Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 263: : Save the East!

"Master, is there any way to stop the sacrifice of the Oriental Ice Ling, time is too late." Yangding Tianxin was in a hurry. Although the Eastern Nirvana is only a **** and does not pant, but in this Yang Dingtian brain, he still rushed to breathe, apparently worried that the tension is to the extreme. Oriental Ice Ling is his daughter, and Yang Dingtian is his disciple is his hope. This is the two most loved ones in the world. When the sacrifices are released, the two men are broken.

"Children, I really hope that I know how to stop the sacrifice, Xian... but I really don't know: "The Eastern Nirvana: "So you rush, run immediately, run as far as possible."

"What about the Oriental ice? She will die." Yangding Tiandao.

"That is her life, you rush to run."

"Master, I can't run away. If I am in the lake, I still have to die. Once I show the lake, Qin Huaiyu and others will kill me." Yangding Tiandao. At this time, the ice has spread to the chest of the Oriental Ice Ling, and quickly reached the neck. Once it spreads to the top of the head, the whole body turns into ice, and that is when it is released. According to Yang Dingtian’s estimate, there will be less than ten seconds, and the release of the sacrifice will come.

"Master, the combination of the three people's mysterious skills is so amazing, why can't you hurt the East Ice Ling?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Because the ice cold energy surrounding her is a natural energy shield, the ice system attack will only be devour, and the fire system will not penetrate."

"Then if I am hurting the Oriental Ice Ling now, will it stop when the sacrifice?" Yangding Tiandao.

"It should be." The East Nirvana said: "But, now the energy shield on her body surface is already strong enough, you can't penetrate it at all... Oh no, others can't penetrate, you can. Electric energy, You can ignore any defense, especially the ice system." At this time, the ice has spread to the tip of the oriental ice.

Destroyed, just less than three seconds from the broken bones. Suddenly, Yangdingtian uses the fastest speed, and the biggest Xuanqi brews the electric system.

Two seconds later.

"Amount..." A lightning bolt slammed out and beat the body surface of the Oriental Ice. Suddenly, an electric system energy completely ignores the indestructible ice shield and directly penetrates into the body of the oriental ice. Although the surface of the Oriental Ice Ling has extremely powerful energy at this time, her body is at the weakest moment. Therefore, when the electric energy was drilled into her body, there was no resistance, and the oriental ice fainted directly fell to the ground. There was no movement, no sound, no resistance, and it was directly dumped to the ground by Yang Dingtian’s electric system. Then the sacrifice also stopped directly. At this point, the ice just spread to her forehead, and the release was only less than half a second.

Yang Dingtian, once again at the threshold of Hell, was finally not pulled in. But now he is still out of danger, because Qin Huaiyu and others will come back at any time, so Yangdingtian must immediately get out and escape. There are three directions to get out at this time.

The first direction, super, is to leave the center lake. Of course, this direction is absolutely infeasible. As soon as you leave the lake, it will be discovered immediately by Qin Huaiyu and others.

In the second direction, the ice under the lake, just find a corner to hide. There is a lake in the center, about a hundred miles, so it is not difficult to find a corner to hide. But even if you hide, Qin Huaiyu is a master, and it is not difficult to feel the energy of Yangdingtian, so it is still difficult to escape their clutches.

In the third direction, keep going down, down, down!

Of course, the third direction is even more embarrassing, because Yangdingtian simply does not know what it is to continue down.

He just felt faintly, the colder the place, the colder it was. If it is cold to the extreme, then your own nine Yang Xuanmai becomes very advantageous. I remember that there was a non-freezing pool in the abandoned mine. The coldest and coldest place, even Zao Wou-Ki was almost unbearable. It is necessary to know that Zao Wou-Ki is also a Wuzun-class powerhouse.

The first direction is impossible.

In the second direction, it is easy to do, but the probability of being discovered is still very large.

The third direction, the most embarrassing, the most risky. But no matter what, Yangdingtian must make the choice with the fastest speed. Almost a few seconds, Yangdingtian made a choice. He chose the third one, and although he was very embarrassed and full of unknowns, Yangdingtian was very adventurous. Deciding which direction to go, the next decision is whether to take the Oriental Ice Ling together. Of course, this point Yang Dingtian did not hesitate to make a direct decision. Walk with the oriental ice.

Although, Yang Xiangtian has hate and no love for her, but she is the only daughter of the master, and the master's knowledge is now in her own brain.

I picked up the oriental ice rink and carried it on my body. It was a bitter ice cold. Let Yang Dingtian could not help but tremble. Then, Yangdingtian put the demon sword into the space ring and took out the ugly sword.

Although the Devil's War Knife is also a fire-fighting blade, it is much worse than the A-Crazy sword in the fire energy contained in it.

Although the fascination in the ugly sword is still asleep at this time, as a weapon, the influence is not very large. Grasping the ugly sword, Yangding slammed into the underground ice, and the fierce sigh of anger burst out through the young sword. Suddenly, the ice of the three-foot range around the young sword instantly melted into water.

Carrying the oriental ice ridge, Yangding slammed it down, and then continued to hold the ugly sword down into the deep, while deepening, while inputting mysterious, melting the ice. In this way, Yangdingtian sneaked into the ice slowly and continuously. The water that had just melted behind it quickly became frozen again into a hard ice.

Melting ice is of course slower than breaking ice and is more energy intensive. However, if you break the ice, it will obviously leave traces, and clearly tell Qin Huaiyu and others who he is going to escape. After melting the ice, the place where you pass will soon condense into ice, leaving no trace. One foot, one foot... Yangdingtian constantly melts the ice and keeps going deeper. Ten minutes later, Yangdingtian has penetrated into the bottom of the ice for a few ears.

This ice in front of me really seems to be endless. Yangdingtian continues to melt ice and dive, dive! After half an hour, Yangdingtian has sneaked nearly a kilometer.

"Oh..." Suddenly, Yangdingtian’s body slammed. It turned out that it was at the end of the ice.

(To be continued) This text is updated by the breaking of the group @

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