but gently patted her snowy buttocks.

"Lang Jun, when are you going to leave?" Qin Meng left again.

Yangdingtian originally wanted to explain the sky, but when he saw Qin Meng’s eyes full of infatuation, he couldn’t help but have a soft road: “After three days with you, I will go.”

This walk, for the identity of Shen Lang, can be said to be a farewell to Qin Meng, which is indeed a very cruel thing for her.

"Then, will you come back later?" Qin Meng said suddenly.

Yangding Tiandeng had a slight glimpse, but he did not know why Qin Meng would say such a thing.

Qin Meng left his face on the chest of Yang Dingtian, softly said: "Lang Jun, if a woman really loves a man, she can hear something deep inside her."

Qin Meng’s meaning from this sentence is already very complicated, but Yang Dingtian is very convinced of her words.

When a woman is fully engaged in a man, then no matter how good the man is, the woman can feel a little flawed. Of course, it may not be appropriate to say that it is a flaw. It should be said that it is not right.

Of course, Qin Meng’s remarks did not cast doubt on the identity of Yang Dingtian. Instead, she felt that Yangdingtian was desperate to leave Qincheng, and there was a feeling that she would never return. Of course, maybe she still feels more.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian looked at Qin Meng’s eyes and said seriously: "I will return, I promise."

Qin Meng kissed his chest and said: "Lang Jun, I don't care what you are for, or what you are going to do. But my heart is very clear, your heart has always been full of compassion and embarrassment to me, maybe you can't I feel it. But these days, I have become more and more aware of this. Just so, I have already met..."

Yangdingtian is speechless.

"I don't care who you are, and whether you treat me before or not, I only know that you have given me unlimited happiness. I only know that loving someone is as happy as being loved, even happier." Qin Meng continues Road.

Yang Dingtian continued to silence, but he held Qin Meng tighter.

Falling in love is really the biggest enemy in disguise. Before Yang Dingtian always thought that he was doing very well, Qin Meng would not have any doubts about himself. In fact, she did not express any doubt at all, but became more and more attached to herself and became more and more infatuated. . Who knows, she just didn't say it.

Then, Yangdingtian felt that his chest was warm and humid, which was the tears of Qin Meng.

Yang Dingtian took her face and looked at her beautiful face. She said seriously: "A, I will come back to see you, do you know?"

Although it is still the same, it contains a heavy commitment.

Qin Meng lifted his face and smiled at the top of the sun. "Really?"

"Really." Yangding Tiandao: "Everyone must be responsible for what they have done, and be responsible for their own heart, so I will definitely return."

Qin Meng wiped away the tears and smiled: "Lang Jun, no matter what, I only know that I am the wife of Shen Lang, I am waiting for you."

Yangdingtian hugged her and kissed her on her eyes.

Three days later, under the reluctance of Qin Wanqiu’s resignation, under the eyes of Qin Meng’s infatuation, Yangdingtian left Qincheng and went to the east of the grassland outside Wanli.

This trip is not only for him, but also the three guards sent by Qin Wanqiu, all of whom are Wuzun-class powerhouses.

Qin Wanqiu said that the three men have only one mission, that is, to protect his safety, not to interfere with anything he does, and to obey any orders from him.

In addition to these three people, there is another person who follows Yang Dingtian, that is, the little girl of the fox family who he saved, Jill Ashley.

Although there is an east character in the east, it is in the northwest of the northwest. This is a mouthful, but it is true.

The northwestern continent is already relatively west, and the east is farther west than the grasslands.

Compared to the Earth, the Chaos continent is really outrageous.

At the end of the western part of the northwestern continent is the vast sea, enough to be thousands of miles away. The west side of the sea is a land of uninhabited land. This piece is also nearly a thousand miles away. There is no trace of life at all, because it is not a thousand miles of desert, or a thousand miles of scorched earth, or a burning rock, or a magma that is full of miles.

In short, this land is completely a forbidden zone of life, so it is called taboo mainland.

The taboo of the mainland to the west is the mysterious and horrifying **** of the sea.

The Hell Alliance of the Demon Road, several times out of the Hell Sea, launched the battle of destruction.

As for the west side of the Hell Sea, it is the edge of the legendary world. It’s just that this place, everyone just really heard the legend, no one has ever been there.

Even if the strength of the East is destroyed, it is only three thousand miles into the taboo of the mainland, and the Hell Sea has never been.

It is far from the grasslands in the east, and in the north of the taboo of the mainland, there are thousands of miles of dead seas in between.

In the dead sea, there are no ships in the world to pass. All the boats that tried to cross the sea were swallowed up. Under this sea area, it seems that there is a huge black hole.

It is not only taboo to the north of the mainland, but also to the south is the endless sea of ​​death.

Therefore, it is impossible to bypass the taboo of the mainland to go to the Hell Sea. To go to the Hell Sea, you must go through the taboo of the mainland. However, as a forbidden continent in the restricted area of ​​life, no one can pass.

Therefore, although everyone in Tiandao League knows that the Hell Sea is the headquarters of the Demon Road, it is the place where the Temple of Destruction is located, but no one can reach it, and no one can really annihilate it.


Yangdingtian took a group of people and first landed more than 3,000 miles to reach the northwestern edge of the northwestern mainland.

They need to sail into the sea from here and continue to sail seven thousand miles along the northwest to reach the east.

Yes, it is east from the mainland, not east from the grasslands.

If you want to reach the eastern steppe, you need to cross the desert of more than 4,000 miles.

But in general, leaving the northwestern continent, it is considered to have left the land of human civilization.

The chaotic continent, the land belonging to human civilization, has the following pieces.

Northwest China, Southwest China, Wanwan in the South, Land in the North, Yunzhou in the East, Shengzhou in the Northeast.

Among them, Oriental Yunzhou and Northeast Shengzhou are regarded as the essence of human civilization. Because Yin Yangzong and Xuan Tianzong are on these two land areas, not only the three nine-door twenty-seven factions, but five of them are on the two land.

So before the West Gate was Although Yunxiaocheng and Qincheng were competing for the dominance of the northwestern mainland, but in the eyes of the eastern Yunzhou and the northeastern Shengzhou, the northwestern continent also It is a wild land.

At the seaside, there is a secret fleet waiting for Yangdingtian.

There are four large ships in the fleet. In addition to hundreds of sailors, there are four or five hundred fully armed warriors. The leader of the fleet is the Qin family.

"In the order of the Lord, send the military division to the east to the grassland." After the first ship, Qin broke the ship and saw him on the boat.

"When we go so many people, will it cause misunderstanding and alertness?" Yangding Tiandao.

Qin broke the road: "We are only ordered to send you to the east to leave the mainland, and then squat on the surface of the sea. Every ten days, a ship returns to the northwestern continent for resupply."

"So very good." Yangding Tiandao: "On this road, it is necessary to trouble the Qin leader."

"The Lord said, we must obey any of your orders on the ship." Qin broke the road: "Mr. Shen is tired of the journey, the best cabin has been prepared for you on the first ship. Let's go to rest, we will sail immediately. ""

Yang Dingtian saw it. Although Qin Qin was very respectful to Yang Dingtian, he also had an alienation in his tone because he was also a member of the Qin clan. In Qincheng, Yangdingtian has sinned a large number of Qin clan people, so this Qin dynasty is not afraid to offend Yangdingtian because of Qin Wanqiu’s orders, but he is not willing to have any closeness.

Of course, this attitude of Qin Broken 阳 Yang Dingtian is completely unquestionable. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the mobile network (), reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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