Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 280: : Stained and chaste, sly and trust!

In an instant, Yangdingtian was still stunned.

This is really a perfect body.

This may be the only perfect body seen by Yangdingtian. Every inch of the body is really carved like ice and white jade. If you add one point, it will be fat, and if you lose one point, it will be thin.

Whether it is the double peak on the chest, or the waist, or the round snow, or the long jade legs.

They are perfect to the extreme, tempting to the extreme, **** to the extreme.

Even if the most intimate place on her body is like a pink jade carving, the beauty is pure and the ultimate, as if it contains it, it will completely disappear.

Perhaps, the Oriental Ice Ling, a nine-day mysterious woman, is itself the most perfect woman in the world.

When she put on her clothes, perhaps there is a woman of the same level as her in the world. Once she took off her clothes, she became the first beauty in the world.

In the face of Yangdingtian's gaze, the Oriental Ice Ling did not make unnecessary reactions, but directly flipped like a mermaid and swam downwards.

Suddenly, she turned her back to Yangdingtian, the scenery between the beautiful buttocks, the most secret place between the thighs, and when she was stretched, she was completely exposed to Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, the body of Yangdingtian seems to be blasting.

Desperate in the water, then Yangdingtian followed to swim down.

Soon, the two people swam out of the pool and returned to the red spar space.

The Oriental Ice Ling is still naked, and her clothes should have been blown up when Barbie blew herself.

At this time, the top is still shaking, the yin and yang mountains that are several kilometers high are still sinking slowly, and the endless ice is still slowly melting.

After the down, the beauty of the Oriental Ice Ling gaze tightly at Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s heart was uneasy. Perhaps, Oriental Ice Ling has recognized his identity, otherwise how to look at himself with such a look.

"Shen Lang, can you help me?" After a long time, the Oriental Ice Ling suddenly began.

Yang Ding Tian Yi, she even called herself Shen Lang? Does she still don't know that she is Yangdingtian? Moreover, she actually asked herself to help.

"What is busy?" Yangding Tiandao.

"I suffered a very heavy and serious injury. I have to go through the cold and frozen state to heal the wounds, and refine the remaining Xuanhuo energy in the body. During this time, I will completely ignore the personnel and have no reaction to the outside world. Any A person can come and kill me." Oriental Ice Ling said: "So, I need you to protect me on the side, and wake me up after a month."

“Do you still need to wake up?” Yang Dingtian was surprised.

"Yes, I am too hurt to go into a state of silence, so I need to wake up from the outside world." Oriental Bingling said: "Otherwise, with my own words, I will never wake up."

"How to wake up?" Yangding Tiandao.

"I have a fatal point on my body. Just use a needle to stab it, even if I enter the deepest meditation silence, I will still wake up instantly."

"I know this key, I am not very dangerous?" Yangding Tiandao.

“Yes.” Oriental Ice Lingdao.

"Where is the key point, where is it?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"The perineum is half an inch from the bottom of the body hole. If there is no needle, it can be used with a sword."

In an instant, Yangdingtian’s face is red and red.

Because the place that Oriental Bing Ling said is really too sensitive, even though the Oriental Ice Ling is completely naked at this time. However, it is still too sensitive to get stuck in that place.

However, when Oriental Bingling said this, there was no guilt and shame on his face, as if there was no difference between the place and the back of the arm.

"Of course, if I don't wake up by then, then... it means I am dead."

Yangding Tianyi said: "Death? How is it possible? You look completely good now?"

Oriental Bing Ling looked at Yang Dingtian and said: "The probability that I can wake up is probably less than 10%."

"What?" Yang Dingtian said: "How is it possible? I think you look like a good one."

"Oh..." Yang Dingtian’s words have not been finished yet, and a blood spurted out from the small mouth of the Oriental Ice Ling, directly spraying Yang Tiantian’s face.

"The old woman is a master of the master class. Her self-destruction has caused me to break thirty-nine places. I have already replaced other people with bones and bones, and I am completely dead." Oriental Ice Ling said: "Of course, for me It’s also a nine-death life.”

When the words were not finished, the Oriental Ice Ling fell to the ground directly, and suddenly it could not climb.

Yang Dingtian quickly lifted her up and said: "When she blew herself, why didn't you take it far? She obviously died, you still want to lick her head?"

"Because she threatened me because she tarnished my chastity." Oriental Ice Ling whispered: "So, I must take her life by hand."

In the words, the anger of the East Ice Ling sky.

Yang Dingtian was surprised: "Your chastity is still there, Barbie's son didn't even touch your little hand."

The Oriental Ice Ling cold road: "The old aunt, used words to tarnish my chastity. I killed her mother and son is not counted, after going out, I will kill her family and the nine families, not grass."

At this time, Yangdingtian really felt the hatred of the oriental ice.

"But, but I just saw that you don't really care." Yangding Tiandao: "When Barbie asked you to give out 贞C, you didn't seem very angry."

"Is angry, do you want to show it?" Oriental Bing Ling said: "I am the most holy and proud woman in the world. No one can defile my high cleanliness."

Although Yang Dingtian knew that he should not say it, he couldn’t help but say: "That, now you are naked, and I have been cleaned all over the body..."

The Oriental Bing Ling looked at Yang Ding for a long time and sighed: "Are you intentional? Do you want to see my body?"

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "Of course not."

Oriental Ice Ling continued: "Do you have my heart? Do you want to take possession of my body when I faint?"

"Of course not." Yangding Tiandao.

"That's it." Oriental Bingling said: "I cherish my chastity, but I don't swear. I am naked, it is helpless. You have not tarnished my heart, my holiness will not be humiliated."

"Well, I have been unable to talk to you more. You just have to say that you are willing to protect the law for me? Will you be willing to smack me in the 30th day to wake me up?"

"I can promise you." Yangding Tiandao: "But please answer me a question. After your sacrifice was interrupted, it would take a month to thaw the recovery. I put one third of the blood into your body. Only let you thaw. But after thawing, your repairs are completely gone, so you can't even beat Yan, you can't beat them directly. Then why do you wake up and fully recover? Xuanqi?"

Yang Dingtian asked the voice-over of this question very well.

That is to ask the Oriental Ice Ling, is it before the ice is also pretending, Yang Dingtian blood transfusion after her recovery, the weakness of the weak can not be swallowed by Yan sentiment is also pretending to vomit blood? If so, the Eastern Ice Ling's mind is too deep.

Oriental Bing Ling looked at Yangding Tiandao: "You know that after entering the sacrifice, you must give your soul and will to all the cold energy around you. So the sacrificers at that time did not have any memory and consciousness. So until now, I don't know that the second chapter of my sacrifice will be interrupted. Of course, I may not want to think about why."

The last sentence of the Oriental Ice Ling is completely meaningful.

Then, Oriental Bingling continued: "And, you put blood into my body, but after I recovered, it was weak, but why didn't it suddenly recover? I can only say that I suddenly woke up, then the whole body Xuanqi resumed, and at that time, it was the moment when the Yiling demon fire bloomed."

After listening to the answer from Oriental Ice Ling, Yang Dingtian took a deep breath: "Thank you for your answer, I will protect you for you, and wake you up after a month. However, the probability of waking up is really only 10%. ?"

"Look at this." Oriental Ice Ling pointed to his lower abdomen.

Yangding Tiandun was red and red, and the lower abdomen was the most secretive temptation.

However, the Oriental Ice Ling is certainly not to let him see it, but to see where the sea is.

I saw only a few red marks on the lower abdomen of the Oriental Ice, and the vertical and horizontal mottled, like a mesh, generally split.

The temperament of the Oriental Ice Ling, even some of them have to be cracked Even the gas sea has been blown up a bit, and the probability of really waking up is only one.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath: "Maybe, I can let you wake up after a month."

Then, Yang Dingtian reached out into his arms and took out a medicinal herb wrapped in holy water and handed it to the mouth of the Oriental Ice Ling: "Eat it."

Without any hesitation, the Oriental Ice Ling directly opened his mouth and ate the medicinal herbs of Yangdingtian.

After swallowing, a red blush soon appeared on her face, and the oriental ice blast opened her eyes, revealing an incredible light.

Moreover, the crack in her lower abdomen also slowly faded.

"Don't ask why? Don't ask where to come." Yangding Tiandao: "Now, do you still need to go into silence and meditation?"

Oriental Ice Ling nodded and said: "There is still a need, whether it is a complete cure, or the refining of the most Xuanhuo energy, you need."

"But, in case I am not responsible, do you not wake up forever? Why is the risk of refining Xuanhuo, the risk is too big?" Yangding Tiandao.

"I trust you." Oriental Bingling said: "And, this billion spirits are rare in the world, so that I can hit the strongest in the world in the shortest time, I must not miss it."

By the way, the Oriental Ice Ling said again: "But the waves you remember, once you are in danger, you must wake me up, no matter what time." (To be continued [This text is provided by the dawning update group @为嗨生生] If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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