Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 264: : Pink space, thaw jade!

Underneath, it is crystal clear water. This water is not only clear to the extreme, but also fluorescent.

Yangdingtian carried the oriental ice rink and rushed into the water.

Suddenly, a burst of icy ice slammed into the body, so that Yangdingtian was completely frozen and almost impossible to move.

The ice of this water is so amazing that it just just sneaked in, and Yangdingtian could not bear it.

This place is colder than the non-freezing pool that was in the abandoned mine.

The fluorescent pool here is just entering, and it is almost the same as the deepest part of the abandoned mine.

Of course, this fluorescent pool is also a non-freezing pool. As long as it has a terrible icy cold, and it will not condense into ice, it will not freeze water.

After the whole body was frozen, Yangdingtian desperately transported the Xuanqi in the body to provide heat, and then continually dive.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, and it is getting cold and cold.

After sneaking into the ten meters, the Yangdingtian body was frozen again.

After sneaking into the 20 meters, Yangdingtian will not be able to generate any heat when it fights for destiny.

After sneaking into the 30 meters, Yangdingtian was completely numb and had no consciousness.

However, he still instinctively dive underground, because of gravity, he is constantly sinking.

The ice cold here is already deepest in the non-freezing pool of the abandoned mine.

The coldest part of the universe is absolute zero, but there is no place in the universe that can reach absolute zero and can only be infinitely close.

In fact, the coldest part of the non-freezing pond in the abandoned mine hole is already very close to absolute zero.

However, when the low temperature reaches the extreme, only a hundredth of a degree, or even a thousandth of a degree, the cold and the consequences are very different.

Once it reaches absolute zero, all energy movements will stop. So by that time, even if it was a master of the sky, there was only one dead road. In other words, even if the strong martial arts are under absolute zero, they will die. This is the law of the universe.

However, as long as there is still one ten-thousandth of a degree from absolute zero, it is possible that the strong martial arts will not die and will be safe.

So simply from the figures, the unfrozen water here and the unfrozen water of the abandoned mines are only a few different numbers. But the consequences are absolutely fatal.

After sneaking into the 50 meters, Yang Dingtian not only did not realize it, but even the gods were completely banned from disappearing. The soul, the will and the vitality must be completely swallowed up.

Once the soul and vitality are swallowed, then Yangdingtian is already dead.

At this time, the bottom of the non-freezing pool is still out of reach.

This non-freezing pool is fluorescent, so it can be seen very deep, and it is still bottomless.

Just in Yangdingtian, I feel that I have to completely complete the egg, and I have to be completely dark in front of me, and the soul must die out completely. Suddenly, a warm energy rushed into his body.

This energy turned out to be from the ugly sword.

The ignorance of the ugly sword is awakened!

Yangdingtian can clearly feel that it is awake.

It will not speak, nor will it have a real communication with Yangdingtian. But Yangdingtian still feels that it is awake.

Because in the young sword, as if another energy trembled, it seemed like a chill.

Since the last time I swallowed the magical energy of Qin Huai, the ugly sword seemed to be full of stomach and began to fall asleep. It was now stunned by this biting ice cold.

After waking up, A ugly couldn't make any communication with Yangdingtian. After a chill, he continued to transmit hot energy in the celestial body.

The fiery energy inside the ugly, but very very amazing.

You must know that in addition to the fiery energy that is usually swallowed up, the bigger and bigger is the energy of the best fire.

At that time, when forging the ugly sword, it cost a lot of energy for the best fire.

The best fire, thousands of miles of fire in the mainland for ten years, will bloom a superb fire. It can be seen how amazing this energy is, and now nearly half of it is within the ugly sword.

Therefore, Yangdingtian feels warm at once. Of course, this is only relative.

In this way, with the heat of the ugly sword, Yangdingtian carried the underground ice and continued to dive and dive.

Eighty meters.

One hundred meters.

Two hundred meters.

Three hundred meters.

Five hundred meters...

This non-freezing water really seems to be completely bottomless.

The non-freezing pool at the time of the abandoned mine hole was only two hundred meters, and the one hundred meters was the coldest place.

And this non-freezing pool, the more down the ice is still getting colder and colder, getting closer and closer to absolute zero.

When diving to 800 meters, even if there is a ugly sword, Yang Dingtian body begins to stiffen again.

At the time of 900 meters, Yangdingtian regained no consciousness, and the mechanical instinct sank.

But Yangdingtian is still full of infinite will, he is looking forward to crossing the threshold of one kilometer.

This non-frozen pool should not exceed a depth of one kilometer. After a kilometer, it may be safe.

950 meters.

960 meters.

970 meters.

980 meters.

At this time, the will and soul of Yangdingtian will be swallowed up again. He really relied on the final will, waiting to cross the last one kilometer, and after that, it was victory.

After a kilometer, perhaps it is a warm zone, that is, anti-gravity.

990 meters.

999 meters.

999 meters.

Here, the ugly sword seems to have stopped moving, as if it has been unable to deliver energy.

One kilometer!

Finally crossed over a kilometer.

With the supreme will, Yangdingtian crossed over a kilometer.

But when he was disappointed, after crossing the kilometer, there was no warmth and no anti-gravity.

Still steadily sinking, still getting colder and colder, the energy that A ugly sword can provide is getting weaker and weaker.

Suddenly, Yangding’s eyes were black.

Lost all feelings, including the soul, and the will!

I don't know how long it took, Yangdingtian wakes up again and slowly opens his eyes.

The soul, the vitality, the feeling, gradually recovered from his body.

The surroundings are very warm and he lies on a circular arc. Underneath, it is a transparent crystal with a red flame.

The entire crystal is about three meters long and two meters wide.

Two meters above the head, it is crystal clear and unfrozen.

Just now, Yang Dingtian continued to sink after completely losing consciousness, and fell directly from the frozen water, and also returned a life.

This fiery red crystal exudes endless warm energy. That's right, it's just warm, not hot. But it is enough to resist the unfrozen water more than a thousand meters deep.

After climbing up, Yangdingtian found that all but the arc-shaped crystals underneath were all crystal clear and unfrozen water.

That is to say, this arc crystal is completely wrapped in non-frozen water, but it is not frozen, still emitting warm energy, showing how magical this crystal is.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s brain built a rough structural picture.

Above the three-meter-long, two-meter-wide red crystal, it is a kilometer-depth, 10,000-meter-wide non-freezing water. Above the non-freezing water, it is more than a thousand meters thick ice layer, and the ice layer is a lake hundreds of meters deep.

Moreover, the lake is constantly condensing into ice. When all the lakes are frozen, it is the time when the heavens and the earth's Xuanhuo bloom.

It is a pity that the place where Xuanhuo blooms, Qin Huaiyu and others will definitely keep guarding. If Yangding goes to heaven, it is really looking for death.

However, Yangdingtian is interested in it. There is only one flower in the heavens and the earth, but there are three people. I don't know how Qin Huaiyu, Du Gu Feng Wu, Lonely and Unhappy are all distributed.

Of course, at this time, Yangdingtian should be temporarily safe. At least Qin Huaiyu and the lonely phoenix dancers are unable to pass through the deep frozen water pool.

After confirming this, Yangding genius went to care about the oriental ice rink lying on the edge.

At this point, she was still in the ice, without any breathing, but Yangdingtian knew that she should not die.

Her body, as if it was sent to liquid nitrogen in an instant, all life activities stopped instantly, but did not die.

Want to let her live, just need to thaw.

As for how to thaw? I hope that she can input the hot energy in her body.

After Yang Dingtian made a little work, he placed his hand on her lower abdomen and began to input hot and sin.

Suddenly, it was like a muddy sea, no movement.

After ten minutes, Yangdingtian exported one-third of the body's mysteriousness, but it did not have any effect on the oriental ice.

Suddenly, the Eastern Nirvana said: "Children, don't try, useless."

Yangding Tiandao: "Master, according to the theory, as long as the input of fire energy, you can help her thaw."

"The theory is correct." The Eastern Nirvana smiled bitterly: "But the Oriental Ice Ling used her sacrifice to engulf her own dozens of times of ice cold and her instinctive mysterious energy is yours More than a hundred times. That is to say, with your current cultivation, even if you don't need to eat or drink, do not practice, and constantly input the fire energy for her, it will take 30 years to help her thaw."

Thirty years?

Yangdingtian was completely stunned.

According to the master, it is really useless. Yangdingtian is willing to save the oriental ice, but it is impossible to spend 30 years.

"Master, what about the ugly sword? Is it enough energy?" Yangding Tiandao.

"A ugly will only provide you with energy. For the Oriental Ice Ling, it is just an ordinary **** golden sword."

"That is to say, the Eastern Ice Ling can not be completely thawed, can't recover?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Look at the creation."

Make up!

The Eastern Nervans sighed: "Yes, everything depends on her own creation. If she can’t do it, she will naturally recover. Otherwise..."

Then, the East Nirvana said: "Children, you quickly take the opportunity to practice mysterious. I feel that the energy of this crystal is not strong, but it is very pure, although it is fire, but there is not much impurity, you use gas It can be refining and inflating the sea. It may be much faster than practicing outside." (To be continued, this text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @打打豆豆mm. If you like this work, you are welcome To vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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