Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 287: : Fragrant chastity!

"Guru adults, you can't help but look too heavy, and you have to pay attention, it is dead to talk indiscriminately." Thunder whispered: "Xiangxiang is my forbidden, others look at her more." I want to dig his eyes, do you want to touch her? Don't force me to kill you!"

After all, the thunder palm is directly on the giant moment, and the air is filled with murder.

Yangdingtian smiled coldly and said: "Thunder, have you killed me? Do you want to save the Bela every day? In this miles away from the grassland, are you still looking for a second person to do this? Even if you find it You can't come, even if you come, you can't afford the price. So, you want to let the fragrant Bella come to marry you, you must save her father, and save the dying day by day. Bella, the only person you can find within a million miles is me."

"That may not be." Thunder roars coldly: "The one who can save my righteous father is not only one of you, but also at least one big priest of the three-footed people, Toriyama, who is the first medical doctor. His price is though Much higher, I have to cut off the two hundred miles of the Fox people. But compared to my woman. I am more willing to pay the price of this big day.

Yangding Tianxin’s heart is a glimpse of the three-footed human family’s Yangdingtian. This race is not much different in appearance from humans, but its height is much shorter, almost no one is more than three feet, and there are only four of their toes. Of course, Yang Dingtian can understand so much, about the first **** doctor, the bird priest, he did not know.

However, since Lei Ming said that he is the first medical doctor, it must be very good. and. This person once had a price for the fox family, apparently can save the day by Bella.

Packing up these thoughts, Yang Dingtian suddenly burst into laughter and said: "Can he heal? Maybe! If he can know, then he can let Bella every day have a healthy body, but can never wake up?"

When the words came out, the thunder suddenly changed and he was silent.

"Mr. Lei Ming, reality makes you very embarrassed.

In order to become the husband of the Fragrant Princess, you must save his father. However, in order to sit on the patriarch's position, you must let Bella every day never wake up. Yang Dingtian sneered and said: "This requires saving his soul and spirit while saving him." Do you think that anyone else can do this in addition to the grassland? ”

Thunder continued to be silent. After a long time, he whispered: "The incense is my forbidden, no one can touch it. I want to agree to this condition. It is a dream! I would rather kill you than promise."

"That's just you." Yang Dingtian said faintly: "You want to be the patriarch of the fox family, or the hymen of the fragrant princess, you can do it yourself."

After all, Yang Dingtian turned directly to leave, saying: "Do not worry, your things will be kept secret for you."

Then, Yangdingtian did not stop at all, and directly pushed the door to go out.

"Slow...", suddenly, thunder shouted.

Yang Dingtian sneered aloud: "How? I figured it out so quickly?"

Lei Ming said: "I can promise you, but you must first save my righteous father and destroy his spirit so that he can never wake up. I am fulfilling the conditions to let Xiangxiang sleep with you once."

"Impossible." Yangding Tian coldly smiled and said: "Be sure to sleep first, then save people."

Thunder face a cold road: "Guru adults, you must not force me."

Yangdingtian cold and cold road: "I said, you can't kill me."

Lei Ming said: "You and I are all doing things for the Holy Spirit. You help me become the fox patriarch and the command of the ambassador. Are you not afraid of the sins of blasphemy?"

As soon as this was said, Yangdingtian almost changed color and the heart jerked.

The amount of information in Lei Ming’s sentence is too great. Both of them are doing things for the Holy Spirit, and let Lei Ming become the patriarch and the command of the so-called sage.

Then, what is the organization of this sacrament? Who is this so-called ambassador?

But soon Yang Dingtian suppressed all the horror and doubts, and sneered: "The holy ambassador did not let you not give me a woman to sleep. You may wish to confess our affairs to the ambassador, when there is any punishment, How about all of me?"

After hearing the words of Yang Dingtian, the thunder face suddenly became more ugly.

Then he slammed his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you."

Yang Dingtian heart suddenly sneered, secretly said: "This person is really shameless, in order to achieve the purpose, the woman who is vocal in love can also be given."

"Hurry up, I will do things immediately after I have finished sleeping with your woman:" Yangding Tiandao.

Thunder's face suddenly became incomparably ugly, and the double-eyed radiance seemed to be a thousand knives.

Then he went to the corner and tapped on a button.

After a while, a small door was cracked on the wall and a black shadow came out.

"Go to the temple and bring the fragrance of the princess." Thunder said.

"Yes." Then, after listening to the order, the shadow disappeared into the room quickly, and the dark door on the wall disappeared quickly.

"Guru adults, I hope you will not regret what you have done in the future." Thunder whispered.

"After I slept her, even if you immediately slammed my head, I would not regret it." Yang Dingtian sneered.

Of course, Yangdingtian is definitely not a smug and a happy attempt to fragrant Bella, but wants to save her, and see her side, set some plans.

In the following time, the two people did not speculate each other, neither side spoke, just stood still quietly.

Thunder is like a beast that wants to slay. Is it right to put his hand on the giant stroke, and he must have killed Yangding Tianyu in his heart for a thousand times.

About an hour later, the door opened and the beautiful fragrance of Bella was coming in.

Yang Dingtian deliberately pretended to be sinister, staring at her face without any disguise, her chest, her little waist, and his hips.

I haven't seen it for half a year, and Xiang Xiang Bella has lost a little and her face has been a lot. But it looks more pitiful and beautiful.

"Xiangxiang..." When I saw the jade people coming in, the thunder and eyes brightened, and then shot the infinite pain and said: "I have found a great priest who can cure the righteous."

“Really?” The fragrant scent is full of incredible surprises.

"Really." Lei Ming said: "For you, I am willing to do anything."

Xiang Xiang eyes looked at the thunder intricately, and then nodded: "Do not worry, big brother, as long as he can save his father's life, let him die, I will marry you."

"I am not for this, even though I love you very much." Lei Ming said: "But the patriarch is also my righteous father. In order to save him, I can also give everything. But..."

By the thunder, his face became extremely painful, and then he slammed himself into a slap.

"Hey...,..." He slaps his head very heavy, and his blood spurts out, and his face is red and swollen.

Xiang Xiang suddenly burst into shock and took his hand to stop his self-harm: "Big Brother, what are you doing?"

"I blame me for not using Thundering tears: "This priest can save the righteous, but made a very shameless request. ”

Xiangxiang Bella remembered the sinister eyes when Yangdingtian looked at her, and could not help but tremble: "What requirements."

"Let me sleep once, give me the virginity of the virgin, oh,..." Yang Dingtian deliberately sinned and sinned, sending out a strange laugh.

Fragrant Bella was shocked, and the beautiful little face was instantly closed without a trace of blood, and the whole body was violently cocked.

In front of this priest, it looks really scary and evil, giving him the pure decent body, the fragrance, Bella is willing to die.

"Do you choose your own hymen, or your father's life?" Yang Dingtian sneered: "Use the hymen to change your father's life, you do not do such a cost-effective business, it seems that you have not been filial to what extent ?"

The words were fragrant, and Bella's body trembled fiercely.

Yes, give your own demeanor to such a person, and Fragrant Bella is willing to die. However, she is now saving her father's life. If she can save her father, she would rather exchange her life.

"Okay, I am willing." Xiang Xiang Bella bite her teeth: "You can take it, you can do it at any time, anywhere you can."

Yangding skylightly stared at the incense, Bella's moving body, swallowing the slobber: "Broken virgin, of course, choose a comfortable room, go to your boudoir."

"Follow me." Fragrant Bella is cold and cold.

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