Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 302: : The secret of the ring! Leave the Red Sea! (important story)

"Hidden sect? I am not a sinister person." The singularity was straightforward.

"Are you a man of the Temple of Destruction?" Yang Dingtian continued to ask.

The downfall shook his head again: "I am not a man who destroys the temple."

Yang Dingtian was completely puzzled. The downfall was very powerful and even stronger than his imagination. In the mind of Yangdingtian, only the sacred and annihilating temples can be so powerful. However, the downfall actually said that she was not a sinister person, nor was she a mortal temple.

"Who are you?" Yang Dingtian couldn't help but ask, after the question, Yang Dingtian quickly said: "Sorry, the question I asked offended you."

"No." Yantai shook his head. "You will not offend me if you ask any questions, and I will not be angry."

Then, the top of the Chaoyang Chaoyang Tianxiao smiled: "I don't really have anyone, it's not a sacred sect, it's not a sacred temple, it's not a force. But I can always be anyone. If it's hard Give me an identity, then I am the border guardian."

"Border guardian? What do you mean?" Yangding Tiandao.

"What do you feel when you see the Red Sea in the sky?"

"As if, it is the end of the world." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes, this is the end of the world, the end of the chaotic world." Yantai said: "My mission is to guard the red sea in the sky. My temple drifts everywhere because I have to patrol everywhere. Can not let any People pass through the red sea in the sky..."

Yangding Tiandao: "What is behind the end of the world? What is behind the red sea in the sky? Is it another world?"

"No, there is only one world here, that is the chaotic continent." Yantai said: "There is nothing behind the red sea in the sky, there is nothing. You want to know, unless you go through the red sea in the sky, you go and see." ”

Yangding Tiandao: "But in the red sea in the sky, any mysterious gas will disappear, and anyone will become very weak."

澹台道: "Yes, the only way to shut down this world is to make people in this world unable to pass. But when you are strong enough, you can pass."

Yangding Tiandao: "Where is it going to be strong?"

"Suppressing the energy field of the Red Sea in the whole sky." Yantai said: "Of course, as the guardian of the border, if you want to cross the Red Sea in the sky, you must kill me first."

"Of course I won't kill you." Yangding Tiandao: "You are so beautiful."

The platform suddenly smiled: "I am very good in your heart?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, you are almost a perfect incarnation, like an angel."

"That's just one of my side." Yantai said: "Because my current mission is just a border guardian, I can't have any position, I can't interfere with anything in the chaotic world. So, of course, we are willing to become incomparable. Anyone who comes to the Red Sea in the sky, I am willing to save him and help him. Over time, I will become the saint of the entire East from the grasslands, with God's general status. However, once the mission I received has changed, Then I will immediately turn from an angel to a devil. The door to destruction of the whole world will be opened from our hands. The entire chaotic continent will be purgatory, sinking in blood and corpses, and we will open it by ourselves."

When this words came out, Yang Dingtian suddenly felt awkward and looked at the ring with his eyes wide open. He said: "What you are talking about is... the battle of destruction."

The platform fell a little and did not say anything.

Yang Dingtian's whole body began to tremble and tremble. He seemed to feel faintly. He had already touched the highest secret of the world, though only a little. The highest secret of the world, like a huge demon in the mountains and rivers, that Yang Dingtian has just touched a corner.

The biggest secret of the war of extinction is where is the Temple of Destruction? Where is the hidden sect?

Where is the base of the Demon Road, where is the Hell Sea? Tens of millions of demons have marched directly into the chaotic continent, almost destroying the entire world.

Now, in front of this downfall, the war of extinction is opened from the hands of the border guardians.

"The whole world, how many border guardians?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Eight." Yantai said: "There are eight gates of **** in this world. The Red Sea in the sky is one of them. It is called the gate of the northwest."

The gates of the eight hells, the battle of the world in the past, the direction of the troops of the demon army is different. The last time, it was sent out from the West, almost destroying most of the chaotic continent and killing tens of millions of people.

“Why tell me this?” Yang Dingtian could not help but ask.

Yantai smiled and said: "Maybe, it helps a lot of people, and there is a feeling that should not be there. I don't want to see the disaster happening. I don't want to see the Chaos continent being drowned by blood. This time the big disaster and before It’s different. There will be a lot more people who die this time. This time, the scale of the war will be extremely large, and it will even destroy all the civilizations on the chaotic continent."

"It is bigger than the last battle of the world." Yang Dingtian trembled and asked.

"It's much bigger." Yantai said: "Last time, it only swept 50,000 miles and killed 98 million people."

Was it 50,000 miles? Dead ninety-eight million? Is this still small? This has already surpassed any world war on the planet.

Now, the downfall has actually said that the battle for the destruction of the world is much greater. Does that mean that all human forces on the chaotic continent of more than a hundred thousand miles will be destroyed?

Suddenly remembered one thing, Yangding Tiandao: "Maori barbarians, the whole family are missing, there are tens of millions."

“53.6 million.” The platform was faint: “The modified Maori barbarians have the least lethality and more than a medium human warrior.”

Yangding Tiandeng felt a suffocation. The Fujian and Taiwan did not directly say where the Maori barbarian went, but the meaning has been very clear.

Last time, the demon army was only nearly ten million.

This time, the evil army of the Maori barbaric transformation was 5,36 million. And the minimum repair is no less than a medium human warrior. This army has entered the chaotic continent, and it is counted that the forces of the whole world cannot be resisted.

The downfall went on to say: "And, not only the Maori barbarians. So, this big disaster is different from the previous ones."

Yes, it's different. This time, perhaps it is truly dead.

“How long is it?” Yang Dingtian asked: “How long is it from the arrival of that moment?”

"I don't know, maybe it's five years, maybe eight years, and when they are finished in the internal layout of human beings, they will open up." Yantai said: "Of course, this big disaster has actually started. In several human civilizations. The key people have been deployed."

"Key person?" Yangding Tiandao: "It is the solitary singer of Wanxue Palace. Is the loneliness of the happy palace without them?"

Yantai shook his head and said: "No, the key people are not them, they are other people. Even the Wanxue Palace and the Happy Palace are not really devils. They are just spokespersons. Are they not evil?"

Yangdingtian was once again stunned. The solitary singer of Wanxue Palace is not evil. Who is evil?

Then, Yang Dingtian asked again: "You told me a lot about this thing?"

"Just tell you only one person." Yantai said: "Because other border guardians, without words, will only make people completely disappear in this world, playing the role of stone man."

"Why tell me?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Because you are from another world, you are the only one who can stop this disaster."

This sentence suddenly makes Yang Dingtian feel the feeling of being unable to breathe again. Yangdingtian is coming to another world. This is the biggest secret in his heart. Only one person knows it. Now, Fujian and Taiwan directly point out the biggest secret of his heart.

"Well, I can say what I can say." Yantai smiled and said: "You should leave. I will shield you from communicating in an independent spiritual space. Your fiancee should wait."

"We are not that kind of relationship." Yangding Tiandao, after he said that he did not think this explanation is actually necessary, then Yangdingtian solemnly said: "The fairy goddess, before you leave, what do you have to say to me? What should I do to stop my loved ones from being destroyed?"

Yang Dingtian did not say that he saved the city, but said that he saved his loved ones.

"Strong, powerful, powerful..." Fengtai said faintly: "Be careful with everyone, anyone can be a ghost of evil."

"Thank you, I have to say goodbye." Yangding Tianbai down.

"Farewell." Yantai said: "Maybe the next time you meet, it is not that you killed me, that is, I killed you."

Yangding’s footsteps trembled and continued to walk outside.


A few minutes later, Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice Ling left the temple.

At this time, the temple floated directly to the edge of the Red Sea, docked on the shore, Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice Ling went straight up.

After the two left, the temple slowly drifted back to the Red Sea, farther and farther away from Yangdingtian. The angels were standing on the doorstep of the temple, smiling and looking at Yangdingtian.

At about 30 meters from Yangdingtian, Fujian and Taiwan waved.

Then the light flashed, and she and the temple suddenly disappeared directly in front of Yangdingtian.

"Let's go, let's go."

Then, Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice Ling climbed down from 10,000 meters.

After climbing for more than twenty hours, I climbed the cliff of 10,000 meters and re- stood on the land far from the grassland.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian clearly felt that the powerful Xuanqi instantly returned to his body.

Around, a huge energy field suddenly trembled, the surrounding vegetation shook, and the air trembled.

Obviously, the Oriental Ice Ling has completely restored its mystery.

"How much did you break through?" asked Yangdingtian.

"Zong Shi level."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was shocked. Oriental Ice Ling, just 21 years old, broke through the rank of master and became the most powerful group of people in the world.

Yangdingtian originally felt that he had broken through the six-star Wuzong, but it was still very strong, but compared with the Oriental Ice Ling, it was still the light of the end of the light, facing the vast day, and even the back of the Oriental Ice Ling could not be seen.

This woman is really the first genius in four hundred years.

But at this time, the Oriental Ice Ling looked up to the length of this thousand miles, the cliff of 10,000 meters high, and the heavenly Red Sea above. His eyes are full of anger and humiliation.

"Shenlang, this sky in the Red Sea, this downfall will eventually become the scourge of my chaotic world." Oriental ice Ling cold and cold: "In ten years, I will kill this person!"

When this was said, Yangding was really shocked.

The words spoken by Fujian and Taiwan and Yang Dingtian are all said in the independent spiritual space. For the mystery of the Red Sea in the sky and the Fujian and Taiwan, the Oriental Ice Ling did not ask a half sentence, nor heard anything, and did not know anything. But it is straightforward to find the most accurate answer, and give the most domineering answer.

"Why?" Yang Dingtian could not help but ask.

"Because, this piece of sea, this sky, blocked my eyes, buried my strength, trampled my heart." Oriental ice Ling cold channel: "In ten years, I will kill this person. I want to tear To get rid of all the fog, I want to destroy everything that pretends to be a ghost, and I want to stab the final truth of the world. I have to do what my father has not done."

The East is destroyed by the pursuit of the ultimate truth of the world.

Oriental Ice Ling said that she did not have much affection for her father, but she wanted to inherit the will of her father.

Before, Yang Dingtian felt that the Oriental Ice Ling was very selfish and not smart. Now, Yang Dingtian thinks she is very smart, but she puts all wisdom in the most important place. Other things that are important to others are totally worth mentioning for her.

Suddenly, the image of the Oriental Ice Ling could not help but rise again.

This woman may have trampled on her dignity and left a huge harm to herself. But this woman's will, the great ideal, surpassed his Yangdingtian.

She has the most direct wisdom, so that she completely disdains what tricks to play.

Before, Yang Dingtian also felt that the solitary phoenix dance and the oriental ice skating were the same level of double generation Now it seems that although the Du Gu Feng Dance is also the ultimate talent, but compared to the Oriental Ice Ling, no matter which aspect she is a lot worse.

Perhaps only in the depths of the dream, the Oriental Ice Ling is only a little weak, will tell the Shenlang I fell in love with you similar words. In the real world, the ice is still a nine-day mysterious woman. There is only heaven and earth in the eyes, nothing else.

"Okay, let's go." Oriental Ice Ling said: "What about my sword?"

Her sword is of course in the space ring of Yangdingtian. Originally, Yangdingtian should find a corner and take it out of the space ring and pretend to be buried there. But after understanding this woman, he still took out her sword from the space ring.

Suddenly, the picture became strange. Yang Dingtian took out her sword out of thin air.

Sure enough, the Oriental Ice Ling was only a little glimpse, and then directly took over the sword. The space ring about Yangdingtian is undoubtedly the highest secret in the world, but she did not ask a half sentence.

"You want to stay in the east from the grasslands, or return to the human continent." asked Oriental Ice.

"Go back." Yangding Tiandao.

"That's good, let's go together." Oriental Ice Lingdao, directly carrying the body of Yangdingtian, leaped into the air.

"Oh..." A virtual energy wing slammed open, and the Oriental Ice Ling held Yangdingtian and flew directly to the south. (n/To be continued [This text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @Poor Little Demon]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the launcher to recommend tickets, monthly passes, your support is my greatest motivation.

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