Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 288: : Tamping identity! What is the fake play?

"Follow me." Xiang Xiang. Bella cold and cold.

Then she turned and walked out.

Yang Dingtian also put his eyes on her **** hips and followed them out.

Thunder's teeth almost shattered, and the cold eyes of the eyes were also followed.


Soon, Yangdingtian followed the fragrance. Bella entered her boudoir.

After entering the boudoir, Yangdingtian directly closed the door and blocked the thunder. He said: "When I was a woman, I was not used to having other men on the side. Of course, eavesdropping is possible, but don't issue it. sound."

He was greeted by thunder and murder.

However, Yangdingtian directly closed the door and blocked all the murderousness outside the door.

The fragrant boudoir is very warm, all in pink tones. Unlike other rooms in the Dongfeng Grassland, there are very few animal skins, but there are brocades of human society everywhere.

Therefore, the boudoir of the fragrant bay. Bella is no different from the boudoir of the human girl. Of course, or a lot of fascinating aroma. But this aroma is not a spice, it is a fragrance, Bella's body fragrance, otherwise she will not be called the fragrance of the princess.

After entering the boudoir, Yangding Tian first creaked, set the side of the oriental ice lingering, and then sniffed everything in the room with his nose.

Finally, I put it on the side of the fragrant body, and used my nose to close her face and sniff from the top. Smell the chest from the face, then to the lower abdomen, then to the lower abdomen. The whole process is extremely sinister.

Fragrant incense. Bella closed her eyes, her body trembled, and tears poured out like springs. The whole body really seemed to be swam by snakes, and there was a shudder and goose bumps.

"How? Don't you?" Yangding is cold and cold.

After hearing the words of Yang Dingtian. The fragrant incense settled and the body no longer trembled, then slammed his teeth and began to take off his shirt.

She took off her shirt very quickly, took off her long skirt and took off her tights. All over the body, only a small apron and small underwear.

Suddenly. Most of the white snow is exposed in front of Yangdingtian, and the fragrance is more mellow.

The fragrant bites the teeth and then goes down.

Her very attractive, but Yangdingtian can no longer let her take off.

"Don't worry, don't worry, the last two will let me take it off." Yangdingtian sinister path.

Then, he slammed the fragrant fragrant Bella. He hurried up and walked to the big bed.

"Oh..." outside, a loud noise. It is the sound of thundering fists against the wall.

Whether it is his true anger, or a play to the fragrance, this punch will definitely make him bloody.

"Eavesdropping can, but don't make a sound." Yangding is cold and cold.

Suddenly, there was a beast-like snoring sound outside, and then a quick walk away.

"Haha..." Yang Dingtian laughed smugly, then threw Xiangxiang Bella on the bed and took off his clothes. I rushed up.


After plunging into the bed, Yangdingtian directly pressed on the delicate body of the incense. Then cover the quilt.

Fragrant incense. Bella at this time the whole body is cold, still bursts of tremors, no blood on his face, it really seems to be to fall to hell.

Yang Dingtian is another sinister laughter, and then pretending to be a perverted snoring, as if using his tongue to lick the beautiful face of the incense.

Suddenly. The fragrant smell is more painful, and the corner of the mouth directly spills over the blood. It is her teeth that bite too hard and directly bleed.

"Don't make any noise, continue to play. It's me..." Yang Dingtian regained his voice, in the ear of Xiang Xiang.

Fragrant incense. Bella's body trembled fiercely, then slammed openly, revealing the incredible light, opening his mouth to make a sound, and then slamming it with a small hand.

However, the surprises in the eyes can no longer be concealed.

Then, her pale face flew quickly on the blush, shy blush, covered with body.

Yang Dingtian still makes a screaming kiss and writes on her back with her fingers.

"We continue to make sounds and communicate with words."

Xiang Xiang nodded.

"Don't believe in thunder, he is a bad thief. When he finds someone to wake up your father, he wants his spirit to collapse forever, so that he can never wake up. The purpose is to marry you and become the new fox patriarch. "Yangdingtian was able to make a sound while kissing, while writing on her pink and smooth back."

Xiang Xiang. Bella slightly glimpsed, then nodded, her eyes filled with hate.

Now, it’s the turn of Yangding’s turn. This thunder is her righteous brother, and it looks like it’s going to be a play, so the relationship between the two should be relatively intimate, so Yangdingtian feels wanting to make the incense I believe that thunder is a bad thief should not be easy, but who knows that the fragrance is a little bit, then nodded and believed.

Seeing the confusing eyes of Yangdingtian, Xiangxiang wrote on the back of Yangdingtian: "I have always disliked him. He is too fake."

Her little hand is very slender and tender, and it is not written entirely on the back of Yangdingtian, but on his side waist, so it is very itchy.

Yangdingtian was originally pressed on the delicate body of the fragrant incense, fully supported by the hand, and did not touch the body of the incense. This waist is the same, the arms are slightly soft, and the body is directly pressed against the delicate body of the incense.

Suddenly, the aroma is overflowing and soft.

"Well..." Xiangxiang. Bella suddenly screamed, not even hate, as if it was a hooked voice.

Yang Dingtian quickly said: "Oh, under my means, any chaste and fierce women will become n-dang women."

Then, the voice of Yangding Tianzhu was more abnormal. Of course, his sentence is just to make up for the delicate flaws of Xiangxiang.

However, I did not expect that, next, Xiang Xiang. Bella was even more stunned, and then Jiao Jiao also began to force the sun to the top.

Suddenly, the flames in the heart of Yangding’s heart suddenly came out, and then looked at the incense with surprise and warning.

Xiang Xiang was red and red, and wrote on the back of Yang Ding Tian: "He is very embarrassed, and he has to be realistic when he plays."

Then, the incense is more entangled in the waist of Yangdingtian, and it is slightly squeezing hard. In an instant, the body of Yangdingtian is hot. Flourishing.

"This will play a thing." Yang Dingtian wrote on her back.

"Playing something, it’s really a fake show." Xiang Xiang wrote: "I will give you a way to escape from here after you have handed it over to you. Shen Lang, you can come back to me, I am very happy. And there have been After this time, I never saw any regrets."

Yangding Tian gnawed his teeth. Quickly abandon this seductive thought and write on her back: "I can save your father."

Suddenly, the fragrance of the fragrance of the princess stopped all the movements, great beauty, asked with a mouth: "Really?"

“Really!” Yang Dingtian wrote on her back: “So our plan is to save your father and immediately kill the thunder and get rid of all the rebellious fox people.”

"He is very strong, you are not his opponent." Xiang Xiang. Bella quickly wrote.

"Not necessarily. I have been a lot stronger this half a year." Yang Dingtian wrote on her back.

"I believe in you..." Xiang Xiang wrote.

Yang Dingtian wrote: "Then, we will start planning how to operate."

Xiang Xiang. Bella looked at Yang Dingtian hotly, shook her head and wrote: "No plan, play first."

After all, she opened her mouth and slammed her face in the morning, then pulled off her apron and panties. Suddenly her fragrant and delicate body is completely red. Like a snake, it will entangle the sun.

Yang Dingtian body trembled and broke away from her little mouth. Shake his head violently.

Xiang Xiangyu grabbed Yang Dingtian’s trousers and yanked it off, and he would completely liberate Xiaoyang’s top.

At this time, Xiang Xiang Bella really shows the boldness of the Fox people.

Yang Dingtian grabbed her little hand and shook her head solemnly and solemnly.

The fragrant incense is beautiful and looks at Yangdingtian, revealing the eyes of the inquiry. As if asking him really can't?

Yang Dingtian shook his head solemnly again.

The fragrant scent was slightly stunned, and then Yang Dingtian’s trousers were put on again, but then she jerked over and pressed Yangdingtian under her body and began to madly intertwined. Honing, rolling.

Her complete body, like a snake, madly tumbling on the top of the sun, entangled, and made a sound of sorrow.

For, she is not very skilled. However, she has the instinct and wildness that human girls do not have.

Under her mad entanglement, Yang Dingtian also had to make a more sinister voice.

For a long time, listening outside, the situation in the room is completely in full swing, this scene really can't really be true.


It’s been crazy for nearly an hour!

Of course, this is not controlled by Yangdingtian, and everything is completely under the control of Xiangxiang Bella.

Yangdingtian did not really enter her body, but Yangdingtian still did not hold back, and Xiangxiang. Bella broke out three or four times.

At least, her body is completely wet like water, and the pants of Yangdingtian are completely soaked. And her delicate body is completely covered with crystal clear sweat.

In the end, she was exactly like a beach muddy, squatting on Yangdingtian.

After another quarter of an hour, Yang Dingtian patted her powder back and reminded her to go up and implement the plan.

Xiang Xiang reluctantly climbed up from the body of Yang Dingtian, looking at the Yangding Sirius borrowing a piece of underwear, suddenly his face was red and red.

Then she slashed a hole in the inside of her thigh and stained it with blood on the sheets. Then she got up from the bed, wiped her body and started to wear a shirt.

After wearing the clothes, she came over and took off the sturdy pants of Yangding, wiped the body of Yangdingtian, and helped him put on his clothes.

The two men took care of it, but did not completely hide the traces of desire on the face. Then she pulled out a bunch of things in her eyes.

Suddenly, her beautiful tears poured out and her eyes became red and swollen. Then, on her own face, she grabbed a trace of the body, and was loaded with scars from the top of the sky.

After doing all this, she changed her grief and desire to die, and walked to the door and opened.

And Yangdingtian looked at it all with horror.

This fox-faced woman is really a natural actor. Just play it, it is the level of the shadow.


Pushing open the door, the first thing I saw was the thundering face, the **** eyes, and the **** fist.

When Lei Ming looked up, he immediately saw the fragrant incense that had been scarred. Bella, and her look of death. Thunder suddenly shot the extreme anger, pulled out the sword and rushed to the top of the sun, and snorted: "I will break you down!"

Yangdingtian stood still and did not move, faintly said: "Is it still saved?"

Suddenly, the thunder body trembled and the giant sword stood in the same place.

Then Yangding Tian cold smiled and said: "I don't have her to play with the disabled, it is already giving you face."

Then, Yangding passed by him from the side. There was a gust of wind blowing through. The taste after this men and women's desires is simply too clear, and anyone who knows what they have learned knows what happened.

For a long time, the thunder was twisted all over the body.


Go back to the day. Bella's bedroom.

"I want to start saving people, you go out." Yangdingtian faint.

Thunder loudly: "Impossible, we have to watch you save."

Yang Dingtian put his hands in a sway: "Then save yourself."

The thunder face changed, then looked at the incense. Bella.

Xiangxiang did not respond, just walked outside, and when she reached the door, she said coldly: "If you can't save, I will break you down." (To be continued.) .)

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