Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 279: :perish together?

"Phoenix Nirvana..."

Just between Barbie and the horror.

The ice of the East is beautiful, and the whole body is in a moment, and the sword in the hand is suddenly turned into a blue phoenix, and it is fiercely attacked by Barbie.

"Boom..." Barbie, who was completely shocked, didn't even have any reaction at all, and was directly hit by the Oriental Ice.

The blue phoenix light slammed into Barbie's body and burst into a terrible blue light.

"Oh..." A blood arrow squirted for a few tens of meters. Barbie's body flew out like a straw and crashed into the water.

And the Oriental Ice Ling is so beautiful, the meteor is generally chased, and the sharp sword in his hand is flying.

In an instant, Barbie’s body was stabbed with hundreds of swords, and suddenly blood rushed and blood was blurred.

"You can die." Oriental ice Ling cold channel.

Then she raised her sword and slammed directly against Barbie’s head.

"Let's die together." At this time, Barbie reacted from the pain and shock of the funeral. Almost half a second of effort, her beautiful brilliance of the face, instantly aging, full of wrinkles, like a hundred years old.

Then, her lower abdomen swelled up, showing a terrible light.

Yes, she wants to blew herself up and want to go with the East Ice.

You know, this Barbie seems to have been killed so badly at this time, but she is a master-level powerhouse. Once she blew herself up, the Oriental Ice Ling will be seriously injured if she is not dead.

Of course, it takes time to blew the sea, so what the Oriental Ice Ling should do now is to escape immediately, the farther the better, and leave the scope of Barbie's self-destruction.

If it is Yangdingtian, it will definitely leave desperately. Anyway, after the self-destruction, Barbie will be broken.

However, the choice of the Oriental Ice Ling once again shocked Yang Dingtian.

She did not escape, did not escape, still holding the sword to go down to Barbie's head.

And Barbie, who turned into a hundred-year-old man, rushed toward the oriental ice buds completely, opened his arms, and hugged the oriental ice and went with her.

"Oh..." The Oriental Ice Ling sword flashed.

In an instant, Barbie’s old head was directly split into two halves, with blood smashing and brains splashing.

"Boom..." At the same time, Barbie's temperament exploded.

Suddenly, the original unfrozen pool of 1,000 meters deep seemed to have been thrown into a missile and turned up the waves.

The delicate body of the Oriental Ice Ling, like a flower, was blown by the gust of wind, and instantly fluttered without a trace. Endless surges of waves, completely swallowed the body of the Oriental Ice Ling.

While Barbie was broken, the surrounding water waves were dyed red.

Yangdingtian is within the spar space of the water, and is about 100 meters away from Barbie's explosive point. But the strange thing is that the explosion has no effect on Yangdingtian, and even a little shock wave can't feel it.

This spar space is not the place where the mysterious fire was born, in which it can shield almost all energy attacks from the outside world.

Only at this time, the Oriental Ice Ling has completely disappeared into the horizon of Yangdingtian. The entire non-freezing pool, like boiling, is frantically surging.

At this time, the Yangding innocence is only deeply shocked.

This oriental ice scorpion is far more powerful than his imagination.

You must know that this Barbie is a master of the master class. It is higher than the Eastern Ice Bing, and it is absolutely life-threatening to turn her face. But the Oriental Ice Ling turned out to be so ruthless, directly killing her son, causing Barbie's confusion, and then without any hesitation, directly killing Barbie with the trick.

For Barbie's self-destructive atmosphere, the Oriental Ice Ling must have absolute mental preparation, but she is still so determined.

Moreover, the Oriental Ice Ling directly killed Barbie's son, let her mind chaos, and then decisively shot to kill Barbie higher than their own. The whole process is full of wisdom and full of decisiveness and adventure.

At least from the decisiveness of the anecdote, there is almost no oriental ice.

Perhaps no one in this world can make the Oriental Ice Ling yield.

Yangdingtian desperately looks at the non-freezing pool. The self-destruction of the master-level powerhouse is very amazing. The Oriental Ice Ling is a Wuzun-class powerhouse. The distance is so close, the Oriental Ice Ling is really fierce.

After all, she is the daughter of the master.

Moreover, Yang Dingtian was full of hatred towards the Oriental Ice Ling. I don't know why, this hate has gradually been replaced by admiration. The will and staunchness of this woman is really not understood before Yang Dingtian.

Taking a deep breath, Yangding slammed into the tumbling pool and began to look for oriental ice.

Just entering the water, Yang Dingtian immediately felt the energy bombardment of the cockroach, almost let him spit out a blood.

The self-destruction of the master-level powerhouse is really powerful. It has been a long time now, and the distance from the 100-meter energy is still so terrible. It can be seen that the distance from the East Ice Bing is so close, and the energy bombardment is so powerful. More directly, at the time, the attack on the Oriental Ice Ling was far more than the attack of the masters who had done their best.

The Wuzun-class powerhouse, being attacked by such intensity, is an absolute dead end.

Withstand the terrible energy, Yangdingtian tried its best to paddle the water and look for the figure of the oriental ice.

I swam a few hundred meters and searched many places. I didn't see the oriental ice icing at all. However, there are many flesh and blood fragments in the water.

Suddenly, Yangding’s heart suddenly jumped, and it’s not that the Oriental Ice Ling has been completely blown up.

Then, Yangdingtian looked more desperately around.

At this time, the residual energy in the non-frozen pool gradually dissipated, and the entire pool gradually calmed down, and the visibility gradually increased.

Yangdingtian is anxiously looking around It is a bit like a flies without heads.

However, there is still no image of the Oriental Ice Ling.

Is it true that the Oriental Ice Ling really died like this?

Suddenly, the heart of Yangdingtian seems to have lost a large piece.

Of course, this is not a heartache. Oriental Ice Ling is the biggest opponent of his life, and he is the goal of his lifelong struggle. If she died like this, then Yang Dingtian’s desperate struggle will lose half of its meaning.

After desperately searching through the pool, Yang Dingtian spread his hands and painfully let himself float in the water. All of a sudden, lost all emotions, the whole heart seems to be completely empty.

At this time, suddenly someone took a shot after Yang Dingtian.

"Are you looking for me?"

Then, a familiar voice came from the ear.

It is the unique sound of the Oriental Ice, cold and crisp, like jade.

Yangding turned suddenly and the heart jerked.

The person behind him is indeed the Oriental Ice Ling, and it is an intact Oriental ice rink, without any scars and blood.

However, her overall body clothes have disappeared completely. Her perfect body is completely naked in the water. Any secrets on the body are in the eyes of Yangdingtian. (To be continued, if you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read.) "This text is updated by the breaking of the group @ 87453198 offers ")

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