Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 298: : Oriental ice Ling's love?

The white light gradually faded away, and Yangding Tianfang blinked his eyes and saw the sight in front of him.

"Hey?" Yang Dingtian suddenly gave a voice of doubt.

what happened? Here is the dream of the deep sense of the Eastern Ice Ling? How is it exactly the same as reality?

The Yangding innocence was completely horrified, because the thrill of the moment was exactly the same as the reality before the dream.

The moment you open your eyes, the goal is the beautiful face of the oriental ice. The two faces were very close, the nose was against the nose, and the lips were against the lips. That's right, the lips are close together, and even the Oriental Ice Ling opens his mouth slightly. The two are not kissing at this time, but they are kissing.

Not only is the face close, but the bodies of the two people are completely intertwined.

The two men held each other's bodies tightly, and their legs entangled each other.

Even the most sensitive parts of the two people are completely close, and only the body of the Oriental Ice Ling has not entered.

Moreover, the body of the two people is getting tighter and tighter, and almost every inch of skin is closely attached. I am afraid that I will be more intimate than the couple before the bed.

Moreover, the two people are also in the pool, the pool is also shining brightly, there are countless imprinted residual silk swimming, the two people's body tightly entangled.

Moreover, countless imprinted filaments are used as bright light to penetrate into the body of the two people, making the two bodies more and more bright and brighter!


Yangdingtian couldn't help but feel a cold in the heart, and there was a disappointment.

For whatever reason, his failure to enter the Eastern Ice Ling has failed. After opening his eyes, Yangdingtian is still in the real world.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian couldn’t help but turn his head and looked at the ring on the shore.

Just a little movement in his neck, suddenly the oriental ice in front of him opened the United States.

This beautiful beauty, bright as a star, deep and beautiful.

Did she wake up? How is this going? Yang Dingtian has not yet entered the depths of her consciousness, she actually woke up.

But then, the words that Dongfang Bingling said, let Yangdingtian completely fall into horror.

Her lips left the mouth of Yangdingtian and said: "Shenlang, are you awake?"

Her voice is still as cold as jade, but with a hint of surprise.

Yangdingtian is very strange, what is going on? I have been awake all the time, how can she say that Yangding Day woke up.

"I have been in a coma before?" Yangding asked.

"Yes, you have been in a coma for nearly twenty days."

More than twenty days? Yang Dingtian woke up to the bottom of the Central Lake until now, just over twenty days.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian body trembled.

He understood, yes, he was in the dream of the East Ice Ling at this time, he has successfully entered the depths of the Eastern Ice Ling.

However, this dream of Oriental Ice Ling is exactly the same as in reality.

And the strange thing is that in the dream of the Eastern ice, Yangdingtian has always existed.

Yang Dingtian did not break at the moment. He wanted to find out what happened. He could not help but ask: "What is going on here? How can I be unconscious?"

Oriental Ice Lingdao said: "This blames me. At that time, in order to heal the wound, and completely refine the energy of Xuanhuo, so I entered the silent period for one month. After one month, you wake me up on time. But the way to wake up is more... special, you I used my fingers to stab my perineal point. It was my key point. After being stabbed, I woke up instantly, but I just woke up from silence, so some memories have not yet recovered. I feel dangerous and feel that you are tainted. I am, so I smashed it toward you. Although I quickly recovered my memory after you were in Suizhong, I knew that you were innocent, so I quickly withdrew most of my power. But you were still hurt, and blood was blowing. Life and death are not clear."

"And then?" Yang Dingtian was shocked.

Oriental Bingling said: "Then, I used my mysteriousness to hold your life, but I can't always wake you up. So, I left the depths of the Central Lake, thinking about some of the semi-human beings who have very skilled medicines, so I went to the Fox family with a coma, and I wanted to ask the fox patriarch to go day by day. Bella went to find someone who could cure you. But I didn't think that every day. Bella was too hurt to wake up at the time. His son Lei Ming has to frame him, not only to marry the Xiangxiang Princess, but also to seek the position of the fox patriarch."

The Yangding innocence was completely shocked.

He really did not think that the dreams of the East Ice Ling are almost exactly the same as the reality.

In reality, it is Yangdingtian who went to the Fox family with a faint oriental ice. In the dream of the Eastern Ice Ling, she went to the Fox family with a coma.

"Then what happened next? What happened?" Yangdingtian could not wait to ask.

Oriental Ice Lingdao: "I saved the day. Bella, and killed the thunder."

Yang Dingtian couldn't help but open his mouth and couldn't help but secretly. These things are what I am doing. It was my Yangdingtian who saved the day by. Bella, and killed the thunder.

"You, how did you save the day. Bella? You are not a refining pharmacist." Yangding Tiandao.

Oriental Bingling said: "Speaking, this really wants to thank you. At that time Barbie blew himself up, I was smashed, and it must have died. As a result, you gave me a holy water for me to take, let my body heal in a short time. So, I found the remaining holy water in your arms and saved the day. Bella."

Yangding Tiandeng could not smile, but his heart said: "Well, you have an oriental ice icing, and you will really make up your mind."

Then, Yangdingtian remembered that he was a fake Naru priest. Every day, Bella, he suddenly asked: "You were rescued by the identity of the Oriental Ice Ling. Bella? It would be very dangerous." ”

"Of course not." Oriental Bing Ling said: "Except for a small number of wise men, the vast majority of the class is full of hostility to humans. So, I found a set of priest robes on your parcel, and do A simple tolerance. I fake a priest named Naru."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was completely speechless.

"Then then?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"I woke up day by day. After Bella, I talked with him very much. We have a lot of strategic ideas, such as the alliance with the semi-human, marriage, etc., and finally complete the integration of the semi-human and human. On behalf of himself and my Yin and Yang dynasty alliance." Oriental Bingling said: "However, the fragrant princess seems to know you, very concerned about you, after I revealed my identity, she is somewhat hostile to me. And, as a woman, She once faked a man who had been jealous of her, even though she was trying to save her and her father, but she still had complaints in her heart."

Yangdingtian is completely speechless at this time.

The dream of the Oriental Ice Ling is completely a matter of his real experience. Because Yangdingtian is not at ease, so always bring the Oriental Ice Ling around.

"And then? How did you bring me here?" Yangding Tiandao.

Oriental Bingling said: "I asked every day. Bella, is there any way to save you, you can wake up, you can restore your mystery. He gave me a name."

"What is the name?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"The Holy One." Oriental Ice Lingdao: "The spiritual leader of the East from the grassland, the faith of countless half-humans, has a status close to God. Only in the eyes of Bella. This Holy One is also extremely mysterious and even dangerous. People. So I hesitated, but I still brought you here."

Yang Dingtian asked: "And then?"

Oriental Bingling said: "I took you, thousands of miles a day, eight days later, finally came to the place where the saints lived, the red sea in the sky. I carried you up the cliff of 10,000 meters, very strange things happened. Just climbed This cliff, my mysteriousness has completely disappeared. I became an ordinary person, at most strong. I spent a few days before I climbed the cliff of 10,000 meters and came to the red sea in this sky. ""

"And then?" Yangding Tiandao.

Oriental Bingling said: "Then, I let you lie on my lap and sit on the beach waiting for the temple of the saints to float. Time goes by, our water is finished. Here, the medicinal herbs have no effect. So, I gradually became weak and gradually dying. I thought that both of us would die in the 10,000-meter-long Red Sea."

"And then?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Oriental Ice Lingdao said: "When I was in a coma, a temple slowly drifted from a distance, getting closer and closer. Then, a near-perfect woman came out and took us into the temple. She gave me a drink. After a bowl of water, I woke up and recovered my energy. I asked her if she could save you. She said yes, but it was difficult, and I was in great danger. I need to pay a lot."

"She said that what can save me?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Oriental Bingling said: "After she took me to the temple, there was a pool of water, clear and nothing, and there was a lot of energy in life. It was called the immortal silk. As long as we both jumped into the pool, these marks would be broken. Bundle us, our two bodies will be completely close together. Then, my vitality will enter your body through these imprints. It will make you recover, you can wake up, you can recover Energy. However, my chances of life are greatly depleted, my repairs will be greatly weakened. And even this may not be able to wake you up. She asked me, the consequences are so serious, I still want to save you?"

Yangding Tiandao: "If you want to save me, you have to pay so much, have you agreed?"

Oriental Bingling said: "I really didn't want to agree, but I don't know why, I promised it at the time. After the promise, I also felt incredible."

Yangding is really amazed. How proud and even selfish is the Oriental Ice. Anyone else is like a cockroach in her eyes. When she was in the Liuxu Mountain Villa and the solitary phoenix dance, she didn't even care about her life. It is a myth that I want to let her sacrifice so much to save a man's life.

However, she even agreed. Although this is in a dream, she thought it was a reality. The oriental ice icing in this dream is also a complete oriental ice icing.

Yangding is really innocent, and Oriental Ice Ling will sacrifice so much to save his life.

“Why? Why did you agree?” Yang Dingtian asked: “Because I was under the Central Lake at that time, I have saved you several times. I gave you holy water. I will deliver one-third of the blood to you? ”

Oriental Ice Ling shook his head and said: "I thought it was because of this, but it should not be for these reasons. I am pregnant with the world, even if you save me a hundred times, even if you give me all the blood, I will not be touched. I may I will trust a person, but I will never be touched. So even if you save me a hundred times, I will still kill you if necessary."

This passage is extremely ruthless, but Yangdingtian believes that the Oriental Ice Ling is definitely such a person. Of course, the solitary phoenix dance is also such a person, and the Oriental Ice Ling is even more ruthless than the Du Gu Feng Dance.

"Then why do you have to pay so much to save me?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The Oriental Ice Lingmei flashed a complicated light and said: "Maybe, it is because I have taken care of you for so many days. These days, I will feed you every day and clean you every part of the body. Every day I have to pee three times, I will wash and change clothes every time. Moreover, I still give you the muscles of the whole body every day. I take care of you in every possible way, I have never been so close to one person. We are naked At the time, my mood will not change. But when you tell me in every possible way, your weakness, your helplessness, your whole life is totally dependent. The feeling of protection makes me cold. The hard heart is gradually softening..."

Then, Oriental Bingling shook his head and said: "This feeling is very I actually started to care about you, care about you, and hurt you. I am very afraid to reject this feeling, I feel that I am cold and ruthless in the distance Go. But at the same time, I actually became obsessed and intoxicated."

Then, the Oriental Ice Lingmei stared at Yangding Tiandao: "Shen Lang, you know, I didn't have any interest in men and women before. I feel that I am not a woman at all, I just have a woman's body, but My heart is already out of gender. However, after protecting you and taking care of you, my heart has undergone such a terrible change. I will even dream, or the kind of dream that is very difficult to talk about. Dream The people inside, only me and you. Every time I woke up in my dreams, my body even had an unspeakable change..."

Yang Dingtian was completely shocked. Looking at the oriental ice, his whole heart was shaking.

Oriental Bing Ling sighed: "So, when the woman asked me if I would like to pay half of my life to save you, I would like to tell me that I shouldn’t do it. But my mouth promised directly, as if an inexplicable emotion has taken up. My brain. Do you know what the reason is?"

Yangdingtian instinctively shook his head.

Oriental Bing Ling softly said: "Shen Lang, is this the love of men and women? Other men will save me a hundred times, take care of me a hundred times, I will only be angry and cold. But let me take care of a weak and wounded Man, my heart turned out. Shen Lang, is this I fell in love with you?" (To be continued, this text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @87453198. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for it. , monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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