Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 304: : Goodbye to the demon girl, save the incense!

Originally, Bella is going to send Yangdingtian away from the grassland industry in the east, and then bring people to the Sun Moon Lake to negotiate the salvation. Now, the Oriental Ice Ling is so determined, directly rushing to the past. Every day, Bella did not have a choice, but had to bring people to kill together.

Of course, from his heart, of course, I hope that Yangdingtian and Dongfang Bingling will help save the fragrance. After all, that is his only daughter.

Riyue Lake is about three hundred miles away from the main city of the Fox People, and is located at the junction of the fox and eagle tribes.

Yang Dingtian and Oriental Ice Ling and his party, only two hours later, they will arrive at the location of Ziri Lake:

Sun Moon Lake, which is only about four or five miles away, is in a valley surrounded by mountains.

At the entrance to the valley is a narrow cliff rip.

If it is the army of the Earth Age, of course, you can't just rush in like this, otherwise there will be ambushes on the cliff, and if you take a few boulders down, the whole army will be wiped out. But this is in the chaotic mainland, Yang Dingtian and his party are all masters, even if it is ambush, it is of no use.

When I rushed into the valley, I saw the Sun and Moon Lake.

This day, the lake and the water, it is very clear, under the breeze, the surface of the water fluctuates. Surrounded by hillsides, the scenery is really beautiful.

In the center of the lake, there is a lake island that is piled up, filled with flowers, and the center of the flowers is a beautiful wooden house.

At this time, a string of piano sounds came from the wooden house: the player who played the piano, I was afraid that it was Yin Tianchong.

"Yin Tianchong, brother, you want to bring me, please put the fragrance of the princess.

"Yangdingtian channel.

Originally, he should be hypocritical for a while, saying that he came to visit. However, after being silently identified, this kind of play does not need to be played.

The sound of the piano suddenly stopped, and the voice of Yin Tianchong came from inside.

"The extermination of the brothers is really a believer."

Then he slowly walked out of the log house. At this time, he was a robed man with long hair and a full of indifferent taste. However, since he has done these things, this so-called fairy posture is completely pretentious.

A fragrant princess in a long green dress walked out behind his back and saw Yang Dingtian and Beira, and suddenly he was happy. The petite body shivered slightly, almost tears came out, but he quickly suppressed his emotions. In the far-flung Chaoyang Dingxiang, he said: "When you meet Master Naru, you can see you:"

Her identity at this time was taken hostage, and she has been scared since she was robbed. Now Yangdingtian and Bayer come to rescue, she is of course excited. But in order not to worry them, she suppressed her emotions.

Yin Tianchong saw the oriental ice rink riding on the horse, and his look changed slightly. Then he smiled and said: "It is really unfortunate to see Miss Oriental in peace."

Oriental Ice Ling cold channel: "Yin Shishu, don't come innocent."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yin brother, you miss me and Miss Dongfang very much, now both of us are coming. Can you put the fragrance of the fragrance?"

"Of course, of course." Yin Tianchong said: "Although I love the fragrance of the Fragrant Princess and the aura, but since the head of the Japanese personally came, I certainly can't force the guest again."

Then, Yin Tianchong went to the side of the day and looked at Bella: "His patriarch, you will leave with love."

Every day, I took a ritual: "Thank you. I don't know, what other conditions does Gru Master have?"

"Conditions? Of course, there are no other conditions." Yin Tianchong said: "I just love the fragrance and talent of the Fragrant Princess, so I invited her to be a guest for a few days and point her to the piano. Now my lover is eager, my half master You can't be a wicked person anymore. So, you will take your daughter back."

Every day, Bella immediately said: "What about the Naru master?"

Yin Tianchong said: "The extermination of the brothers and the princes of the East are the heroes of the Middle Kingdom (the human continent). I have been away from the Middle Kingdom for many years: I am excited to be a native of the present. Of course, I have to stay with two compatriots for a few days. If you have nothing to do, you can be free. If I have a stomach, I have to tell the two compatriots."

Yin Tianchong’s words are very clear. All he wants to leave is Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice Ling. If Bella wants to live to save the Fragrant Princess every day, don't intervene between him and Yangdingtian.

"I am afraid this can't be made every day." "Miss Oriental and Master Naru are my guests. I haven't had a good time yet. It's better to wait for a few days after I live in my family and come back to you as a guest?"

So far, the words of the two have always been with a gift. It sounds like two very enthusiastic hosts, competing to invite Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice Ling to be a guest.

After hearing the words of Bella every day, Yin Tianchong suddenly became cold and cold: "His patriarch. This is a matter between me and China. If you want to forcefully intervene, you will be at your own risk."

Every day, Bella looks a cold road: "But don't forget, this is on the land of my half-human."

Yin Tianchong turned his eyes and looked at the Oriental Ice Bing. Shen Jing's film fry: "Miss Dongfang, since you don't want to be a guest here, I don't work hard, but the extermination brother promised me, and I will stay. After a few days."

What he meant in his words was that he could let go of the oriental ice and the incense, and only kill the sun.

This Yin Tianchong certainly will not let the East Ice Ling, their main purpose is the Oriental ice. His remarks are only for separation and temptation.

When I heard the conditions of Yin Tianchong, Yang Dingtian’s eyes narrowed and suddenly looked at the Oriental Ice Bing:

"Shut up, you are a scum." Oriental Ice Ling cold: "Yin Tianchong, you have to fight directly, don't talk nonsense!"

Yin Tianchong changed his face and said: "I have always heard that the Oriental Fairy is proud and eager to see it today. Sure enough. I will educate your elders for a good time. You are such a stunning beauty, just the best figure of my sacred religion!"

After the words were spoken, Yin Tianchong’s face changed dramatically. It is incomparable from the sacred wind bones.

"Kill...,..." Yin Tianchong slammed his drink.

"Oh..." Suddenly, there was a squeaky sound in the air.

Suddenly, tens of hundreds of black shadows flew from the top of the mountain, holding sharp weapons, and swarming toward the top of the rent.

Eagle family!

Hundreds of hawks and masters slammed into it.

This eagle is famous for its fierceness. It has a human face, an eagle's body but human legs.

In terms of combat level, the Eagles are very powerful. But this family is cruel to kill. But never united, so it has not condensed into a huge strength. As the entire tribe. When confronted with the Fox family, it did not take advantage of it. But the individual strength of the wheel, the Eagles are very strong.

Unexpectedly, this fierce hawksman actually did the servant of Yin Tianchong. Just as everyone was preparing to kill, a few black shadows were shot from the wooden house.

Three men and one woman, all over the body are covered in black robes, and even face masks.

Yang Dingtian saw that the three men and one woman were Yan’s love, Qin Huaiyu, Lonely Wuhuan and Du Gufeng.

The four people did not go, and Yang Dingtian did not think that Yan’s feelings were entangled with Qin Huaiyu. It is said that after he robbed the Mirage Fire, he should be completely offended by the singer. However, these four people are also very interesting. At first glance, people can see their identity, but they still wear masks to cover them.

Bella screamed every day: "The Fox People's Department listened to Linger and other eagle hunters:"

"Yes!" Thirty fox men and masters broke off in unison.

Although these 30 fox men are not comparable in number to the hawks, they are very high. One third of them are repaired by Wu Zong. The rest are also high-ranking Wu Xuan.

This part of the force, almost the majority of the masters of Bella every day, is to **** Yangdingtian to leave the grassland.

"嗖嗖嗖"" These thirty fox men and masters have turned into a stream of light and rushed to the air of the eagle rushing to the sky and screaming in the air, screaming blood, battle into a ball!

Yin Tianchong violently pulled out a blood-stained golden sword and slowly said: "You four people killed the day by Bella. After I caught the oriental ice, I will help you!"


Suddenly Qin Huaiyu, Yan Bieqing, Du Gufeng dance, loneliness and nostalgic vacated, turned into four dying, violently toward the sun, Bella rushed.

Yin Tianchong fluttered into the air, like a cloud, flying directly to the ice of the East, laughing and laughing: "Oriental fairy, the world's first beauty, giving the young master a doll is better, until you become Every day after the doll, I want to die, it’s a god."

In the words, Yin Tianchong did not put the oriental ice in his eyes. This oriental ice skating is not the first day of the four hundred years, but it is only Wu Zun and he has worked. He Yin Tianchong has been a master of the master class more than a decade ago. The reason why he personally dealt with the oriental ice icing is just to completely Lively capture without damage. From his words, it seems that the people behind him have taken a fancy to the peerless beauty of the Oriental Ice Ling: Next, Yangding discovered that he had no opponents!

When scheduling the battle, Yin Tianchong seemed to have forgotten himself.

They really recognized the identity of Yangdingtian, so they did not put him in the eye, and did not arrange for him.

Yes, the weight of Yangdingtian is very heavy in their eyes, but it is only because of his talent and identity: his cultivation is completely worthless in the eyes of Qin Huaiyu and Yin Tianchong. As long as you kill the daily Bella and the Oriental ice, anyone will breathe a sigh of relief, it will be enough to kill Yangding one hundred times!

Moreover, Yin Tianchong is very coveted for the treasure that Yang Dingtian can resurrect. If you arrange for an opponent, if you shoot too much and kill directly, then it is not good.

Of course, Yang Dingtian used to kill Thunder. But later, after knowing that he was the identity of Yang Dingtian, they attributed the reason to the deep sea mystery and mysterious drugs that could not be penetrated.

You know, Yang Dingtian has never played against Lei Ming. Isn't it?

As for the thunder and sudden death of self-immolation, it is even more proven that Yang Dingtian planted some kind of fire poison in his body! Otherwise, even a master-level powerhouse like Yin Tianchong can't let Lei Ming burn like this silently. Seeing three waves of opponents fighting together, Yangdingtian is completely idle. On the island of Huxin, two eagle masters guarded the Xiangxiang princess.

Yangding Tian suddenly pulled out the ugly footprints and rushed directly to Huxin Island to save the incense!

When I saw Yangding Tianchong going to Huxin Island, no one even stopped it. Yin Tianchong just glanced at the corner of his eye and ignored it, because the two eagle people who guarded the Xiangxiang Princess were Wu Zongqiang.

"Shen Big Brother, don't come over." Seeing Yangding Tianchong, Xiangxiang Princess exclaimed and even forgot to call Master Naru.

The eagle family behind her, one of them continued to grasp the incense, the other person disdain a smile, holding a long gun, slammed into the air to meet Yangdingtian.

"Human, I heard that your fear of the sun is a big complement, how do you cut it down for me?" The eagle family who is facing Yangdingtian is a woman. A human face is still fascinating, but it is also very sinister. I am bored!

Yangding Tiandun looked a cold, holding a ugly sword, slamming down!

"Haha, human waste that only uses drugs, even dare to pull the sword at me...,..." The eagle-man woman smirked, and the long gun in his hand slammed into the lower abdomen of Yangdingtian.


Yangdingtian slammed and slammed, and the sword in his hand slammed a five-foot sword mans! (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @swds all the way]] If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please Read to m.)

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