Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 301: : Ice Ling wakes up, heaven and earth to treasure!

"Oriental ice, let's go out, you really should wake up!

The Oriental Ice Lingmei closed and directly fainted. Then, the bodies of the two people were also turned into broken light, and the smoke flew out.

It seems as if time flies and the world changes.

The knowledge of Yangdingtian returned to reality.

After leaving the East Ice Ling Dream for a few minutes, Yangding Tianfang woke up in the real world.

Open your eyes hard, and there is chaos inside your brain, as if you have not remembered all the memories you have just experienced. Everything in the dream of the Eastern Ice Ling is like a dream: after the dream wakes up, it is first confused, and then some thoughts gradually return to the mind.

However, everything that has just been experienced is still vague. Just wake up after dreaming. I don’t remember the things in my dreams.

However, Yang Dingtian soon thought that what happened in the dream of the Oriental Ice Ling was not important. The key is whether the Oriental Ice Ling has now woken up.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian quickly shook his head and let himself fully wake up.

Then hurry to the ice rim.

At this time, the Oriental Ice Ling is still confined, as if it has not yet awakened.

But it doesn't matter. What's important is that her delicate body is completely entangled in Yangdingtian. Even the most intimate places are completely blooming, but they are completely together with Xiaoyangdingtian.

For a long time, Yang Dingtian couldn’t help but swell a flame. Xiaoyang Dingtian also violently rushed, and the dome went up, almost to the most beautiful place.

At this point, the imprinted silk in the pool has completely disappeared, and the light on the individual has already dissipated, and the original appearance has been restored.

"Can't do this, can't do this..."

Yang Dingtian desperately suppresses the inner flame, constantly inhales and exhales, wants to restore his body to calm down. And desperately want to leave the body of the Oriental ice, but it is wrapped tightly, can not move. The most terrible thing is that in this struggle, "the top of the sun is almost innocent."

"Well..." At this moment, there was a cry of trepidation from the top of the sky.

Then, I felt that the delicate body in my arms suddenly started to have some fever.

Then look down at the face of the Oriental Ice Ling, her beautiful face is really a flush of closed eyes and began to turn.

She will wake up soon.

Yang Dingtian quickly desperately wants to break free. If the first time that the Oriental Ice Ling wakes up, it is such a look, she promised to kill herself directly.

However, Yang Dingtian is unable to break free from her entanglement even if she is trying hard. And in the break between the ‘the top of the sun, the innocent as a living, desperately looking for a place to go in. The feeling of eclipse made Yang Dingtian hurry and stopped, and did not dare to move.

The eyelids trembled as if to sleep for a long time, and the Oriental Ice Ling opened his eyes very hard:

"Well"..." The first time she opened her eyes, she was shaking and groaning again. This is of course the instinctive reaction under physical contact. It is unconscious.

After she opened her eyes completely, her beauty was full of confusion in the heat and heat.

But soon the focal length of her eyes gradually became clear, and the cold light began to condense.

She saw the Yangdingtian in front of her eyes, looked down and saw the vice worker who was entangled with the red fruit at this time.

Breaking freely, loosening the body of Yangdingtian, the Oriental Ice Ling lifted the palm of his hand and slammed into the chest of the sun.

"Shen Lang, you dare to swear at me like this?" After the palm of the hand came, the Oriental Ice Ling shouted:

This palm directly hit Yang Dingtian two feet.

That's right, it's just two feet, no ostentation.

Because she returned to reality. In the Red Sea in the sky, it is impossible to make any mysterious.

"What happened? My mysterious? Shen Lang, what did you do to me?" The Oriental Ice Ling was shocked.

Yangdingtian is also full of surprises, because the Oriental Ice Ling has always called himself a wave. Although Yang Dingtian had not remembered what happened in her dreams, he vaguely remembered that he seemed to have indicated her identity and said that he was Yangdingtian. He did not expect that after returning to reality, Oriental Ice Ling Still screaming at her own waves, can she not remember the world that happened in her dreams?

Then the Oriental Ice Ling suddenly jumped out of the pool: "Where is it here? We are not under the Central Lake? How come here?"

Yangding took the Oriental Ice Road in front of the sky: "Don't worry, I will give you all the details to hear that you have been in a coma for more than half a year. It is my responsibility to say that...,..."

Then, Yang Dingtian said what happened to the Oriental Ice Ling.

Including he swallowed up the real Yiling demon fire so that he was in a coma for half a year, so he did not wake her up in time, causing her mentality to stop and people unconscious.

Including him to take her to the Fox family to find a way to save, and everything that happened in the Fox family.

Including him took her to the Red Sea in the sky, met the Holy Land Taotai, and then entered the pool. Through the imprint of the broken silk into her deep consciousness, she wakes up from the depths of her dreams.

It’s been said for ten minutes, but about the oriental ice diaper pants, Yang Dingtian gave her a washing of the **** and so on, he did not mention a word.

Finally, Yangding Tiandao: "So you just saw us entangled, not that I am jealous of you, but because the imprint of the broken silk will tie us together, I did not deliberately take advantage of you."

After that, Yang Dingtian was somewhat guilty: "I said this, do you believe it?"

Yang Dingtian is of course somewhat guilty, although he has never had any guilty feelings before. But in the short time before the Eastern Ice Ling woke up, his heart really did have a flame, and he almost entered the body of the Oriental Ice Ling and broke her chastity.

The Oriental Ice Ling nodded, and the look in the beautiful world became complicated. He twisted his body and said: "I just remembered it halfway when I said it. I was in a coma at the time, so those It’s as if I’m dreaming, it’s real, but I don’t think so much at all:”

Then, Oriental Bing Ling said: "In fact, you still have some things not finished, such as I wet the culottes, for example, you take care of me like a baby, etc..."

After the Oriental Ice Ling said this, Yang Dingtian instead faced the red ear equator: "I am also helpless."

Oriental Bing Ling sighed: "This kind of thing is really hard to say, but also makes me shy. Difficult, but I still know clearly, I will not vent my anger."

Yangding Tiandao: "No, in fact, this still blames me. If it is not that I did not wake you up in time. The latter things will not happen, and you will not encounter such embarrassment and danger."

Oriental Bingling shook his head and said: "This is all your life and fate. You have paid so much for Xuanhuo. After all, you still have to pay for it. That billions of spirits are won by you, and it is better than the evil thief of Qin Huaiyu. it is good."

"Okay, don't say this." Dongfang Bingling climbed out of the pool and picked up his clothes from the ground. He said, "Why are you free and easy to twist and pinch? How much do you have for me?" The life-saving grace, and meticulously take care of me for nearly a month, my oriental icicles are in my heart. In the future, I will regard you as my only best friend. If there is anything, send a letter to Yinyangzong, I will do it for you."

Yangdingtian also climbed out of the pool and put on his clothes. He said: "I have just entered the depths of your dreams to wake you up. What happened to you, do you remember?"

Oriental Ice Ling tried hard, then shook his head: "I can't remember it at all, even the borders are not fragmented."

"She can't remember." Suddenly, the voice of the saints screamed: "That is the side of the deepest part of her consciousness. It is many times deeper than the dream. No one can remember it. Not to mention the state." Her dreams have vanished, even in her mind, she has completely disappeared, leaving nothing behind, so she can't remember it."

"Oh..." Suddenly, the heart of the Yangding is incomparably complicated, and I don’t know whether it is happy or sad. He has almost completely remembered everything that happened in the dream of the East Ice Ling:

There, Oriental Ice Ling knew that he was Yangdingtian. There, the Oriental Ice Ling took care of himself for a long time like a baby. Because of his pity and love, he fell in love with his identity. Now, with the smog of this dream, it has disappeared completely.

Of course, the Oriental Ice Ling does not know that he is Yangdingtian, but also saves himself.

At this time, the platform came from the front of the temple. There is still a faint glow on the body.

Although her face is not as beautiful as the Oriental Ice Ling, she even overshadowed the Oriental Ice Ling on the gas field, even though she was not unassuming, it was gentle and indifferent.

"This girl finally woke up, it is really gratifying."

The Oriental Bingling looked at the platform and looked a little more complicated. Then he whispered: "Thank you for your help."

"Not that I saved you, he saved you." Yantai said: "Maybe you don't know, when I found you, he was almost exhausted and almost died. And just entered your knowledge. He is also completely dead for a lifetime. If you can't wake you up, then he can never wake up. I don't know what happened between you. I can see that the two of you were very emotional before, but I only I want to say that no matter what happens, please cherish this man."

Oriental Bingling said: "You are probably misunderstood, we are not male and female lovers."

Xiaotai laughed: "In any case, you will remember my words."

The Oriental Ice Ling did not answer, but said: "If there is no other command, we will leave here: if you have sent, you will come along."

"Nothing." Yantai shook his head and said, "Hello, let's leave."

“Thank you, let me know.” The Oriental Ice Ling Road, then turned and said: “Shen Lang, are you going with me?”

"Good." Yangding Tiandao, then he came to the front of the ring, deeply worshipped: "Thank you for the saints, and left."

"Mr. Shen waited for a while." Yantai said: "I have no intention to explore your privacy, but I know that you have a holy water that comes back to life. I really need it. Can I exchange something with you?"

Yang Dingtian’s heart trembled fiercely and said: “The Holy One is as important to us as we are, not talking about exchanges. I will give you what you want.”

"A small cup would be fine."

"Yes!" Yang Dingtian pretending to take out a medicinal herb from his arms, hands up and said: "In this medicinal medicine, it is the kind of holy water that comes back to life, and it is given to the fairy."

"Thank you Mr. Shen:" Yantai Road, then took the medicinal medicine with jade hand, then turned and walked to a small room behind the temple: "Sir, wait a moment, I will give you the exchange." ”

"No, no, this is what I gave you, you don't need to give me anything." Yangding Tiandao:

The platform suddenly smiled and walked into the small room.

Soon, Mom took a white jade box and walked out and handed it to Yangdingtian.

"Daily Fairy, I really don't want it." Yang Dingtian refused: "You have great grace for us. There is not enough water in the district. If you take your things, I will be really ashamed of it."

"That's good, then we don't exchange, this is what I gave you." The Fujian-Taiwan directly placed the jade box in the hands of Yangdingtian, and then the voice of the ring-up sounded in the heart of Yangdingtian: "This is a piece of Na You will be useful for the purple blood of the Kazak."

The purple blood of the Naga? Yang Dingtian suddenly slammed into the heart. Before he lied to Yin Tianchong, he said that he was the extinct head of the Nether Sea. He was exiled because he got a blood from the Naga people:

Now, the ring-up has given him a purple blood of the Naga, which is a treasure of heaven and earth.

Moreover, at that time, in order to save the sun, the Netherland used a piece of red veins of the Naga. So Flame Flame was detained there to pay off debts. Now, Yangdingtian can just take a higher level of purple Naga sacred veins in exchange for the freedom of flames.

However, why do you know that you need such a Naga and the punishment is better than that of the Netherland?

What's more, this downfall has even the Naga Xuanmai. Who is she? What is sacred?

Perhaps, she is only a pretext for a cup of holy water. Just want to find a reason for sending Yang Ding Tian Naga Xuanmai.

Before, Yang Dingtian was even full of fear for this mystery, feeling that she was not only mysterious but also dangerous.

Now, she really seems to be a Bodhisattva, and there is almost no reason to save people.

"Fengtai Fairy, I really need this piece of Naga Xuanmai, then I will accept it with a thick face:" Yangding Tiandao, then put this jade box into his arms.

Then, when Yangdingtian is about to leave, there is a little bit of talk and stop.

"If you want to ask anything, just ask:" Yantai, his face still with a gentle and inclusive smile.

"Wangtai Fairy, who are you?" After the question, Yang Dingtian said: "Of course I know that my problem is very unreasonable. Just answer me, are you a sinister?"

When I heard the question of Yangdingtian, the Oriental Ice Ling, which had been avoiding it before, couldn’t help but turn around and look at the ring, waiting for her answer.

In the ring, will she be a hidden person? (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @swds all the way]] If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please Read to m.)

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