Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 300: : Oriental ice, I am Yangdingtian!

For the words of Yangdingtian, the Oriental Ice Ling should have been like a blue sky. But after listening to it, she just frowned slightly: "You are too long to be in a coma, so your mind is still not clear?"

Yang Dingtian did not pay attention to the words of the Oriental Ice Ling, but continued to say: "And, I am with a coma, you go to the Fox people to find a way to wake you up. I saved the daily Bella with holy water, it is me. Take you to the Red Sea in the sky, I am waiting for the temple to float on the beach, and wait until the fall of the saints. Now, we are in this pool, we are naked and entangled, countless marks and wounds wrap around us, let My spirit can enter the depths of your consciousness. Otherwise, how can I wake up in your dreams. I come to your dreams to wake you up."

After listening to Yang Dingtian’s words, the beautiful face of the Oriental Ice Ling sneered with a sneer: “Shenlang, I think your brain is really confused.”

Then, Dongfang Bingling left the body of Yangdingtian and climbed straight from the pool to the shore. He walked outside and said, "If you don't want to be married with me, you don't need to look for such absurd reasons. Now you have healed, then Let's go. After waiting for the Red Sea in the sky, let's separate the two."

After all, the Oriental Ice Ling has left.

Yangdingtian quickly climbed out of the pool and chased it up, grabbing the arm of the Oriental Ice Ling: "Oriental ice, you wake up. You are in a dream now, if you don't wake up and stay away from me, then you I can never wake up, I am also trapped in your dreams and can never wake up."

"Let's let go." Oriental Ice Ling whispered: "You have to say again that I am in a dream, I will kill you in one hand. Anyway, you think this is in a dream, and you can't beat you."

"In the dream you killed me, my spirit is dead, and in reality I am really dead." Yangding Tiandao.

"Is it?" Oriental Ice Ling directly lifted the palm of the hand and said: "Your life is saved by me, of course I can take it back. I will leave now, you have to catch up with one step, or say a dream or something like that. If I kill you immediately, I swear!"

Her tone is very cold and full of absolute will. Yangdingtian has no doubt that if she catches up, she will really come over. Perhaps she is not clear about herself. The reason why she is so angry is because Yangdingtian refused her.

Oriental Ice Ling, the world's first beauty, the first day of the four hundred years, the heirs of the Yin and Yang dynasty, the true leader of the future Tiandao League. Such a woman, who offered to be a relative but was rejected, even though she did not want to admit it, but her heart was really angry and angry.

After that, the Oriental Ice Ling was running a mysterious temper, and the speed of the figure suddenly became very fast. It was like a meteor that quickly disappeared in front of Yangdingtian. She didn't even wear clothes, just took her own sword and sword, and wanted to leave this place at once, showing the complexity inside.

Yang Dingtian desperately chased him up, but he couldn’t catch up. After all, the temperament of the Oriental Ice Ling is much higher than he is.

Chased out the temple and came to the Red Sea.

I saw the naked body of the Oriental Ice Ling disappeared like a meteor on the edge of the Red Sea, and then jumped directly under the Wanmi Cliff.

Yang Dingtian was in a hurry, this dream and reality are exactly the same. If you let the Oriental Ice Ling run away, you really don't know where to look. You must know how big the world has been in the past 20 years, so how big is the world in her dreams. Yang Dingtian wants to find her, it is impossible, and if she can't find her, the two people will never wake up and die in the depths of dreams.

"Oriental ice, I am Yangdingtian!" Under no circumstances, Yangdingtian shouted loudly toward the disappearance of the oriental ice.

Despite being far apart, he believes she can hear her voice.

Sure enough, after a while, a figure slammed above the 10,000-meter cliff and flew into the air. Then I saw only the naked oriental ice blast flying from the air to the front of Yangdingtian, and fell cold and cold: "Who are you talking about?"

While speaking, the Oriental Ice Ling sword slammed across the neck of Yangdingtian. Her sword and sword had a terrible chill and directly infiltrated into the body of Yang Dingtian, making his entire body cold.

"I am Yangdingtian."

Yangding Tiandao.

"How do you prove it?"

Yang Dingtian reached out to his face and violently tore it, uncovering his mask and revealing the face of Yangdingtian.

The oriental ice Ling Yu hand trembled, Yang Ding Tian neck a pain, directly by the sword opened a blood.

But then, the Oriental Ice Ling whispered: "I don't believe it."

After all, she stepped forward, and the jade hand grabbed the skin of Yang Dingtian, directly tore it, and peeled off a layer of mask, revealing the face of Shen Lang.

After the exposing, the face of Dongfang Bingling became extremely cold and cold. "You have worn two layers of masks in order to reject me. You are teasing me, I really want you to stay."

After all, the beauty of the Oriental Ice Ling is full of murderousness, and the whole body is filled with incomparably powerful power, so that Yangdingtian is almost incapable of breathing.

Yang Dingtian smiled bitterly, and in his face, he tore, and opened a mask, revealing the face of Yangdingtian.

Oriental Ice Ling suddenly burst into horror.

"You haven't seen it yet? Because here is your dream, we are all spiritually aware, not the real human body. I know in my heart that I have a mask on the face, so I can uncover it. And in you In my heart, I thought that I was Shenlang deliberately wearing two layers of masks, so I could also uncover a mask of Yangdingtian's face. If it is in reality, maybe I wear two or three layers of masks?"

Yeah, if in reality, might you tear off two or three layers of masks like this?

Suddenly, the ice rim of the East swayed and flashed a horror. Then cold channel: "I don't believe your gibberish, as long as you kill, there is nothing."

Suddenly, the Eastern Ice Ling Li Jian suddenly raised to kneel down.

At this point, the killing in her heart is even worse.

Yang Dingtian knows that she has begun to suspect that this is a dream, but she is absolutely unwilling to admit it, so she wants to kill Yangdingtian, and then stays in the dream when nothing happens.

"boom,". At the same time, the two men swayed under the feet of the people, and the whole world shook.

"I have seen it." Yangding Tiandao: "Because you also began to doubt the authenticity of the world, everything around us began to oscillate. Also, you have doubts about everything in your heart. There was suspicion. Just now you can remove a mask from my face and let me become the face of Shen Lang. Now you can't do it, don't believe you try it."

Yangdingtian grabbed the hand of the Oriental Ice Ling and grabbed his face and pulled it down.

The Eastern Ice Ling was forced for a while.

I couldn't remove any masks, but instead pulled a blood on the skin of Yang Dingtian.

"No, I still don't believe it. Even if you are Yangdingtian, you can't prove that it is in my dreams." Oriental Bingling said: "Although wearing three masks is ridiculous, you may not do this. ”

"I will prove it to you." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Yang Dingtian pointed to the sword that she was lying on her neck: "This Xuanbing soul sword is yours, the world is only one, right?"

"Of course!"

“Is it possible to imitate it?” Yang Dingtian asked.

Oriental Ice Lingdao said: "It is impossible. Every ore is dug by me. The whole sword is also forged by me. Every detail in the sword is clear to me. There is absolutely no possibility of counterfeiting. Only this one."

Yangding Tiandao: "In fact, after you are in a coma, I am holding you for thousands of miles. Your mysterious ice soul sword, I have always kept it, not in your hands, but in me."

After all, Yang Dingtian reached out to his space ring and entered Xuanqi, and took out a sword from it.

In the stunned eyes of the Oriental Ice Ling, Yang Dingtian took out a sword out of thin air, exactly the same as the Xuan Bing Soul sword in her hand.

"Impossible!" After Yang Dingtian took out the whole sword completely, the Oriental Ice Ling shivered and exclaimed.

For a time, the whole world around him swayed fiercely, as if there was a feeling of crumbling.

Then, the Oriental Ice Ling violently grabbed the Xuan Bing Soul sword in the hands of Yang Dingtian, and slammed the scabbard.

Suddenly, she held two black ice soul swords in her exactly the same.

She looked carefully and felt carefully. Go to see every detail on the sword and sense every breath.

Both swords are exactly the same!

The more she looks, the more her body is shaking, her beautiful smile is getting paler and paler, and her beauty is getting more and more shaking.

As she said, there is absolutely no second black ice soul sword in the world.

Now, she has two identical black ice soul swords in her hands. This piece that Yang Dingtian took out is absolutely true. There is absolutely no possibility of counterfeiting. This is the most clear of her oriental ice, because every inch of this sword is forged by her own hands.

And this black ice soul sword that Yang Dingtian took out is true, it can only prove one thing.

She is really in a dream!

Her small mouth trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes were constantly changing.

At the same time, the world around it began to fall apart, the sky began to crack, and the Red Sea at the foot began to collapse.

This world is fake, completely out of the fantasy of the oriental ice. Once she realizes that it is in a dream, then the world will no longer exist.

Then, in her hand, another black ice soul sword turned into a broken light, and the gray smoke disappeared and disappeared into the hands.

Because she realized that it was in a dream, the sword of the mysterious ice soul that Yang Dingtian gave to her was true, and of course, there was no such thing in her own hands, so it was completely gone.

In the end, the whole world collapsed completely and twisted.

"Oriental ice, let's go out, you should wake up!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "starting" vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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