Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 303: : Go to the club, dance alone, Qin Huaiyu!

Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice Ling, one person rides south.

At the beginning, the Oriental Ice Ling flew a few hundred miles with the sun and the sky. After the gathering of a half-human family, the two got two mounts and flew south.

Yangdingtian is still wearing a priest's robe, and gives the oriental ice a white princess robes. Walking east from the grassland, walking with the face of a human face will be somewhat troublesome.

"Oriental ice, Qinhuai jade collusion demon road set a trap to kill you, how do you prepare after you go back?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"It didn't happen as anything." Oriental Ice Lingdao.

This answer made Yang Dingtian slightly surprised, how proud the Oriental Ice Ling is, and it is completely unbearable in the eyes. This time Qin Huaiyu set such a big trap to kill her future leader of the Tiandao League, this is completely a sin. It’s amazing that Oriental Ice Ling actually said that nothing happened.

Moreover, Oriental Ice Ling is not incapable of punishing the northwest Qincheng. Although Qin Wanqiu has the power to drop the sky, in the Tiandao League, the status of the Oriental Ice Ling is still very high, even higher than Qin Wanqiu. Although she is not a yin and yang lord now, almost everyone in the world regards her as a yin and yang lord.

At this time, the only one in Tiandao League that can balance the eastern ice ridge is Zhu Qingzhu, but Zhu Qingzhu has always had greater attempts to the Oriental Ice Ling, so he has always fully supported the Oriental Ice Ling in Tiandao League.

At this time, the Oriental Ice Ling is one of the best in the Tiandao League. Some time ago. Oriental Ice Ling set foot on the northwestern mainland, Qin Wanqiu personally went to the beach to meet, and was greeted by the subordinates. As for Qin Huaiyu, in the face of the Eastern Ice Ling, the posture is even lower, and it is completely humble. Who would have thought that this father and son would have set such a trap in the sky, to cause the ice in the East to die.

Someone who is so powerful in the East is now saying that this did not happen.

"I am not an opponent of Qin Wanqiu now, but after a few years, Qin Wanqiu is not my opponent. When I go to kill the entire Qin family in the northwest, why should I fight for a moment?" The Oriental Ice Ling is faint.

This is really a domineering, Yang Dingtian could not help but admire.

"What about Yang Tianding? How are you going to treat him?" Yangdingtian couldn't help but ask.

This question is asked, the Oriental Ice Ling turned his face and looked over, just staring at the face of Yangdingtian (of course, Yangdingtian is still the face of Shenlang).

"Well, when I didn't ask." Yangding Tiandao:

"He? Wait until this time, the position of the master of the city of Yunxiao will be a great victory." Oriental Ice Ling said faintly: "This person is a good talent, but he likes to make a fool of himself, can't be down to earth, this time the city's position is only afraid of fierceness. ""

After listening to the evaluation of the Oriental Ice Ling, the heart could not help but feel in the sky.

Then, Oriental Bingling frowned. "The most I despise him is the fake ancestral fox fox."

"Why?" Yangding Tiandao: "He is also forced to help?"

"Oh..." Oriental Bingling said: "I am not disgusted by his fake nameless deception to cheat. I am not so pedantic. I am disgusted that he is a kind of self-dwarf when he is a fake concealer. The descendants are placed in a very high position. All they have to do is to be themselves and not to look up to anyone."

When this was said, Yang Dingtian could not help but be surprised. I did not expect that the Oriental Ice Ling actually thought about the problem from this angle: Moreover, from the words, he did not hear the Oriental Ice Ling have any respect for the Hidden.

"Don't look at me with this kind of vision. Although Hidden is the true leader of Tiandao League, I have always been very disgusted." Oriental Bingling said: "I hate everything that is pretentious and confusing, or is frankly in front of the world. Heavenly League. Either completely retreat, do not ask anything. Now it is so sloppy, covert, and indifferent to the world, but always master the highest authority of Heaven and Earth Alliance? What is it?

When this was said, Yang Dingtian was really scared. In the Heavenly League, the sect is absolutely correct, absolutely just, is the same status as God, is the savior, can not be denied:

Now, the Oriental Ice Ling not only denied, but also directly blamed the local reprimand, Yangding innocence has never heard.

However, listening to her saying that the patriarchal, Yang Dingtian actually felt a little faint.

"Hidden sect, oh... Then, the Oriental Ice Ling sneered again.

In this way, all the way to Yangdingtian and Oriental ice Ling and riding south.

Eight thousand miles, almost less than seven days have almost finished running. There is no such thing as indifference on this road.

The Oriental Ice Ling seems to have turned Shen Lang into a close friend. He almost did not hide it in front of him. The two people talked very tacitly.

Even in the opinion of many things, both people are very consistent.

Yangding Tianyue learned that Oriental Ice Ling is an extremely proud idealist. Because of the talent of the top, he almost looked at everything, as if he could not look down on anyone.

But in fact, after actually interacting with her. Found that she turned out to be a very good friend:

She disdains to tell lies and does not spy on any of your privacy. Moreover, she can fully believe her character, no matter what is hidden, she can tell her with confidence that she is even more frank than most men.

Of course, Yangdingtian did not forget the hatred of her.

The hatred of the day, especially the endless end of the West Gate, Yang Dingtian must be recovered. But this does not prevent Yang Dingtian from admiring and admiring her at this time, because some things make you the most admired person, but your enemy.

Now, the deepest thorn in the heart of Yangding is the endless gate of Ximen.

The West Gate has no end to the sun, and the sky is as heavy as the mountains. Although he is folded in the hands of Zhu Qing, the Oriental Ice Ling also has a huge responsibility. Yang Dingtian was chased and humiliated by her on the same day, that is, he did not know enough and took his own insults. But the West Gate is boundless, and the Oriental Ice Ling is completely unforgivable.

"Oriental ice, I ask you something." Yangding Tiandao:

"What is it?"

"On that day, because you brought people to chase and kill Yangdingtian, which led to the endless destruction of Ximen, do you regret it?" Yangding Tiandao: "You know, if it is not the West Gate, there is no end to the end of the Nirvana, up to ten years, he is The world is the first."

The Oriental Ice Ling fell into silence. After a long time, he said: "The people of the world, I am not in the eyes: only the West Gate is the endless exception, whether it is the will, the mind, or even the means, he is above my father."

Having said that, Yang Dingtian finally heard the Oriental Ice Ling slightly soft.

But then, the Oriental Ice Ling said: "But, I can't stop the things I have to do, and the West is nowhere. Nothing is wrong with this person. I don't see it now, it's not that simple anyway."

"What do you mean?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"In short, I have never regretted anything I have done with Oriental Ice. Let me die, but let me regret to give in, it is impossible." Oriental Ice Ling smashed the railroad.

Next, both people are silent.

Because, the last words of the Oriental Ice Ling, Yang Dingtian heart is very unhappy. The Oriental Ice Ling is completely out of the dissatisfaction of Yangdingtian, and if Yangdingtian does not speak, she will never take the initiative to speak with Yangdingtian.

In this way, on the last day, the two were completely silent and silent, and they rushed.

On the seventh day, Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice Ling reached the territory of the Fox people.

He and the Oriental Ice Ling are preparing to leave the grassland and return to the human continent. However, the fox patriarch commanded Bella every day. No matter whether Yangdingtian has rescued the oriental ice ridge, when he returned to the human continent, he went to the fox community.

Yangdingtian and Dongfang Bingling wore robes and robes, and directly entered the horn of the fox family, and went straight to the castle of Bella every day. He was not ready to stop, and he was ready to leave when he said goodbye:

However, after he entered the city gate, a fox fox cavalry greeted him and said: "Is it a master of Naru?"

"I am." Yangding Tiandao:

"See Master Naru." The cavalry leader squatted directly.

After getting up, take out a spar and slam it.

"Boom...,..." Suddenly, a red light rushed directly into the sky for a few hundred meters, as if it were a firework.

Yangding Tianyi said: "What does this mean?"

"This is the command of the patriarch. As soon as you appear, we will inform him at the fastest speed:" The cavalry leader.

"What happened?" Yangding Tiandao.

"The fragrance of the fragrance is gone." The cavalry leader.

Is the fragrance disappearing? Yangding Tian was shocked, and then Liwu speeded up and rushed to the castle of Bella every day.

The rear cavalry quickly followed.

Yangding Tianfei was running fast, but when he was still a dozen miles away from the Patriarchal Castle, he saw the fox patriarch, Bella.

At this time, Bella is fully restored to the heroic position, but with a look of anxiety and worry. This person is wise and upright, and does not conceal his emotions.

Behind him, he followed the masters of more than a dozen Fox people.

After seeing Yangdingtian, every day, Bella’s first sentence said: "Mr. Naru, turn the horse's head and set it on."

Yangding Tianyi, and then quickly turned the direction, said: "The patriarch, has the fragrance of the fall? We are going to rescue."

"No, not to save the incense, you go to the bottom, and actually leave the east from the grassland." Bela every day: "We are escorting you away."

Then, every day Bella saw the oriental ice ridge next to Yangdingtian, knowing that Yangdingtian really awakened her, and suddenly he nodded to the Eastern ice, saying hello.

Oriental Ice Ling also nodded.

I heard that Bella was not going to save the fragrance every day, but let him go immediately, and personally brought so many masters to **** and leave. Yang Dingtian couldn’t help but say: "His patriarch, you don't want to save the incense, why do you want me to leave."

Bela every day: "They grab the incense and the purpose is for you. They want to kill you, and the lady around you."

Then, every day, Bella handed over a letter.

This is a letter sent by the Gru priest (Yin Tianchong), which reads: "The extermination of the brothers, many days disappeared, I missed it. On that day, the gentleman said that he would go to the sun and the lake, and Yin Tianchong looked up every day. Waiting for the jade toe to come. Who knows that the left and the right have never seen the brothers respect. The heart of the thoughts is getting stronger. It happens to meet the Xiangxiang princess to come to the guesthouse, so he invites the brothers to come to the guest, especially with the coma. Together, perhaps Yin Tianchong has a way to save, Yin Tianchong will set off the dinner table! After a few days as a guest, Yin Tianchong must send the brother and the Xiangxiang Princess to leave."

This letter is very polite in words, but the meaning is very naked.

That is, Yan Tianchong (Gru priest) took away the Fragrant Princess and let Yang Dingtian carry the oriental ice to exchange incense.

Seeing Yang Dingtian after reading the letter, every day Bella said: "Obviously, Yin Tianchong has recognized you and Miss Dongfang. And know that Miss Dong is unconscious, so she must be killed, so take it away. The fragrant incense is awkward. Moreover, they will definitely not let you go, they will do their best to kill you two, they are not too small in the east, the situation is not too hot. You hurry, we will leave you."

"No, what about the fragrance?" Yangding Tiandao: "I will go to Sun Moon Lake with you to save the fragrance."

"No, it is self-investment." Bela every day: "Yin Tianchong is a master of the ranks. The cultivation is stronger than me. And the solitary phoenix dance, Qin Huaiyu and others may be there, and there are even other saints. If you go, you must have no return."

"Duo Gu Feng Wu is also? Qin Huai Yu is also?" Oriental Ice Ling interface.

"It should be." Bella Bell every day: "The Demon Road has been laid out in the grasslands in the east."

Oriental Ice Ling looked at the cold road: "I was originally prepared to do nothing, but they are still still in the grassland? Go to the Sun and Moon Lake. Go to kill Qinhuai, kill the solitary phoenix dance!"

After all, the Oriental Ice Ling took the lead and rushed straight to the south.

Every day, Bella quickly chased it up, and Chaoyang top Tiandao: "Mr. can't go!"

Yangding Tiandao: "You can go. The Oriental Ice Ling is also a master of the master class. I don't believe in two scares. The master of the master class is still not able to take advantage of it. Sun Moon Lake: Qin Huaiyu and Du Gufeng dance have not left yet, that is just right. , the new account and the old account together calculate!"

After hearing the words of Yang Dingtian, Bella was full of horror and looked at the back of the oriental ice, and said: "How old is she? It is a master."

"Twenty-one years old!" Yang Dingtian smiled slightly.

Every day, Bella was shocked and dumb, and the 21-year-old master of the ranks was really unprecedented, even afterwards. At least, this record of Yang Dingtian can't be broken.

"The competition after three and a half years, if you want to beat her, it is too difficult." Bela every day.

"Yeah, it's hard to go to heaven." Yangding Tiandao: "But even if it is harder than going to heaven, I have to try."

Bela every day: "You are like enemies, she is going with you all the way?"

Yangding Tiandao: "She still doesn't know if I am Yangdingtian, or she doesn't care who I am:"

In this way, the East Ice Ling took the lead, Yang Dingtian and his party flew away to the Sun Moon Lake hundreds of miles away.

The solitary demon girl, Qin Huaiyu!

I will come to you, I will calculate the general ledger! (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @swds all the way]] If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please Read to m.)

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