Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 297: : Save the jade! Enter the Oriental Ice Ling...

Yangdingtian is still in a coma, his eyes are closed.

But he can still clearly feel that the temple drifted from the sea, getting closer and closer.

Finally, the temple stopped at a distance of about ten meters from Yangdingtian.

The door of the temple slowly opened, and a figure slowly came out, accompanied by the light of her body.

The long white dress, the long silver hair, the whole person exudes a soft but bright light.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian felt warm all over the body. The light on her body seemed to tear the darkness, and also expelled the coldness of Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian could not see her face, only to see her body curve.

This is the most feminine, gentlest curve. Although I can't see her face, I can still feel it, it should be the most beautiful and elegant face.

If there is an angel in this world, then the angel should be the appearance of this woman.

If there is a fairy in this world, then the fairy should also be the appearance of this woman.

Of course, this fairy or angel should not be completely young. Although they are beautiful, their faces still bear the traces of the years. Although they will live forever, age and age will make her mature and inclusive.

The woman who came in front of me was such a mature and elegant, noble and gentle angel-like woman.

She walked to the side of Yangdingtian and bent over to pick him up and the oriental ice.

Her arms are very soft, just like clouds.

The body of Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice Ling is also very light in her hands, just like clouds.

She held the bodies of the two, turned the tender body, and slowly walked back into her temple.

Despite being close to each other, Yangdingtian still couldn't see her face, but she saw her beautiful pair of jade feet. Walking on the black and red sea.


She walked into the temple with Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice.

The temple is not big, but it is covered with more than a dozen very large statues, as if it were various Buddha statues, but it is not a Buddha statue under the close look.

In the middle of the temple, there are a few futons.

She placed Yangdingtian on the futon and brought a pot of water to Yangdingtian to gently feed.

It seems that it is not water. It's a bit like wine, because it's warm in the stomach, but it's sweet. In short, very sweet.

After Yang Dingtian drank a small pot, the physical strength and consciousness seemed to gradually recover. His body was able to move, so he opened his eyes hard.

Everything I saw was exactly the same as I just felt.

The woman smiled slightly toward Yangdingtian and said: "Fortunately, my temple has drifted over, otherwise I will make another sin."

This woman's voice is the same as her face. Gentle to the extreme, I heard the extreme.

"You are the Holy One?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"The people below are called me like this." The woman said: "You can also call me down!"

Yangding Tiandao: "So, can you wake this woman around me?"

Yantai Road: "What happened to her?"

Yangding Tiandao: "She did not wake up in time when she entered silence for a long time, causing her consciousness to stop and she could not wake up, but her body is very healthy and has a strong cultivation."

The ring came to the edge of the East Ice. Mei Yan could not help but squat to her place and found a trace of wet.

Yang Dingtian is embarrassed to say: "I passed out before. So I can't urinate for her, and I can't clean her."

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "She has been in the quiet period for more than half a year, can I still wake up?"

"I look at it." 澹台道, then the jade hand placed on the top of the oriental ice linger, gently put it down, slowly close the beautiful. As if to sense her spirit.

In just a few minutes, the platform opened the United States and said: "Her knowledge does not stop, but it is always working, but it is working deep in the spirit."

Yangding Tianxi said: "Can you wake her up?"

澹台道: "Some troubles. Although her gods have not stopped, but they are trapped in a deep dream, they can't extricate themselves. Everything that is experienced in reality, even though she knows, she thinks it is just a dream. So, She is now in the middle of dreams and reality. And recently, her real experience is a little bit uncomfortable, so she is even more reluctant to wake up."

“What?” Yang Dingtian was surprised: “Does she know what happened in the real world?”

澹台道: "Of course, just like when you dream, it is very clear and very profound."

Yangdingtian arrived: "What does she do in deep dreams at this time?"

Yantai said: "What is she doing before she enters silence?"

"She is practicing." Yangding is coming.

Yantai said: "At that time, in the dream, I am also practicing. And the progress is very fast, so I don't want to wake up at all."

"What should I do?" Yangding Tiandao: "Your spirit is so strong, can you enter her spiritual depths and wake her up?"

Yantai said: "I can enter her dreams, but I can't wake her up."

"Why?" Yangding Tiandao.

Yantai said: "Because my mental strength enters her dreams, she will think that everything is happening in reality. I don't care what I say, she thinks that I met her in reality. I explain this Can you understand?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "I can understand that after your mental power enters her dreams, even if you tell her to be in a dream, let her wake up quickly, she will think that you are lying, you are guilty."

"Yes." Yantai said: "This is like suddenly someone tells you that everything you have experienced in the past few years is fake, it is a dream, would you believe it?"

Yangdingtian shook his head, of course, would not believe it.

"Yes, no one wants to believe." Yan Taidao: "And reality and dreams, many times it is not clear."

Yangding Tiandao: "The Holy One, is there not a little way to tell if she wakes up?"

澹台道: "There is theoretical."

"What is the solution?" Yang Dingtian quickly asked.

"Into her dreams, the extremely impossible picture stimulates her and makes her doubt the truth of the things around her, so that she can wake up."

"What is a picture of extreme impossibility?" Yangding Tiandao: "For example, someone who has already died suddenly survived? Or maybe. I was a very weak person, but defeated her in a dream?"

"In reality, are you her opponent?" asked the platform.

"No, far from it." Yangding Tiandao.

Yantai said: "In the dream, you are far from her opponent, because you do not believe how strong you are. As for the picture you said before. It is clear that the dead has come alive and appears in her. In front of her, she should be greatly stimulated, but whether she can wake her up, I can't guarantee it."

Yangding Tiandao: "What is the picture that can directly stimulate her to wake up and let her realize that everything is in a dream, it is all fake."

澹台道: "What is the specific picture, I can't say anything. It's better that there is something that doesn't exist in the world. The picture, the thing, is extremely absurd and unrealistic."

Yangding Tiandao: "That is not the case in her dreams. It would be like a double-day fall, such as the destruction of the world."

Yantai said: "So, you have seen two days of falling, have you seen the destruction of the world?"

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "Of course not."

"Things and pictures that have not been seen can't appear in a dream." Yantai said: "The imagination of the human brain is very scarce. It can only be spliced ​​to the people, things, and things that have been seen. It cannot be out of thin air. Conceive something. And even if you conceive a two-day fall, the world is destroyed. She may also think that this is true, even death. If she feels dead in the deepest dream, then her mind will Will command her body to complete the death mode, then she will really die."

Yang Dingtian was shocked and did not expect that the consequences were so scary.

Then, the ring continued: "Once you enter her dreams, you will also be in a dream. In this dream, you can't be arrogant, you are not omnipotent. In reality, what ability do you have? There may be some exaggeration in the dream, but it will never exceed the scope. Just like when you are not flying, you can imagine that you can fly. But when you are dreaming, you dream that you will fly, or you will find yourself Can't break away from the gravitational pull of the earth, or it will fly very vaguely. Because there is no memory picture about flying in your mind, you can't appear in the dream in detail. So even in your dreams, your ability will be Within a range, especially the objective picture, is completely within the scope of all your realities."

After hearing the explanation from the ring, Yang Dingtian nodded. This is true, even in the dream of omnipotence is also a certain range, or even completely blurred.

Then, in his mind, he suddenly thought of something. He didn’t have to hurry up: "The fairy goddess, you said that as long as it is completely unrealistic, the picture of the world that does not exist, things appear in front of her, can wake her up. is it?"


Yang Dingtian’s heart beats, this condition is impossible for anyone else in the world. But it is completely easy for him to be optimistic about Yang Dingtian.

Suddenly, Yangding Tiandao: "The fairy goddess, I may have a way, please let me enter her dreams immediately."

The downfall frowned: "Are you sure you want to enter? It will be very dangerous."

Yang Dingtian could not help but ask: "What is the danger?"

Yantai said: "Because your spirit is completely in the depths of her knowledge, unless you can wake her up, you will never wake up."

"What?" Yang Dingtian suddenly exclaimed.

"Everyone's deep knowledge is like a prison. Once your spirit enters, unless she is sober that the world she built is collapsed, your spirit will be trapped forever." "And the most dangerous thing is that if she kills you in a dream, then you can never wake up."

Yang Dingtian almost exclaimed again.

The consequences are too scary. I can't wake up the oriental ice, and I can never wake up. After she was killed, she could never wake up. Then there is no difference between being completely dead.

Oriental Ice Ling is a very determined person who wants to convince her of the difficulties. Of course, there is still a great grasp of awakening her Yangdingtian. The pictures and things that cannot exist in this world should be fully displayed in the dream, which is impossible for others, but it is really easy for Yangdingtian.

However, I want to let the Oriental Ice Ling not kill myself. It is really difficult.

Because the Fujian and Taiwan have said that the memory of the Oriental Ice Ling is very clear for everything that happens in reality, but she always thought it was a dream. But she urinated her pants, Yang Dingtian gave her a butt, and this picture should still be very deeply printed on her mind.

Oriental ice Ling is proud of it. Such a picture is a huge shame for her. Therefore, under the anger, I was afraid to see the first sight of Yangdingtian, she was directly under the sword.

If it is not killed by her in reality, but killed by her in her dreams, it is really dying.

I took a deep breath and slowly closed my eyes and discharged the thoughts in my mind.

Open your eyes again, Yangdingtian firmly said: "The fairy goddess, I decided. Enter her dreams and wake her up."

"You really decided?" asked the platform.

"I decided." Yangding Tianjian decided.

"Good." Yantai said: "You come with me."

After all, the downfall went to the back of the temple, and Yangdingtian followed the oriental ice.

There is a back door here, the platform is gently pushed open, and went in, Yangdingtian followed.

Inside, it is a pool of water.

The water is very clear. As a mirror. In the water, it exudes a lustrous luster.

Take a closer look. There are countless bright silks swimming in the water.

Yes, it is shiny silk, only the hair is thin, but it is two or three feet long, and countless bright silk swims in the water.

"This is a residual silk, it is an energy life. There is no consciousness, but it can easily bind the spiritual consciousness between people."

Yangding Tian was shocked. This is not the optical cable of the Earth World. It is used to transmit information. Only the fiber optic cable is the information transmitted between the computer and the computer, and the imprinted residual wire is the transmission of spiritual information between people.

The Fujianese suddenly asked: "You are a man and a woman. Are you intimate?"

"I don't know." Yangding Tiandao: "Why are you asking?"

Yantai Road: "Because when you enter the pool, you have to take off your body clothes, and countless imprints will entangle your body. If you don't have a close relationship, it will cause bad. s consequence."

Yangding Tiandeng said: "Our relationship is not close, not male and female lovers. We are nominally unmarried couples, but in fact they see each other as hostile."

The beauty of Fujian and Taiwan suddenly looked at the sun and looked at it: "Understood, take off your clothes."

Looking at the ring, only a little hesitation, Yang Dingtian took off his body clothes, revealing a slender and strong body. Although the downfall is a woman, the attitude of Yang Dingtian is quite generous, because it is really difficult in his mind to regard the downfall as an ordinary woman. She has already surpassed her gender.

Then, Yangdingtian took off the clothes of the Oriental Ice Ling, revealing her beautiful celestial body.

The body of Dongfang Bingling has not known how many times it has seen it, but this time it is somewhat instigating, because the platform has said that the body of the next two people will be tightly intertwined.

During this time, Yangdingtian cleaned her body, took care of her, and massaged every inch of her body. But the real contact has never been seen before.

"You picked her up and stood by the pool."

"Yes." Yangdingtian holds the celestial body of the Oriental Ice Ling, standing on the edge of the pool, and may fall down at any time.

"Because she is in a dream, she thinks it is reality, so the spirit does not have an active defense. Waiting for all the pictures, she thinks it is a reality. But your spirit is full of alert and defense at this time, wanting Successfully entering her knowledge, we must relax all mental defenses, completely in an undefended state." 澹台道: "Of course, you can not do it yourself. But my mental power will destroy all your defenses. It will make you completely mentally guarded against me. Of course, I will promise not to explore any secrets of you, but do you trust me? If you trust, I will start to practice."

"I trust you." Yangding Tiandao.

At the same time, Yangding Tianxin said: "Master, keep my knowledge, don't let any spirit invade."


Then, Yangdingtian slowly closed his eyes and said: "You can use the magical technique."

"Good." A few steps in front of the platform, standing behind Yang Dingtian, stretched out the jade hand on the top of Yangdingtian.

"Brush..." Suddenly, a ray of light shone from her jade hand and shined into the head of Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, all the mental defenses of Yangdingtian are like the white snow, and the moment is abruptly cleaned.

At the same time, Yangdingtian feels very comfortable. All the pressure, all the fatigue, all the pain disappeared.

The whole body is fluttering as if it is going to float up.

The whole body, the whole spirit, is completely relaxed.

Lazily, completely unable to withstand sleepiness.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian closed his eyes again without any precaution and fell asleep.

While asleep, Yangdingtian poured into the pool directly with the oriental ice.

Suddenly, countless imprinted silks in the water swam quickly, entangled the body of Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice Ling.

The body of Yangdingtian and Dongfang Bingling is close to each inch, and it is entangled with this is the most intimate contact. It seems that every inch of skin is breathing with each other. Any part of the body is attached to an unprecedented scale.

Although very close, but this countless imprinted residual silk did not give people a sense of pain, as if the Yangdingtian and the Oriental ice Ling actively entangled.

All the imprinted silk in the pool was wrapped around the body of the two, and then turned into a ray of light, drilling into the body of the two.

Suddenly, the bodies of the two men showed a fascinating glow.

Of course, this is without any pain or damage, because this imprinted residual filament is energy life, there is no physical.

The two entangled bodies are getting brighter and brighter.

"Boom..." It seems as if the time and space shuttle, as if the dreams are reincarnation, as if the world is changing.

Yang Dingtian only felt that the scenery in front of him was changing and turning, and then turned into incredible white light.

"Hey..." Yang Dingtian thoroughly entered the depths of the knowledge of the Oriental Ice Ling... (to be continued.)

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